Do you watch any twitch streamers?
Do you watch any twitch streamers?
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On occasion.
Why do people throw away their money so easily
i actually play video games
Imagine being so lonely you call someone you don’t know brotherman and give them money for no reason
Why play video games yourself when you can watch someone play them for you?
It's like paying a hooker and getting nothing out of it, and doing it again and again. I don't fucking get it
I donated a little over $3000 in one week just to get a females streamer's private snap chat that only two other people on this Earth have access to. Well worth.
>Well worth.
eye of the beholder user
sometimes. usually watch comfy streams like max
not really. at most i'll give a prime sub since I have amazon prime anyways
You could probably fuck any porn star of your choice for that much
Some streamers have song requests and YouTube VODs, so if you donate a certain amount you can donate some meme song to make the chat go ballistic and maybe get it captured on the VOD. Other than that, it's mostly for recognition by the streamer.
sometimes i watch gta sa speedrunners but that's all
No, I've advanced to chubas.
so it's fucking nothing then is what you're saying
I was born with a vagina and I can give you my snapchat for $3k if you want
Post body and I will consider it
How do these retards even afford to live or even function enough to have a job? Can't wait until automation replaces them all.
you could buy a high class escort with that kind of money you retard.
yeah it sounds like literally nothing
mail your money to me bro i'll send you a burned cd
A fool and his money are soon parted.
why would I ever want to watch some cringy fuckos play video games?
Whilst this is bait, the worst thing is there's people actually like that.
>youtuber I like switches over to twitch
>fast forward a few years later and their content and attitude has completely changed since they're catering to those obsessed enough to pay exorbitant amounts of money
donations are a mistake
The loneliness eats at you that bad??? Go to church bro
>stream on twitch
>literally just do it to emulate the good old days when you'd sit on the couch with your buddy
>minimalist, just the game and my voice, occasionally the follower message but I'd turn it off if it ever got annoying
>do my best to fill space with my random commentary on recent news/shooting the shit
>1-2 viewers
>BIGBUCKS_4RT_NITE has logged in
>"what's up my gamer guys and gals? Ready to watch me beat your weakling faggot asses at [game of the week]?!"
>"Thanks for the 14000 dollar donation, but sorry, no, I won't be your friend IRL."
>"ummm mods, can you turn slowmode on, there's 50,000 people watching"
>*leans over and shows tits*
i dont even care about money i just want to talk to some bros and play vidya
You'd do it too if you had the chance. Easy money is the greatest temptation.
I should clarify that the reason I'm upset is that nobody ever talks in the chat, they just join and leave.
I'm not calling them out, I have good quality, there's literally nothing wrong, I just can't get the attention apparently.
I usually don't mind but it's honestly beginning to become fucking depressing.
I 100% would take the money but even then I'd understand when people call me a sellout instead of getting mad about it
You need to fake viewers else people will reject your channel based on viewcount alone.
dude the time for creating a successful twitch channel has long passed, the quality and content of your stream doesn't mean shit when there are tens of thousands of competitors all vying for higher view counts
This seems disingenuous.
I don't want to fake viewers just to have 1-3 people to talk to while I play vidya for a couple hours.
desu it is very comfy to have 3-4 people in there chatting
I can pull 8-10 viewers at best and do that, it's not bad
I stopped streaming though because I'm self-conscious
I'm not asking for big bucks or attention, I just want friends to watch me play through my backlog.
How did you do it?
I've spent less than that (besides on a ring for my ex fiancee four years ago) and have fucked 53 women. Holy shit, please kill yourself if you gave 3000 for porn you can get for free
A couple if they're on and I've nothing better for background noise. Aris since he's a fat stoner, washed-up fighting game pro who's occasionally genuinely entertaining. BawkBaSoup since he fucking loves Resident Evil and will just shit out seven speedruns back to back of the entire series. TFR on Fridays to watch Yea Forumsidya wrestling with other anons
Donating to streamers is stupid, but subbing with your "free" Amazon Prime subscription isn't too bad. There's a big difference between holding these faggots up to be ephemeral replacements for a real group of friends while throwing cash at them to have your existence acknowledged for a second, and just just enjoying watching some faggots playing videogames whilst maybe shooting the shit if the chat is small and like-minded enough
other guy is correct about view counts unfortunately
I didn't fake viewers but I did have an automatic 3-4 viewers because I'm tight with a couple people who wanted to watch me play dark souls for the first time anyways
Put it this way, it would be easier for you to become a popular indie dev or esports celeb and then make a twitch channel afterwards to get a bunch of initial viewers rather than creating a twitch channel from scratch, getting depressed over this shit is like getting depressed that you didn't win the lottery
>People this pathetic are allowed to draw breath on the same planet as you
The fact this is believable is worrying
attention. At least I can see why they donate in real time, but I will never, EVER understand why would anybody subscribe to twitch, when addblocks are free
I have a couple IRL friends who watch me but making zero progress kind of makes me feel pathetic.
