What video game or characters best depict unconscious evil incarnate? I'm really looking for a pathetic...

What video game or characters best depict unconscious evil incarnate? I'm really looking for a pathetic, small-brained low-IQ conman types who insecure people support.

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Did he do something today? Haven't watched the news.

Andrew Yang 2020

1000 USD per month

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no, something happened in america
take a wild guess what it is


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Someone died of diabetes after getting shot

Seething. Dilate tranny. 2 terms fag get used to it.

>Be American
>get shot

Games with cute, charming characters called Ampharos?

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Bullets packed with diabetes

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He was a lone gunman that had mental illness, theres nothing we could have done folks. Thoughts and prayers.

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Even if trump was a bad president I'll still for him just because liberals go insane

No one wants to mention gun violence is down overall despite loony’s shooting up 10-20 people every now and then


based based based

>the worst president in history
>not John F Kennedy for getting the USA into the Vietnam war

I've seen better falseflag by Snoys
and thats a very low bar to beat


I guess it's one of those "I woke up today and I feel like hating Trump" things going on. I guess either your boyfriend ditched you or you botched your dilating routine.

FFS, it's 2019 and America still can't get over Trump. Grow the fuck up people.

if they manage to remove one right, they can start removing others, that's the goal.

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democrats literally do not even have an answer. Watch them put buttgeig up against trump.

Have you tried looking in the mirror?

>not Johnson for keeping us there and encouraging welfare state bullshit

sjw garbage

Yeah. The times where high numbers of people die are definitely bad but given the high population of the U.S. and the proliferation of guns the percentage is quite low. Health problems due to weight or age kill more people each year in America than guns by a long shot.

he dabbed on russia so hard their president was replaced and russia got so butthurt they had to assassinate him though.

I agree which is why we should have a Medicare for all or universal healthcare system which is why we should vote Democrat

Same. He tweets out something retarded and they spend the remainder of the 24 hour news cycle screeching about it. It's amazing the kind of control he has over the media. If they really hated him they'd stop fucking talking about him every minute of every day.

>be European
>get invaded by savages and replaced

amen, healthcare for all(including illegals)

>Be American
>invite savages and get replaced 200 years ago

>the worst president in history
>not LBJ for the 1965 immigration act

i mean, i guess LBJ was also technically Kennedy's fault, so you're right

No one wants to mention that guns are rad as shit and can't be uninvented anyway. From now until the end of time (or Earth) you will have guns. You are responsible for your own safety and that means advocating for personal gun rights.

You can make as many of these threads as you want, OP, we're still laughing at you.

He’s the president of the United States. Of course people are going to talk about him and criticize him, he’s in a position of power

I like how Trump’s own supporters and apologists don’t even treat their own candidate like an actual president, they pretend like he’s a random retard from twitter trying to bait for responses or a random user baiting for Yous and not the most powerful person on the planet with actual responsibilities. It really shows how much of a fake president he is

Jokes on you, buddy, we are all AMERICANS.

You're right, so we're better off keeping most of them in the US so the rest of us don't get shot.

>I'm really looking for a pathetic, small-brained low-IQ conman types who insecure people support.

20 years from now everyone will look like patrick mahomes and it is BEAUTIFUL.

the rest of us? you chinese or something?

>laughs in Central Europe.

Oh, the "I care about the history I'm told about" crowd.


>tfw central europe starts both world wars and loses them both, then invites lots of arabs so they have someone to fight for a third one.

You can't be a "low iq con-man", are you fucking retarded?

I'm just saying, the more guns you ban the more profitable it is to peddle them. It's no different than prohibition or the war on drugs. People who need the gun to fulfill their obsession will find a way to make or obtain a firearm, or at least use some other weapon. I like RDR2 btw, nice guns in that one.

>when the media cries racist wolf so much in 3 years that the public is desensitized and it no longer effects his polling despite 51% of the population thinking he is a racist in a recent poll.

>polling at 46%. higher than Obama at the same point in his presidency.

>that means many people who think he is a racist still approve of his presidency.

>mfw liberal jump off buildings when he gets reelected

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I'm not talking only about modern times, either. Europeans are used to being conquered, hell, they're conquered now. Tell me again how great you are next time you see our culture pervading your lands and our military presence embedded in your borders, while you probably buy oil in dollars.

It's not a matter of them criticizing him its a matter of what they're focusing on.
>Trump writes a tweet attacking some politician
>that's the only thing you hear about in the media
>while he and the GOP push through his judicial nominees, not letting any of them get the same coverage or attention that Kavanaugh got
>near complete silence
They just go for the low hanging fruit that Trump himself puts there while the shit he's pushing behind the scenes pretty much gets ignored.

>europeans went across the ocean for 100 years then culturally conquered europeans

people are finally starting to realize there's nothing wrong with being racist

How do Trump fans get their head around the shit he's done for North Korea? He's been completely dabbed on by them with their nuclear plan.

worked for joseph smith

Imagine thinking there are some real presidents in 2019


LBJ, or the string of presidents that sat on their hands while the civil war was brewing.

So we're suddenly Europeans? I thought we were mutts? Burgers? Ah, forget it. No, we're Americans.

And that's why American politics will never go anywhere, it's always about "sticking it to the other side" each election


You sound upset, you should probably sit down and take a deep breath for a while. The banter seems to be getting to you.

so he can go about his day, take 5 minutes to tweet something on the toilet and have the Media vultures eating it up.

Nah, I'm smiling. My only lament is discovering how awful Europeans are after admiring them for so long. Truly a let down. I used to be concerned with the preservation of the history and culture, fascinated by it all. I even know my roots there. Now? Glass it. You people are terrible.

everyone is an american. just move in, enroll your children in a school with illiterate guatemalans, and collect your state benefits. don't worry they'll use a vuskovic plan to pay for it.

europe has been experiencing brain drain since the industrial revolution, so they just get worse over time.

Did Trump do something? whats with this influx of retards spamming the same thread

Ringwing terrorist did a mass shooting in the USA

There was a shooting in Texas.

As you say, americans have conquered our minds and made it so.

Just more seething about blumpf

>Be American
>get shot

flooding the u.s. with mud people resulted in a predictable shooting in texas, which to euros is a signal to brag about how their childless societies don't have shootings.
not sure what that has to do with president fatass.

haha, fuckin epic, bro, I get it.

based, Hope more happen and more libtards scream on their way to hell

so why the fuck, in texas of all places, did nobody shoot this renegade faggot?

>worst in US history
uuuuhhhhmmm sorry sweaty, that'd be Woodrow Wilson!

Walmart enacted their designated shooter program to keep up with modern American marketing trends

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Shooting was in Texas. It's more likely other conservatives were killed.

2 threads on front page about Trump with almost the same text, hmmmmmm

based, more dead boomer neocons. Literally can't stop winning

I didn't say anything about your minds. If we conquered your minds, we wouldn't be having this exchange as we'd have no points of contention. Besides, historically, you always been high on your horse; even your servants had ranks. By the way, nice job ducking the blame for everything.

>bean country

That money will be worth nothing when companies and more importantly landlords realize they can charge more now that people have more "disposable" income

>the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a go-


its just to fun to see those retard getting super assmad everytime he breath.

and yes getting you upset is more important to me than the future of this country and the world. Remember, my vote is worth as much as yours :^)

You were the one who said american culture has taken over, so clearly americans are the ones to blame. After all, we're just following you.

Dont forget the CIa is going after whistle blowers hardcore now. Also the elites like fucking children and the will kill EPstien

little juarez

His disastrous DNI nominee got so much coverage that he backed out about it and started to cry.

i bet the girls love it when you start talking about cabinet appointments