How are Sonybros coping with the drought?

How are Sonybros coping with the drought?

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everyone is in it. nothing is coming until september starting with DQ XI S, and then after that it is nothing until medievil remastered

By owning more than one platform. Also Date a Live came out recently.

We are seeking advice from pc players. Only games they get are shitty indie garbage and shooters

>everyone is in it. nothing is coming until september

Eh? I haven't put my Switch down all summer. Mario Make 2, Fire Emblem and Astral Chain is coming in a couple of weeks.

>everyone is in it

>DQBuilders 2
>Astral chain
>Link's Awakening
>Luigi's mansion 3
>Pokemon SS

real drought here.

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T-t-those don't count!

Replaying BB fooo

playing shit on PC till Death Stranding drops

What changed since the ps3?
They still have cod and fifa to fill their droughts of Sony producing mediocre 70 rated games

I just play KF2 as god intended

FE is shit, but i did forget astral chain. mario maker i passed on because i dont pay for nintendo online

been playing switch all year, haven't touched my ps4 in almost a year, i'm not even kidding here...oh well, here's hoping the last of us part 2 doesn't turn out to be a SJW shitshow

>On PS4, performs much better
>73 on Metacritic
>Another overrated Platinum hack n slash
>Soulless remake
>Port with shittier graphics, frame rate and additional content that clashes with the established narrative
>Another remake to a forced “cult classic” that’s only revered because the GameCube had fuck-all during its launch

Keep eating shit, drone.

Backlog son

what drought?
its either you guys are poor and cant afford games or for whatever reason, you only play exclusives.

>Another remake
Meant another sequel.

Sh-shit tastes good!!!

Hey retard. Why is the cosmetics stored server side but not class progression? I play on console and don't have access to custom lobbies and my ps4 broke. No fucking way I'm starting over.

Comfy as fuck. I can get rid of some of my backlog.

>nononononono those don't count, I'm happier to have LITERALLY NOTHING, you don't actually LIKE your games, it's ARTIFICIAL FUN
no wonder you start shooting people at the mall, the programming is getting out of control

Starting over is the fun part though.
>t. 2 ps4's and a steam account

>not in a d-drought over h-here hehe
>meanwhile, on Yea Forums every single day, posting the same picture

how engaging those games must be! A 5 minute play sesh, and then back to shitpost on Yea Forums Lol

t. scatfag
Also quality > quantity

>nothing is QUALITY, having choice is BAD
more mental gymnastic than a muslim terrorist

Not well
I'm pretty bored of my Ps4 Pro. The memes about the exclusives being movie games are pretty true. I don't own a Swith or Xbox One either. Neither really appeal to me

So what, do Snoyboys think that they're not allowed to play games that are more than 6 months old?

Literally only fe and dq11 are worth it on that list and maybe astral chain. Wtf...

multiplayer and f2p

>hmmm do I want this moldy turd or one with corn in it

The same way I cope with the switch games drought. I'm an idort, so I just play PC while the other 2 shitstains in my collection are pretty much worthless 99% of the time.

By focusing on other stuff like partying, reconnecting with friends, working, etc. C’mon Yea Forumsros its the summer get outside

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Only drought I felt this year was between Sekiro and Judgment. Perhaps there's one now but I'm busy playing Fire Emblem and waiting on Astral Chain.

Considering a Nincel made this thread, it’s probably the opposite. I’ll always be playing Skyrim and the WWE 2k games on my PS4 so I’m fine.
>inb4 shit taste/normalfag

They ain't gonna release anything good until the PS5.
They don't want what happened with GTA 5 to happen again.


when is tlou2 coming out?

1 00 000 000

Can't be bothered. Good game though.

>On PS4, performs much better

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Same here but playing my switch with FE. Nothing to play on ps4 til death stranding. At least I'm not a neet so FE will keep me busy for a long time.

Playing through Final Fantasy X right now