Fair enough.
dont mock people user
be like jesus and lend a hand
Based incel retard.
Not anymore rip Vinny
>rip Vinny
did he die?
I like Jerma, but I've made it a habit to turn off the chat. Generally it's okay, but it becomes a total shitfest when the word "trap" is uttered in-game. Millions of trannies immediately crawl out of their caves and start posting trans flag and "ummm that's actually a transphobic slur guys", while others post 40% in response to this and get banned. What a damn mess.
At least he doesn't acknowledge this behavior in any way, so it fizzles out in like 40 minutes.
I watch /ourgirl/ Kaceytron but don't donate for the memes
Only Lobos Jr. Hes shit at DMC, but alright at most other things. Never donated, but might send over £20. It makes good background noise if nothing else
>he hasn’t streamed since
It was just a joke right bros?
I'm all for trashy "filler" background noise content, but Twitch streams are too far even for me. It's beyond trash, something that takes a radio stream and replaces commentary with pure mumbling and zero wit.
Lul what a fucking cuck
they're white
white guys are so antisocial, they need something that can replace their social needs. friends, girlfriend etc twitch is for that. they donate to these streamers because there's nothing left in their lives. see these people exist. they are real. this is not a joke. this is a reality. a white reality.
You're basically right, but since you're a shitbrained aris sub, you kneecapped your whole arguement.
How high is the pedestal you've put that pussy on, my man? Sounds like it's through the fucking clouds. Simps will never learn.
good bait
Depends what youre watching. Ive been watching Lobos play through all the final fantasy games, and passive grinding makes for great background noise. Especially since im also grinding on another final fantasy game.
I dont remember FFX's endgame being this fucking hard
>Do you watch any twitch streamers?
No lol
Twitch is even worse than Reddit when it comes to being a heavily-moderated circlejerk of respecting women, gays and trannies.
yeah, i watch rockman speedrunners.
It's the modern day equivalent of a church tithe, except instead of getting your dopamines by throwing a hundred bucks in a collection plate you throw it away on some weirdo who sucks at video games
Just vinny but i dont donate
I'm not actually subbed to anyone user, though I am probably shitbrained still just for getting a good giggle out of every time he parries a heartfelt, long ass donation message with a
hey alright
and ignoring it
Then being too much of a fucking softie to actually commit to ignoring it, and have to respond to it thirty seconds later
I wish the react meta fucked, I just want to have someone playing a fucking videogame on my second monitor
fucked off*
You're not fucking her though.
$3000 could get you several months of DNP, food, and gym membership to get yourself looking great
even if its a bait, those stories exist
Technically I watch Vinny but I haven’t seen him live since he moved to twitch and the chat became unusable
look at all dem (You)s mang
Alright, fair enough. I still prefer to watch old Half in the Bags or the like.
I only donate to female streamers. And no, I'm not a pathetic loser who thinks they'll have sex with me, I just like supporting them and making them happy.
For that money you could have had a quality whore for a week
>respecting women, gays and trannies.
you’re quite misinformed about twitch: trannies, furries and weeaboos are hated like everywhere else; women are stereotyped as being shit at games and using their tits for views. however you are right about gays I cant recall anything particularly negative against them
Who was in the wrong here?
Use Mixer, you boomer.
Fuck off this isn't funny
Hey Vinny have you considered killing yourself
So you're a pathetic loser who gives money to online thots without even the hope of sex. Wow bro huge distinction there, you're so superior to those other pathetic losers
>trannies are hated like everywhere else
Yeah, that's why there's a million pride flag emotes. Also, that guy was talking about Twitch being heavily moderated, and it is, not only because of mods on streams being gay furries or trannies 80% of the time, but also because of Twitch staff themselves banning people's channels for saying "Naga" and shit.
