Play horror game

>play horror game
>tfw it's too scary

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>play horror game
>it's a fucking boring little linear "run and hide" affair

well if you could give a photo of you maybe we could put it in a game to scare people

>silent hill 3 hospital

And that's where I called it quits.


You can outrun everything. Just start sprinting and you can finish the game in 2 hours.

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Mr X is only,scary if you play with headphones

Resident Evil games arent scary as your character is always well equipped to take enemies down even if only temporarily.

2 hours speedrunned is a lot for a game that is mostly about exploring, hiding and that sort of thing

Is playing Leons story worth it or pretty much the same shit?

>Alien Isolation hospital
And that's where I called it quits.

western developers dont even do horror.

>as your character is always well equipped to take enemies down
did you play any RE games before RE4?

I know a lot of people disagree, but I thought Outlast 2 was one of the best horror games out there.

one a scenario and one b scenario at the very least

Yes? In PS1 versions of RE1, 2 and 3 it is possible to kill every single enemy in each game. I know because I did kill all runs when I was a kid. There is enough ammo.

Sure if you try hard to scrounge it up, ammo scarcity is still a thing in those games. You aren't well equipped unless you go out of your way and know where to look.

....have you?

Yes, most people collect the items in the games user

>atmospheric horror game
>until you get a gun and btfo everything for the most part

>ammo scarcity was never a thing
Don't try to rewrite history.

Sorry user, I also played RE1, 2 and 3 as an idiot kid and fumbled through the game like a buffoon. The only RE game that ammo checks you was Code veronica.

I'm certain of this because I spent the second half of RE2 limping around with a shotgun and a magnum because I used up all my pistol rounds after killing every zombie in the station with Leon's burst pistol. Yeah, I was one of those kids that was too scared to leave a single zombie standing in 2 and though I could save raccoon city instead of escaping it in 3 if I killed all the zombies.

The only moment that had some kind of fear in RE2make was when Mr. X started to follow me, that's all. The game isn't scary.


Underage bait.

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You're 23 years late for that image.

I dunno user, Fatal frame and siren was pretty good.

>but back in the early 90s...
Still doesn't change the fact that western devs don't do horror.

Yea Forums legit doesn't like horror games. They're all too pussy for it. I've tried making horror game threads a ton of times but it never happens.

>Fuck waitin for you to get it on your own

Where do you rank?

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nuResident Evil isnt that spooky but
>Fatal Frame
>that fucking THE GRUDGE fps cinematic game where a second player can fuck with you using the other controller and the Sadako spawns are randomized
>Ao Oni (first blind playthrough back when it first came out. nowadays its all memes)

japs have some good spooky stuff.


But OP literally posted the enemy you can’t do anything to but piss off for 99% of the campaign

4.5 probably, i become a lil babby in really spooky games, especially when i'm being chased

>used to love horror vidya, films, etc
>due to overexposure I slowly became a 0 and can't enjoy them nearly as much as I used to
it hurts

S'up. Not really "scared" when I played this but a bit disturbed(?). Fuck, I winced everytime she died.

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well, if we are objective horror games and movies after 2010 are just crap full of screamers

I remember playing alone in the dark new nightmare while I was waiting for more RE games to come out. Letting you move your flashlight around with your right analog stick was clever and the unique weapons were quite fun. But enemies respawning every time you left an area ruined its pacing for me.

4 maybe?
I really enjoy the thrill of horror in games. It took me like 5 hours to complete the est and west wing of the police station in REmake 2.
I cannot stand horror movies tho. Slashers and thrillers are kinda fine.

0.1 for most games.
especially scary games with no distracting noises can sometimes pull me to 3 like penumbra
generally though most I will sit at 0.
hilariously enough 1 is the EXACT face I made when playing Alien Isolation and that cheating nigger of a AI killed me for 8th time a row. After a certain point it just becomes more tedious than scary.

felt the same way about Five Nights at Freddies. the first couple times the jumpscares get you but every "loss" after you actually start to laugh at the stupidity of the screeching animatronics.

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Anyone just really starting to hate "possessed" or ghost horror? Even worse when it turns out to be a "spooky creepy" little girl?

I love fucking demons and shit but the whole paranormal shit just feels lazy in this day and age. Seriously, why isn't there more Angel and Demons horror games? I'd fucking want an SMT horror like game.

that wasnt supposed to be a horrorgame so much as it was fetishist fuel I think.
some gurofag was behind that demented piece of shit.

any good horror pc games or retro ps1/n64 roms I can run on a weak laptop? 4g ram, intel 4000 HD onboard graphics, quadcore @ 2.66ghz

RE2 is a poor example though, as while you do have the equipment to kill some or even most of the enemies in the area, you usually won’t have enough to kill every single one. It becomes an issue of priority where you need to decide what enemies are worth killing and which ones are better to simply run or sneak by. And some of the enemies are tough enough that dealing with them would be too costly. Some of the tensest parts of the Remake for me were sneaking through hallways trying not to alert a Licker that I knew I didn’t have enough ammo to take on.

