Dail Reminder Ooblets devs are right, Gaymer are subhuman

Tim is literally doing the right thing, don't give a fuck about them until they kill themselves or shoot a walmart

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine selling a gun to this guy and not thinking he was obviously going to shoot a bunch of people

Lmao, what are guns for then?

imagine working with the jews and thinking the middle east was a threat to the world

They are. But it's a matter of whether you want to be stabbed in the front or the back

>white guy
Not surprised

Is he white? He looks Jewish.

can i get a quick rundown

its really weird how i look down on ugly men and think im objectively better than them deep down


What did he mean by this?

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He looks like 90% of /pol/

All of the Abrahamic religions are a threat to the world. Christianity has already been mostly dealt with and is now just a nuisance, Islam is currently being dealt with, Judaism is next.

white people are dangerous and need extinction

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Is this the shooter?

Devs are the worst thing about Yea Forums. Go post on twitter.

Better crank up that exposure a bit more and then add Christopher Dorner

home grown white terrorism is a growing problem and this site is definitely helping fuel the fire

You mean to tell me that you really couldn't find another white mass murderer, so you picked Elliot Roger, biracial, half Malaysian half Jewish kid who was naturalized in Morocco instead?

90% of pol is brown or black or anti-US agents larping as American white nationalists

>Elliot Rodges

>pissing on the grave of murdered victim to sell your epic indie shit
that's a jew alright

The bitter right beaner didn't even kill anyone, so you might as well add the entire US population to that list.

>based murder I can whore my social media name like a king now

>Nikolas Cruz

Bottom right*

dios mio..

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>spics and jews
bad news

>pissing on the grave of murdered victim to sell your epic indie shit
>that's a jew alright

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>not a single italian
i'll take this moral victory

white by american standars

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The shooter's manifesto is on Drudge. Not much in there I disagree with, this particular line struck a bit close to home though:
>My whole life I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn’t exist. The job of my dreams will
likely be automated.

What was the pulse gay club shooters name?

So what the fuck did Mexicans have to do with robots taking jobs exactly?

That face is pure 100% Bavarian stock amigo.

Attached: El cinquenta perciento....jpg (563x470, 36K)

this doesnt count

>My whole life
Nigga was TWENTY ONE. There was no "whole of his life", because he's only lived a fraction of life. He's only 3 years out of high school, and crying that his life is over? Like, dude, just learn a new trade if you're that worried. You don't even peak physically, until about 25. But even life after 25 is still pretty flexible. You can always transition into something new. For fucks sake.

His Manifesto is on Drudge, of all places - top page, about 2,500 words so it's a short read.

You're supposed to have your whole life in order and planned out once you graduate from high school

Omar Mateen. His father was connected to the state department, and Paddock's brother was connected to a group that did crisis acting/support for the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

Don't have too much to think tonight, user.

Attached: Omar_Mateen.jpg (240x320, 72K)

What's the drama?

>This guy

Pick one and only one.

Fucking 56% american mutts claiming they are white are hilarious.

you are right
a true son of evropa

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Jacksonvill one looks like a cool guy.

Didn't Domer have a legitimate point though

active(?) shooter in El Paso Texas

this is honestly the sad part. kids are told theyre special all their upbringing and when they hit 20 and realize they arent special at all and they either grow up into adults in just few years or go nuclear like the shooter.


Everyone did

So, nothing to do with Ooblets, right?
I mean, I have no idea who this guy is and there is a super small chance he is an Ooblets dev and out there shooting gamers.

It's obvious from his manifesto that he's a total fucking retard. There's nothing coherent about his politics.
>pissed off about automation because it will lead to unemployment
>takes his anger out on wagies instead of business owners
>acknowledges that second- and third-generation immigrants get college degrees and work skilled jobs, unironically thinks this means that there won't be any jobs left for white people
This is your brain on /pol/

whats hilarious is that you dont realize white is the equivalent of mutt why do you think whiteys call foreigners "ethnic" its because they have no ethnicity theyre a race of raceless people

nah it's just an "excuse" to have an off topic thread on Yea Forums by loosely relating it to video games

This is definitely how I imagine /pol/ posters look like

Im almost as ugly as this guy.

White people invented western civilization. They say ethnic because it diverges from the mainstream

Not to mention all the people calling him "right wing" despite Automation and immigration are subsets of worker's rights or left wing political causes.