Blacks don't donate beacuse you can't watch Twitch from prison
I'm sorry user but it's true, there's a learning memetic AI streaming in his place now. The real Vincent died on an oil tanker two years ago.
Imagine regularly donating to someone that makes more money than you.
Not him. Why do you feel the need to do this?
Retard, you could have fucked a girl like this, or another pornstar, like 3 times.
I'm pretty sure she would have fucked you for that money kek
I'm pretty sure the last comment is fake.
at least church tithes have a chance of going to some noble cause like alms for the poor. This shit is literally throwing your money at already-wealthy people
Support content the like. That's likely only .1% of donations though.
How about making someone who gives a shit about you happy? If no human like that exist in your life, sorry to hear it, adopt a cat like all lonely fucks and spend that money on it.
>these people exist. they are real. this is not a joke. this is a reality. a white reality.
Why do you think they exist? It's because they've been emasculated and demonized for an entire generation by feminism, grown up being looked after by daycare strangers and later, low paid teachers while both their parents work. They anesthetize themselves with video games their entire teenagehood instead of practicing social skills like their parents should have taught them, and then have to try to form hetero relationships while tinder and instagram turns white girls into narcissistic attention seeking thots who think any guy below the top 20% of chads is ugly.
There's very little reason for most white men to even bother if they're not good looking and social.
I'm saying this as one of the lucky ones who had 2 parents who loved me, I grew up learning the valuable social skills that enabled me to make long term friendships and get a girlfriend. If not for my fortunate circumstances, I could have been one of those shut-in losers with no life.
Seeing threads like this always make me feel blessed I wasn't born an ugly, socially awkward fuck. Lost my virginity at the normal age of 16, been in multiple long relationships, currently 33 years old and have slept with over 40 women. I spend the vast majority of my free time playing video games, board games, drawing, watching anime, reading, all the nerdy shit I love, and can still managed to get laid because I'm average looking and social. It must really suck being ugly, fat, or having social anxiety problems.
you sound like an asshole
>haha other people have it worse than me feelsgood
"The key to being a successful twitch streamer is not to start on twitch" -successful twitch streamers
Build a following somewhere more beginner-friendly, namely youtube. With Twitch, if you're not in the top two rows for a game, you're not getting anyone's attention. Youtube isn't loads better but there are at least well-known and consistent guidelines for how to get popular over time, whereas with Twitch you have to either be a god at video games or extremely entertaining to get a following from nothing.
They don't go live often but realmofthebeardedbeard is pretty entertaining.
Never heard of Half in the Bag, might give it a look now. Id also recommend The Last Podcast on the Left. They cover a healthy mix of paranormal stuff, conspiracy theories, and true crime, all with a comical outlook. Got into them about 3 years ago, and still listen to them on my daily commute. Start off on either the Dahmer episodes, or Jack the Ripper. Real good shit
Cause it will upset someone
Literally only reason
>neo-Yea Forums falling for this shit bait
Youre not a pathetic loser for donating to someone online. But you are a pathetic loser to ONLY donate to female streamers. That alone means youre getting some weird emotional shit from this. It would be different if you only happened to like one or two who happened to be female, but im guessing thats not the case
No I feel for the poor bastards who genuinely try and can't succeed with girls. Had a good in high school and all through our 20s who could never get laid. He always became friendzoned. Problem was he was very unattractive and overweight. However, he was funny as hell, very social, hung out and talked to girls all the time, but he remained a virgin all the way into his 30s. He deserves some pussy, he's a great guy, but even if he lost some of the weight (I've known plenty of fat dudes who still get laid) he is still unfortunately very ugly. But at least he's not some pathetic incel faggot who donates money to twitch thots. If laughing at them makes me an asshole, I'll be an asshole.
Nothing wrong with gays and women, where you stick your dick is up to you. But trannies and furries really are the worst of the worst. And theyre hated everywhere, except for some tiny niche pages on tumblr
TFR only.
I spent about 1/250th of that on my wedding ring.
The only time I have ever put money into a stream is when NewLegacyInc streams for charity
>Mom look I'm being an edgy retard again
Eat my nuts then kill yourself
No, you're a pathetic loser who wants to pay them because the male brain is wired to provide for women. You're a loser because you should be fucking them, to give them that privilege and you're not.
