EVO 2019

KOF just ended
MK11 still on
Also SCVI has a thing going on

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Black Furry Dominates Twink on Stage in Front of Thousands

>Also SCVI has a thing going on

fuck s*nicfox

That was a pretty good KOF Grand Finals.

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Reminder SamSho had better numbers than MK

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Pretty much, it's on leveluplive


here you go sport

Reminder that SonicFox lives rent free in Dragon's head. Also, to answer Aquaman, Evo 2013 was Cyrax vs Kabal for all 5 matches

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>StarFox playing as a girl

Fucking traitor

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Fuck why is the FGC so fucking cringe ouitside of actual tournaments and competitive play. The forced fake hype at crosscounter is hurting me

SamSho peaked at 57k. It's the better game but it didn't get the better numbers, I'm pretty sure MK has broken 70k.

DBFZ doing better than it is hilarious though.

He probably feels icky

no anime suite tonight?
any other after party type events?

>korea time is in 3 hours
>evo starts again 4 hours after it ends
maybe I should skip cross tag

he played Kitana for a huge chunk of MKX, and he mained Batgirl in Injustice, back when he was pretending to be Bi

sonicfox is bodying this fool

Peaked at 62k I think
It was on a terrible timeslot that had it competing with like 6 other games
Still better than I thought it'd do

How can Gamestop afford to sponsor anything?

what we got tonight? i fell asleep during Flash's game last week, did he win?

Man SC6 got kinda gimped, it had top 8 on only day 1. I get maybe there weren't too many entrants, but still

Most people will.

>using fatalities
He may be a literal faggot but at least he can still have fun.

Hellpockets is a pretty cool guy but I don't know why he ran the entire KOF tournament in Spanish with no English commentary option.

>that long ass top 8 just for a blowout
what a waste of fuckin time

I'd sure like to kiss Sylvie on the butt

They probably just have an intern a sack of free games

So why is everyone doing a fistbump this year instead of a handshake?

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>has broken 70k.
Getting hosted by the smash evo channel up to 74k when it's been stuck at 53k for hours and dropping down to 63k for grands when you have no competition is not better by any means

>Everything up to Grand Finals has been really entertaining
>Grand Finals is an extremely boring Foxfest

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i want cassie cage to do her fatality on me if you get what im saying

Sonicfox is easily the best fighting game player out there

You mean a sack of free used games.
I bet theyre all copies of Madden 18

I want to do the horizontal monster mash with jacqui!

too shy to actually hold hands

Dragon is gay too

The first DBZF set between Fox and GO1 was so much better than the grand finals

handshakes are a symbol of the white man's hegemony in business and corporate positions; in using the fist bump we are 'keeping it real'.

I guess he does what he has to to win, but I'd main a cute male character or nothing if it was me.

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huh, that's kind of cool. like a conditional counter-hit

there's the fucking fursuit

But then you can't do the tight secret handshake


Press F to pay respects to Dragon's asshole after Sonicfox gets done with it later tonight

fucking yikes, we have reached peak retardation

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lmao stay mad white cis normies

Mortal Kombat is so embarrassing

>spike goes through Cassie's face
>she's completely fine
MK is so fucking stupid

based fox

MK might be the most boring game I've ever watched.

Why is SF still so far ahead of his NRS peers? Are they all that big of bums that they still cant catch up ever since he burst into the scene. Usually you'd think he'd be challenged by now, lmao at GO1 being his only worthy rival. And arguably Kaz too since he was the best player for a short period, he seemed to be in a slump though.

He's really good at fighting games.

fuck me mk11 is boring af to watch, I’d rather even watch sfv or soulcalibur instead.

was there anything like that crazy drunken afterparty where the WWE wrestler came out on stage this year?

Yea Forums's antithesis wins again... hahaha... AHAHAHAHA!!!

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No damn it. You doing so well not busting it out too.

sometimes yes. Some have really easy properties(Every character has an uppercut that KB's if you punish a whiffed high), but some are really fucking stupid (Johnny Cage having to whiff 3 times before a KB)

Absolute state of Neatherealm. Your face of Mortal Kombat is a furry tranny. Sad state of affairs.

>dragon in his chair right now

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that double Geras mirror followed by Geras & Cetrion felt like a 2 hour set, I can't believe how stale it got. At least Grand Finals was quick. All that work to get bodied by the furry lol

wait what? who?

Is just me or MK11 fights are boring as fuck? This final had 0 hype.

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>about every match is a close as fuck back and forth
>except for sonicfox's ones where he completely dominates everything
Lesson learned: to be good at fighting games, become a gay furry

>wins MK
as long as he didn't win DBFZ nobody cares
It's pretty much a given that he wins MK at this point

A single fighting game

MK11 confirmed cringe and bluepilled

It's cause Sonicfox has no worthy rival. The Nrs community are a bunch of bums.

I don't even blame Sonicfox. His Fighterz sets were entertaining, and I don't like that game either. MK11 is just so incredibly boring and I think this might've been the first grand finals this year that didn't at least get to reset.

Rounds takes too long to finish that's the reason why.

I would argue that Fenritti is in more of a slump than Kazunoko personally.

It was way more tense because it was unclear who had the upper hand and it was really back and forth. The Grand Finals had a different dynamic since Sonic was extremely close to sweeping into a Reset but GO1 reverse 3-0'd him in the clutchest way possible to get that win without slipping into Losers, which is what fucked him over last year.

Xavier I think?
One of the black guys from New Day
The whole show was a madhouse and there were people break dancing and just being absolutely hammered

geras is wack

hell naw

>Most popular FGC figure dominates your game
They don't really mind it to be honest

He won a different one last year and got to the GF this year, and he's the champion at basically every other game NRS has made. If Marvel was still around he'd probably be good at that too considering the overlap between it and DBZF.

Why is the furry so good?
Is it autistic amounts or training or is it really just something innate?

