Play dragon quest ii

Play dragon quest ii

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DQ is a series made for trannies and niggers. If you like DQ you probably should rethink your life.

I did

>start DQ2
>first enemy encounters are all groups of 3 enemies that take two whole minutes to beat
>drop 3 gold
>guide says I need to farm 70 gold to buy the leather shield
Fuck no. DQ1's farming was tedious but this is on a whole new level.
I'm going back to playing Dragon Quest VII

What the fuck is wrong with left's hair

I did
It was alright

>DQ2 hero
>the prince of Rhodesia
>English version
>he's a prince of Midenhall
what did they mean by this?

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I'm playing it on my phone. Just not making that much progress since it's a lower priority.


nvm, found him myself

2 is a pretty bland game. series didnt get good until 3

lol look at this loser who's not a black transexual

DQI is pure RPG kino, retard.

seething FFnigger

How closely related are they? Would it be considered incest if they fucked?

More like smashfaggot to me

My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online..........

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And Moonbrooke is crushing on Midenhall at the end of the game.
But fuck it, because Japan.

>And Moonbrooke is crushing on Midenhall at the end of the game.
what game?

are you retarded user

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