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Other urls found in this thread:


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>radio / blue speaker
git gud
>red speaker
bad design
>red speaker that require leap of faith to disable
the fuck were they thinking?

they weren't
all the dlcs were kind of lacking

get fucking good and stop crying about the best DLC

That's just some boomer movie references from what I've heard

Fuck you

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spoken like a true lobotomite

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I expected this to be impossible but shit was fucking easy. You even get a companion who invalidates the effect of the gas. What are you fucking casuals crying about?

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I've replayed new Vegas several times and I still have no idea why and how to use the canteen

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Dead Money has an almost comical number of hated game design tropes. Like whos idea was it to have the trial and error trap mandatory stealth section DLC? The real crazy thing is that Dead Money managed to still be pretty good.

it's a reference to fallout 1 and 2.

Wtf lol why would anyone give a fuck about those games

Besides being a reference, it's a passive heal for maybe 15-20 HP, and some H2O in hardcore. There's no use.

>defending pixel hunting and shitty gimmicks

>cracks sip
>yeeaap, gonna wipe the slate clean

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>fellow garden gnome liberator

I salute you user

Operation Anchorage also was easy but that doesn't make it less boring or shitty.

The definition of one-hitter-quitter. There is no reason to ever do this dlc more than once. The traps, the security, everything is the same. The dlc items are eclipsed immediately. No subsequent playthrough is required.

Because they were actually good, unlike the bug-infested, poorly written garbage Bethesda likes to make.

Operation Anchorage was really good tough. The atmosphere is just crazy

>*Goes bankrupt, same as Obsidian until MS bought them*

>Christine stays in the Sierra Madre for some reason instead of reuniting with Veronica

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>Operation Anchorage was really good tough
It looked pretty and getting to build your own squad was a neat mechanic, but don't get carried away now. It was still a dull corridor fest you rush through just to get the amazing loot at the very end.

Biggest problem was that they cut out way too much shit, like that the Chimeras weren't even real and only implemented because of General Chase but RPG wise, yeah, not much dialogue aside from the beginning.

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um user, the moral of the dlc was to let go, not win.

standard hand-of-god "we couldnt figure out how to properly implement dlc connectivity into the main game so just write the characters out of the story" shit

are gold bars really that heavy IRL?

a 1kg gold bar weighs like 25lbs irl

>The standard gold bar held as gold reserves by central banks and traded among bullion dealers is the 400-troy-ounce (12.4 kg or 438.9 ounces) Good Delivery gold bar. The kilobar, which is 1000 grams in mass (32.15 troy ounces), is the bar that is more manageable and is used extensively for trading and investment.

>1kg = 25lbs

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Why not call it a 25lb gold bar then?


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Because gold is heavier.

>value 389943

And right now a single 400 ounce gold bar is worth like half-a-million

All the whiners just haven’t learned that sometimes the hardest part is...

...letting go.

based retard user


>letting go of a garden gnome

thanks for the laugh

37 gold bars is way over 400 kilograms.

How did the courier manage to get out with that?

Nigga, americans are among the few countries taught both imperial and metric. Anyone that finished school knows the difference.

My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online..

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I let go of Dead Money like 5 minutes in, it's just some people are too dumb to figure out obvious things.

Did Americans kill sad panda? No? Well, I guess that makes you worse than "stupid" Americans.

Of course they would go bankrupt.
Bethesda kept most of the money earned from FO:NV.

I feel like Fallout 4 making Gold Bars so light was a cheeky jab at this dumb lesson from the dlc.

now try selling them
not a single vendor has enough caps to buy a single one
unless you mod that

dead money was the worst DLC prove me wrong


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Wrong thread you stupid nigger faggot

I used OP-Implant GRX to straight up walk out in slow mo as the bunker was blowing up, and since I'm a treasure collecting whore I never sold a single bar but stacked them up neatly in my loot room at the SINK.

Fallout 4 was a cheeky jab at quality games, by not being one

>national guard protecting american "culture"

we'll be fine as long as u dont hop on ur
mobility scooters and chase us down

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Light Switch A > Light Switch B

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At least Fallout 4 doesn't crash every 10 minutes like Vegas.

Brainlet question but how you drag Eli's corpse with the gold bars out of the casino? You are force to walk while you drag him


Old World Blues
I hated every single character in that thing, the furniture in your room is fine

it had based wearable waifu though

Buy every single mod from the Gun Runners' Vendortron.
Also make a stack of them in your home.

