Dishonored 2

Is it worth a try pirate if I really enjoyed the first game?

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hell yeah, 2 is a blast

loved the first one but i cant even bring myself to pass the first level in this game

well do you want more dishonored or not?

Yes, Clockwork Mansion is peak level design.

At least give it a try. I prefer 1, but 2 is still worth your time.

yes, good game

no clockwork mansion is shit, its all about the time mansion

Both are gimmicky, but Time Mansion is at least fun. Clockwork mansion is just shit.

yeah pretty much, though I must admit I'd like to see a 8-12 hour game that's based around a similar mechanic to the time mansion

you can tell they had ideas for these levels and then had to bullshit around them with just standard whatever

i'm the kind of person who cant separate the art from the artist
how sjw pandering are the devs?

2 felt like a chore to finish

Absolutely, one of the best games of the past few years still.

Me too, specially bring able to listen Corvo's voice

conservatory best and peak comfy level

european, so probably not much. I have no idea though lmao

i thought the only reason the girl was playable was to appeal to sjws?

then you're retarded, sorry about that

He's right though

Their writing team is full of quacks but narrative is the least important part of these games.

I got a bit farther than the first level but I feel the same.
It’s fucked because I played through the original several different times just fine.

the sjw boogieman is out there, but this ain't it dawg.

You can play as a woman. For your safety don't go anywhere near the game my dude.

these games have the most bogus system of morality effects story outcome. The "kill or don't kill" being the only choice and totally unrelated areas are effected just by corvo or emily killing or not killing a handful of people. The whole implementation is just so ham-fisted, I'm really not sure why they bother to tie it into the story so much.

based smooth brain anons

I'm making fun of the dude unironically asking for a SJW trigger warning you dunce.

The gameplay is good but the writing is awful.

Pass user, out.

That's bullshit and you know it. Reactive enemy placement/objectives/visuals is a bad thing because you claim its implementation is "ham-fisted" without even bothering to explain what the fuck you even mean.
Ever heard of the butterfly effect? All the reasoning necessary to make the game better, take it or leave it.

2 runs like shit compared to 1 and the Outsider is way worse as a character, but otherwise, 2nd verse, same as the 1st.

Jesus just get a trip, what new cancer is this?

It's just lame implementation man, shit is so corny and not in a good way. It's overly simplistic and it hurts the believably of the world

Morality's dumb and thankfully they realized that and tossed it in Death of the Outsider.

really? I might check that out then, I just didn't bother on release

Feed rats/bloodflies=more rats/bloodflies.
So unbelievable and corny. You can't be real.

its great

Yep, no chaos system or anything so kill to your heart's content.

Doesn't this has optimization issues?

It's overly simplistic and immediate. The cycle of start mission, kill 30-odd people, and then suddenly the next area you go to on the other side of the city has more pestilence only a day or two after the previous mission, despite no one there having been killed yet. It's just too obvious that it's thrown in there to reflect the players actions, and that ruins it for me.

I mean I love doing both high and low chaos playthroughs, It's just boring to know that you're going to get a cookie cutter ending based purely on how many people die haha

get the fuck out

yeah it runs pretty bad, updates made it slightly better, but if you don't have a pretty beefy PC you might have issues, idk how it runs on console.

I was out of this thread until you replied to me and caused me to look at this thread again. 80 IQ post, user.

Pass user, out.

Get a tripcode please.