Yes, i watch whoever decent is playing what im playing on my 2nd monitor. It makes it feel like we're playing it together
Greek legit admitted he does this. It's a clip of him saying something like "I'm just gunna ignore your donation mate until you drop another $20 cause that's what we streamers do." I'm sure he was, in his own way, calling others out but he does that shit himself.
Also, no, I do not watch any streamers on Twitch. I just watch the best stuff on Youtube from clip channels. The majority of them start off great but then start resorting to money-grabbing tactics like that shit on OP's post and creating fake drama to keep viewers on. So far, very few of them are worth my free Prime sub.
My first ever stream pulled in 200 something viewers and my second had 400. My two highest viewed clips have 900 and 700 views respectively. I haven't done a third one yet but these numbers were only possible because the thing I was streaming was something the community decided they wanted and so I, OP, delivered. Easy way to get an audience and build it from there. I just have to figure out how to keep my audience from fucking off considering there's only so much I can do in terms of the thing the community wanted.
Loneliness. A lot of streamers have admitted that this is the reason they started watching other streamers, and why they started streaming in the first place.
Him. Theyre both assholes, but her leading on strangers on the internet for money is fairly obvious and transparent, its a given at this point. He somehow thought that donating coins to someone online = start of a relationship.
The absolute worst part is the last 2 sentences he wrote. It proves that he hasnt learned his lesson, he's just going to repeat this over again. Imagine making a mistake that costs you 1/3 of your life for 2 years, and thousands of dollars, and NOT EVEN LEARNING FROM IT
So here it is in black and white for anyone confused. You can like streamers, you can spend all day watching them, and you can donate as much to them as you like. BUT YOU WILL NEVER FUCK THEM. YOU WILL NOT FUCK THEM. PLEASE STOP. YOULL ONLY HURT YOURSELVES.
theres only one transgender pride emote and it was mocked endlessly when introduced
I agree that most chats can have pointlessly strict rules but its just as easy to find streams with no rules besides intentionally edgy things and yeah twitchs attempts at ‘battling racism’ is just making things worse
Happy for that woman. Glad she got out as quick as she could
They day I start seeing unironic tranny flag emotes in my chat is the day I know I must stop streaming.
>victim blaming
You realize you're not allowed to con retards and say they deserved it for being retarded, right?
Nice. You can do whatever you want with your money.
body pillows dont count
I feel bad for people who are ugly, not fat. Im pretty fat right now, but thats my own fault, im under no illusions. But i could potentially lose that weight. If you were born with your face fucked up, what can you even do? Thats not even your fault. Feelsbadman
>twitch allows this
>but if a dude takes his shirt off he gets banned
Good point. That puts me at around over 40 women. Now go and donate your waggie bucks to your favorite thot so she says your name on stream, incel beta bitch.
Havnt got married yet, dont really plan to either, neither of us are religious, so no real point. Why did you feel the need to spend so much on a ring? I get it, it needs to be a nice one, you cant cheap out on it, but there are plenty of great rings for 8,000 or less. Honest question, did you feel pressured into it, is she out of your league, so you need to put in effort to keep her around (not looking down on you, i'd do the same if she was out of my league), or do you just have that much spare cash?
im fairly certain greek would have been joking when he said that
they're dumb
>what can you even do
Just do what asians do and get face surgery?
Who is/was this?
Im saying neither of them are great, and he definitely got shafted in the whole thing. He's definitely the victim here, but at a certain point, you have to take some responsibility and have a bit of common sense. If i walk around the city center at 3am waving a big handful of cash, id get robbed. Im the victim here, the other guy is much worse than me, but i definitely didnt help myself avoid this situation. Just have a little common sense.
Bro I spent like 20 bucks on a wedding ring, read my post again.
"A fool and his money are easily parted."
I watch people from Vinesauce sometimes except Joel
Knew you would response like this
Welcome to the internet you retarded faggot
Hey maybe you should fuck off to tumblr or reddit, I bet theyre more your speed
>Ugly, short, BUT in shape
>Married to an even shorter hispanic girl that is pretty and play sports so in shape.
