>only ever "proves" how awful the Church is based off conjecture and fear mongering
>no outside sources to confirm this
>hundreds of people in their world support her while millions of virgins in real life worship her
no wonder Hitler rose to power so easily if that's all it takes
Only ever "proves" how awful the Church is based off conjecture and fear mongering
fucking so this is how it's gonna be. we'll be spammed to death with these threads
who gives a damn
Edelgard is the Squealer of Yea Forums. Be ready.
Have sex (with Rhea)
Seethe harder Christcuck
Except squealler did nothing wrong.
Also Hitler was kinda right, the Versailles treaty was bullshit.
The Treaty of Versailles was about as bullshit as the treaty of Brest-Litovsk was.
No need to seethe when her fate is satisfactory, atheistcuck.
>Everyone seems to forget that one of the first things she says is that she wants her Empire to be back to it's former glory
While she does have issues with the church and crests, I guarantee that most of what she says and does is to rile people to her cause for continental domination.
Did you happen to skip all the first part of the game with Rhea executing anyone who dared do or say something against the church?
You mean the people that Edelgard convinced to steal the bones of Rhea's mom.
Dude I'm not going to argue against that nor the fact that territories conquered by Hitler Germany were about to become into something not much different from modern European Union working as independent states completely governed by unelected German bureocrats.
I'm surprised how hard Hitler won in retrospective.
>violent revolutionary retards got btfo
wtf i want to turn my fellow students into mindless monsters, hire murderous bandits and kill my senpai's dad now
>it's okay to execute people without any kind of investigation if it hurts my feefees
Yeah but Hitler wasn't a cute girl outside of my Japanese animes
Hitler is a better husband though.
>You will never experience an arc where you heal Hitler heart through Art, Disney cartoons and mutual love of dogs.
>was going to make Raphael be main attacker and Ignatz be a dancer bot
>Ignatz keeps getting decent level ups while Raphael gets rng-screwed except for HP and STR
>make Ignatz an assassin who dodges and kills everything on sight or casts -6 STR on survivors
christ ignatz calm down
Assassin Ignatz is truely the way to go. He used to be easily my worst unit, but he made the biggest comeback once he got to level 20.
Post the Byleth version with subs.
I think once they get to intermediate classes do their level ups somewhat get better. I'm still trying to salvage Lorenz though, his str sucks but his mag stat keeps going up. Might make him into a Holy or Dark Knight.
first it was ponies
then it was pepes
now it's EDELGARD
Yeah I went for mag as well, which he does... slightly better in. Honestly I think he's built around Dark Knight saving him.
Plot twist: Hitler was a cute anime waifu. Historians just replaced her with an image of a male jew so future generations would find it easier to hate her.
Is there a VN on this?
Absolute kino
Have you seen Hitler? Dude was fucking hot!
If Hitler was as hot as edelgard I would vote for him.
Post more Dmitri!!!!
be gone THOT
So THIS is the power of the evil Emperor
And liked dogs.
It's like she only says thing you want to hear...
No it's that Byleth's penis keeps her sane
unironic kino
i hope this game isn't lightning in a bottle and this is a sign of good things to come in the future of fire emblem
She was right, there was an evil being controlling humanity from the shadows.
It was shameless stupid, that scene only worked because Eldegard decided to fight til the bitter end.
Are armors useless in this game?
I switched doodoo from armored to brawler and tanks just as much with a shield on while having more movement and damage output
so is this fe actually good, or is it still just more waifu bait brain dead shit that tumblr will eat up?
>little white boy dominated by loving chocolate amazon goddess
Is Ignatz the real winner of Three Houses?
Go back playing on your gba
My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online............
ONE evil being that Claude, the actually smart lord, deduced simply needed to be assassinated. You could say Seteth and Flayn were in on it and needed to be killed too. The rest of the church are shown to be upstanding knights and monks who help the weak.
>encounter Death Knight on chapter 4
>spam gambits and use Bernie to chip him away
>Ferdinand finishes him off for 26 damage with big dick knightkneeler
I should use the Dark Seal on Hubert right?
And she still manages to be hypocritical even when being right.
>the Church rules the world, I will save the world
>oh, but only if the world bows down and submits to my Empire, I won't tell anyone the Church's secret until I rule the entire continent
How nice, we trade one conqueror in for another conqueror.
Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't Hubert by default get Dark Mage's abilities?
Why didnt she just take his hand bros
The only one who knows Rhea's plans is Rhea herself. If Seteth knew what Rhea was doing, he wouldn't be questioning her every other minute. Rhea is a main cause for the way the Church is, but the fault lies within it's teachings as well. Reminder that the people in service to the Church do not hesitate to follow Rhea's orders if it means setting fire to a city or killing their own children.
Isn't Rhea herself basically battling for control over her mind with Seiros?
I'm a hardcore shipperfag that would love that, but even I understand that she's simply not that type of person. She'd never admit defeat. Dimitri is the same way. Neither of them could ever bear to be at the other's feet. They'd rather be dead.
Red legs
What a waste, should have hatefuck her to death
Upstanding, huh? So when Gilbert kills Annette, how upstanding is he being?
