Who will you main in Riot's new fighting game?
Who will you main in Riot's new fighting game?
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Sona Lulu Annie in that order. Alternatively, Jayce.
I'll try it. Could be fun.
I hope Vel'koz is in it.
I'm not a chinese shill so I won't be playing.
duo team of Garen/Poppy
I don't know.
Yasuo def gonna be busted, blocking projectiles and shit
good smell?
whatever tencent dictates be the best or whoever I can pull from a lootbox
Stop making riot gamer threads you fucking shills
Love the futa from this one
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number one huehuehue
destruction man
very cute!
All other girls irrelevant.
ywn pet her ears as she slams her yordle snatch violently down on you
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The one and only best girl
Literally everyone else is irrelevant.
Imagine all those skins in they full visual glory
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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4channel are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
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I love this yordle.
>he still turned it off though
I just know kassadin will be in as a rushdown, so probably him. Other than that, probably whatever dumb waifu cunts they j-j-j-jammed into it.
That's not even the same character.
Short stack so fine
What have there been, like, two, three retcons of what yordles are?
I don't think the lore matters. All that matters is the individual characters.
i didn't specify the character
i think the artist has done dick on the tristina or whatever her name is though
Some got more interesting like Ahri, some got less interesting like yordles in general and what the fuck ever they're supposed to be now. They have a bad habit of making heroes less interesting by trying to make them mysterious to say nothing of them retconning summoners and the entire game's backdrop
>LoL fightan game
Theres been rumors back in 2015 or something, are they
They recently announced that they have something in the works right now.
>fighting game
why not a rpg where I can romance Popi
>he thinks riot are capable of making another video game
Because all of the soul unironically left the company years ago. When they gutted the lore, that's when the game was officially soulless.
Think about it. The entire game had this world set up, backstories for every character and their place in the world, even a fictional newspaper that would update you on the goings-on of the universe. Riot would host lore events where staff would play against pro players, just to decide what happened in the lore.
How the fuck do you just throw that all away like it meant nothing and not even replace it? They claim they threw it out because it was too hard to create champions when the lore was so established and had cetain rules, but that's ridiculously fucking lazy and shows they don't give a shit anymore.
They also seriously fell victim to MCU-tier bullshit where everything has to be tied into everything else, nothing can be its own event or its own cool thing. The old Baron was an animatronic replica of a legendary creature that the league chose as the ultimate challenge of the game. It was just a little bit of insight into the history of the world and its culture and it was neat that something so gamey was given a reason to exist.
Nu-Baron is from THE VOID because THE VOID is a scary MCU-type thing, and a bunch of champions are from THE VOID because THE VOID sells skins better than worldbuilding. BRO AREN'T YOU SCARED THAT THE VOID IS COMING? I MEAN IT NEVER ACTUALLY WILL BECAUSE WE'RE PUSSIES AND REFUSE TO MAKE BIG CHANGES LIKE THAT BUT LMAO THE VOID IS COMING.
Illaoi please
>you will never be a shortstack
Graves for that ancient Martial arts known as Shotgun-jitzu
>you will never be facesat by poppy
I still remember what got my hooked into loL all those years ago: it was reading the fucking newspaper article of Shaco's interview. I know its nothing special, bu it was really cool to me to see lore being built in front of me.
>ywn mating press and breed a yordle.
not everyone is as incompetent as valve
god you're pathetic
I want to marry a yordle!
Kill yourself tranny tripfag
uhh leave my gf(bf) alone please
Would be cute.
>you still turned it off though
Kill yourself newfag
why are you crying over pasta retard
Ezreal Sej or Vi.
aceman is worth it
God, why are Yordles so fucking cute?
Won't play it unless it has Sona.
>seth not working on it dropped
The dream is fucking dead. No more Yordle porn.
gamers rise up!