Honest thoughts on Type-Moon's classic doujin game Tsukihime?
Honest thoughts on Type-Moon's classic doujin game Tsukihime?
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I started reading it last week
Arcueids routes were awesome, but Ciels were so fucking bad they made me drop it. Does it get better?
nasu's best work, and its mediocre at best
HF was better
it's too good to be discussed on Yea Forums or even Yea Forums itself these days
why does the maid get raped again
do the maids, very worth
mana or some shit?
I think now that Fate is such a huge franchise, a lot of people underrate how good his story telling and creativity was in the original Fate VN. Sure you can say the tropes and cliches are predictable etc etc, but I bet if any of us were left to our own devices, we wouldn’t be able to create a VN story even half as good or popular.
With that in mind, I’m excited to try Tsukihime, just haven’t had a chance yet.
>watch melty blood evo stream
>laptop battery dies
I just know they get raped constantly for no reason. Or one of them does.
>For no reason
>The story reasons are no reason
I see
HF was just a worse version of Hisui and Kohaku.
I saw a picture with new models or versions of the Tsukihime characters. Are they getting an adaptioni/remake? Also when?
Right after Yuyushiki season 2 bro
>it's too good to be discussed on Yea Forums or even Yea Forums itself these days
what makes you say that?
Holy shit there were still floppy disks back in 1999?
take the goggles off
Yes. Did you think everyone was commonly using CD writers by then? They were still pretty expensive.
Shiki showing Roa what it means to kill something was cool and Hisui was best girl.
I'm still bummed about the sister cop out
I'm not, Akiha is shit
no sparks, no manly fists, nah you're wrong.
zoom zoom
HF was Nasu literally going "how do I top something more shocking than child rape?" His answer was worm child rape. Hack move.
What kind of a story just makes it a "reason" to constantly rape something? Oh right a shitty eroge.
>Blue Blue Glass Moon Under The Crimson Air
what the hell is that supposed to mean anyways
It's pure soul packed into a single sentence.
>play a PC-98 eroge
>insert a combination of 2 disc everytime you save or enter a scene
dunno how that platform was popular for japs. DOS is infinitely superior.
How did it all fit onto a floppy?
the fuck is that
Like you need a reason to rape your maids other than having a boner.
And If you tell me you never have boners, checkmate fag.
If you haven't read the VN why are you in this thread?
>nobody here knows about atari dumbledore from porkslope turkeyhandle
I need to move on already
man Yea Forums was so much better back in the day
had to walk up both hills to get the dial-up running
You can still get this shit on s4s
/qa/ as well.
>announcement-use free floppy
it's a preview, not the full game
these are really rare too, only ~300 made for comiket 56
Its ok to admit not going through Tsukihime. That user probably gave you the benefit of the doubt and didn't want to spoil it for you.
nice fren
>man Yea Forums was so much better back in the day
not really
I love Turkeyhandle. Never finished Kagetsu Tohya though. Shame Fate took over TM they had so much other great shit.
I love the manga
Well fuck him.
That's the point you fucking nigger. Actually it was better because the average IQ wasn't 50. Stop posting and lowering the average IQ.
You said "the maids get raped for no reason", but there is indeed story reasons. The fact you discredited any reason as "shitty eroge" makes me think you're the kind of normalfag that loves Ghost in the Shell and thinks anime was better before it was all moe highschool girls
fuck you faggot if you stay with a group of retards for a long time you will become a retard
>Yea Forums was better back in the day
>literal "when does narwhal bacon xDDD" tier lol so randumb redditshit
Boomers need to be gassed.
Looks like it went over your head. Thanks for outing yourself as a total fucking retard
>defending a time of the internet when it was ok to talk like retarded babies
>With that in mind, I’m excited to try Tsukihime, just haven’t had a chance yet.
>Tsukihime - Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.
Tsukihime Plus+Disc
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga (primarily adapts the Arcueid route)
>Melty Blood
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga (divided into two parts, the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" began spans volumes 7-9)
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare
>it's now been over 11 years since the remake was announced
remake never
Let’s hear your idea then ?
Yes really. You didn’t exist back then.
It's charmingly bad. It's "genuine", I guess? I wouldn't call it good. It's bad. It's so fucking cheesy and ridiculous. It's not "so bad it's good" either. I was still entertained the whole way through.
Aoko is called Blue, and uh that's all I got.
japanese inbreeding to create the ultimate monster hunting normie resulted in a giga chad that needs to constantly kill or fuck so they wont go insane.
> LOL ITS SO randumb
It's wordplay/puns based on bad engrish, a cornerstone of traditional weeb humor you normie fuck. You need a slightly higher iq than room temperature to get it which you unfortunately lack.
>Aoko literally steals Akiha's hair change gimmick
do you think it was a coincidence
that's still the case though, don't pretend otherwise
we have people literally just saying one word "sentences" to each other and that passes for trolling
but not ok with
"cope, seething, have sex"
you must be more brain damaged than I thought.
Maybe don't try and one up a story you already did to the nth degree?
I didn't even say one was better than the other, I'm saying it's all mostly the same
>man Yea Forums was so much better back in the day
even if that's not you, you defended that post.
It isn't me and I didn't defend it; I'm just pointing out ultimately nothing has changed.
Do it for Akiha.
>Saying these two things are the same
there is no hope for you
>wtf this idea sucks
>k,lets hear yours
>lol my idea is to not have any idea in the first place
Based 200 IQ 4chin poster
I stopped playing at the sister route, vns are just really time consuming and something about fucking your sister made me uncomfortable
>people talking like idiots doesn't have anything in common with people talking like idiots
I'm sorry, do I need to be an author to offer critique on another?
It's not exactly a hard pill to swallow that literal worm rape as a "feel bad for this character" mechanism arguably wasn't the best idea.
They are completely different. One was creative and done for the purpose of entertaining yourself and others. Modern "cringe yikes onion" is retarded, but for entirely different reasons. Its retarded because its completely unoriginal and the only people who think its funny are the people posting it. It is done with the intent of pissing people off. Nobody has ever read a post that said "dilate" and laughed.
I thought it was a good idea because it was sexy lol
Live insertion is a very niche fetish.
Actually almost all porn is live insertion because the guy (is alive) inserts (his dick)
That's penetration. Live insertion is a fetish where you stick living things inside your body, such as worms. Sakura's plot thread there was basically Nasu playing out a /d/-tier fetish.
my dick has a mind of its own why should it count
Fuck chairs
I don't understand why this scene is a meme, it was great.
are toilets chairs?
EOPs can't handle repeating lines.
>to create the ultimate monster hunting normie
From memory this part is wrong. The Nanayas were the monster hunters while the Tohnos were the monsters.
What if man was the deadliest monster of all
I mean even then, I don't recall the Tohnos being any sort of hunters. They just sometimes wanted to feed on humans and the whole rape thing was to stop the guy from doing so.
that would be stupid I think its probably sharks or alligators or something
>Leave the hotel room
>Get eaten by a shark
it's dead until they shoehorn all of its characters into FGO
its your fault for going outside during shark week
mid ni...
that's probably how it goes