>Have kids
Its all about confidence user. Even if short and ugly, if you carry yourself with confidence, you can too get laid/ meet somebody
BONUS: Kids have her face, so wont be ugly
>all those dirty aquariums
>in a hot damp closed space overheated by streamer lighting
So you're a insipid normalfaggot, gotcha. Get the fuck out cunt
If a dude did that same shit and didn't take his shirt off he wouldn't get banned either
Not seeing what your issue is
I watch jschlatt for white noise
I like watching him scam people on Minecraft but I'm not donating
Only Vinny
I find it funny how feminists are still making claims about how distorted men's perception of female beauty is when there's evidence pointing towards the exact opposite.
make some real friends loser
The whole point is that retards don't have common sense.
I wish Incouls make friends online again. My life took a nosedive and I'm super autistic. I'd love to make actual friends and livestream with them like this. I have a fresh small teitch streamers I follow like this because they are part of niche fandoms on youtube like digimon and I really enjoy it.
I wish I wasn't autistic and could at least make online friends and go outside and make real ones.
Except I'm not. I spend most of my time isolated, and love being alone. Just because I have the capabilities of acting normal and being social doesn't make me a normalfag, it makes me not retarded and pathetic. If I told the girls I've hooked up with, "Oh yeah in my spare time I browse and shitpost on Yea Forums and look at gore videos and browse endless pages of naked women" it probably wouldn't get me laid. You lonely fucks do this to yourselves, and your best way to cope is to call people normalfags like it's a bad thing. Get real loser. I literally enjoy the same hobbies you do, do the same things you do, the only difference being I can get laid while you can't, even though you probably could if you tried because it's really not that difficult unless you're absolutely hideous.
I used to watch northernlion, mostly because he used to not be like every other twitch streamer in existence, unfortunately he was corrupted, and is just like the rest now. Just another memespouting idiot.
>girl gamers
Not even once.
BudgieBuddy and only BudgieBuddy
Oh? I struck a nerve huh? You're a useless autistic cunt that's a burden on society. Get the fuck off this website, there's nothing good here.
Perfect insight to the mind of a cumbr*in. So desperate for some sort of connection to a female, while still getting nudes.
>yes goyim give me your hard earned cash and masturbate a lot to clear you heard
>”Just got off work so you can get your cut”
>When you’re so cucked that you pay a bill every paycheck to a person playing videogames online
How the fuck do these people exist
Are you really gonna pretend to have standards now?
that's some extreme autism for a female
Never before have I felt disgusted by seeing a pair of tits.
This so fucking much, I've been browsing this shit since 2006, I'm a huge internet nerd, but I still know how to behave in public and not be instantly labeled as an autist. Women are extremely easy to fuck if you simply display a sliver of confidence, but women fucking HATE weakness in men, if you're weak, you'll stay a virgin, it fucking sucks, but you need to have at least a small "bit of an asshole" part in you to make girls wet, otherwise you're another woman to them.
Weak people have always been stepping stones for better people to become more successful. It's just gotten to the point that the weak, cucked people of this world just willingly give themselves to the strong because it's the new norm.
dude just be confident bro it works trust me
Where do you meet women when you have a full time job?
>you will never be as Chad as this guy
user stop this isn't a rekt thread
>he doesn't make money off what he would be doing anyway
This happened to me but it's easier when you're gsy because that thing happens to women where guys will want to take care of you.
Some guy is also letting me fuck husband which I guess is the opposite of a beta cuck? Literally all you have to do is ask for sex for gays, but you can get aids more easily and theres very few of them so it is still pretty shit.
Fuck trannies though
Wheres my forsenboys at
I have no standards but I also don't want to pay $3k to anyone for what amounts to porn and masturbation. Any chance on lowering the price?
You still have days off you can go out, and making connections through coworkers is one of the easiest ways to meet people. I don't know what you do, I guess if you work completely alone you're out of luck, but befriending a coworker and then meeting their friends, and then their friend's friends, is the best way to keep meeting new people. Except for my closest friends I've known since high school, most of the people I know now were all met through coworkers.
I wonder, are these guys rich tech incels or living in squalor due to their donations?
I sub to aris with my actual money since this fat bearded bitch kept me sane while I was a neet
I love this fat fuck and will gladly give him 5 bucks a month just for that
Thick skin is a sign of maturity. We hurt you because we love you.
>giving women money to make them happy just because they are women
Not only are you a pathetic loser, but you're also retarded.
Fuck. If I knew you fucktards threw money at any vagina on screen, I would have put my gf to work years ago.