He doesn't lose focus in the game ever.
I've noticed, even when he has 1hp he goes as hard as he can just to demoralize the opponent.
He also is really good at fighting games, he predicts what moves you're going to do and he goes and watches the other players play before his match, and takes mental notes.

Take the samsho pill

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Maybe some FIFAs thrown in there

he's dedicated and he's young

he's talking about entrants

I'm at barfights right now and Gootecks has been shilling GameStop. Granblue and battle for the grid seem neat tho

the absolute fucking state

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Fenritti is just bad at sealing the deal once he gets to Top 3. His run to qualify for the World Tour in that fucking gauntlet of a last-chance bracket only to make it to Grand Finals was insane, but Kaz beat him. Kaz is just kind of fucked by Gotenks falling out of the meta and Kid Buu not being his strongest character. You'd think he would try GTku like GO1 & Sonic have.

So when is he going to compete in games that actually have more than 4 decent players in it?

Literally every good player in the NRS community trains with him

A fucking furry won MK

Peak degeneracy, America

It helps that he's really young and already this good, meaning he probably hasn't even hit his peak yet and a lot of the people he's playing are old timers.


How has Dragon not got a sub character yet? Or at least dropped Cetrion completely.

Apparently he didn't even know about the defense/offense mechanic during supers or something.

based go1 saving anime from this furry

Will these turn you into a gorilla?

They're cool, but some characters got hard ones for no reason.

>If Marvel was still around he'd probably be good at that too considering the overlap between it and DBZF.
I f Marvel was still around he'd probably get his shit pushed in by actual players like Justin or Chris G.

>Full fursuit for MK11
>Regular clothes for DBFZ, didn't even have the hood with the ears
Clearly the more free he feels a tournament is, the more furry he appears. He was uncertain he could beat GO1 so he showed up as a regular autistic person to DBFZ.

thank you this is exactly what I was talking about
poor Gootecks keeping up the shilling


has he fucked in that suit?

They promise to at least make you a Yoshitora main, but double dose secures being a Genjuro

I honestly think that Tekken finals will be underwhelming compare to the hype it gets leading up
>Money match in round 1 already
>Geese and Steve overload
>Bunch of robots in the brackets

Better spread those cheeks yuropoor.

He's been winning MK & Injustice for close to a decade now. It's half the reason the scene is boring (the other half being that the games have bad gameplay).

Chris has only ever won one evo because he is the master of choking, he made it an artform

i think he only puts it on when he wins.

I'm slogging through it because we have mvc2 coming, but Christ is it worse than last year

and Harada already got bodied.

Thank goodness he is contained only on those trash games. He'd get bootyblasted in SF, Tekken, or hell even Smash.

what is it about MvC:I that looks so soulless
a lot of the attacks and animations are just straight up copied from MvC3 but lack any of the appeal

Doesn't Harada always get bodied in pools?

It's the same thing for KI's pro scene. You saw a lot of the same people win/make top8 because the good players circlejerked and the not 'good' players weren't good enough to actually challenge them. I really wish Tokido didn't drop KI along with all the other games he was juggling because it could've changed KI's future.

The NRS community is super young. I'm sure there are people with the raw talent to reach Fox's level, but the issue will lie in how much time they put in it, and if they have the ability to travel. Remember, Fox got his start because his brother was a high level DoA player and he traveled to events with him

I didn't even know Slipknot was still around.

I'm just paying more attention to the SCVI stream

The art style.

>commercials for Slipknot
>commercials for Korn
When did I time travel back to the 90s?

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desu any great player in those games gets bodied in the games Fox dominates though.

Almost as if different fighting games require different skillsets and that's why massive, long term crossover is rare

he'll literally wear his furfag helmet against people he feels are free.

Anybody know a rough estimate of how many top 16 domestic players are from california or NY?

Marvel 3 had extremely stylized visuals and the animations were built for it. The lighting/shading and overall aesthetic of Infinite look like a AA game from late 7th gen and any new modeling was pretty fucking bad unless you're a robot (Ultron, X, Sigma) or a monster (Jedah, Nemesis).

Note that Infinite reuses win poses from 3 that transition to the post-match quote with a page turn, but in Infinite there's no page turn so they just sort of freeze in place for a moment. Frank's the worst for this because both him and the zombies after him just stop when they're supposed to be chasing him.

infiltration has won at everything

or justin, or kazunoko

I agree but supers being a few seconds too long is less of a problem than any other fighter this gen is afflicted by

in which game?

When Justin Wong & Alex Valle were Top 8 for a main stage EVO game.

Aw fuck, Yipes vs Khaos in MvC2 next

Didn't he do okay in SFV's first year when he tried it?

i still prefer the sprite style of MK. The attacks felt more intense. All the Injustice-style combat just feels off to me.

also does MK11 not have any music at all or something? kinda kills the intensity.

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No Aeon/Lizardman NO BUY

All of them.

There was also one for Gojira
hilarious that they picked these kinds of bands for an FGC event instead of rappers

Plus Mr. Wiz removed all the casual setups today, people could only play on laptops

Wait, but this is my fetish

Nah, MvC2 came out in 2000 so JWong being in top 8 was normal. It's Alex that was peak boomer.

I know I'll get shit for this but how far off is Sonicfox from the likes of Daigo. I know the latter is a sacred cow, but what would he have to do to surpass him in the community's eyes.

>These 3 players, who are among the greatest ever did it
And Bo Jackson was an MLB All Star and an NFL Pro Bowler. it doesn't mean that it's not exceedingly rare for a player to have the ability to achieve success in multiple games. even rarer for sustained success.

Do you really want to know the answer to that?

Is this on crosscounter?

Also have any of you tried any of the games in the free weekend?

>Didn't he do okay in SFV's first year when he tried it?
I thought he got bodied so hard in SFV he'd never bothered to play it again.

