You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this

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Other urls found in this thread:"Cum

Just cause of this thread I'm gonna go jerk off now.

I think I might do the same

The absolute state of (((bisexual))) "people".

>Sex is ubiquitous in the media, but only a fraction depicts sexual interactions between same-sex partners. This field study, conducted outside of bars in the Midwestern United States, examined 83 heterosexuals’ sexual willingness with a same- or other-sex partner. Participants viewed a randomly assigned video vignette of a same- or other-sex partner. Alcohol intake, partner attractiveness, and sexual willingness were measured. Using moderated regression analysis, we found that alcohol intake predicted sexual willingness with the male target for both men and women, but not with the female target. The attractiveness of same-sex partners was related to sexual willingness. Sexual willingness was only influenced by alcohol intake and perceived attractiveness of a same-sex prospective partner. Most notably, alcohol intake was related to increased sexual willingness of men with a same-sex partner, suggesting a potential shift in normative casual sexual behavior among heterosexual men.

>A study from the University of Missouri is suggesting that young adults who don't identify their sexual orientation as being either exclusively heterosexual or homosexual (a.k.a. bisexual) tend to misuse alcohol more frequently than people who have a firmly defined sexual orientation.

Attached: Porn_Bi[1].png (1080x779, 146K)


There's no "e" in gamer, incel.


cul means ass in French.


>there’s no e in gamer
Yes there is


This nigga just got dabbed on by the mods.

pickle cunny?


studies are meaningless, every university publish all "studies" they can get for the relevance it gives them in the industry.
those students studies only become science after a peer reviews and actual proofs are found which never happened because real scientists have more important things to do than reading human study garbage.

is it the ass or the actual anus? I could never figure this out when watching porn
they talk about 'gros cul', meaning 'big ass' but also use 'cul' when putting it in the anus or playing with it

Let's all love Lain

Cope and pick a side.






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Why was the C word censored, but boomer, zoomer, incel, dilate, and sneed weren’t?


squash anime? okie dokie

Nobody's gonna side with children posting imaginary science worth less than women's magazine horoscope

Bond burger?

imagine the smell

[citation needed]

have sex

something with cucumber, and the character is "Lain", minus the L to make a word filtered word


haha wow what a funny joke you got me :)

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video games?

you post "studies", not sciences conclusion, just formated "what if" stories students get published hoping some actually competent people prove it right, when themselves only had a few hundred samples and corelations to build the narrative. Most of those papers go directly in the toilets because you don't make a study to prove a conclusion to begin with, that's a bias.

hit too close to home for jannies

I miss when bukkake was popular in hentai, I guess it's too long to draw these days, so they prefer vanilla shit like rape and NTR to sell their shit at comiket


Sure, sure. I hope you end up with a bi girl.

the asian bean way of life. Remember, it was censored and filtered in a week. That one hit them too hard, it was insufferable to their sight. The rest is OK, they didn't plan to get sex anyway, and they wouldn't bother they tranny BFF by shutting down anti straights words


You did WHAT to my sister?

Well I only watch porn every few months and I'm bisexual.
How'd that happen?

Probably interchangeable like "put it in my ass"

Has gamer been filtered, like cucks and basedboys.

I bond burger’d your sister last night.



Doing it for attention

Yeah, I suppose there's an element of truth to that.

You're desperate.

zchini Seria Experiment ain

What c word, cope? Cunt?

I heard they could put me on the priority list for the ambrosia vaccine.

Cumber Ain

I hope people realize the hypocrisy of filtering this but not incel.
Who am I kidding, this board has room temperature IQ.

based brainlet



Reminder that this is the type of "person" who spazzes out about pictures of attractive women.

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cunny lover?

do most women actually give a shit about this? I feel like it's only numales that get pissy about it

what does gamer filter to?






My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online..................

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Single women over the age of 25 and fat women, yes.
But that's because a woman needs male approval in order to stay sane, and if they don't get it they lose their fucking minds and declare war on anything else that men pay attention to.

Wow, that's retarded
Drop the "e", for no particular reason.

I mean wan piss art does suck

>some (literal) fag thinks his opinion on anime waifus matters

Fun fact: PC fat, Ninten yearold, X bot, Sony gger, and various other insults filter to (for example) PCbro or Sonybro.