Lul he looks like a cuck

He is a /pol/ user, they don't identify as left wing

video games

Increasing the supply of labor for those jobs with people willing to take a substantially lower wage will depress wages for that job for everyone. It's basic economics. Increase supply, but keep demand the same, will cause wages to drop.

he's a hero desu

Yeah dude the left wing 8ch trump voter for sure that makes sense thanks for exposing the libs

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What's wrong with white people?

shoo shoo phoneposter

MODS can you please do something about these threads?

Why are all these recent spree shooters gamers?

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youre blabbering nonsense what i said is fact in the late 16th century white meant european so you can be 40% anglo 20% german 5% dutch etc and be white so how is that not equivalent to being a mutt fast forward to 17th century racialism and suddenly europeans middle eastern and north africans are grouped into some caucasoid race which right now is the consensus of the definition of being white so how is calling yourself white any different than calling yourself a mutt its literally an umbrella term for someone who is not part of a single ethnic group

If only there were some kind of group, a unification of workers so to speak, that could control the supply of labor
the american right would surely support such a group

Sorry I’ll go, don’t want to trigger you and have you shoot up a school

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But Dorner had a legitimate reason, not just a meme reason, but a "The entire LAPD is corrupt" reason

People say white in Europe also

This is what happens when you genuinely oppress and marginalize people.

Every shooter has had a good reason.

>Leigh Ann Locascio, a former neighbor, said Crusius was an extreme loner who always sat alone on the bus in junior high and high school. He spoke negatively of other kids who played sports or joined the school band, she said. She described Crusius as “very much a loner, very stand-offish” and someone who “didn’t interact a whole lot with anyone.”

>Her son, Tony Locascio, walked to school regularly with Crusius and his sister. Tony Locascio said Patrick Crusius only walked ahead or behind them, never interacting and always keeping to himself. He liked lizards and kept pet snakes. “He wouldn’t talk to people. No one really knew him,” Tony Locascio said. Another former classmate, Jacob Wilson, said Crusius was “very strong minded” in class and would try to “take charge” but other kids refused to work with him because he “irritable and had a short temper.” He was often “picked on” because of how he spoke, and because he wore what looked like hand-me-down clothes, Wilson said.

So basically it's clear he was the THAT GUY of his year group.

His "legitimate reason" went out the window as soon as he killed innocent people.

Treading on thin water if we can anticipate gun violence by appearance friendo.

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Is this the hacker and mass murderer known as the four Chan?

Yeah, if Dorner had just become Frank Castle and gone after corrupt cops you'd sympathize with him, but targeting families of people he'd had issues with in the past just to settle scores was fucked.

>need to add ALL the other races together to match wh*t*oids

Boy you sure showed me!

Right, and neither are niggers.

now show me all pictures of niggas who killed niggas in america

you cant just throw that out wildly whenever youre butthurt
>People say white in Europe also
yes they do when its convenient but people still identify by their ethnicity each country has demographics categorized by ethnicity not some made up race

The general consensus on /pol/ is that this was a Jewish false flag.

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Sounds like he was bullied but deserved it for being an autistic asshole.

Reminder that you are 572x more likely to be killed by falling coconuts than a mass shooter.

Reminder that rich Jewish elites (whom are naturally afraid of an armed proletariat) control all media and control what you see and what you're afraid of.

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That's kind of how the demographics of America work, yes

White guys can't get laid so they lash out

It's always the same. Always. Sexual frustration is a powerful thing. Dangerous. And it needs to be dealt with.

>shoot a walmart
Is that a thing? Wouldn't they just slip on some shit and fall?

That was good timing

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God this board sucks

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>if it were't for an even more extreme loner in your year YOU would have been THAT GUY
Wew, guess I should thank the guy.

>shooting up a walmart

I'm failing to see the problem here.

This will be forgotten in a week

If you have to go on a shooting spree, don't just pick people randomly.
At least Breivik targeted politicians, you know, the people responsible for whats wrong with the country.

I would fuck Seris in the ass though


Didnt he kill a shitload of kids?

What a story Mark.

>Literally kids
Based retard

Geez, that sounds like a fake jew name for a show like American Dad to dunk on the hebrews a bit.

