
Squad is in the humble bundle for 12$
What is the verdict?

Attached: detracked HEAT.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

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>Do you wanna play a game that's very team oriented?
It's worth looking into
>Do you wanna run around on your own while ignoring your squadmates or not caring about helping your team?

The verdict is it's in early access, and has been since december of 2015.

my verdict is that it's for neckbeards with autism who are too pussy to join the military but spend all their time reading wikipedia and larping as tacticians

> too pussy to join the military but spend all their time reading wikipedia and larping as tacticians
Squad is not a milsim though, no matter what retards believe.

Attached: TOW fuckery 1.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>has never played or exclusively played on the few servers that people actually LARP on
Every squad I've ever been in has been pretty chill so long as CoDkiddies aren't running about being fucktards.

t. larping neckbeards

t. butthurt CoDkiddie
Look at that. I can do it too!

People that larp and don't play the objective are made fun of, but what do you know, you don't play the game

Attached: warrior apc.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

It's fun if you have the patience to learn the mechanics and can get a decent squad going. It's pretty suffering otherwise and if you land in a squad that doesn't give a shit.

It's a very good game but it takes a very long time to learn the ropes and gain confidence with all the vehicles and equipment due to the high dependence on logistics and very real consequences for failure.

For example the LAT role only gets a single HEAT rocket so if you fire and miss or shoot within the arming range and get a dud you don't get the opportunity to correct your fire and learn from the mistake right away, the trajectory and speed of rockets also differs quite a bit between all the factions.

The Russian RPG-7 for example is really tricky to use because it can't be zeroed and you have to depend entirely on the range markers on the optic which can really throw you off since you need to point the middle of the reticule at the ground to hit targets at close range.

Is there a training range?

Runs like shit.


Yes, they also released their first infantry tutorial, however physics work differently in local games compared to live servers so it's not a perfect learning tool.

if you want to be Rambo look into Insurgency

Where do you see it for $12?

>takes minutes to start up
>overly complicated systems
>get team killed for not having a mic
>have to walk for 10 minutes every time you die
Meanwhile rs2 vietnam and hell let loose offers the same but faster and better.

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>not having a mic
get cucked son
this is not the game for you

>have to walk for 10 minutes every time you die
Only if you are a turd eating retard and spawn in main every time
>get team killed for not having a mic
doesn't happen, you just get kicked from squads. Would be fun though
>takes minutes to start up
get an SSD poorfag
>overly complicated systems
Complicated enough that the game actually has replay value and much higher player retention than either of the games you mentioned

Its actually kind of amazing, how HLL and RS2 are much more casual and still can't grow their playerbase

Attached: hmmm.png (731x596, 250K)

Has the post free weekend rage died down yet? i swear it made SL act like assholes.

I played it once without a mic and just followed everything my squad leader said while using literal common sense

i agree on rs2 being more casual but ro2 and hll are not that casual

V16 is finally gonna bring helis and a map inspired by Sbeneh outskirts, while being the biggest city map in the game yet.

Squad is and remains a dumpster fire during and a good two months after a free weekend, thats the nature of the game

Attached: Mutaha.png (541x525, 547K)

humble monthly


if they have to shill in a vietnamese fish packing forum then they really are fucked