Fox is really strong for the first 3-12 months of any game he touches because he can feel out a game very quickly. The thing is that he generally plateaus after a while if the game isn't either Hyper Tag or NRS for some reason; MK, Injustice, DBFZ, BBTag, Skullgirls, those are the games he's a god at (and apparently he's really good at DoA but I've never seen him play).

But yeah he made Top 8 as FANG a couple times in Season 1.

ArcSys gets a lot of shit for it but I kind of want to see MK frame limited to see if it makes things look snappier. Every attack looks so slow.

Invent combos that are named after him for one.

I not only want to but need to know immediately, for health and safety reasons

Play consistently against top players which he didn't in NRS games

It would make sense that he'd be really good at DoA. his brother Kwiggle was a top level DoA player in years past

No, FEXL had a side tourney, I talked to the guy who ran it.

It really is the art direction. They moved away from the comic book style of past MvC games to something that was trying to be closer to the Marvel movies. It sucks because the gameplay is really fun, but the roster and the way the game looks are pretty bad.

that's good to hear
FEXL deserves to live

Smash is like apples and oranges when compared to any other fighter. The skillset is so different it's basically untransferrable, you need to relearn from scratch.

Yeah it's on crosscounter. Also nah, I'll defnintely play SamSho when it comes out because I prefer games that are more about reads than anything else.

He beat the japs in their own game. Guys like Dogura, GO1, Fenrich and Kazunoko though.I mean he'd get assrammed in Xrd and Blazblue but that's like asking them to go to NRS games, and I don't blame them for wanting to.

Also Daigo was only good at Capcom games. Tokido>Daigo.

Somebody post the top 8.

What characters are in it?

Isn't FEXL kusoge though, just in a good way?

I gotta ask. do Tekken players get flak for their lack of crossover? like, they're feudal japan levels of isolated

They should take all the Grand Finalists from each game, put them in a room, and have them all fight each other for real.

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>Also Daigo was only good at Capcom games.
Wasn't he good at GGAC way back in the day?

In a sense he's already surpassed Daigo because of the variety of games he's been successful in.
In terms of impact on the fgc and competitive fighting games, no one will ever surpass Daigo because of the current state of the scene.
Daigo is significant because he was prominent in the early scene and has left a legacy.
Things like like the evo moment and his absolute domination of arcade ST were things only possible at the time.
That and SF never had a pro mahjong career.

last vs snow I think. flash plays light next week.

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Didn't know he played KI. Games were the japs are rare compared to westerners intrigue me. Any other examples besides that. I know MVC3 also had Nemo and tokido played for a bit, and that one jap player that came and trolled mvc3 which was mega based.

maybe its the lack of screenshake but i agree

Speaking of side tournies that weren't AnimEVO, were Marvel Infinite and Power Rangers BftG run at all? I remember Infinite had a tourney last year that had some Japs fly in for it, and I think the PR devs (which include Cl0ckwerk) said they'd have a presence at EVO. I watched TvC Top 16 & UMvC3 Top 4 so those two games that came out much later not getting anything would be surprising.

Also link to FEXL VoDs?

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The game is fundamentally good, but there are obvious things that keep it from being great
the card system is what's keeping it from being a KI-like success story

Ok from 1-10, how shitfaced is Gootecks already?

He used to play it yeah. He wasn't all that good though

Christ, I forgot about PR and samsho because they didn't have steam releases.

I don't think it's janky, it's just a more interesting street fighter with a way lower budget.

is there a daigo combo?

daigo parry->super if it counts as one

PR was on CrossCounter not long ago I believe

>Be named Tekken Master
>Don't even play Tekken

Shoryu FADC into super was THE Daigo move during his Ryu SF4 days.

I honestly don't even think Sonicfox is more talented or better than Justin Wong desu. And no way would Sonicfox have been as dominant if he played USFIV. SFV is a coinflip simulator though and a joke.


marvel 2 exhibition

I was at the PPT area and I saw people booting up power rangers, maybe they did a little side tourney

Both are coming later this year. PR will have Crossplay between PC/XBone/Switch as well. They just announced their first Season (Zeo Gold/Time Force Pink/Lord Zedd) so they'll be supporting it when the port comes.

Makes sense. Cl0ck is friends with pretty much everybody over there probably.

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So what characters do these people play?

Samsho is coming to PC soonish. Right now though you can get for 5 bucks Samsho V Special on steam and apparently it's a damn good port.

If he played SFIV from day 1 as hard as he played NRS games since day 1 I think he'd be one of the top guys. Would he be an unstoppable force or an immovable object? No. But He'd likely have multiple major victories under his belt

I think people just see it having been unavoidable since the game was in arcades for so damn long before it got a console release.

He'd be one of the top Americans like Pr Rog or Snake Eyez but no way would he be better than Infiltration. That guy has just as much autism. Look at how he won Samsho, did he even have any fucking background in SNK games?

I would disagree to an extent.
In pure latent ability, I would rate that faggot furry above Jwong, but Justin's experience puts him ahead because he's been in the arcade scene since he was like a toddler.
I remember SF having a short stint in sfv, and with less than a year of practice he was easily clearing top 16 in majors.

wasn't that kind of a universal thing that everyone was doing
I never associated it with Daigo

In fairness Samsho is a game less about execution or even knowing the game and more about getting in your opponent's head, and Infiltration might as well be psychic in that regard.

To be fair, Infiltration is Korean and we all know about how much Koreans grind their asses off. Shit that's how he got so good at games like SF in the first place.

Furry would probably get somewhat close to him though.

Is PR worth getting at the moment? I like the idea of a 3v3 Power Rangers fighter, but I've barely heard anything about the game after release.

finally some good fucking mahvel

What are you even talking about he was out of SFV in months. He got maybe top 8 or 16 with Fang in one of the earliest tournaments then after that got demolished by Tokido in another tournament and I never heard about him after that.