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or maybe, just maybe
/pol/ users are retards like the shooter

rich jewish elites own the right and pro-gun lobbies too, don't pretend you're anti-jewish. the biggest pro-gun politicians in the USA are all zionists who french kiss the wailing wall for their greatest ally

Pretty sure you guys are going to drive the Ooblets developer to shoot up PAX

commie kids
and he didn't shoot the pole so i don't see an issue
t. pole

The majority were over 18

(((Daily reminder))): Op is a jew

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Commie/socialist kids. So yeah, he is right.

>rich jewish elites own the right
That's right

> and pro-gun lobbies too
That's wrong

No they weren't

So obviously since he killed people who were under 18, we can assume he didnt target just politicians and was fine with killing kids.

>Swallowing propaganda

>The general consensus on /pol/
o i am laffin

Goyim, you have a 0.00001% chance of being killed by a mass shooting in your lifetime.

Be afraid... be very afraid...

Just let us take your guns, OK? It's for your safety.

Attached: jewish media.png (1746x1364, 1.18M)

It was literally a commie youth camp. It was inherently political.

It was literally a camp for a leftwing political party
Stop embarrassing yourself

despite being only 13% of the population, blacks commit more than 50% of the violent crimes

imagine the smell

Here is why you're seeing an awful lot of shootings and calls for gun confiscation in the news.

Attached: the rich.jpg (960x722, 57K)

When coconuts are a danger to people, they do something about it.

>make constant posts about the race war and killing niggers
>Someone actually does what they say all the time and they backtrack immediately
Why even bother lying?

>believe in social darwinism and the rule of the strong over the weak
>also complain endlessly about how Jews control the world
sounds like you retards need to get good lmao

>one shooting every 2 weeks is fine as long as we get to keep our guns

You're beyond help desu

>dude its all a jewish false flag! /pol/ is based!

Attached: one angry incel.jpg (551x659, 56K)

>that's wrong
I'm convinced. I forgot that the massively profitable gun industry is owned completely by gentiles

columbine lads looks like cool guys

>dude its okay to kill kids, they dont count as kids when they're at a leftie camp
You strike me as the type of people to defend the Unite the Right rally where that neonazi drove his car into the crowd.

Can we delete /pol/ already?

Millions of people die every year in the USA because of cars. A few dozen people die per year in the USA because of mass shootings.

/pol/tards fold pretty easily, they don't have a spine.

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You're the reason why I ain't even mad when we get these shooters anymore.

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I'll take the front. I'd rather know who my enemy is rather than a rat who pretends to be mg friend. We all know Islam is a threat, but many people in the west still think the Jews are our friends

dude I agree, /pol/ is based and redpilled

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There were no "kids". Most were over 18 and the rest were teens to late teens.


Yeah dude you're right we should have a neo nazi camp and then complain when people attack it.

That sums up Yea Forums quite well.

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You realize this literally proves the other guy right? This shows the majority is 18 and under.

the mutt meme mutts've got to him

why the fuck is this thread still up

The real problem is clearly males

Yuri pregnancy and male extinction when?

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>males go extinct
>society crumbles and fails
>females go extinct

Are you retarded?
2 + 7 + 8 + 16 = 33

Your kindergarten math teacher is killing himself as we speak.

idduno, if they were such a threat why didn't they beat europe back in the dark ages when the Islams had science and tech and europs were still trying to learn to read and not fall off horses bcuz jesus > science

>He is a /pol/ user, they don't identify as left wing
so you've never been there

What a ringing endorsement of Yea Forums

Jews aren't white

>not adding the 17 from 18
You are a fucking drooling imbecile. The majority were not over 18, dipshit - the majority were 18 and under.

I guess I should rephrase that; Christianity dealt with itself due to its open disdain for science in an era where science provided more aid to people than religion.

>or maybe, just maybe
back to plebbit


Stop this vile antisemitism

Since when are 18 year olds children?
You're moving the goalpost, retard.

>under 18:




this whole thread only confirms how misinformed most of Yea Forums is about /pol/ lmao, the boogeyman isn't that bad

Going with Epic was so smart of them. Nobody even heard about this game before. Every time you bitch about it and spread the word they're laughing all the way to bank. I can't wait until a Japanese game partners with Epic.

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You are fucking RETARDED.

>The majority were over 18

18 is not "over 18" you stinking ape. Therefore your statement "the majority were over 18" is a lie. You are a fucking MORON.

Artist name?

Eve No Senkai. Enjoy, it's both extremely hot and educational. It has a sequel that takes place in a world completely without males and is cute as fuck.