Only in BE and church route. In GD she admits she's done some "questionable" stuff, but admits to being Seiros as well.
Imagine how Edelgard must feel in the Church route.
>try to kill Claude and Dimitri but end up setting up your own death but Chad Senseicock saves you
>fall in love with sensei, want to marry him after you destroy the church and conquer Fodlan
>invite him to your coronation, he doesn't come
>start a war with the church, he sides with the church
>all the allies you gathered don't go with you
>sensei romances the commoner slut or the foreigner or the socially awkward shut in rather than you
>set your conquest in motion
>sensei stops it
>realize at the last minute that all the war was your fault, not the church's, and you are fucking insane
>try to confess to sensei
>he cuts you down before you can finish your love confession
imagine how its gonna be when she inevitably gets announced in smash
Yeah, I meant "crazy kill em all" Rhea. Rhea on her own has done all sorts of nasty shit like using the Duscur incident to weaken families like the Lonato, sacrificed people with crests to make the Crest Stone of Flames and more.
How can they possibly do the happy ending DLC? Dimitri and Claude can already end as bros but Edelgard cant coexist with them beyond Claude trying to make himself useful to her
Fuck churches and fuck bluecucks.
is there a difference if you don't go to the coronation then side with her?
There won't be a 'golden ending'. The DLC is already confirmed to be a smaller sidestory with different characters.
It's gonna be all third-party bro. No genocidal atheist waifu for you.
You are completely locked out of Edelgard's route if you do that. You can make a choice if you go, but if you don't you are locked to Church, which gives you an interesting bonus of now being able to recruit Hilda and Catherine.
What happen if you side with her?
>Post-timeskip Felix has pre-timeskip Dimitri's select quote
I mean, the Claude ending with Edelgard is honestly pretty bro too. The only real problem is Edelgard and Dimitri, who are impossible to make like each other.
what the fuck is felix's problem?
Isnt it better this way?
Sothis's magic lets MByleth and FByleth exist in the same universe so that Edelgard and Dimitri both get their Sensei sex pills
She doesn't become Hitler. She becomes Hitler in Blue Lions and becomes semi-Hitler in Church and Golden Deer.
Doesnt she get DUSCAR'd in claudes ending
She does, I meant him in her route
So is Felix's Personal skill completely pointless? Battalions are to good not to use.
Did anyone else realize that the dagger that dimitri gives edelgard is that same one that she uses in the prologue?
It allows him to buttfuck the early game, but past that it's useless.
>She doesn't become Hitler.
So she doesn't goes crazy.
Her design look nice but i don't wanna wife a retarded murderer
Dimitri would totally be fine with Edelgarde if she wasn't such a backstabbing (LITERALLY) cunt. It's Edelgarde who is so stupid she completely forgot all about the person she used to love and ignores him for dreams of continental conquest instead.
She didn't want his mercy there. She wasn't backstabbing him. She was demanding death. This is a pretty common trope in Japanese culture
She's only really crazy and evil on the Blue Lions route
I kind of like having to kill past students, makes it more dramatic. I'll probably try to recruit less students next playthrough.
Dimitri is so unbelievably based. Best boy.
Church is evil but so is she. She hates them for the wrong reasons and doesn’t know what Seiros did a long time ago that also resulted in Sothis’s death, who’s the only objectively “good” person in the story. Even Claude has some grey to him though he’s still the softest and most reasonable person.
This is the moment that cemented Dimitri’s character for me. If he had just stabbed her then he was as evil and batshit as she was, but instead the first moment he truly felt in control of his own destiny he showed mercy and sort of returned to the “old” Dimitri.
My new favorite FE lord. Loved his route.
>Church is evil
Rhea is not the church
What exactly did Seiros do? In GD, she gives some half assed answer that the ancestors got too cocky and had a war that destroyed almost everything. Sothis spent most of her power reviving the land, and then went to sleep. It just doesn't make sense that those her slither are so hell-bent on killing Seiros that they're willing to even nuke their own base.
>Marianne was listed as Dimitri's closest ally for several chapters
>thought for sure they were going to get hitched
>Dedue steals him away at the last minute and she ends up marrying Lorenz instead
This support system is dumb but was fun to make a huge tangled mess of A supports and seeing what comes out of it
She literally is, as much as the empire is Edelgard.
why didn't any of you tell me how significant the paralogues were? i found out some interesting things from sethyns and flayn's, and both felix and dedue's provided some significant backstory for them
except the Empire isn't Edelgard you idiot, she had to spend those 5 years crushing all dissent.
Seiros straight up genocided most of humanity because Sothis was paying more attention to them then to her. Sothis died to undo that damage. Her jealousy actually killed the one person she loved and she never understood that and instead blamed it on others.
Dedue's is especially important since he dies for real after the timeskip if you don't do it
i hate shit like that. especially in fates where suzukaze bites it if you don't rank his support high enough
Holy shit I did not know that. That explains why each of the prologues have a time limit
The leader makes the faction who they are. Edelgard cold have stopped her plans at any time and kept the stats quo or worked towards a better answer that isn’t soaked in the blood of millions.
How does NG+ work?
