Where are you sitting Yea Forums?

Where are you sitting Yea Forums?

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1, 2 or 6

>putting Minecraft and Cuphead with Undertale and Celeste

Anyways I'd sit with 1, 2, or 8

9 or 6. The rest are pure cancer fanbases.

sitting right in between 1 and 5, fuck the police

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in the room with good videogames

Either 6 or 9 nice

2 or 9

It's astounding how easy it is to slot people into different niches based on the media they consume. I choose 9.

Based based desu desu desu based desu

8 is likely the fun table.

I am standing

2. the 1s are pretty chill too. have a crush on some of the ones sitting at 9

but 9 has the most cancerous fanbase of them all

9 or 4

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3 4 or 6
Probably go with 3 since i don't like to talk with people that much

Metal Gear? I'll take that over the other options. Not to mention mgs fanbase is dead these days.

Hang out with Chad 4, get easy pussy from the low self esteem girls from 10

4 is the school shooter. as far away from him as possible

1, 4 or 9 i guess

>no western rpg table
Fuck this, probably 5 or 10.

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I would probably be sitting at 7 alone. not enough rhythm fags in the world.

3 for ib, 4 for silent hill, 5 for umineko. Can't choose just one of them.

I will just stand between 1, 2 and 5

7 for sure.


If you're not at table 6, you're a fucking FAGGOT

Anywhere except 10.

8 I guess.

Where's Table 11 with Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, God of War, and Musous?

put me in #5

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not him but classic mgs autism on the popular boards back in the day was my jam
>legendary memes
>mgo1 lobby squatting
>essays on how terrible 4 is
>literally everything gets compared to 2
>crazy ass fucking foreign women for some reason
>"hey ghost babel is canon allow me to explain-"
2004-2008 was a different time

>undertale and minecraft grouped with platformers

last game i played (tho i haven't finished yet) is spirit hunter:death mark, so if i had to pick one it'd be 3 right now

i'm personally fine with rhythm games, i just don't like how all of them are stylized with anime shit

Nice picture.

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Nowhere, of thoss tables only like 8 games are good

i think that's the fotm table

Out of these options, definitely 1. Assuming you can only pick one group and you're stuck with it, the metroidvania genre has very tight gameplay, map design, music, and has lots of challenges/collectibles/etc in post game show content

I sit at 5, but the Ace Attorney chads have their own section of the table separate from the weebs

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Go into the bathroom by myself like in high school.

I pull 1, 4, 5, 8, and 9 together to form one megatable

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Where's the platformers?

prob 6

more like the "i don't like that thing" table

I guess 9

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2 and 8 primarily.
I'd bully some of the 10 kids though.

Is umineko actually worth reading or is it a 200 hour meme

I have seen umineko threads every goddamn day since the vidya wrestling thing on fridays started happening and battler became the strongest

is it just a meme or not

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2 but we kick out the pokefags and replace them with action rpgs

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pewdiguy hasn't shot anyone yet and he played those on his youtube in 2012 or sometime around that

10, three of the kids are pretty based, one of them is fuckable, and the other one is an annoying nerd but at least he’s nice. Most other tables have too many weebs or camo wearing tryhards

I hop between 1 and 3 with equal pleasure

My bros: 1 or 6
Girls I'd hit on: 2 or 3


smt chads won't consort with pokefags

5 and unironically not a weeb

2 but pokefags need to be kicked out together with persona pals I'm afraid.

1 or 4
I'll swap between them so I can talk about both classic Castlevania and Fatal Frame

Either 6 or 9, might hang out at 4 now and then to hit on the big tiddy goth chick.


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Based. Would smell their seats after they leave.

It's worth getting into, but expect one hell of a slow burn start. It almost revels in establishing the setting to the point you'll want to scream

>vidya wrestling thing on fridays

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SMT chads still stayin?

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1, ,2, 4, 5 are chads
3, 7 are smelly weeks
8, 9, 10 are obnoxious Augusta
6 is the school shooter

By myself, as always

ok lets go!

Over at table 2.

Either 6 or 8.

>Ace Attorney isn't weeb
nani nani

It's more like 100 hours (80 if you have decent reading speed), but it is genuinely a really good story that bases itself on being a mystery work that can be solved. It's not perfect but it is almost entirely high quality. I would recommend reading Higurashi before it if you have any interest in that one, because playing it after would suck ass

of course

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table 3 bros rise up

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by myself because I don't even play games lol

>not underneath the staircase
god high school was depressing

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it's pretty good
it delivers real good commentary on the detective mystery genre, it creates a good atmosphere (different one for each chapter which blew me the fuck away, it does it really well), and it really makes you feel for the characters
the mysteries themselves are quite fun too


>that one kid who only had female friends

Eat your hamburgers, Apollo

I’ll drink to that

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Ofcourse brother

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The only problem with this is there no action game table

>proud of liking a game where you just walk around for hours until you kill yourself

Those kids eat in front of the school

Yeah, what of it?