This is what men tell themselves. This is what men believe.
The world doesn't need you anymore. The only reason you exist is because 10,000 years ago humanity needed an ugly hulking copy to defend itself, so it created the Y chromosome and shat out the fat apes called men. They beat up the dinosaurs and did the hard labor. Humanity doesn't need any of that anymore, and now nature is getting rid of males. Notice how scientists have revealed the Y chromosome is disappearing and modern men have become weaker and more pathetic?

Tick tock, tick tock.

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>shoot a walmart
No, don't shoot a walmart!
Go to Google instead!
So you can use their search engine to search for other solutions to your anger, of course.

It is literally by definition you god-damn moron. As soon as you hit 1 second after your 18th birthday you are "over" 18.

>be American
>get shot twice in the same day

Yup its retarded. What shithole country are you from, because you're definitely ESL.

Based goalposter moving retard

He's an ideologically confused child.
Not to mention Trump has flipped between Democrat and Republican himself and he's policies are actually substantially more left wing than typical republican presidents. For example massive spending on infrastructure.

THe real problem is that the democrats have abandoned their base, as they always do and veered off into far left lunacy. A blue collar worker in the middle of America, a run of the mill worker, the kind of people the democrats and left wing are supposed to represent isn't going to give a shit about identity politics.

Roses are red.
Californians are trannies.
Niggers commit crime.
Kill all the jannies.

Attached: 1547525655167.jpg (771x693, 67K)

>humanity is the only species with different genders
>humanity "invented" gender
based brainlet.

>Making assumption about people based on appearance

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I never moved any goalposts because I didnt say this:
>The majority were over 18

when did claiming esl become such a staple for blabbering retards i don't get it it seems like a new thing

>arguing over semantics when youre proven wrong

Goymoney and as soon as you are 18 everything opens up for you.

Why do trannies love anime so much

>dude numbers are fake news
lol dude if you want to be illiterate be my guest.

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You fools. It's not a race issue. The pattern I'm seeing here is that if you get a shit haircut you're more likely to kill.

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Neither did I, the whole argument was whether or not his victims were "kids"

>dude man I've lived a long hard life
>t. 18-21 year old

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Looking through that list, it seems like a lot of those people had good reasons to shoot.

Now you know what those fucking boomer/zoomer posters look like/

the only thing the retards on /pol/ are good at is basic pattern recognition and only comparatively because every organization and group outside of them seems to either lack or ignore this skillset.

You could even argue that 17 year olds aren't "kids" but i'll be fair and draw the line at 18.


Probably a liberal sold him the gun and didn't want to judge him/her/they based solely on appearance.

John the Baptist, who is a liar and a traitor.
Now, Jews are indeed the synagogue of Satan, but you can't trust John.

Just like "black" and "hispanic" then.

And any functional human considers "over 18" to include those who are 18. But we all know it was never about that but simply trying to cover your retardation because you got BTFO.

>10/10 times a person that looks like this is a mass murderer


>Roses are Red
>Violets are Blue
>Your mother's a whore

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Literally burgerpants.
I know it's a lame reference, fuck you, this is Yea Forums.

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his face looks like a fuckin ooblet

Your name and tripcode will make fine additions to my collection! *Filters you*

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we dindu nuffin it was da joos

Pathetic. I hope this site gets more and more attention and you retards who make idiotic posts about hurrr mustard race get rounded up for pysche evaluation. This shit is happening too frequently.

Another /pol/ppet just committed an act of terrorism.
Only a matter of time before the Feds track down hiro or the Dev who works stateside since the servers are in America still.

Or not since Trump seems perfectly content with covering for White Supremacists terrorism.

Why is Yea Forums so drama obsessed now? I just see these threads in the thread list and I'm just so fucking tired. Do you people really care that some who tied to some website you don't go to or game you'll never buy said something dumb?

Before you say "if you don't care why post", I have nothing better to do.

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White incel took the memes too seriously and killed some mexicans at a walmart.

>I have nothing better to do.
Probably the same reason this shit gets posted. Kids with too much free time. Ninja must not be steaming right now.



When i played undertale in 2015 i didn't think this character was going to be literally every white teenager on the planet.

Cringy doomers make gen X and mall goths look actually good in comparison somehow

>/pol/ commits an act of terrorism
>They blame someone else so they don't get buttfucked by the government
What a bunch of whiny little bitches.