>tfw you fuck your brain up with overexposure, erasing the one thing that kept mankind alive for millions of years

Darkwood is probably toaster friendly

>Play horror game
>not scary

Also you're a retard, zombies are more common and played out. An actual decent ghost hunting game has never been made. We need more ghost games. Ones where you have to find bones and burn them, and fight them off with iron and salt.

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Still spooked me. Atmosphere was great. There's something about low graphics stuff that gets me.

strong disagree after playing through the Fatal Frame games
ghost horror can be amazing if done well

demons are pretty common place, a lot of the time they are the ones possessing people in the movies you refer to.

FEAR for me

I'll fucking kill you if you call me a retard. I'm in Chicago right now. Tell me a time and place and say it to my face.

It's always possessions and shit though. It's never their physical form fucking shit up.

Just tired of the trope of the little girl ghost just wanting someone to play with so she fucking murders everyone.

>letting a ghost loli scare you away from the most kino 7th gen FPS
man up nigga

2.5. I tend not to go for all-out horror games, but if it’s only one element to the game I can enjoy the thrills. Nonstop horror gets tiring though, and I like to have something else to break it up.

>play horror game
>sewer level
Insta kills motivation to replay it

>I'll fucking kill you if you call me a retard. I'm in Chicago right now. Tell me a time and place and say it to my face.

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pic related its you you dumb sack of retarded shit. Imagine being that much of a smoothbrained violent as usual black nigger to get triggered on the internet lol.

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Is that because you're scared of sewers or that you're just tired of the trope?

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If you haven't learned how the mechanics work in that game, that area teaches you by force.

you would think a sewer was scary in real life


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Tired, it's boring to look at and overdone.

I'm at times square right now. I brought my brass knuckles. Come at me bro.

Horror thread? Just went from a nightwalk and came back to this just outside my door.
>did someone throw poop at my house
>wait why is the poop moving

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I remember missing the map and stumbling out of this level by sheer luck. Boy was that spooky

sewers stink

2 mostof the time. Used to get a 3-4 but nowaday if the game ain't good, I'd say a solid 0. Last time I got anything more was dreadout. Never actually played more than half an hour of the damn thing.

I'm kinda sad and puzzled people wasted their time to build this shit.

Also, dog jumps out and you blow it with a grenade launcher.


I never played it because it looked way more open than the corridors of an asylum and I thought that would ruin it.


4 and 2 sound like me

When I was so 14 and RE4 came out, I actually had a panic attack in the first village onslaught and had to turn the game off. Same thing happened with the Regenerators.

rE4 IsNt ScArY though

RE3 has fucktons of ammo.

>play scary game
>use speedrunning tactics and other immersion-breaking strategies as a coping mechanism
>bonk physics objects off of enemy's heads and laugh irl
>still scared on the inside

0-1 and it really sucks.

Come find me @ Nick's Gyros. 4pm.

>spooky creepy little girl ghost
>she fucks you

Haunted House was the best part of MGQ desu senpai

Nigger. That's in the state of USA

>get recommended Darkwood
>enjoying it, but you can't go to sleep at night (even when you have a perfectly good bed in the house, even if all your doors and windows are barricaded and the generator is on, you get the picture)
>you legit just have to stare at the screen for what feels like ten minutes just to get to the next day
>even then, you can only make a few footsteps of progress before you have to eventually turn right back around and head home before it gets dark again
>stare at screen
Gets old really fucking fast. Everything else about the game is phenomenal, but this one gripe keeps me from booting it up again and finishing it.

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Fear 2

Bitch. I'll buy your ass a nacho supreme.

....that doesn't sound bad. it's past my bedtime though and my mom's making me go to work at McDonalds tomorrow.

How far into the game did you get?
After the first few days the intensity of the nighttime raids on your safehouse increases dramatically.

It's pretty good. Get you some gyro sauce and fried pickles on the side.

5 and you eat it

You would be a madman to try and sleep at night, its the most dangerous part of the game.
Your barricades won't protect you.

A week I think? It's just too tiresome.