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8 always.
>8, 9, 10 are obnoxious Augusta
How did you know?

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Table 3 are just people who eat in the restrooms

what happened in high school user?

troble making friends? if you weren't bullied than it could have been worse at least

I sit at 8 and i am good friends with 1, 2 and especially 5.
Also fuck the rest, they are the first one to die in a schoolschooting.

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Based thanks for the warning

1, 2, 6, & 10 in that order

1, but close to the edge on the right so I can talk to the smt chad at 2.

>kinda bullied in school
>not like mad bullied but i definitely had no place in any of the social groups
>interests evolve without any social overwatch because of it
>somehow end up with interests that diverge from pretty much every mainstream group imaginable
>can't find myself at home anywhere even as an adult
it's a abstract kind of fuckin' feel
i tried to fit in but the stuff people do and discuss within the normal groups is so very trite and basic, even within groups that are composed of "professionals" in the relevant field
i remember one time i went to the local fightan group that gathered once a week with regulars for several years, picked up mortal kombat 9 just to be able to play something that day, and by the end of that day dunked on literally everyone there without knowing anything about the game at the start of it
never learned to conform and now i can't have fun, i guess

1 or more likely 2. Imagine the smell of 8 though.

I like Mario
Where do I go?
I don't like indies

it sucks
the picture shows a highschool cafeteria, not a kindergarten

8 and 10 unironically.

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Sup table 5

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I don't want to sit at any of those tables. Just because I like a game doesn't mean I'll like games that are similar in concept. It's like when people say, "I love Pink Floyd," but they can only name three songs. They wrote more than three songs, y'know. And if you like Pink Floyd, do you also like Yes and King Crimson? Oh well, you're sitting at their fucking table.

So restroom eater? Table 3 does that a lot

It's worth playing and it's about 12-130 hours. It can be much longer if you start making theories and such yourself.

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Gonna go with the Undertale table, because I would fuck both Chara and Madeline.

1 and 6 seem comfy, the only thing that stops 10 from been the most comfy is

Keeping the fuck away from 8

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But still feel awkward as fuck because I'm the only guy who plays bemani games

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Where's the MonHun table?

>12 to 130 hours
The fucks with the jump? Multiple endings?

Just go steal 3’s

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I mean to type 120-130.

1 or 9


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retard hipster

>1 A chill group. Probably dudes that dont talk much
>2 Entirely asian dudes and neckbeard latinos
>3 Asian girl corner
>4 Neckbeards with taste and wicca girls
>5 gamer girls who want you to know
>6 Angsty whites
>7 Two dudes on their phone, not interacting with anyone else
>8 Every black person in the room is at this table or the next
>9 Normie table
>10 Those kids in highschool who feel like theyre stuck in 7th grade

I belong in 6 but I want to be at 4

I, with my skeleton frame and very long black hair, will sit at table 1 and talk endlessly about Castlevania.

For the 5 table, I have not met a single girl who likes any of those except Danganronpa secondaries.

>Every black per-
Kill yourself

Any table other than 3, 5, 7 and 8 since I'm not into those genres.

go back to twitter you fucking faggot

1,4, or 3

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1 everything else is fucking cancer.

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Is this thing designed o have at least one turd game on every list, so no matter where I sit, I have to talk to complete fucking retards?

I choose the bathroom stall.

6,10 maybe 9

Where are Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, and God Hand sitting?

Pretty sure the majority of AA and DR fans are female.

>get convinced to try it out
>wikipedia says it's the third part of an entire series, go check out first part
>multiple releases on different consoles with different bonus chapters, steam release missing once of the base chapters
what the FUCK am i supposed to do? is every visual novel like this?

Skipping school

No, what? Steam is missing the final chapter of Higurashi. Umineko is completely out at this point, and Higurashi 8 will be out within the next 6 months. When playing either one, make sure to mod them to use the ps2/ps3 sprites, original music if necessary, and proper backgrounds. There are guides for this and easy-to-use tools on github, but you should be able to play the refined translation of Umineko now without an issue.