It was only a thing after Daigo started nailing everybody with it 24/7.
Ume shoryu was also a thing.


My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online..............

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There are enough mechanics going on that you have to be aware of things. You will get caught by some memes if you don't understand the quirks, and SamSho is a game full of quirks and non standard mechanics.

Infiltration had some really smart plays, like stopping the clock by bursting on 00 and then forcing their burst to keep it going just before his ran out. SonicFox is all about that pressure and set play which is what makes him strong early on in games.

who the heck is this SEAmonkey geralt player

Man I haven't watched MvC2 play in so long

If you're fine with jank then it's fun. It's 3v3 with both assists and active tag and it was clearly made with a shoestring budget; it launched with 9 characters, putting out 3 free characters the following month with 3 paid ones coming soon. I'm also pretty sure they recently patched in better hitsparks too. Crossplay between every platform that isn't PS4 will probably help it have a niche once the Steam port is out.

Roster is fucking weird though. Mighty Morphin' representation is fine (Red/Green/Goldar, with Zedd coming) but the rest is seemingly random (SPD Cat when she was in ONE episode, Udonna, like 4 comic characters that are variants on MMPR designs/characters, the 2017 movie version of MMPR Blue). At least it has Magna Defender who is based.

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poor Roy

Where the fuck was Ninjakilla? Literally the only MK player I have any faith in in beating Sonic

He played SFV for a year.
Out of 5 tourneys entered he managed to get within top 10 in 3 of them.
In what world do you live in where getting rekt by Tokido is a rarity?

why is marvel 2 so african?

Thanks for the reply, man. I'm happy to hear about the crossplay. I've got an Xbone, so hopefully I'll be able to play with my PC and Switch bros down the line. I'm also glad that they're still trying to support the game despite it being niche and low budget. I noticed that the roster was pretty weird. Aren't there multiple Tommy Rangers?

Infiltration is also an 09er.

blacks made that franchise what it is

>That and SF never had a pro mahjong career.
Okay I HAVE to hear this story

is it too late to git gud at mvc2

did someone actually use sylvie or is this just for show

Nah, just learn the broken shit.

Why is that one guy sitting on the floor?

probably. you could probably find a good discord group and get at least decent, though


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>Aren't there multiple Tommy Rangers?
That's a byproduct of them using the comic continuity as the basis for the story mode. The comics detail an alternate timeline where Tommy remained loyal to Rita after being initially mind-controlled. Zordon makes the White Power Coin for Jason to fight Tommy but he steals it and combines it with the Green to become Lord Drakkon who's this big bad. Ranger Slayer is the Kimberly of that timeline, and Mastodon Sentry is one of many footsoldiers Drakkon creates using the Black Power Coin. There's also a character that's MMPR Yellow (Trini) but she's wearing a suit of armor on top of her Ranger suit that she only ever wore in the comics, I guess to have another heavy character while adding more MMPR characters. Then of course they use the Blue Ranger from Zordon's flashback in the 2017 theatrical movie, which is the weirdest way to get around not just putting in the whole MMPR group straight-out.

At least with Zeo Gold they avoid having two Jasons by saying it's Trey.

old school dudes always sit on the floor and their sticks are made out of recycled cardboard, 2nd hand buttons and corroded iron stolen from ugandan huts.

>tfw he didn't heed his own wisdom and now has to pay the price of dealing with a bunch of angry trannies and keyboard SJWs along with a crazy gold digging ex

he was innocent, if he wanted to bop a girl he'd do it: he held her wrist cause she was hitting him.

but no one believes the man. fuck them, he redeemed himself.

>Dieselcuck and his circlejerk of furry trannies are seething rn
Holy fuck I appreciate Infiltration.

dam this game fast as fuck boy i can't ever seen this shit

I've seen people blame Kazunoko saying he intentionally threw grand finals. The level of cope is distressing

second column first comment is based

crazy how easy it is to have your public image destroyed without even any proof of any wrongdoing

Are they playing MvC2 on dreamcast?

Is Infil actually banned from SFV or just banned from his sponsored team?
If the dude is independent, what's stopping him from just showing up to whatever the fuck he wants to enter?

I'll never understand what SJW's have against forgiveness and second chances to let people change.

the only way it should be played

Ah. Good old Twitter salt

>I've seen people blame Kazunoko saying he intentionally threw grand finals.
that's absolutely fucking insane, but I wouldn't put it past these twitter psychos.

Saturn/Dreamcast ports of fighting games are pretty much the best way to play them unless there's a modern port that's just as good or better and isn't discontinued (like the PS360 MvC2 port).

I see him in jackshit for SFV unless you got better proof. And who the fuck says top 10 for fighting games you go by powers of 2.

What fightan should I learn

What on god's green earth would he have to gain?
Infiltration isn't that loaded.
All this tells me is that these twitter trannies don't play fighting games.

The tekken general seems pretty down on this lineup, why's that?

If I'm remembering correctly, he dropped out of playing SFV competitively for 2019, then afterwards his sponsor dropped him.

The comics stuff is nice, but the layman who would buy a Power Rangers game would want to get the characters that they recognize. I would think that they would have the comics stuff be costumes while the roster would be composed of reps from the fan-favorite/most-remembered seasons of the show. The fact that they don't have the original blue ranger is weird as hell.

Despite this, it looks like a fun game even with the jank. I might grab it and start practicing.

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He's still technically guilty, but not as guilty as the wife and her korean orbiters said he was. I honestly side with Infil on this one because he had more evidence against her than she had with him.

Ranger Slayer has an MMPR Pink alt, I know that much. You're right though. Also I think the game is probably good for Switch if you already have Online since it seems like a great game to just pick up and start labbing nasty shit in at any time. Steam will have the free online though.