>tried this
>coworker's friends are all male
Make like Erika and jump off a bridge
Please tell me this is real.
Just go to a night club for easy pussy
Saved you 3 grand
>it's like paying for entertainment, bro. these people are spending all their time to entertain you, the least you can do is help them out
>you can potentially make a whole chat room full of people laugh at your joke, bro.
>it's not a lot of money. are you poor? just give it away, cheapskate!!!
>the emotes you get are TOTALLY worth it, bro! it's like being in an exclusive club every time you use one
>i feel like im stealing if some one in front of a camera says a meme and i dont pay them for it. i am NOT a criminal
>that twitch girl and i are probably going to meet and fall in love because i give her money. she is going to dump her boyfriend for sure once she sees how many streamers i'm subscribed to
Holy shit.
How far have we come?
They are fucking people on the internet! Chances are, you will never, ever, ever meet these people in real life.
What the fuck is even wrong with everyone?
Look at yourself. You're throwing insults at some user on a fucking image board. Where did your life go so wrong? Go donate to that big titty streamer you love, maybe then you won't be so miserable.
you're not doing anything wrong, sounds like.
just sounds like you're average.
if you're a dude then you either have to be
>really really good at the game and giving advice, tips, talk about builds so people will tune in to learn shit from you
>examples: Purge in Dota 2, Arumba in grand strategy games
>be nearly pro at a game and pulling off insane high level plays
>be a retarded comedian, drinking beers and cracking jokes in multiplayer games with his friends on discord, or who's bad at games for comedic value
like PewDiePie, the Yogscast etc
And that's what makes you a normalfag.
It's okay if you're a normalfag, just don't try to pretend you're better than anyone here just because "lol i fuk xd im so cool".
>tfw got a girlfriend by chatting in her stream chat
Pretty much this.
If you stream regular content at a regular time then you'll always have 5-15 regulars hang out.
When I used to stream I used to stream either Dwarf Fortress or Civ5 with a friend for 2-3 hours Mon-Fri starting at the same time every day.
You get a small crew of regulars who are on twitch the same time every day, eventually they start tuning in specifically to watch you because they know "DickfaceplaysTF2 starts at 6pm every night and he's pretty funny"
based moderate sensible user
simply being great at game doesn't work anymore unless its a new (and popular) release and even then you're still competing against the established "pros"
being a retarded comedian, getting on LSF, being on stream at twitchcon or making friends with an already popular streamer are the best options now
>>it's like paying for entertainment, bro
This is the best one because it's literally free entertainment, but people still willingly give money and receive no return on their investment. It's like going to an amusement park that's completely free, but donations are welcome. You can donate $20 if you like, but you still have to stand in the long line with everyone else and wait for the ride, so why the fuck do you donate? Why do people EVER give money for ANY reason if there's no benefit to themselves? Hell, even if you donate to charity you can write that shit off on your taxes.
It's simple, donating is my way of thanking them for providing me with free entertainment. It's literally no different than tipping someone for good service or whatever.
I just donated a breakfast to my gf. I'm gonna get some entertainment later.
This is so fucking sad really, this guy has no friends and so is literally buying attention from his "friend" that streams.
That guy isn't going to last much longer.
it has always blown my mind that people give money to some nerd sitting at their pc playing vidya.
i've seen people donate $100 USD and all you get for it is a chat room spamming pictures of gootecks sucking ghost dicks and the streamer saying "hey, thanks [username], i appreciate it" and then being completely forgotten by everyone.
I have way more money than I know what to do with, I would never give a fucking dime to a streamer or a youtuber. I don't get why people do it at all.
The ultimate beta cuck/orbiter/provider.
Bro it’s unironically time to kill yourself, you seem to get triggered by Yea Forums comments too easily, you won’t survive in reality
If you think any of this shit passes as "entertainment" and they deserve to be thanked by giving them money, your life is boring as fuck. Zoomers really are a special breed of retarded.
I get worried now whenever I see tits and a cat on screen at the same time now.
I paid a girl I know $100 years ago to literally shake her tits right in my face for 10 minutes years ago, but I never paid streamers.
>Don't into streams always hated them
>a few months back friend asked me to go on stream with him playing a game
>did it because why not he's a friend
>audience enjoyed it
>came back a few times more
>it's now semi regular
how did I accidentally become a streamer somebody help me.