>Lonesome Road
>You have a partner Eyebot throughout the entire thing
>You don't walk through a road most of the time

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The greatest feeling is locking him in there and taking everything.

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>todd didn't understand that the real gold was the friends we made along the way
can't say I'm surprised tbqh

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Ok I liked ONE charcter in the whole thing
I don't remember what she said when I sold her but it made me laught

No, instead it's every 5

plus 10 minute long loading screens every time you enter a building



Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

if you're a character that uses melee weapons and don't mind being a dick to Veronica playing through it is a must for Elijah's Ramblings. And the holorifle is one of the best energy weapons in the game when fully modded

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>reddit spacing

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Daily reminder

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dead money sucks

>copypasta as old as time
>formatting into paragraphs is now reddit spacing

You fool. You absolute fool. You cretin. You wretch. You bumbling idiot. You charletain. You creature. You devil. You fiend.

>guys look at Cheyenne's eyes

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Your post reeks of reddit nigger fag. No matter how many le random buzzwords you throw in there, won't get you karma, gold, or an ebin upboat xD

this post is the physical manifestation of reddit

This is just a copy of the diamond greentext but in this different context.

Ebin post my friend! Upboated! ^__^

Shut up nigger


>He doesn't know of the moldovian savior.

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Cancerous as shit

>the amazing loot at the very end
>rushing there right after leaving 101 and using the Gary exploit to get effectively unbreakable T-51b right away (and the perk to use it)

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Shut up nigger

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>fallout 4
>expect the userbase to fill in the bland sandbox
>the tools provided are not of this decade
>no official documentation

Butthesda please

I'm the guy you originally replied to. I bet you're regretting your decision to click post now, aren't you faggot? Look at you little pretentious fuck! Using stupid redundant words on the interwebs attempting to get a rise out of fellow anons and fit in with them. Well... it backfired! And you only have yourself to blame. Now get off my board kiddo before the jannies start mopping up the hallways that are this fourm. Cause they're hunting for trash, and you're the human embodiment of it. Good luck on attempting to find validation online by commenting stupid shit to get gold and upvotes. I'm sure your mommy is soooo proud of you! Pathetic...

Hello there cunt

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>mobile posting

>You fool. You absolute fool. You cretin. You wretch. You bumbling idiot. You charletain. You creature. You devil. You fiend.

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>kill sadpanda
But I'm not from the Negerlands. You had 2 mass shooters in one day lmao, with one linked to this website. It's always the amer*cans fucking up the whole world for everyone else. Name 1 (One) time where the amer*cans did something good for this world.


Doesn't answer my question at all you complete failure

I mean it's obviously bait but I wonder if anyone actually took it 4 srs

No bully pls

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Its okay frand. Only way I can literally shitpost while on the shitter

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I can use turbo too right?


You really must suck hard ass at the game to not know how to do it then, or not even know what GRX is.

Gayest post of the day

Still doesn't answer my question, you complete failure. Stop posting and brush up on reading

if you have enough

>Literally mongoloid brain
I don't think you should be playing games user.
Or breathing. Seriously who the fuck sees the answer and screeches that they don't know the answer and no one will answer them?

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Then my train robber its going to get the biggest jackpot of his life. Thanks user, I didnt want to to OWB before Dead Money.
Im the one who ask about the gold, dunno who is the sperg

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I'm also looking for them. I've only found one intact instance so far though.

so this... is the power of conversions.

It's obvious that Todd just never learned to let go

Isn't it back up? They moved I think

ahh those were the days

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Thnx and remember never cum.

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>those mountain goat horns
I swear, every iteration of a deathclaw is designed based on looking at the previous one and none that came before. In the next game it's going to be a straight up dragon. Deathclaws are supposed to have three horns pointing forward because they were engineered from jackson chameleons

you now remember honest hearts

you know remember that lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Lobotomite, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna Big MT. In pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus. In massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit. Vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis. Aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a Science Amirite?
Eu consequat ac felis donec et Tesla Coils. Dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae. Sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam quam nulla. Orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet. Dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci sagittis eu Dr. Mobius. Porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit cursus. Arcu non odio euismod lacinia at. Amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa. Ut aliquam purus Sonic Emitter.
Amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut pharetra. Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget. Sed viverra tellus in hac. Lorem donec massa sapien faucibus. Pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit Forbidden Zone. Est sit amet facilisis magna etiam. Gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et. Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum. Convallis tellus id interdum velit.
Fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet Old World Blues.

(skip skip skip skip too much unfunny text)

he really let himself go
no wonder he became a mass shooter and terrorist

I've played the early fallouts even and never encountered that lore. Is that really the background on deathclaws?


