

Attached: 1300959328244.png (486x451, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nintendo Switch > Playstation


Jagged Alliance 2

Parappa the Rapper 2

It's actually pretty good

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I've seen a thread here a few years ago

the area 51 game. I was just reminded of it thanks to the area 51 facebook crap that was going on last week

Fuck off, how many more times are you gonna make this shitty thread, faggot?

This is easy, Yea Forums doesn't like Activision or EA shooters.

Call of Duty: Ghosts Campaign only edition
Battlefield Hardline: Campaign only edition

Raze's Hell.
Like 80% of the original xbox exclusive games.

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Shining force

save the date

War thunder

Magical Drop III

Mech Warrior: Living Legends
Its free online mech warfare. What's not to like?

You'll never hear Yea Forums mention these ever. Both have great OSTs and gameplay.

Blue Dragon

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Enchanted arms.

Legend of the Mystical Ninja


World of Goo
Come on fuckers talk about this game

TRON 2.0. I really liked the block mechanic, and the weapons were all pretty weird and unique.

Wish we could get a sequel


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Fur Fighters, PS2 version.

I remember it being mundane the last time I launched it. Make me want to play the game and I'll make a thread after I complete it

I love it, it really makes me feel fast!

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River City Ransom: Underground but I can also see why no one talks about it.

"Reksio" (polish name) series of adventure games. It's based on a czech cartoon and follows a dog "Reksio" and his friend mole and rooster. First one is about pirates and it's kinda meh. Second one is a sci-fi spoof that parodies star wars etc. you build a fucking rocket out of a washing machine. The third one is a spoof on fantasy, like Potter, LotR and the folklore. You go through a mirror to a wizard's world and you have to discover who in the wizard council is "Voldemort", which is actually randomly generated and any member can be him. In the forth one you build a "time couch" because "back in" and "couch" sound very similar in polish. Then you have to pull out the giant cork at the bottom of a local pond to create a "time stream" to actually travel. This sets you on an adventure through time where you have to stop something akin to AssCreed's templars from taking over in the future. The last one I played was a spoof on Around the world in 80 days.

They're all fuckin great.

Auto Modellista.

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This along with Dark Duel Stories for the gbc were my shit.

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Grey Goo

Speedy Eggbert

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Mages of Mystralia

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Alan Wake

Patrician taste

one of the best JRPGs I've played

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This game sucked though, everything controlled like garbage and looked like garbage.

Fire Pro Wrestling World
I've seen people mention the older games, but I've only seen this mentioned even in passing twice, and both times were by me. My favorite game, I've spent more time in it than my second most played game by a 4:1 margin


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Jak X

Drawn to Life: Spongebob Edition

Illusion of Gaia
Hahah, just kidding that game is fucking trash, thank fucking God nobody ever talks about that piece of shit

I talk about this game literally every time YGO vidya comes up. Of course nobody replies to me, but it has been thoroughly attempted to be discussed.

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THIS Masterpiece.
It's by far one of the best if not THE best ARPG from the SNES Era, and the fact that it never saw a North American release hurt it so god damn hard.
The music,.setting, themes, it's everything you would want in a game to make it an absolutely unforgettable experience.
Fuck all of you Yea Forums for never giving this wonderful game the praise and love it deserved.

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I loved this game, even though it trolled you buy selling a single disc game in a multi-disc jewel case. The combo based fight system felt really innovative and I spent so much time brute forcing combinations to find new special moves. I feel like I'm the only guy who played it.

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It's one of my favorite games of all time, and I feel like the only one who's ever played it.

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Old maxis games other than sim city
Sim Isle was my jam as a kid, but damn it's hard as fuck

>he unironically says this when the Bloody Mary section exists

Enthusia: Professional Racing
Mad underrated racing game with a kickass soundtrack. Best PS2 racing game, in my opinion, and I'm a huge Gran Turismo fag.

I wanted to like it because the aesthetic was great, but holy fuck did it play like ass.
Then again, I heard the Japanese version's handling is different, maybe better.

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witcher 3


Stretch Panic/Freakout

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Quest 64

Sky Roads.

Is it actually good?

Ty the tasmanian tiger

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Rage of Mages I & II. It was a Warcraft-like game that I played as a kid. I've only ever heard slavs talk about it, so I'm guessing it must have had a little bit of popularity over there.

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Prince of Persia TSoT, WW, TT


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Nobunaga's Ambition


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Blinx the time sweeper

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Binary Domain

the first overlord game

Dashin' Desperadoes
I defy anyone to talk about it

Overshadowed by how great the Toy Story 2 game was.

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Castlevania 64/LoD
hands down the best 3D Castlevanias

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Ogre Battle 64 - or others in that series maybe tactics ogre sometimes?

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4 sucked a fat dick

Duelists of the roses is very popular and has been discussed here extensively

Binary Domain.

It was 3 but set in fake Nepal

Even The Ocean

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Desert Storm, was a war game from like 2002, or something way back, played it as a kid and genuinely enjoyed it

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Rule the Waves

Battle Hunter ps1

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Terranigma balls lmao

This shit was my jam. Melting other soldiers with the flamethrower was pure bliss.