>In what world do you live in where getting rekt by Tokido is a rarity?
He also lost to FChimp (who fell off hard) and a complete nobody. Plus he should be challenging Tokido instead of going 0-3. This just fits what people say about him doing well early then falling off, but still considerably worse than usual

>All this tells me is that these twitter trannies don't play fighting games.



>sonictard acting like a fucking dingus a whole year
>switching sides shenanigans
>the vgas
>after being lambasted, memed on and ridiculed he finally toned down his idiocy
>see? b-based sonicfox
furry apologists are just as bad as him

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I don't know who these guys play by heart, since they all play like 3 different characters, but I imagine tomorrow is going to be a lot of Geese and Kasumi. Basically just a generic top 8 filled with the typical players and typical characters. The exception is Anakin, who plays Jack, which is worse than the typical characters

Marvel 2 will always be the most kino spectator game.

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Oh well, I rarely watch tekken so it won't be generic to me

Oh and Steve. Can't forget about Steve

Fchamp was incredibly prominent at the time with Dhalsim and didn't really drop off until 2018-ish, sonicfox only played in 2016 according to .

What do you mean he toned down his idiocy, he never did that

Add Steve to that unholy trinity.

No interesting characters, a lot of fan-favourites dropped the ball right at the last second, a lot of these guys are playing characters considered to be fairly OP / degenrate (Steve, Geese, depending on the person Jack and Kazumi).

Knee vs. Arslan is happening in the first round, and Lowhigh, probably the only person on that list who both stands a chance of winning AND uses a fairly unique character (Shaheen), is going to have to fight through one of them just to make it to Losers Finals. Basically the entire tournament is going to be decided in winners semis 2, which is kind of boring, and there are no major dark horses in the rankings to root for.

you hold an arm to stop getting hit, you hit someone if you want to hit them.

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Fchamp's record in early SFV was great, even if he fell off in later years, that's irrelevant to the furfag losing to him during his prime.

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SC6 top 8 was based but I wish we'd gotten a windloli

Why the Steve hate though? I don't think he's that bad seeing how he's one of the most execution heavy characters that takes a lot to learn but has great reward in the end.

Fchamp still isn't seen as one of the bets players, and I like how you completely ignore he lost to nobodies as well. All this to defend such an amazing player not being able to take a single game off Tokido and running away. You know he is a fraud

Not fun when a bunch of Steves takes over a tourney

It has a lot to do with that face that Steve has always been rather consistently good in Tekken. Even in titles where he wasn't the best character he was still strong.


I had my money on Speedkicks winning the whole thing and I still do

Fchamp was absolutely seen as one of the best players in 2016 and early 2017.
MenaRD was also a nobody in 2017 and Tokido lost to him in capcup, so I guess that makes him shit too right?

Too bad he wasn't getting hit and fought over a phone instead.

It's better than seeing Kasumi or Jack taking up all the space, but hey, that's just my opinion.

I would've loved to see Lil Majin back in the finals, maybe replacing Anakin/Jack-7, but he really underperformed this year. How sad.

Shut the fuck up. You don't know fighting games, retard.

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The only right move would have been to film her as she actively destroyed their property in rage.


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holy shit gootecks looks rough

I don't remember reassigning you the privilege of replying to me, mutt.
"No" is right. You don't know fighting games. I laugh at your meager attempts to feel like you can fit in somewhere. This is my genre.

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>takes a lot to learn but has great reward in the end.
This should never be acceptable in fighting games. SOMEBODY will spend the time and effort to become good at the character, and then they'll roll over everyone else.

Besides, it doesn't take much effort to use a few b1s and spam safe jab strings. Steve's frame data is insane. He gives up a regular i15 launcher but the devs SEVERELY overrate how important that part of your kit is, and he makes up for it with other, more common parts of his punishment. His moves have great properties, he gets a fast as fuck Hellsweep, great mids, fantastic highs, he's just overall way above curve in most respects and his downsides aren't important enough to matter.


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This whole thing could've been avoided if he didn't listen to the police and fought the charge; but we would have no idea how he would stand after all that. He could have all the photos and videos of her being crazy, and he would still be at a potential deficit because he'd pay 2 life-times worth of money and time to even bring it to court.

Cling on to your little JRPGs and I'll uphold my fighting games, punk. Don't ever talk like you know anything about this genre, retard.

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Alrighty. I'm still gonna post though. Even if it's just girls.

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Dumping images is literally all you're good for. Go ahead. I don't mind.

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This whole thing is like inner circle incarnate.

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And don't add me, mongrel. I gave you more than enough chances. Take your pathetic add back. Right now.

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>you will never be bodied by Mike Ross' Honda because nothing happens at barfights

Holy shit that one black dude that looks so cringed out or offended by the guy taking his shirt off. He's trying to look so fucking cool it hurts. You're at a fighting game convention dude, you aren't going to be scoring any pussy.

>Mike Ross back with Gootecks

Just like the good old times

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So if floe just straight up dead now?

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god I wish that were me

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Did they nerf her, I remember that move causing a mini nuclear explosion on impact.

Nope, she's only ever really gotten buffs. That move's just as good as ever, it's just more impactful with sound I think.


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has this been the EVO of boomers? lots of old dude showings

You don't consider almost a third of the healthbar to be a nuclear explosion?

>tfw more time spent on dressing up Talim and Amy in lewd outfits than actually fighting people

Attached: BirthdaySurprise.gif (314x291, 2M)

Who is this annoying bitch comentating with Gootecks?

because everyone is drunk

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. She sounds like a tryhard that's only there to get plowed by BBC.

Hahahah fuck, all these people thinking they have a chance to play and getting shot down so that the inner circle dudes get a shot instead. Might as well be a bunch of jocks up there.

>SOMEBODY will spend the time and effort to become good at the character,
No one just becomes perfect at execution though, and in a tournament setting that means keeping that high standard for many high level matches. Last year's GF showed the downside of that, you can only play D.Jin at such a level for so long till you are just pooped.