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yeah that too but Alma went disgusting grown mode when she raped you and then spends the rest of the game being some boney anorexic bitch trying to kill you.

btw did they ever say what would happen if she DID end up birthing a half-man/half-psychic ghost child?
all I can remember at the end of the game is fighting her in some Armageddon world where everything is reddish orange

>have beaten Claire A
>can't seem to make myself finish Leon B

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thats literally just two slugs fucking
leave them alone bro its actually really cool

You haven't made it to the next area, I get it?

Alma is hot as fuck in 2.

As a child, I was a 5 for the most part but now I'm a 3 or 2, I wish I stayed at 5 because honestly, I love horror shit and enjoy being frightened, shit makes me feel alive.

3-4 at the start, drop to 2 around the end of the game most of the time. I really love horror games.
Playing SH1 for the first time right now is a treat.

>really want to play 2d horror games
>most of the rpg maker ones look like poorly-traced azumanga daioh
even if the game's good, the aesthetic completely ruins it for me

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>Game is scary
>Most characters express terror during the events of the game
>Except for one who fears nothing

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same but mostly because the zombies keep regenerating in that hallway and I cannot deal with that shit since bullets and health are finite


Not really horror games, but freaky dicky stuff.

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3 to 4.5 if I run into pic relate

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>ywn see RE8 with Jake as the main character against his [aunt] Natalex
>Natalex hires HUNK to be her personal mercenary to wrangle Jake
>HUNK is the pursuer

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thanks bruh


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I can already hear an eerie bit BG music from that.

Where people expect him to be as awesome as in RE4, in both RE2s, he's exceptional to play or watch if his missions are finished with as minimal kills as possible.

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>all those yume nikki clones
I wish I could understand the appeal. Love the visuals but just walking around is super boring to me.
Hylics is pretty interesting though. It's like someone wanted to make some earthbound clone as a very beautiful shitpost

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the visuals are the appeal
you have to treat them less like a video game and more like a digital art gallery

6. I couldn't finish RE2 after the Mr. X encounter, and I couldn't last 5 minutes playing RE7. Slenderman scared the shit out of me and I failed 3 or 4 classes in high school because I was falling asleep in class because I stayed up all night with my lights on. Five Nights at Freddy's (any of them) unironically scare the shit out of me and give me nightmares. I cant even watch Let's Plays of the games for more than 5 minutes.

While still on the topic of horror, the first and last horror movie I watched was The Ring when it came out (2002, so I was around 6/7 years old) and it fucked me up pretty bad. I had nightmares for months and my parents had to get me a psychologist to help me. Also, I generally close my eyes and cover my ears if a horror movie advertisement comes on.

For a lot of horror games if not every single one i'm a 2 but for Subnautica i'm a 3.5. Seems like my brain has a huge respect for the ocean.

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I'm wondering why you're still looking up horror games if Slender years have already given you night terrors.

Nautica's immersive enough because killing or going for the kill doesn't net you anything, not even a sense of relief.

fuck off crapcom shill

I miss tank controls and camera angles so badly.

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I was able to play Resident Evil 4/5/6 fine, but 2 and 7 get on my nerves and I just can't play it. If I hear Mr. X's footsteps, I either run into a save room and wait for 15+ minutes, or just straight up turn off the game.

Honestly I like the weird horror games and stuff but I kinda wish the protagonist and the setting aren't just blank slates.

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Love SH:Shattered Memories but was always dissapointed about the structure that lets you know that you're not in danger while exploring. I wish there was a similar game that doesn't have that safety net, and maybe actual different paths and personalized horror.

>When your theme is absolute kino

I want to make a horror game on GB Studio so badly but I have no ideas that aren't just yume nikki for the gameboy.

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Kendo>HUNK>Ghost as far as the survivor OSTs go.

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Wish there was a mod that uses this remix for the mode.

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I fluctuate between terrified, horrified and entertained.

Definitely that for me as well when it's the beginning, the grudging middle parts, and the end/climax.

But the tentacle sequences in dead space managed to give me nightmares

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Stay obsessed, retard.

I really want to piss my pants playing a horror game, any suggestions?

What's your scale on ?

Vampire Rain. It's the only horror game where you aren't a completely helpless retard in the worlds easiest stealth game but combat is really, really fucking dangerous and you definitely want to avoid it.

RE7 is unironically better

Outlast1/ 2, but you're a helpless pacifist in the world's longest game of village-wide tag.

The sound design of the game is great and hearing exactly where X is and when he notices you is a great piece of the game.

Use gamer diapers.

Honestly, probably between 5 and 4. I sometimes close the game if it has enough dumb jumpscares those always get me.

bro outlast was garbo warbo what a shit pile of a game why the fuck can't i push any of these niggas what the fuck why didn't i get to fight those two naked dudes


Horror games with decent combat?