Buy a prostitite, you waste of skin
I don't know what I hate more, the e-thots or the """"men"""" who donate to them.
Well, I can't see that as a donation. It's more like a paid service.
I watch shroud and asmongold (asmon mainly for mcconnell, and just to hear him shit on blizzard). Girl streamers beyond their bodies typically don't have the personality or skill to hold an audience and be interesting imo.
for me, its nani
Fug, wasn't meant for you.
post twitch
anime not even once
The thots wouldn't exist without the beta incels who give them money, you should be more focused on hating them. These thots are just taking advantage of an opportunity to exploit weak, pathetic smooth brains, and weak, pathetic smooth brains will always get taken advantage of in life. The thots are still awful people who deserve to get raped by one of these incels, but the incels are the real issue.
based disgusting hentai man BAGGING these thots in front of the betas.
Hey it happens often. If you choke and start ''forcing'' it though that would be the fuck up. I'd stream at some opposite times of your friend, become a leech, embrace it.
It's also worth noting that the people who do meme songs cancel their payment afterwards
I once subbed to a guy that was going through every single piece of text/dialogue in Bloodborne and referencing/translating the Japanese version alongside it and I thought it was neat.
Apart from that I only really watch events like E3
god damn jackie is hideous. How on earth did this troll become a fashion icon
What a disappointing reveal.
hate both equally
put them on the bottom
not to shill the platform but you should check out Plexstorm.
Its a NSFW twitch clone.
if you get robbed in the middle of the night that means you live in a shit neighborhood/country
titty streamers prey on lonely hopeless betas
>incels still think she was lactating
The issue is that the problem is fundamental to how humans mate so it isn't something you can just "fix". As long as men need to approach women you'll always have betas and incels and even rapists because the ones that didn't care about mating didn't mate and don't exist any more. The ones that approach and court are the ones that are here now and so even if they're pathetic they still feel the drive they inherited to go up to women and try to fuck them. If it were more balanced or reversed there wouldn't be this issue, although there might be other new ones.
They're not all free. Whenever I watch pic related I keep track of how much time has passed, and if he hasn't made his $20 for the hour I make up the difference.
This was the woman who spearheaded #Bully #Hunters
I don't blame e-thots, they are just making a living. That's just capitalism.
It's the betas who give them money who are the problem. Betas giving e-thots money is basically just the lottery, it is another idiot tax, with the benefit of hitting people who think they are above such a thing. Every donation is a lottery ticket to getting a girlfriend, with the joke of course, being that there doesn't have to be a winning number.
I fit the characteristics of someone who would totally be one of those mouth breathers but jesus christ but I learned bitches ain't shit in like 2nd grade. They're like the guys that think the stripper they just got their first lapdance from wants to fuck them so they keep going back every week.
TheGreatTeacher and Lomelli for comfy CPU cockfights.
>J-just pay me aaaaAAAAAAAAAH!!!
I checked it out once and there were like less than 5 people streaming, and only 1 I would consider normal attractiveness.
Support Mixer then, where they have rules where if cleavage is shown then the stream will be marked 18+.
I think I'll just keep it like this, right now we just do it like we would normally playing games off stream and people seem to like it.
Anything more than that is probably not worth the investment.
im an aris sub
They either pay for attention or they pay because the streamers emotionally manipulate people to say "if you don't pay I'll just quit streaming"
Fuck you attention whore. Either play the games you like or don't.
I don't know what's more sad and pathetic.
That he gave some guy he doesn't know $100 for nothing or that he thinks $100 is a bomb.
this is hot as fuck desu
why would you be against this? she's going to make tons of money anyway, might as well encourage her to show her tits off too
$200 a month nice man
I think a hobo makes more than you begging on the corner in a day
>tfw had 2 dreams about her
>both times i was cucking forsen
He doesn't deserve her bros, she needs someone who can really understand her and connect with her on a deeper level like me.
At least in prostitution or strip clubs the guys get something out of it, getting your internet username said for a half second by some girl that you'll never be friends with is some weird vice to these people.
atta boy
>There are literally 1 million vaginas on the internet I can look at free of charge at any time.
>But this one vagina I paid $3,000 to view was well worth the price.
faggot as smegmahead
I just checked it out and the only streamers online are trannies.
paint doesnt run that watery and thick off a brush retard
god i wish that were me
Unironically this.