Unfortunately, ayo hol up still does not filter to minna, chotto matte.

Why isn’t anyone saying gamer?

I've always been bi. When I don't jerk off to porn and don't fap I get even gayer actually and start looking at men (and women) in public and getting boners over them.

What does this mean?

Attached: pink wojak ball.gif (480x480, 3.07M)

aw I actually want that one

>CUcumber Lain
>cumber ain
>cumbr ain

it actually offended them

Maybe bisexuals consume more porn because their sexual preference makes more porn appeal to them, rather than the implication that an increase in porn consumption changes people's sexuality. You've done nothing here to demonstrate whether the egg came from the chicken or the chicken came from the egg. This wouldn't even be good enough to make it into a scientific journal, and they publish bullshit like chocolate being good for you.


fuck off fag we dont like your kind here


y do u hate bi ppl

mber animegir


Just call them licentious, it's the actual term for it.

So, if you watch too much porn you become bi, but if you don't watch porn at all you become a fag?
Makes sense.



This is how we RISE UP!
Heavy as a global ban, loud as a case fan


>term was used for people who are ridiculously hypersexual and can't stop talking about/posting about jerkoff material
>people keep acting as if it was meant to shame any and all instances of masturbation

They're greedy.

Oooh look am me I’m so smart using big words

Fuck off

That's obviously a woman pretending to be a man you stupid faggots, are your brains really this rotted?

more for me bitch

For which group of people?

>completely ignore sneed, have sex, incel, cope, boomer zoomer yoomer goomer loomer but go hard on this

this is an incredibly intelligent post and that fact that it's been ignored by everyone proves my point
you are a gem among fools user

People have consistently blamed trannies for trying to force this meme so what's the problem exactly?

Cucumber Loli

It's not a big word. There's no simpler term for it. And user, words exist for a reason: to be used. Don't shame anyone for using a word.

Is have sex filtered? It should be.

Masturbation addicts

There is actually no consistent narrative on where this came from

Some say twitter some say discord some say /pol/ some say /ic/ some say Yea Forums

but Yea Forums is super gay

mods are cgamers


they don't exists, so your word is meaningless

what got censored to gamer?

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I really wish that people weren't so obsessed with sex, sexuality, etc
It's just annoying

because it hit too close to home for them much like cuck

honestly a solid question
ESPECIALLY the dilate/have sex bullshit that took the board by storm for the past few months..

why even censor this shit to begin with? seems like a futile arms race.why not just let them run their course over 6 months or something till people get tired

this is gamer cumberain

>they don't exist
Are you retarded? I am a fucking masturbation addict.
>so your word is meaningless
It's literally in the dictionary. It means exceedingly promiscuous and obsessed with sex


Gee I wonder what kind of person would vehemently hate pictures of attractive women and autistically spam their hate for it 24/7, and I wonder who they would try to redirect the blame to when they get called out.


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>vehemently hate pictures of attractive women
That's not what it's about. It's about people who put being able to jerk off above all else.



/pol/ whines about degeneracy and Yea Forums unironically has christposters

If you look in the archives it already existed on Yea Forums and /pol/ for a while

because boomer zoomer incel and dilate still fit on Yea Forums despite being so cancerous. Gamer is more unfitting than telling someone to just b urself

>Gee I wonder what kind of person would vehemently hate pictures of attractive women and autistically spam their hate for it 24/7,

it seemed to gain traction with baka desu senpai being censored, idk what their deal is recently

I don’t seem to understand...

Do most of you really not find it annoying when someone seems to only care about if a game has anime tits and nothing else?


It was obvious from the very beginning that the "c" word was organized discord raid and this is why it was banned. Now post some cunneh

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Why would you care unless it bothers you somehow? If someone starts posting sexy pictures in a discussion thread then that just means I have something nice to look at while I discuss things. Only mentally ill faggots who seethe at the pictures actually give a shit, who the hell do you think you're kidding?


If all a person talks about in a game is the waifus/husbandos I just chalk it up to mean the actual gameplay is shit and don't bother with it.

Cumberain? Berain? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't even spell brain properly? It's five fucking letters.