Americans invented Metallica

How the fuck do you even find enough merchants to sell that shit to? My barter skill is 100

Alternatively you can juke Elijah around the electric transformer thing while over-encumbered with the bars and then you get just enough time to get through the energy door he comes through before it activates again.

just buy every unique weapon you can, you're just supposed to stash them in your bathtub though

Yeah. I don't know if it was ever revealed ingame. It could be something from a manual but it's official that they're jackson chameleons spliced with something else and that's why they have the horns. Obviously their limbs are nothing like chameleon limbs.

He was referring to 25 lb of mass, clearly.

Intacts are hard to come by. I only remember there are 7 sitting in some corner of the Big Mountain. Did you know there is a mod that adds special gnomes to find?

Also, in Fallout 3, in one of the satellite dish towers on the Northwest of the map there is a chessboard with miniature intact garden gnomes instead of figures? If you put them into your inventory they become normal sized next though.

*tosses grenade*
*loot flies everywhere*


mfw this counts towards the "and not a drop to drink" perk.

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>already wrung every possible bit of joy out of NV
>only thing left to do is install sex mods
>Sexout is all disorganized and fucking shit, it'd take like an entire day to figure this out

There's a replayability mod that allows you to prestige once you hit max level, it sets more or less all non-gamebreaking NPCs to respawn frequently, adds endgame weapons, mods etc to regular shops. Get that mod and fuckton of perk, trait and content mods and just go apeshit.

Yes it is reddit spacing, slang does that retard and until you stop posting like a faggot youll be called one

>>Sexout is all disorganized and fucking shit, it'd take like an entire day to figure this out
If it's still like 5 years ago playing anything of the more obscure shit like the death claw breeding village quest line is pretty much only worth it if you're knowledgeable enough to fix buggy quest progression and scripts by yourself. Unless that has changed and everything works now flawlessly.

I did a sexout playthrough like a year ago and I can confirm it was still the same, I have no reason to believe it's any different today
I probably spent more time in the geck fixing and editing stuff myself than actually playing the game, it was worth it but fuck me if I'll ever do that again

>already wrung every possible bit of joy out of NV
New California quest mod came out not long ago.

It came out like a fucking year ago, NEET-kun, and it was TRASH. The wait wasn't worth it.

>tripsoidefender vs literally redd*t

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By being a jew

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What's the name of the mod?

I don't know but it also inflates the fuck out of the economy which is retarded but otherwise it seems fairly good, great if you're burned out on the game and just want to dive back in.

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Shit looks like it would break most of the content mods I use. Shame.

That can't be right...

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It'll be a year on October 23rd.

At least there's still The Frontier! lmao

user pls

leave you fucking faggot

Thats old copypasta you zoomer

I guess he could've meant 1 liter of gold which is 19.3kg/42.5lbs.

Dead Money is my favorite DLC for its concept. I don't actually enjoy playing it.

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>has the best energy weapon in the entire game
why is dead money so based bros?

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i can't fucking play the game anymore. Sometimes i'm downloading the game then installing tons of mods then playing this shit (~2-3 hours) and then deleting it. So what should i do in order to revive my enthusiasm for this game?

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meme/rp playthrough
murder everyone, play as some whore, beat the game without killing anything personally ( use your slaves for that ) and so on

it always works for me

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Am I missing something in Honest Hearts? I feel like there must have been a ton of side-content and optional dialogue I missed because for me it was just running across an open plain (which is admittedly the only nice looking one in the game) between the tribes and convincing them to leave and then the final fight.

I see people call it amazing and super well written but Joshua is the only character of note in it and all he has is like three cool lines and a neat outfit.

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See, the trick is you carry it in your hands instead of your pockets. They weigh nothing in that case.

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Elijah really improved on his craft after Big MT. Goddamn LAER falls apart after two cells.

nice to see my screenshots are still getting reposted

fuck dykes and fuck felicia day

It was okay

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Amazing post

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high iq post

Please tell me this is ironic and sex mod makers aren't so fucking ignorant they think it's the vaginal canal or vuvla stretching that hurts.

Everyone knows its the cervix needing to dilate that's the problem right? Nobody over 18 actually believes the part you use to fuck and which is made of a stretchy membrane plus loose skin is what hurts instead of the tightly coiled muscular gate at the top of it?

>virgin nerds don't know female anatomy
the sky is blue


best dlc

Is this a shop or is there really a way to edit this? I want this in my game.

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Now you can purchase everything early and make the game super boring. Should have just let it go.