Plus the number of people who reach that level are tiny. If a couple can achieve that then let them do it. Not once has it resulted in a complete domination. The actually scary thing is a strong easy execution character.

She's been forced on SF commentary a lot, no one seems to like her and they just want nudes to leak.

Ugh why? She looks like she's been passed around more than a thanksgiving dinner.

I rather have nudes of Kayo desu

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>She looks like she's been passed around more than a thanksgiving dinner.
Do I need to explain it further?

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Mike looks so fucking happy



Why is SF4 so fun to watch?

Is it possible to dislike LI Joe?

If James Chen was there he'd be tearing up.

That's it? I thought Mike would play more than a few games with Edma and Joe

Gootecks looks hammered as fuck.

Those $5 Fireball shots got him fucked up

nope, joe is a cool dude

It's kinda funny how this whole thing looks to be super chill and open, but truth is they have a strict schedule to stick to and only want popular peeps on stage. Ross straight up told one of the normies who went up on stage to fight him "Nobody wants to see that". Like wtf bro lol why even ask the crowd to participate then.

He realizes what he's become and it drives him to drink

Once unironically tried, there was some controversial rumor spreading around, can't remember what it was for the life of me now, and he was having a jab at it on his stream and I got upset, but 5 minutes later as he kept giving the bantz I found myself laughing too.

Unscheduled surprises are bad for the sponsors

Oh I get it, but it's kinda bullshit to act all friendly with the crowd and then spit in their faces when it comes time to make good on an offer. If you only want known peeps on stage that's fine, but be honest about it.

Probably the MvCi shilling stuff, they were all kind of denying it and joking that shilling didn't mean anything.

Though it is 100% true now, FChamp showed off a dev build they gave out to the shills

Lil Majin played to his standards honestly. Last year was a giant fluke.

so you don't get sick from shaking everyone's hands. it's more sanitary.

Based Khaos.

Hey just out of curiosity since it's been on my mind, is there any way to revert UMvC3's look to the original MvC3? I preferred the menu music, stage looks and especially the intro from the original MvC3. No idea why they changed everything up to look and sound so bland in Ultimate.

>that comeback

Not 21. Why would he be in Vegas? If he had to choose one event, CEO was the right choice. He aint making money. Hotel and travel costs are expensive.

yeah, buy the original MvC3 and play that.

I've always autistically loved wheen Yipes and Chris throw out the aliases of the characters.

Nobody will watch the finals for the players, it's all about the anouncement afterwards.

I think Saturday top 8s will end up being better than Sunday's

UNIst was great, DBFZ was amazing, SamSho was tense+drama and only MK was whatever.

Smash and Tekken top 8s seems to be anti-hype.

>implying anyone watched dbz for anything other than go1 vs the gay furfag

Attached: sak.jpg (847x579, 79K)

Every Christmas Eve the Ghost of Marvel visits the homes of sponsors and challenges them to sets

In what universe is Tekken 7 ever anti-hype?

The top 8 is honestly pretty disappointing. A lot of geese/kazumi frauds.

BBtag will likely be fun if dumb, Tekken is usually decent at worst but there isn't much special unless Arslan does well. SFV's top 8 is a worse line up though, and with no announcement it isn't worth watching at all. Nothing about SmashU has interested me so far.

The only way to make it interesting is to have Knee go with unorthodox character choices throughout the top 8, but I don't think he's gonna do that.

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Did MenaRD participate in sf5?

>Im out, didnt get 9th, but 65th, like 2017.

Ok, thanks. I just seen top of literally whos.

Anyone have the evo schedule image?

It is just a straight line now

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Who's the spooky skeleton? Pretty sure not Ainz.


Oh fuck, that looks real. Fuck Japan's shit taste on liking Yumi instead of Asuka or Homura and fuck Marvelous for making Senran even more idiotic.

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The fuck happened at Smash last night? The top 8 is really weird.

I'm not usually a fan of it but smash ultimate is the best smash game I've watched at Evo. There is so many different play styles and it actually seems like there's a level of skill in it beyond flowchart combos

What the fuck

Welp time for dead EU hours.

8 unique characters is pretty nice. leo is in losers too so he's gonna have to work for it if he makes it to grand finals

Are the Smeleefags still seething about its performance at EVO? They’re already trying to tear down both UNIST & Samsho by saying their Top 8s were boring, despite the tense Grand Finals matches, and also despite having literally Hungrybox win their protest side-tournament at EVO.

wait, kof was on? Fuck I missed it

The trailer was uploaded on youtube but deleted there's only screenshots atm because there's no mirror

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>don’t believe there’s a Smash with an all-unique Top 8
>check Eventhubs
>fucking Duck Hunt on Winners’ Side
Can’t say I ever seen that before. Might have to fight off the sleep & stay up for GFs tonight.

According with the tracker, Samsho peak was 76k

raito was a duck hunt main in smash 4 too. the way he works the can in to combos or for stage control is very impressive

Duck Hunt AGAIN? damn Raito's a god

That's gonna be the new season pass right? Current season pass characters are over and done with?


Melty Blood when?


here it is

>kinda interested in trying senran kagura characters
>its fucking yumi
not even gonna bother re-installing until a good SK character makes it in

That tank looks fucking retarded.

Can someone leak some Tekken, SC or SNK news already? I'm hoping the last two were just saved for sunday so more eyes were on it

They were about to show the Cassandra trailer after SC but prolly shifted it to Tekken time.

Tekken will have a GoT character. Not sure which one since I don't watch the show.

Saul Goodman is the next guest character for Tekken's next season.

>going to be another year of no GG announcements
oh no ggbros...

>DBFZ was supposed to be a dead game
>relegated to Saturday
>Go1 vs SonicFox Winners Final
>Go1 down to just Goku
>does raw level 3

Attached: fkdsjfal;.png (631x624, 106K)

>No new GG for ages cause they are making bosses and enemies instead of characters for GBV

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What did he do?