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No because I'm not a woman who unironically feels sexually threatened by fictional characters.

based gamer
i never wnated to fuck traps until i saw 3 years of tranny porn brainwashing so put me in the pink spot bro

Why do this kind of people are always aggressive?
>Be nice or else (knife)

Yeah, and you don't find that annoying? Or at least pathetic? Like their enjoyment of it is lesser.

Country grown cucumbers?

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that's the problem
you're bi not gay
what filters to baka
"t b h" and "f a m" sure but w

What does it mean?

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Don't drag Ain into your tranny meme.


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I'm sure there's a study out there that links impaired mental faculties to increases in aggression, like when people get drunk, except in this case it's the permanent mental illness of faggotry.

I don't have a problem with sexy characters. I have a problem with people who literally only ever think about sex and jerking off. I look down on these people. Their appreciation for things is shallow.

s m h

If the difference between once a week and several times a day is just 10% i'd say it's not a relevant sum to care about.



cumber ain

Well, okay.

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Funny. That was ez

mods dont give a shit about the community, they just hide things that hurt them personally.

I love Meta Knight!

Attached: SSBU_MetaKnight.png (1682x1556, 2.5M)

The sequel.

>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.

>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).

Bisexual people can't take care of themselves.

Why do you find it annoying though? You can have a poor opinion of people without seething. I'm thinking you're full of shit.

>promiscuous freaks have a higher STI rate
color me surprised

It's annoying that there are people who will buy shitty games just because they find the character models sexy. Like Senran Kagura. Those games are awful. The gameplay is completely uninteresting and bland. But people buy them, just because of the tits. I have a problem with that. They're basically being taken advantage of for thinking with their dicks.

>Why do you find it annoying though?
Because I don't like having to constantly see posts by idiots with low standards.
Also, I think you misunderstand what kind of poster I'm talking about.


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>bUt nOt aLl bIsExUaLs aRe pRoMiScUoUs



Do NOT call Lain a loli you fucking degenerate

very nice. did you perchance find this meme on facebook

>one hour and six minutes
>still up

*breathes in*

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I don't know who she is, I don't watch retarded chinese cartoons.

>I hate it when people buy games I don't like
>however I'm going to force a meme specifically only for sexy games I don't like
Or are you saying that you only hate it when people buy shitty sexy games you don't like, and you're okay with them buying shitty movie games etc? In any case, dilate.

Thanks but another user posted the same thing above me.

The smegmahead is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, subhuman, degenerate, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a GAMER and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.


>I don't like having to constantly see posts by idiots with low standards.
Then what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums? Are you seriously implying Yea Forums is a bastion of quality posts marred by people who post sexy anime girls? You have a problem with sexy pictures for only one reason, you disingenuous freak.


You literally do not deserve to be on Yea Forums if you don't know who Lain is

literally shaking

>>I hate it when people buy games I don't like
Yeah, that's probably how most people think. You don't want things you hate to succeed, especially by scamming dumb people.
>and you're okay with them buying shitty movie games etc?
Where the fuck are you getting this from?
>In any case, dilate.
Extreme hypocrisy for you to say this while disavowing forcing meme terminology.

I also hate it when people buy games I like.

>Then what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?
I don't want to post on a site where I have to hold back on my opinions
>You have a problem with sexy pictures
I do not. I love sexy pictures. I hate people who are obsessed with whacking off and don't care about anything else.

Not him.
>You don't want things you hate to succeed, especially by scamming dumb people.
As long as they don't buy Skinner boxes, I couldn't give less of a fuck.

what if i prefer women and would never have sex with a man, but i WILL jack it to traps and feminine twinks. am i still bisexual

I saw that after I posted it, but good taste to you both

>using Lain to perpetuate a trash shitpost

Most unforgivable thing I've seen all day. I bet you don't even love her.

why not just call them porn addicts instead of making up a gay meme word

You're GAMP. Don't worry, you will be a true bisexual if you keep going down the rabbit hole."Cum

>Yeah, that's probably how most people think.
Not everyone is a perpetually angry mentally ill tranny like you.
>Where the fuck are you getting this from?
There's only a forced meme against sexy women and not anything else, hence I was pointing out your flawed implication that you're forcing this meme because you 'hate people buying bad games'.
>Extreme hypocrisy for you to say this while disavowing forcing meme terminology.
How is "dilate" a meme? It's literally a verb, a real existing word in the dictionary. Imagine thinking everything is a meme.