1 6 9 4 in that order

Oh, I just noticed your other problem, which is it being When They Cry 3. The author is partially retarded and refers to the first 4 episodes of Higurashi as WTC1 and the second 4 WTC2, then the first 4 of Umineko WTC3 and the second 4 WTC4. Those are the only entries in the franchise until later this year, when WTC5 starts coming out and Umineko Episode 9 does too.

hollow knight best game there
but people who like castlevania are absolutely insufferable


>Steam is missing the final chapter of Higurashi.
yes that's what i said
and because there are also ps2 and ds versions with their own bonus chapters i'm confused as to what i'm supposed to play

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4, 9 and5

>umineko 9
excuse me?
what the FUCK is there left to explore in that one

Sitting at 5

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The console arcs are not written by the same author and are side content, and most of them aren't translated (but there is ongoing work on them). Playing the base 8 Higurashi and Umineko episodes is entirely fine, and you don't even have to do Higurashi if you don't want to, but I would argue that it improves Umineko having played Higurashi first.

do i look like ryukishi to you

>no strategy game table
>no pvp fps table
>no wrpg table
That's how I know I'm at the gay school

i'm hanging with them

>do i look like ryukishi to you
it's just ptsd from the constant asspulls for stuff to explore that nobody ever asked for in the originals

out of those choices, have to go with 9

Strategy players are in special ed.

I'd say 9 or 7, but given what I actually end up talking about with online friends I gotta go with 6. Pic related is literally me

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Which table smells the most?

fuck i meant 5

specifically this 5

in my experience, 7

in order from most to least smelly
8 > 10 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 9 > 4 > 7 > 3 > 6


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I stay at home to play Terraria

underneath table 2 playing fire emblem on my gba

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definitely 2, tho smash does bring 8 verry close


The fact that I=Y

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2 or 7.

What are you talking about? There is a questions and answers arc on steam, just get them. Golden Fantasia is a fighting game also on steam.

there's no fucking way
the bitch drowned, remember?
she fucking drowned

1 3 7 or 10

>want to sit at VN/Adventure table
>can't stand DRfags who would be the most numerous
>want to sit at rhythm game table
>can't stand osu and constant Vocaloid screeching would get annoying fast
>want to sit at JRPG table
>SMT is mixed in with FF and Pokémon
>fighting game table has no SNK rep
I'm gonna sit at 4 hoping that Outlast and Amnesia don't get talked a that much.

So did battler

What does it make me if I could fit in anywhere but 8?

6 easy

8 for the lulz
never talked to a black guy or played any fighting games, maybe they will teach me

if so, then umineko world is confirmed for being impossible to drown in
fucking ryukishi, your theory would actually be believable if he were to write it
that said, i'm still waiting for the jooooooooooooooji's family culprit theory to be confirmed

Good point for the DRfags, if I have to hear one more time that Junko is a well written character.

>no animal crossing, stardew valley, Sims 4, harvest moon, slime rancher
this must be an all boys private school

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1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I guess

Another table 3 bro of culture, I see

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Table 6 has the least chance of everyone being an obnoxious cunt. Would have been 7, but 7 has Osu! and there's barely any communities out there as cancerous as Osu!'s.
I'd probably just eat in the classroom anyways.

Is this a roll thread? ROLLAN

if you don't pick 6 or 9 you're a weeaboo faggot and you should probly kill yourself

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>literally the most popular game of all time


How is that even a question?

7, but the Osu kid has to leave if he hasn't played Ouendan first

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>Thief not being on number 9

That's not nice...

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Ikuko and Battler(toya) live in a 'platonic relationship' (As Yasu has no genitals because Natsuhi yeeted the baby)
Ikuko is wealthy, because ep7 confirmed that Yasu converted a bunch of gold into cash
Ikuko has no family, for obvious reasons
Ikuko likes enjoys mystery novels, and writes them just as Yasu did
Ikuko's and Toya's names are plays on the ages of Battler and Beatrice
Ikuko 'just happened' to be the one that found battler
Ikuko lives in a secluded mansion, when in ep7 Nanjo states that the first beatrice lived in a mansion on a different island before Kuwadorian was built, and obviously Yasu would know about this.
The bank Pin and Broken chiester sister were things that Only Yasu (and Maria) could know, but were mentioned only in ep3+, which was written by Battler and Ikuko.
Ikuko deliberately paid off the hospital from looking too far into who Battler was
It's obvious.

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6 so i can show them the light that is serious sam. 8 if they're too retarded too appreciate it.

6, but kick that loser Half-Life outta there

I like CRPGs and ARPGs.

Can I stay if I've played elite beat agents?

fortnite was also fotm, player counts don't mean shit

Number one but I'd be bros with the guys from two and five as well

i will sit at 1 and convince 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 to all throw shit at table 5

Thanks for reminding me that just like highschool, I never fit in anywhere and table hopped like a madman. I practically knew almost every kid in our 2,334 student population by the end of the 4th year.

Get fucked.

10, sadly. I sit at the losers table even in cafeteria Yea Forums. As for the reason, the majority of the games I own are indie titles.

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6 or 9 obviously. Sometimes go say hello to the guys in 1 and 4.

6 obviously

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Pretty much all of them, apparently I'm very wide in this scenario