What are some actualy funny games?

What are some actualy funny games?

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Not Xenoblade 2

South Park SoT/FBW

Saints Row 2 had its moments

As a game intended to be funny I thought Jazzpunk was alright. It does 'lol randumb XD' humour without going overboard.

Maybe because it only took like three hours to bear

Borderlands 2

who plays games to laugh?

DOOM 2016


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name a single genuinely laugh-out-loud funny game and not a game that will make me think "that's clever" as i sit stone faced

A game that made me chuckle/laugh from time to time was that weird fucking:
>point mouse to sing
game. Wandersong, maybe was the name

my interactive bathroom mirror


i thought LISA was pretty funny at times

I can only think of things I like, laugh with, not so much laugh at.
Like I laugh when playing Godhand, it's humorous, but I wouldn't really sell it as a funny game?
Fuck I'm probably just overthinking this stupid question.

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Alright, I'll give you that one. Lisa was good.
Katamari Damacy is pretty funny too.

I laughed at Yakuza games and judgement. Maybe you're just a fag with a niche sense of humour?

mother 3

Unironically Undertale.

yakuza games are funny too, wasn't thinking about that.

I enjoy jap humor

I'm getting a chuckle from the storyline of Dragon Quest Builders 2.

>bowling alley.webm

destroy all humans 1

After going to Japan, I learned that the person who took that picture was a real villain for doing that. You're supposed to keep to yourself and not do shit like that where you invade other people's privacy and mock them.

I think his facial expression is the punchline here, not the act of a japanese man doing what japanese men do

That's just how they are, deep in thought, everyone in the train is in their own little world keeping to themselves.


Lisa the Painful

Monkey Island

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alicesoft games are usually pretty good.

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Tales from the Borderlands

Goddamn West of Loathing made me laugh. Unfortunately the combat sucks.

Really unknown point n click called Yorkshire Gubbins. Great if you're in the UK


Godhand made me laugh quite a bit
Some of the lines of character dialogue in the Persona games cracked me up too

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Stanley Parable

I think Yakuza0 was the last game to make me genuinely laugh.
>The sidequest where Kiriyu has to be a TV protucer

Forgot about this. This was funny too.

Giants citizen kabuto
Basically anything made by Shiny entertainment or related to them.


Man, I really need to go back and play that game proper. I can still hear the music.


I hope you are not serious.

Dark Neighborhood had my crying laughing, Deadly Premonition is also pretty funny.

also this


Garys mod RP servers where you troll incels and get them banened via admins.

you know that image is stage right?

undertale (or at least i thought it was funny)

Gta 5 made me laugh during the mission that guy tricks you into smoking pot

South Park Stick of Truth

timesplitters future perfect is damn funny

>Y2 sidestory with the half-naked model
>Kiryu just looks completely stonefaced, does a 180 and leaves
Holy shit