I think that you don't understand what a skinner bo is.

>blindly repeating the phrase used clearly to mock the idolization and soulless worship of lain as an image rather than as a person which drove her to delete herself from existence to better humanity
you clearly don't love lain

Because it was very blatantly forced almost instantly overnight and Yea Forums is so large and so childish and unable to control itself, it snowballed to such an insane degree the only way to stop it was to cut it off prematurely. Everything else you said is slow, still insidious, but slow to spread before they got big. This new one was literally just "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD THIS IS THE NEW MEME WORD SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT".

None of these kids are going to learn a damn thing though.

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I don't even use the c word, I call them licentious or thirstfags. I think the c word sounds too silly.


>I don't want to post on a site where I have to hold back on my opinions
Yet you want others to hold back theirs, because they literally trigger you.

Gas yourself tranny.

Correction: Well, as long as they don't buy GaaS shit, I couldn't care less.



it was forcememed faster than all those other ones. Like fucking 400 times in the course of 3 hours in all the threads yesterday morning.

>caring about some suicide cult mascot
Cringe, hombre.

>How is "dilate" a meme?
Because people who say it don't literally think that every person who it's directed at is an actual tranny
I DON'T FUCKING HATE LEWDS. I can show you my fucking monster girl porn folder if you so desire.


I love those studies where they use closeted gays to prove heterosexuality doesn't exists.

but i'm not getting off to the idea of being fucked, isn't that what a GAMP is?

She lived a hard life and deserved better.

>hey stop posting meme buzzwords you trannies

>monster girl porn

last night I bond burger your sister?

what does bond burger mean?

>Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is sexual interest in gynandromorphs (GAMs; colloquially, shemales).
>AMP men had arousal patterns similar to those of heterosexual men and different from those of homosexual men. However, compared to heterosexual men, GAMP men were relatively more aroused by GAM erotic stimuli than by female erotic stimuli.

>It's literally a verb, a real existing word in the dictionary.
And you're misusing it, unless if you actually think every person who you disagree with is a MtF who needs to open their crotch wound at that very second.

It means the prophecy of the architect.

finally, a sensible person

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Oh right you don't hate lewds, you just hate it when people post them, and wish they would stop, because you hate them but not the lewds.

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I don't hate it when people post lewds. I hate it when they make decisions with their dick, i.e. purchasing kusoge just because it has big boobies in it.

All this gamer stuff actually inspired me to take the nofap challenge.

I'm using the extra motivation to get back into writing porn, and I'm working on a story where Samus gets her throat fucked by Daisy and Peach. Thanks, gamerposters!

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>call someone a faggot
>"yeah fuck you too"
>call someone a nigger
>"yeah fuck you too"
>call someone a tranny
Every fucking time.

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i thought this was an /snk/ meme

who gonna stop me?

Who cares what you think?

Do you say this to literally every post which expresses an opinion?

If you hate it to the extent of forcing a meme about it every day then you're either autistic or lying.

trannies won't admit it but they enjoy people calling them from what they are for once.

why would anyone ban sneed? it's a purely funloving shitpost scheme.

Not that user but if I have to live with bottom feeders perpetuating the success of overbudgeted spectacles that the AAA tries to pass off as entertainment then you can deal with thirsty weebs buying mediocre video games for T&A. Sometimes the state of things just sucks and you can't do shit about it. It happens.

>If you hate it to the extent of forcing a meme about it
I don't post the C word. Frankly, I hate the actual term. I just support the sentiment of hating these people.

>monster girl porn folder
MONSTER girl or monster GIRL?

mberain? What?

But we can mock those people. You can mock the AAAdrones and I can mock the thirsty fucks.
Did I say monster girl or did I say furshit? Fuck off and stop trying to co-opt terms.

But the meme encapsulates any and all lewds, such as /e/ dump threads or even random lewds in vidya threads. That's why you're being accused of being anti-lewds.

[citation needed]

>calls people who fap stupid
>gives (((Hiro))) his credit card info

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maybe he used a prepaid burner card

Not the guy you are replying to... I feel the same but you have to understand that all this is a discord raid (read ) and even if the concept of the word is good we can't let fucking discord manipulate this board.