>Remake an old games
>It looks like the same but done in the current times
Any examples of this?
Remake an old games
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CTR, it finally is playable thanks to the micro transactions.
Is this out yet? If not, fucking when?
5 days
First post wrong post
Does it even have the same writers? Is it gonna have corporate meddling by modern Nick? Is it not gonna suck?
>Modernizing Rocko
I honestly don't get it. I saw the trailer for it months ago and it's semi unappealing to me.
I haven't read into it much but I'm assuming Joe Murray is still involved since I saw the voice cast and it listed him as Ralph
Pretty sure it's being done by the original show runners.
>A show that was never a hot thing but fondly remembered gets a new release decades later when nobody gives a shit about what people consume
Take your guess.
Remind you, Rocko pretty much foreshadowed how shit it was going to be.