You're paying for an immediate gratification and appreciation in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people.
all the recordings are locked though
you should never encourage whores
I was watching EVO and people were actually bragging about spending 12 bucks on the chat that lasts for only 3 days.
What's the point of NSFW if it isn't porn. I want to see people masturbating while playing video games.
why not?
i could tell it was low-wage dualawaluan before i even got to the bottom.
imagine actually giving money to that pathetic fuckwit.
it can be both. some play H-games some have a chaturbate tip system for lewd rewards while they play. Some people just stream normally because twitch is shit.
>this image
>these fake tits
>these dead eyes
they shouldnt exist
and neither should you
i genuinely hope you get a painful disease and that you dont die from it
Bawk is alright in small doses, he can be genuinely funny when he's not randomly going into seething, petulant soi tantrums over benign shit or flip flopping from one spectacularly retarded opinion to another.
I occasionally watch the ads and get bits, some give out like 100+ randomly. I'd save up and pop into some random small 5 viewer channel that happens to be streaming one of my favorite games. If they look like they're enjoying it I'd donate wish em luck.
Normalizing the use of betas/orbiters and the streamer being surprised by the negative aspects of that system, often getting on a pedestal speaking out to normies against the toxic betas like it's some grand revelation every time.
I lub my streamer.
(for no reason).
Fucking hell what a hag. Does she have false teeth? Her face looks sunken.
then you never painted in your entire life
and you think this went right through the center of her nipple covers? kys
lol how much does this dude make each month from streaming?
Even the small streamers I follow for a month or two turn out to be horrible during that time.
I dunno what it is but they are more concerned about the chat than the game so there is like 30 minutes of downtime while they are basically just chatting instead of playing the game.
While the big streamers can concentrate on the game because their chat is mostly unreadable because its fast. Its ironic imo.
>implying the chat wasn't always unusable
Hi livejournal spamming oldguard weeb trash.
Streamers are the new televangelists, we used to mock old women giving all their savings to men on the stage saying bible versus. Now we have young men giving all their money to other men with pink hair playing dark souls.
let me guess, you're just jealous they aren't having sex with you? incels are so predictable.
>B R O T H E R M A N
>hey brotherman
>pls brotherman
>B R O T H E R M A N Y U N O
it's okay if they're funny though.
zfg1 and Kitboga, that's about it
Are you retarded. For just under $3000 you could have banged this beauty raw for 3 hours.
same value desu
So what's the deal with mixer? It sounds like it's grabbing up twitch's big fuckboys like ninja and dr disrespect. Who the hell actually exists on that site? I mean it's rare and far between to find actually interesting people to watch on twitch but seriously I can't think of a single name that comes from that site minus Ice Poseidon
The only stream I consistently watch is SaltyBet cause it's fun, especially during Evo.
because it's not video games
Any competition to the corrupt numale trash that runs twitch is a good thing desu.
I watch Jerma, he's the best guy. But i've never donated to anyone, and don't plan on doing so.
Not them, but as someone who is desperately alone, I get the logic.
Imagine having a paying job, living alone, having savings you can dig into easily and having no idea how to socialise. Now imagine there's a way for you to easily use that money to be recognised in a place you like. The logic to them is "Why not? I'm not doing anything else with this".
>but can't they just buy other shit instead with that money
They probably do. Most of the people who do this are rich as fuck or at least comfortable, it's rare that the ones that go "oh no i actually spent my entire wage but i'll give you more :(" are real, they're usually just bait to get responses.
t. someone who has a fair amount of savings and nothing to do with it, but unlike these fags, I'd rather save as much of it as possible than just give it to randos.
>low tier god
>low wage god
>low wage job
Jerma really lost a lot of respect from me after he, during his tier list streams, once again proved that he has scat fetish
>that one streamer on pornhub that played botw in cosplay and a buttplug in his butt
A new market is opening up, when will the twitch thots take to it?
This is genius.
The tier list streams have been an utter nightmare. They're not only boring, they're also infuriating. How can ONE MAN have taste SO BAD?
link it
He went a little jew I think with some of his videos putting them behind paywalls and shit. Still an interesting idea.
If everything is ironic then nothing is ironic.
This guy is an innovator and I applaud him. What he needs to do is find a way to advertise his stream. If a girl started copying this then she could make bank.