Well action horror games will get you with jump scares, but it's more of the inventory and resource management that will continuously scare you throughout.

Depending on the game, either 4 or 2. Never a 3, though.

RE4/5/6 are action games, not horror so there's your problem

I remember seeing the previews for RE2 and thinking it was gonna be the scariest game I ever played, but it just didn't get to me at all. Mr. X was scary for like an hour of my first run before I figured out there were a bunch of safe rooms he would just never touch. I think I might just be desensitized after like two decades of playing horror games, since when I played REmake like 16 years ago some parts like Lisa Trevor scared me so bad I just dropped the game entirely for a few months.

RE 7 VR mode, only time I had to turn off a video game

a lot of times horror games just feel like bad horror movies with a bunch of extra steps

Probably desensitized, but RE2's scares comes from playing it at higher difficulties and even going for S rank runs. Playing it at normal or easy would be like playing with heavy armor. I remember trying it at hardcore at first, and it completely immersed me at how scared shitless I was. Trying it at normal and the game takes on a more story-focused feel for me personally. It's still annoying-scary with Mr. X though.

Yeah I've dumped a lot of time into RE2R and doing challenge runs are where the scares stay now. Doing a no saves, no item box run just gets progressively scarier as you get further into the game. The tension is what makes it.

Resident Evil or the Metro series would do you good.

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I agree but RE2 had a lot of good stuff to it. The zombie designs were probably the best in the series so far and actually threatening for once, but even then they did nothing for me. Honestly they should have made it so X can corner you anywhere and there's nowhere safe from him outside area transitions. He was the scariest part but they didn't go far enough with him. A little speed boost might've helped too.

He speedboosts once in a while, reaching you at sprint speed. The zombies become a nightmare once you're running out of time (for ranks) and ammo. Also, they go great with subbosses like lickers and Mr. X.

Oh, right. I played the very first game and loved it. Should play the rest especially with my upgraded parts.

Exodus loses most of the scares in favor of adventure. Last Light is exactly like 2033 but with more ghosts and new graphics.

>Dead Patient chapter 2 is still vaporware
>Blood Drive was so shitty it killed the franchise

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What game?

in the pic

user.... Please.

Guess I'm retarded

6. I'm a complete pussy. Doom 3 ruined horror for me however old I was when that came out. Resident Evil also petrified me when I was 4 and I watched my cousin play it. The only horror I can really get into has to be lore-heavy. Jump scares are gay and gore is just sickening to me.

I would feel this way about RE2 but the sewer level is like 15 minutes long.

2 I ain't no bitch nigga

It's looking like a new Siren is in the works if it's any consolation!

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that pic sucks

That one anime scat shooter with the crazy laughing mutants that move fast as fuck and you have to kill them like necromorphs with limb shots is pretty scary.

Killer 7? That wasn't scary.

No, you play as an anime spec ops girl and you can take a shit or piss in the bathroom. You can also spend credits on other anime girls to decorate your base with and have sex with them

2. Only when I'm trying to sleep that the memories haunt me.

What are the best recent horror games? I really wanted to play that one that got ruined by China and Winne the Pooh, can I play that anywhere?

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games don't scare me. maybe because I was scared of my dad a lot when I was a kid and games couldn't really compare to that

Why didn't Umbrella just send Mister Death to kill the main characters?

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Isn't that the plot to Operation Raccoon City?

I've got a serious stiffy for Remake 3. I can't wait til it gets announced.

wheres the aroused one for horror games with female protagonists


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Used to be a mix of 3 and 5 when I was young but now I'm firmly 2: Entertained

you only need to go there twice as leon, once as claire and the second time with leon only up to the green door

>Play racing game
>Tfw too racy

why there are no surreal AAA games?

Just because you're a faggot pussy doesn't mean everybody else is. RE4 isn't scary


>play lewd game
>tfw it's too lewd

she was hotter in FEAR 1

Anyone have the latest SH guide for PC? I want to play SH3 again.

gib name

no you play as Mr. Death OCs. it was a good concept but poorly executed

Depending on the game, usually 2-4.
Siren had me on 4. But that one walking simulator about a schizo artist where the entirety of horror consists of something SUDDENLY happening with a noise or you turning your camera and something SUDDENLY changes - that one was 1. I couldn't take it seriously and refunded just before 2 hours hit.

What makes you say that? The celebration and new merch they had last year?

Never felt that feel to be honest, but one time in SOMA I fell into the abyss and I quit out like a pussy because that scares the fuck out of me.