Are there any games set in a dystopian future where fascism and idiocracy become mainstream norms? I'm specifically looking for games that pertain to lower-IQ, easily offended individuals. Thanks.
Are there any games set in a dystopian future where fascism and idiocracy become mainstream norms...
Trump is living in your head rent free
If you're trying to get yourself banned, at least post some cunny. Geez
Celeste 1.0
Andrew Yang 2020
1000 US dollars per month
>I'm specifically looking for games that pertain to lower-IQ, easily offended individuals.
The Last of Us
Not video games.
>one issue candidate
>that issue being fucking UBI
he's not even gonna get the veep pick
Yes unlike BUILD A WALL right
Games where antagonist makes empty promises to the protagonist but then betrays them and ends up helping his evil allies?
that only works on boomers
vote partisanly and shut the fuck up
Why is there a Trump spam all of a sudden?
When Trump so much as farts libshits and their ilk lose their mind and sperg out all over the internet. He probably said something and know the discord "raiders" are compelled to "take action" so to speak
If the sham known as bipartisan politics occupies any of your thoughts, you have a sub-100 IQ.
Mueller and russia hoax is confirmed a wet fart and for the first time in 2.5 years libshit don't have an excuse for why they lost 2016, so they are literally going crazy
is that why mueller said trump would be indicted if he wasn't president. is that why his personal lawyer got raided by fbi? is why everyone involved lied about trump tower?
liberal retards posting bait threads to try and enrage us le epic alt-right nazis
shit or get off the pot
Chinese Tariffs. China activated their bots to reduce Trump's chance of reelection.
>muh russia
get over it