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bypassing the censors in whacked was neat

i enjoyed it, i never have known another person who's played it

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3d ultra train town deluxe, super comfy

Fuck you all.

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blip & blop balls of steel

Empire at War YOU FUCKS

too late buddy

This shit was really fun.

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it's not like Yea Forums is going to start talking about it because i said so, only if an e-celeb Yea Forums likes makes a video about it

Based Gothic

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Except when I make threads about it, Zone of the Enders: the Fist of Mars

This was so damn entertaining and funny. A lot of work went into it.

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It's literally just okay

I didn't like it, but I found the jank to be exceedingly wholesome.


I mention that all the time.

>Trash that e celebs tout as hidden gems

Alpha Protocol

That game is such a hidden gem.
Just in terms of its dialogue system and letting you play a complete asshole.

I retract my statement then.

Good to see some taste here.

It does come up occasionally, though not as often as it used to. There were whole threads about it a few years back. I play through it pretty much every year.

This platform kino

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My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online......

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Good taste


lurk more

Spongebob Supersponge
Actually done in less than 10s

Dungeon Defenders

Metal Gear AC!D

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Nothing, I only play Yea Forums and /vg/ approved games.

My dude

Great memories of doing co op campaign through Desert Storm 1 and 2 with my mate when i was 9

Frontlines Fuel of War

The level where you get nuked and drive a tank was fucking kino

Gotcha force

Impossible Creatures

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There is so much potential with this game it isn't funny.

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fucking remake when?

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Great series

Urban Chaos
Populous: The Beginning
Casino Inc.
Mars: Warlogs

uuhhh carnivores

Fistful of Frags

99% of Yea Forums won't know what game this is, which is a shame because it's fun as fuck.

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My lad, loved this game, played it a lot.


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Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers.
Million Onion Hotel.
Rym 9000.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Spartan Total Warrior on PS2

Kingdom under fire 1 and 2

Hahaha I actually played this as a kid. Is there anyway to play these games now?

Elemental Gimmick Gear for the Dreamcast. Fun little JRPG.

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Honestly, it's been a while since I've touched the game. Probably got rose colored glasses on this one, but I enjoyed it enough growing up to play through it several times. Try to emulate it if you get the chance.

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it is the best 2d zelda and bascially adult zelda meaning many long hard difficult dungeons and a actual story.

fucking fantastic OST

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Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri

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Soldiers: Heroes of World War II

Home sweet home

Conquest: Frontier wars.

PlayStations Blur

Tekken 4, specifically, and when I do, it's because I brought it up.

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Call of Juarez

Fuck yes.

how so? what would you say are the best and worst parts of the game?


Downhill Domination

Hercs Adventures / Future cop LAPD / Unholy War / Team Buddies / Tai Fu Wrath of the Tiger

Fucking ez. Ps1 was the greatest console for hidden gems.

Death Rally

Biomotor Unitron.

My brother.

really wish mechs were more popular

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French Bread, right? How was it?


A Boy and bis blob

Saints Row ONE.
2-4 are discussed sometimes, but never 1 specifically.

Jade Cocoon


The Banner Saga. Specifically The Banner Saga 1 and 3. 2 was talked a bit when it was released (mostly the 'hurr duRr ruGgA DiD noTHinG WrOnG' contrarian shit). I never saw anyone talking about 1 and 3. Shame, it's one of the best if not THE best kickstarter games

Rising World

>...have NEVER seen Yea Forums to talk about.
>90% of posts are games constantly mentioned or even actively discussed.



I bought it just for the OST, haven't even played it yet.

In fact, I don't think I have seen anyone online talk about it.


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Space Rangers 2

This was so much better than Diablo and it's such a shame Westwood was bought out by EA. Rest in peace.

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Contact was amazing for the story and all the little things it does but in terms of just the game mechanics, check out Shining Soul II because Grasshopper pretty much reused its graphical style and the way you could level up all sorts of crazy stats.

It's no Contact but it's interesting to look back at, at least.


It's a pretty poor FFX imitation in terms of gameplay

Fuck I loved this. Wtf happened to the devs?


Such a fun game. Seems like everyone forgot about it.

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Very underrated.

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Multiplayer was a bucket of fun!
Some Hexen-like DS game?
We talk about it! Just not enough. Greatest music.

Beat it on a rental as a teenager. I liked the combat, but the story was junk and Cort was a weak Sephiroth clone.

I actually played alot of this and I got up to the final part but for some reason I could never push myself to finish it. I felt bored. But the first few parts were pretty fun.

Is it still only a XBLA exlusive or is it for PC and other things now?

Yoku's Island Express. Absolutely marvellous Castlevania but with pinball mechanics.

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One of my favorite underrated games out there.
Shame they'll never make a sequel.

Under rated gem.

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If that's Warlock of Firetop Mountain I tried searching for discussion when it came out and only found a couple reviews.

Well it's an arcade video game so it comes to no surprise how no one talkes about it

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The neverhood

Kingdoms of Amalur had the severe misfortune of coming out a month after Skyrim. Did Kurt Schilling ever make his money back?