It's been happening a lot more than you think
Someone kept track of all characters on stream yesterday, and there were like only 10 (out of 76) not shown

stop spamming these retarded twitchfrog emotes you autistic teen

>all these new series
>5 more characters left unrevealed
What’s the chances of Kenshiro happening at this point?

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Sf3 reference

kys third-worlder sack of shit


oh fuck... there's still hope

He got accused of beating his ex-wife.


Attached: suicide reveal.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

>Ultimate’s arguably solved with what characters are regarded as top-tier & what are regarded as crap
>still more unique characters used compared to the full roster percentage-wise than what’s commonly seen in Melee tournaments
That’s funny, I love it.

>>Ultimate’s arguably solved with what characters are regarded as top-tier & what are regarded as crap
who the fuck says this?

My reason for doing it is that it's more sanitary

I wonder which is worse, that this webm exists or that you have this webm saved on your harddrive.

I'm not paying for your HRT you sick fuck.

She attacked him, he defended himself by grabbing her wrist and holding her back, she accused him of beating and choking her. He listened to the cops like a dumbass before consulting a lawyer and just admitted to it in order to avoid a long legal battle, giving her something like $700k and having his image fucked forever due to admitting it.

Now the real info is out and he's by all means innocent, but all of the metoo idiots and freakshows with pronouns in their twitter bios want to continue to push the narrative of him being a wifebeater.

I'm not paying for your HRT you sick fuck.

I'm not paying for your HRT you sick fuck.

FUCK. Please no

I'm not paying for your HRT you sick fuck.

I know it is too early for a KoFXV reveal, but it'd be cool all the same

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Here we see two NPC's locked in an infinite feedback loop.

>wake up
>see SFV bracket

What the fuck happened ?

Is this thread actually going to last until BBTAG starts?

What's the sched for today?

Reminder that;
>Wife spent nearly 90% of his savings on weird trips and vacations without his knowledge while he was traveling for tournaments
>He wants a divorce because of this
>Wife destroyed all of his trophies and other awards from his entire career in retaliation
>The initial police report stated that she had ZERO injuries and refused to go to the hospital
>Days after the incident, she suddenly has a wrist injury and letter from a doctor confirming it
>Police have a 15 minute audio recording that verified his situation
>She refuses to let him in his own home for belongings unless he agreed to take her back and continue being married (Nutjob!)
>He's forced to do this days later but with police escort
>She files criminal charges, judges in Korea are extremely biased in favor of women
>He gets charged with a generic "Violence" charge and a $600 fine
>Due to the fine being only $600, lawyer advises to not appeal in order to avoid a costly litigation since Korea is fucking dogshit for men in the legal system
>He files a property dispute for $100k against his ex-wife and wins due to property being handled by a completely separate court
>As of earlier in the year, she's lost the property appeal and is trying to file violence charges again based on the doctor's note saying "Yes, her wrist is injured."
He did nothing wrong. Korea's legal system is so fucked if you're a man that you are advised to almost always take the charge because the fine is typically extremely low and it does not affect your ability to get work. "Violence" charges in Korea are almost always handed down in any divorce case because Korea's civil judges will believe any woman that claims domestic violence. It's disgusting.
It doesn't help that they have a 15 minute audio recording that validated all of his claims, along with recordings of her begging for him to take her back or he can't come get his stuff.
His ex-wife is the real domestic abuser.

bb tag -> sfv -> tekken -> smash

Sometimes you just get weird top 8s, it'll probably be fine but I find SFV boring in general

>Not Found

Attached: 2019-08-04 07-10-23.webm (640x360, 1.16M)


What time's it all gearing up?

BBtag starts at 9 AM PST

god bless user

Fuck no. Bring Big Bang Beat characters.

Sad af. And holy shit 700k$, whyyyy?

It's actually 700k won. That's why he doesn't look like someone who's just financially destroyed


Attached: 1476728487701.png (267x244, 90K)

>1. FOX|SonicFox (Cassie Cage)
>2. BC|Dragon (Cetrion)
>3. NASR|TekkenMaster (Geras, Erron Black, Kung Lao, Sonya)
>4. UYU|Deoxys (Geras)
>5. PxP|A Foxy Grampa (Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Cassie Cage)
>5. PG|Tweedy (Jacqui, Baraka, Geras)
>7. PG|Hayatei (Erron Black)
>7. Noble|Semiij (Cassie Cage, Jacqui)

Man MK11 must have been stale.

Wait you mean she stole his fgc earnings?

She was planning to steal his house too, the one he paid for with his own money. Good thing that didnt end up happening. The woman is the best example of crazy opportunist.

It was like $600. He could probably make that back with one stream and he probably made more than that winning SamSho.

>all those character changes
Nani the fuck?

That's depressing.

Event hubs usually just lists characters a player has ever played in that tournament, not just top 8

No, just an example of a korean woman.

Does floe actually move about in an electric scooter? I haven't kept up to date with him.

I don't really care for Blazblue but fucking Yumi is confirmed before anyone else coming to it?
Fucking YUMI?
At least have it be Asuka or Homura, you know the first and foremost rivals and protags of the series.
Fucking Marvelous cunts and Japan's shit taste.

Attached: Asuka ehh.jpg (936x920, 61K)

How was SamSho Top 8?

A lot of Genjuros (4) but still really good. It helps that they all played him differently. The game has such a lot of tension and oh shit moments it makes for good watching. I hope to see a balance patch soon though.


Agreed. Entire trailer went to shit as soon as she showed up. Introducing the next franchise to be in the game and not even having the MCs of it be first is just so many levels of retardedness.

>Senranfags didn't expect the best character to get in
lol get fucked
But it's a bit odd to just add one character for a new fate, same with AH earlier

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the sony games ruined senran kagura

And now sony ruined senran kagura

How many bongs left?


