China here we come! Thank you based Tenecent

China here we come! Thank you based Tenecent.

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Nintendo is söy repellent.


Says the user posting a thread about chink news nobody cares about.

who's ready for the console going sold out for christmas?

Tencent controls pretty much all imports of video games. This wasn't the first time Nintendo went through them to give china a console. they did the same with with the NDS I believe.

I think some of the games coming out soon from china look interesting
especially that pixelshit cyberpunk one and genshin impact

[citation needed]

>Japanese bing bing wahoo company selling out to the chicoms
>literally going into the land of basedbean
Nintendofags eternally BTFO

the user is lying the ds was done by iQue

i bet you thought NMS was going to be great too.

I didn't even hear about nms until after release

nintendo is THE soi console developer

Attached: nintenboyz.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Regardless this is just the iQue all over again.
This is just Nintendo working with a Chinese company to actually make money from china instead of China doing what they do best and Bootleg it and pay no royalties.

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these days California consume more asian beans per capita than the chinks, who prefer the novelty of macdonals and traditional gutter oil hot dogs

soibois will love this because they think this will somehow increase the chance of getting the "asian tight pussy"

they are obsessed with asian women.

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Attached: c8a.png (680x871, 415K)

lmao this picture

there's a whole alternate reality living rent free in your head you should get that shit checked

>not even Mario on the screen
Not even minimum effort.

based and redpilled


My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online..........

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Why are Yea Forums posters hate Chinese people so much? Is it because China has the largest audience of gamers in the world and will overtake the West in a few years for gaming? Sour grapes?

OK, serious question now. All consoles are made in China (cos cheap labor), but how many consoles can actually be bought there? I'm not talking about those ripoffs such as PolyStation 9999 build-in games.