Attached: shootings vs jerking off in a noose.jpg (610x423, 193K)

>Santa fe shooter
Reminder he played Imperial Japanese music while doing his spree

>this is the white race /pol/ desperately wants to save

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Now as in the past five to ten years or so. Don't act like this was the case pre-scientology and pre-gamergate. It wasn't.

I've actually been here long enough to tell you that. Yea Forums didn't constantly obsess over every inane tweet or discord (equivalent) comment back then.

>/pol/ shits up everything with their Jihads
>Now the government might come for us because of their real life actions.
Nah, delete /pol/ and ban filter 'reddit' so we can cut off where a vast majority of their posters come from.

Dangerous speech =/= free speech

>>/pol/ commits an act of terrorism

dude literally left his manifesto on facebook

The election brought a bunch of redditards

>Dangerous speech =/= free speech

Scotus says otherwise

Yeah, it just had it's fair share of internal drama with everyone obsessing over tripfags like Lanced Jack and morons being scammed by Manlet Tears.

Fuck off.

It's redditors shitting their diapers over /pol/.

Attached: i eat nazis for breakfast.jpg (1242x2208, 223K)

>90% of his stances are right wing
>but he's for worker's rights so it means he's literally communist muh milkshakes

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>treat person with contempt every day

there's just that much more ways to bait people into a fit of rage now, modern politics are so antagonistic people can tolerate opinions they deem immoral or retarded much much less

Speech is speech

There is no such thing as hate speech or dangerous speech, retard.

Don't forget about resetera

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>they are right wing because I said so

What case?

The biggest redpill is realizing this isn't a race thing, this is subversion by the media, did yall already forget about the Pedo Island? of course you forgot about it, there were two mass shootings that the media is gonna have a field day
Share the wealth is the greatest defense to Communism, assist the your fellow man and together strive to be better while trying to be different

Attached: file.png (220x243, 62K)

Registered Democrat shoot up a walmart in El Paso (major democrat and spic stronghold in texas)

Obviously Trump got blamed for it


because you fags never repelled the anti-white vermin. Now you get your board.

funny part is a few democrat senator are already trying to use this as a excuse to pervert the first amendment

Attached: TheSquad.png (1024x555, 855K)

>90% of his stances are right wing
Are they? In what way? Because he is "white"?
You do realise that the biggest and most well known white supremacist orginisation in America the KKK is literally tied to the Democrats, at one point essentially functioning as a paramilitary wing for the party.


>people with terrible genetics and eating habits eat the wall like a rabbit eating faggot cake
Dude Brutal Moose is probably eating his boyfriends dick sometimes but he still looks okay. He's a gay dude and as a straight man, I can respect his life decisions. It's when you twirl a month of hair growth into pig tails, call yourself trans and uhh.....do that shit?

Fuck off.

Per capita is really hard to understand, for some people

Schenck v. United States
>B-b-b-but Brandenburg v. Ohio!
That was never overturned explicitly.

>Hate speech
That's not dangerous speech, but thank you for playing.

>American shoots innocent people
And you guys wonder why guns should be banned...

When are you gonna ban knives and trucks, Mahmud?

like pottery
>they are leftwing because they fear for their job

/pol/ doesn't send their best

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chicka chicka yeah

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Is that Tim Sweeney's son?

We just wanted to play games, the far left developers want to make us angry.

so be it.

Two shootings in a day? Is Epstein about to testify or something?


>a few dozen
this week alone has more than that

>>Now the government might come for us because of their real life actions
Why does every newfag say this as if shit like that didn't already happen in the past?

>fearing for your job is an exclusively right-wing thing to do
Are...are you not being sarcastic?

since you're arguing politics on Yea Forums you also belong on /pol/ now so better fuck off amirite?

>wanting job security is an entirely left wing cause
The absolute state of the "rational" right.

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It’s war. Civs die all the time and they are legitimate targets.

>cannot refute or provide any example of his right wing beliefs other than his supposed support for a president who has identified as both a Republican and a Democrat, signalling to be a centrist.

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>Doesn't remember when moot was disposed in court
>Or football, when it was messed with
I hate newfags who think their actions here have no consequences in real life.


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well he probably meant OUTSIDE the usual from niggah warfare in baltimore chicago, detroit, st-louis, etc.

>gamer shooter