I'm pretty sure that based on the very positive response in the venue when he won, he will be just fine. Twitter harpies can screech all they want but the reality is that nobody truly into the FGC believes the wife beating bullshit.

Is BBTag dead yet

>nobody truly into the FGC believes the wife beating bullshit
theres always the noel brown case

Jesus ricki looks fucking disgusting

Yumi is the face of the Senran Kagura franchise.
Absolutely no one gives a single fuck about either Asuka or Homura.

How many hours till Blazblue?

Don't kid yourself, Yumi is the face of it for in Japan sure, but for nobody on this board for example at all.
Asuka and Homura are far more popular with westerners.

I had to move when Smash was going on yesterday, lost internet connection for most of the day. What's the Top 8 bracket?

And this board is just a very small part of the entire videogame community.
Any opinion Yea Forums can have about anything holds no weight or relevance in the big scheme of things.

Don't forget how the 3DS games besides the first sold like shit even when they were the best from a gameplay perspective.
If there is someone to blame, that's Nintendo fans.

street fighter five is bad


Asuka and Yumi were leaked on BBTag's release from voice lines, Asuka is definitely in still.

/r/ the schedule pic with the timezones

/r/ an user who can read through the thread

rude, spoonfeed me right now!

50 minutes, niggas. Are you ready?

No, I'm outside and get back home in four hours unfortunately but at least I'll be on time for the other three games. Should a new thread be made?

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Ready for fucking Blitztank.

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That's probably from the moment FighterZ ended and the stream changed games.


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SamSho Top 8 first match was still under the FighterZ tag so no

This is really retarded. Mentioning a mass shooting in the same sentence as a fucking video game tournament...


Color me surprised. Is like their brain slowly rots whenever they post, so the more active posters are the most retarded ones.

when are the final top 8's starting?


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Hello friends

Good evening, Anonymous.

Anyone here think Capcom has at least one new announcement or were they actually betting it all on that lame SFV DLC that got leaked?

Probably. Heart+ the arcade trio were free if you owned the season pass but I think these will be part of a new pass.

what are we hoyyyyp for?

New thread for the start of Top 8

Five minutes.

>The grand finals end.
>Gabe newell steps on stage
>Yes we messed up...
>Also HL3 tomorrow.

Steve isn't one of the most execution-heavy characters really. He has high execution stuff but if you just want to play him effectively/optimally you only need his most basic stuff. Dunno how this character has the mostly positive reputation it has while characters that are both weaker and have to work harder get shat on all the time.

No because Ono has said multiple times now there is not

> were they actually betting it all on that lame SFV DLC that got leaked?
Valve straight up apologised

Attached: 1564779085009.png (626x901, 398K)

Fucking gay, shoulda been snek.

And people still expect a new Darkstalkers or MvC from them...


>arcsys goes through the trouble of obtaining the rights to klk
>publishes an arena fighter for it
>doesn't add them to their crossover fighter

Attached: AkibaWhy.gif (500x281, 1017K)

Fuck I wanted Roman with Neo as a summon. Fuck Japan and fuck waifufags

Hows arcsys gonna let me down today.

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>that audience
Yup, sure is anime in here.

Attached: file.png (2220x1231, 2.32M)

Who watches anime at 9 am?

I expect a Marvel/Capcom Collection announced at Capcom Cup like SF30th was. CotA/MSH/XMvSF/MSHvSF/MvC1/MvC2, and maybe a bonus game like Capcom's Punisher. Sales will help determine the demand for MvC4.

Mori puts in what he wants. He wants RWBY & Senran so you get RWBY & Senran. Honestly shocked that he was based enough to add Akatsuki and Blitztank.

girl(male) alert in top 8!

LOL first time to tune into EVO this year and theres a fucking tranny on screen

the fgc everybody

I don't understand this got the sunday slot over DBFZ, which way more people were obviously hyped for. Though I guess this might technically be a worse slot since it's 9am.

It's a worse spot

how much more time until smash bros top eight? thanks

Confirmed to be a girl (male)?

About an hour after you start to notice the smell

They put anime (not FighterZ which is at least as popular in the West, but BB or GG) first on Sunday so Japs can watch it live at night.

Also BBTag runs really fucking fast, while DBFZ goes long. Much better for scheduling to have BBTag.

This spot is way worse, figtherz would have 60k top at this time

Koki kog got this. The age of big boys is upon us.


Better than Friday night though. Didn't SCVI not even get 50k?

That fucking horrible creature better not win

What's the order of top 8s? what's after this?

It's a brain decease.

After this is SFV, then Tekken, then Smash.

Janemba Janemba

It hurts to look at him/her/it

Attached: ruWJtNY67s.jpg (567x378, 123K)

This is a really early sunday schedule compared to past evos right?

"She" has tiny hands.

Stop bullying her.

Yeah it's only 9AM there, normally they don't start Sunday until 10. I thought it was scheduled for 10 this year too.

Commentators better watch those pronouns...

>comentators keep calling bace a he by accident

its so funny

When she has a 5-o'clock shadow

Attached: Capture.png (301x197, 120K)

how are you supposed to react to anything in this game

>dont pass in the least bit
>try to pass any way
do these trans people have any awareness?

Attached: cute kitty.jpg (1000x1428, 143K)

Pretty sure one of the commentators said you can't react in this game.

Based Japan cleaning Evo from these degenerates once again

Attached: _applause-gif-3.gif (500x270, 459K)

That's the trick
You can't

Thank god for g00ks.

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>American playing the RWBY team
Why are you guys like this


RWBY is more popular in Japan than the west, though.

weebs using japanese names are cringe incarnate

what about non-anglos using english names
kinda cringe desu

He's playing characters that are built around the game's systems.


Why aren't you in top 8, user?

Every single Korean player just uses 1-3 English words for their name and I don't get it. Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc. don't do that.