GTA IV is better than GTA V

GTA IV is better than GTA V

Attached: GTA IV vs V Cops.webm (994x560, 2.85M)

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No. IRL car physics are closer to GTA V


I'm not saying IV's driving is realistic by any means but you gotta be a full blown retard to think that V's is closer to real life.

Attached: 1558595763112.gif (424x382, 1.44M)

You've never driven a car. You need to be 18 to post here.

Projecting at its finest. V's driving is arcade trash.
III, VC, and SA had more realistic driving than that shit

Attached: GTA SA driving.webm (480x360, 1.11M)

IV cops driving like utter retards with shit AI vs V trying to ram the fuck out of you in a precise manner isn't helping your case, unless you want to say "HURR BOAT PHYSICS ARE BETTER"

This thread is posted all the time fuck off

Both are utter shit. Kill yourselves underage HD babbies

>V trying to ram the fuck out of you in a precise manner
You have no clue what you're talking about, it's the exact opposite.
IV's cops (and III, VC, and SA's) actually try to pit maneuver you.
V is coded so that cops just ram the living fuck out of you and it automatically forces your wheels to turn, no matter what angle you've been rammed at.

Attached: GTA V instant wheel turn.webm (640x360, 1.26M)


I'm 25 and don't have a license...

GTASA is better than GTAIV
GTAVC is better than GTASA
GTAIII is better than GTAVC
GTAII is better than GTAIII
GTA is better than GTAII

>ram in a precise manner

this can't be real

>that webm
this is amazing

>III, VC, and SA had more realistic
Peak zoomer who never actually played those games. Cars don't turn on a dime and blow up like that you fuck.


Are you talking about V? Because nothing blew up in that webm lmao. V is the game where cars turn at an instant 90 degree angle, or blow up if you land on the wrong spot.
Not to mention you can literally rotate the car in mid-air with voo-doo magic apparently.
Sounds like you're the one who hasn't played the games, because V is more in line with Saint's Row's driving then it is GTA's.

I'm astonished that that was made as an actual design choice. Dumbest shit I've possibly ever seen implemented into a game, especially considering they had ai that could actually pit in the previous games.

>Are you talking about V?
No I'm talking about the original trilogy III-SA

>V is the game where cars turn at an instant 90 degree angle
No it isn't unless you're using Franklin's slow mo which gives you 100% traction. The cars aren't as weighty as IV but it's far more realistic than the original trilogy

>Not to mention you can literally rotate the car in mid-air with voo-doo magic apparently.
Yea that shit is retarded but overall the cars are more realistic in V compared to VC or SA for example where 8-10 hits blows them up

>because V is more in line with Saint's Row's driving then it is GTA's.
Zoomer you said the driving in the original trilogy was more realistic than V which is just not true. The driving in SA or III was far more arcadey. This is also coming from someone who isn't a big fan of V. GTA V is retarded in a lot of aspects story, empty feeling world, etc but suggesting the driving in the original trilogy is more realistic? Pure silly hyperbole.

are you me?

Play the games side-by-side for yourself, dumbass.
I'm not gonna sit here and argue with someone who hasn't played the 3d era games, which you obviously haven't.
V is BY FAR the most arcade shitty ass driving in the series

You have no argument because you know I'm right you fucking retard. V is arcadey compared to IV but far more realistic compared to the original trilogy. Have you even driven a car zoomer? They don't operate like they do in SA or Vice City. They don't turn on a dime, they don't blow up like that.

>"z-zoomer!" as he defends GTA V

Attached: 151572086411.gif (190x200, 2.56M)



It's not defending V retard
>This is also coming from someone who isn't a big fan of V. GTA V is retarded in a lot of aspects story, empty feeling world, etc
It's just being honest. V sucks cock in a lot of ways but to suggest the driving in the original trilogy is more realistic than V? Come the fuck on. Have you ever driven a car?

GTA IV cops try, Mafia cops do. Almost a decade of progress, everybody.
For a driving game, GTA strangely has never bothered to improve their GTA III vehicle AI. Even GTA 2 cops were better.

Attached: pit.webm (800x450, 2.7M)

Like I said, play them side-by-side, you'll maybe realize how wrong you are if you're not genuinely disabled.
Also that's the third post in a row that you've called me a zoomer. Take a pill and stop projecting so much.

SA has shit gameplay compared to IV

>It's not defending V retard
Ok zoom zoom zoomer zoomie

Why don't you go play them? I played Vice City just last week. Again have you ever driven a car? Suggesting the original trilogy is closer to what driving really is than V is pure retardation. Like I said previous V is aracadey compared to IV but far more realistic than 3 or Vice City where flipping over = explosion.

Maybe it was a design choice on purpose to not have the cops ass blast you like Jamal

how does my cock taste?

Idk, I kept looking for it but all I could find was a giant gaping vagina

Go play them dumbass. Load up SA or VC, then load up V and tell me which is more arcadey.
Oh wait, I forgot- the only game you play is Tummy-Sticks

GTA IV cars handled like boats.


It's the opposite GTA IV cops are more unpredictable and more effective. You can also stand next to one casually in IV

Max Payne is fucking awesome bruh Wym?

Very fun to wreck in IV! GTA V had midnight club driving!

Even the patriotic pedestrian car driver tried to ram Nico. Truly an american game

don't install shit mods

>GTA IV is better than GTA V because it has more realistic physics and details
>Hates RDR2 for the same reason
Giving me the big think lads

Attached: 1564808485704.jpg (960x938, 56K)

RDR2 is shit because Red Dead Revolver is best game. Red Dead 2 is way better than GTA 5 though

I draw the line at horrible controls, maybe IV was the same on consoles but I played it on PC

Attached: 1562696376560.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

Even if that were true, IV is still more fun

OP here, I love RDR2

jesus christ how fucking deluded can you be

that's almost as bad as the witcher 3

Attached: GTA IV vs V.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)