All these games and no one cares about or remembers one of the best multiplayer games ever made...
I think it might be the single greatest gaming tragedy of this past decade.
No hero shooter or similar game can even compare to this game's sheer brilliance in design, art and gameplay.
Gigantic thread
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this game reminded me of monday night combat, which makes me sad that it got cucked
I'm still fucking mad it got canceled
Creative problems my fucking ass they free up resources to get frozen 2 out faster
*they wanted to free up
Shouldn't have started as a W10 exclusive
>one of the best multiplayer games
>didnt even last a year
it was rushed shit. I wanted to like it but it wasn't good
>all these OG characters tears in the rain
Never get a pango brawler.
This literally killed it so bad.
Super Monday (and regular) Night Combat was better.
Also this. Uber Entertainment went to shit so quickly.
I liked it how the gaming media was hyping up all those post-TF2 hero shooters as being the next big genre to take over from MOBAs, but then only Overwatch actually did well (I guess Paladins did decently too since it was literally just OW for poor people) while the others either flopped or got cancelled.
I like to think the genre would have taken off if anyone other than OW got the ball rolling, for the amount of hype around overwatch not even half the "community" even played the game in its prime, if thats the best you get it doesn't bode well of the long term.
I remember they showed a bunch of demos for it but never had a release date
then the game dropped but it had 0 fucking advertising or mention of when it was going to be released. so im under the assumption that microsoft didnt give a shit about it
Dawngate too. But eventually, I just got bored of the game and stopped playing after a while. Same with Gigantic. There just wasn't enough meat to them.
This game died so fast, like in a couple of days. Real shame it was better than ow and paladins combined
There are several reasons Gigantic failed and that is certainly one of the bigger ones. Even after it was released from its win10 exclusivity a lot of people still assumed it was windows 10 only. It really haunted Gigantic for the entire time the game was alive.
I liked the idea but combat was not as fun as I would have liked, it was really easy to just run away from everyone.
The biggest issue I found was getting people to play with me. I played it from win10 store, but other people didn't want to. Steam version comes out, no crossplay, so it's dead after like a day and a half. win10 version sees no real change.
They needed to just fold the steam version in, and the game very well could have been saved from it's fate. Unlikely, sure, but it was a possibility.
Dawngate died because EA expected it to make lol money during it's beta period. I fucking miss that game.
Out of curiosity is crossplay between Steam and Windows 10 store games a thing? Is there any game that has that?
Gigantic is the only "hero shooter" I have played. I played the game daily during the closed beta and almost every day after release up until the season of souls update. The game had a lot of issues with everything from bugs, gameplay, balance to bugs and lack of advertisment, but I still enjoyed it immensely. I think what I enjoyed the most about it was how fast it was and good movement felt on the more agile characters as well as the verticality of most maps.
killer instinct. The precedent wasn't set yet but it was possible, and microsoft was actively pursuing it, just not for gigantic for some reason, so what could have been one of the first big crossplat games, ended up being fucking nothing.
The only game I think got robbed harder than Gigantic is Dawngate.
I miss getting into fucktarded spam wars with other Mozus.
I was a alpha player. Apart from the aesthetics the game had nothing going for it. The gameplay looks nice if you watch it in a video but playing it yourself you noticed all the bad things about it. There were several things that the company got feedback from but never addressed or at least fixed them when it was already too late. For example abilities were basically fucking useless. they did no damage what so ever. ever player was basically a borderlands style bullet sponge to other players. there was no reason to use any sort of ability. Just default attack them and try to kite them into your giant or other stage hazards.
Also they had a massive issue with bad netcode and input lag. On top of what felt like easily 300ms input lag just from keyboard to game, the servers added additional latency that never got fully resolved. It was quite common to have like a 2 second disassociation between your actions and what happened on the screen. Other issues included weird scaling where the game would run better if you maxed it out but worse if you dialed down the graphics which led to very shitty performance for a lot of people. Not to mention all the hopping from platform to platform.
In hindsight the game was a dumpsterfire from the beginning for everyone who looked close enough.
The game was in development hell, the devs didnt know what they wanted, they ignored feedback and the gameplay in itself was was utter shit.
The only thing it had going for it was talented artists that created a visually appealing art
>For example abilities were basically fucking useless.
>Also they had a massive issue with bad netcode and input lag.
Maybe during Alpha?
By the time the closed Beta rolled around, I didn't notice anything resembling that.
It wasn't great or anything, just standard P2P quality you'd expect.
>The game was in development hell
it wasnt that good
my favorite thing about the game was the voice acting
Fuck you OP for reminding me of Gigantic. It still hurts.