Man I wish I could figure out these games

Kessen for PS2

the dept. heaven series. shits dope

New game fucking when

Company of Heroes 1
Dungeons and Dragons - Dragonshard

Hybrid Heaven. Guy at the second hand shop gave me it instead of Bomberman: Second attack. Best accident that ever happened to me, now if only my dad felt the same way

Wow, people have heard of it.
The game is fun as fuck, a complete first person wrpg for the ds with a really in-depth magic, skill, and mapping features.

It’s a shame no one has ever played it.

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

My World My Way

never liked this movie that much as a kid, but imagined a game version being fun. do you get to fight zurg?

The Curious Expedition

Besiege. Siege machine builder.
the devs made the mistake of adding skins and water guns that can be heated to produce steam so now the workshop is flooded with realistic jet fighters and low earth orbit missiles instead of tanks.
Multiplayer was recently added too and it's a blast so far
Here's my attempt at a weather balloon rocket

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Jesus, the DS library still continues to impress me to this day
here's hoping I never stop hearing about these gems

>he wasn't here for the threads where Yea Forums made every kind of mobile flaming phallic object and/or swastika
In retrospect you didn't miss anything important but I'm glad you're enjoying it.

>Did Kurt Schilling ever make his money back?
I don't think he did as he studio went under right after the game released.

The only problem I have with this game is how short and easy is. Sure, some levels require actual thought but in most of them the player is never penalized. It is a kids game, but TS2 on PSX was both challenging and fun. On the plus side, the game looks fantastic, easily one of the best-looking licenced games I've ever seen.

Forsaken Remastered, I'm playing through right now and it's incredibly fun. Yea Forums never talks about 6dof games, too busy posting Smash threads I guess.



I haven't. In fact I replayed it only a month ago

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Based, bush rescue was the epitome of sequels done right

Wish they would make another one
Really loved fuckin around with lava and shit

it was a fun time

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I like this, sadly westwood is kill now

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Now kiss

This was a huge part of my childhood I talked with the creator of the game once

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Mini Ninjas, I-Ninja, Mark of the Ninja and Shinobi.


Based hivemind

Strider 2014

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Even know it's one of those games that I'll boot back up and go through a class route.
Wizard ending best ending. Warrior ending worst ending.

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Evoland 2

Avernum series

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Magic & Mayhem

Rare as fuck game. Great for road trips

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I am from the year 2058, just got invited to closed pre-alpha

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The Alliance Alive

I dont know how it's called but there was this AI dog game I used to play on Windows 95. You could give him names, teach him tricks and play with him.

I’ve brought up this gem before, but it seems to never get mentioned again. I love the 1 vs Many type of scenarios and this fucking game does it so well, imo

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Also this underrated dude right here

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monster hunter by monkey byte

wasted digits
but the game had an interesting gimmick

The Red Star.
I can probably find it on the archive, but it's doubtful.

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Never seen this discussed, but always thought it was a neat and interesting idea for a game.

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Sub Rebellion
literally only I'm the one who's ever mentioned it

Quest for Glory IV is one of the best games in its respective genre and it's so good even the ultra-autists at RPG codex put it in their top 70 RPGs lists even though the RPG features could use some work.

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That was my first game I got a platinum trophy for. it was pretty good

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Fishing Master for the Wii

It's real good

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Rayman 3
Battle for Middle Earth 2

Muppets Monster Adventure. That game is so fucking comfy. Also Muppets RaceMania too

This is the police

DotAA and Dota 2

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Not that there would be anything much to talk about even if people did play this game.

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I will defend this game as one of the most underrated RPGs of all time until I die.

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Good, moba threads are always shit, just like community itself

I played it on PC. Don't have a windows toaster now. Wish it would get a rerelease
How do you even get into Knights in the Nightmare?
If you somehow missed it: Clash of Heroes DS
Is it?

incredible machine
no one knows it

Cold Waters

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Actually love that game, I'm surprised Double Helix could make a good game. Shame they never made another.

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Pro Evolution Soccer 3-6 and 2015 onwards. All other football games are shite.

People shit on Settlers V and for good reason but, I really have fond memories with it

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The Blackwell series

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Loved flying around shooting ancient alien egyptians and shit

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Yea Forums loves timesplitters newfag

Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA

SOCOM and Jet Force Gemini. Maybe in vr they talk about them but I never go there


Xtreme express
Kuri Kuri Mix
Aqua Aqua Wetrix 2
Kingdom O Magic

Aura-Aura Climber for the DSi. It's by the same team that makes the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games so you'd think it'd be more well-known.

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megami tensei 2

Lunar Knights.

Oh, had that one in my backlog for a while now. I guess it's a sign, huh.

awww yeah came here to post this. 2 was also gr8 m8

dragon lair 3d :d :d

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cartoon cartoon summer resort

SOCOM 3 US Navy Seals.

What camel has no humps, no hooves, and drinks no water?

>Last Blade
>Neogeo Double Dragon
>Money Puzzle Exchanger

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I enjoyed both the first and second one.