Should I save up my renown?
It goes in your butt
It seems like you use renown to get back the abilities that you had in your previous run. Besides that you keep your teacher level and the statue levels. It seems kind of cheap to use renown to get back your old character so I would probably only use it on upgrading the statues.
No point in saving, statues carry over and are one of the best uses of Renown even with the additional options in NG+.
If you wanna do broken stuff in NG+ then start using the early statue bonuses and shit to train your kids in classes that are the exact opposite of their good stats, for example, making a squishy mage an Armor Knight at level 10 by training axes and heavy armor. They’ll get massive bonus stats.
Dimitri is a faggot
And so I byleth
How's is she in her own route? Is she cute? I always have a thing for villianeses.
You wish, Hubert.
analguard did nothing wrong
Sure, but Edelgard on the other hand did everything wrong.
what faggots
how do i prevent this?
>imagine hating this cute
kek, menlets
What master class is even worth upgrading Ferd to? I nearly have S rank on lance and riding.
t. faggot and shitbrain
she looks like the fucking gerber baby
Futa Byleth confirmed
Both romances are now straight despite the tiddies
fuck meant so this is the power of my gamer
Great Knight obviously. He’s not gonna do any good as one of the magic knights, even if you got absurd Mag growth on him his spell list is ass.
fuck they're censoring even semencranium now
why are mods such turbo fags
Where the fuck did you come from? That was a forced meme that lasted literally 1 day before being filtered. Get the fuck out.
If he's a paladin or so then just turn him into a holy/dark knight. Even getting a D rank in faith/reason gives you a 30% chance at passing the test. Other than any mounted units and the mortal savant class, any other classes are fine since they don't negatively affect your speed growths.
Don’t you need axes and heavy armor fir that?
>couldn't recruit Ferdinand and Caspar because the game wouldn't let me do their B supports
Oh well, hope they like dying.
Yes but it’s still the mounted lance class, it even has Lancefaire as a skill. You don’t need much in Axes, just get Heavy Armor up, which is worth it anyways because Wt -5 is one of the best skills in the entire game.
i literally just have no sense of time
Is it worth mastering Wyvern Master for Calude before moving him to Barbarossa?
>the Versailles treaty was bullshit
And completely irrelevant by the time he was elected.
Nah. Honestly having a flier at all is optional and there are better choices.
Heavy armor is worth leveling to C or so for weight -3. Straight up 3 attack speed is nearly the difference between doubling and not doubling.
Just finished Blue Lions. First playthrough, 85 hours this game is fucking massive. Story blew away my expectations, I love all the characters and the drama was gripping. A few bad open maps like Gronder Field annoyed me but otherwise they were mostly on par with Path of Radiance maps when they were good. Loved that they put Heroes movement skills in the game as Combat Arts and I loved managing all my weapons again, god I missed durability. Fucking solid FE, might be my second favorite after 6 now.
Dimitri... I love him.
>lance users get 4 choices for master classes
>axe users get 4 choices too
>sword users and brawlers get 1 fucking choice unless they have a special class like Byleth
What is this bullshit?
where does based dimitri rank alongside other lords for you
What? Flier master classes are some of the best in the game while mounted classes get negative speed growths in exchange for being able to move farther.
Is there only 1 battalion that can use stride? Anyone else find it funny it's just a couple guys cheering your character on
There's a magic one and a cavalry one as far as I know.
just like every game thats been recently been released
Felt so good killing that loser dimitri i bet rhea was laughing in the bushes
In new game+ if you use renown to buy your way to S support, can you still marry someone else? finished blue chads, doing golden bros now.
fuck black niggers
Catherine: I swear loyalty to you.
Rhea: Set fire to our civilians it'll be funny lol
Catherine: What the fuck no? Why?
Rhea: Hehehe fire fune
Catherine: Fine :(
Kinda hard for me to think Edgelord is in the wrong when the curch's Archbishop wants to burn her own people out of spite.
You know it's possible for both of them to be in the wrong, right?
Only 1 route prevents you from killing hitler-chan
Oh yeah, but people pretending Edgelord is the only one that's wrong is really funny. I haven't done the other routes yet but Rhea is fucking hilariously comic book evil in this route. Literally zooming in on her face as she screams "I WILL SACRIFICE ALL OF THE INNOCENTS FOR MY REVENGE I WILL KILL EVERYONE"
Pretending the church is good is just really really funny
>Exploring after chapter 9
>Somber music playing
>Everyone, even the generics, sound genuinely torn up
>Gatekeeper and Leonie sound especially gutted
>Even Bernie is outside of her fucking room
I'm actually pretty upset even though I knew this was coming.
*blocks ur path*
>part 2
>no one can fucking train my Byleth Authority in the BE route
guess i'll just miss out on all those paralouge battalions I got
>choose church
>beagles shit on edelgard and say she's insane
>reload and choose edelgard
>beagles shit on the church and say edelgard is has the right idea
I thought the writing was supposed to be good...
should've picked blue lions waifushitter
Blue lions is the standard fire emblem experience, Golden Deers is supposed to be the more lore intensive open ended route.
The only reason why Christianity is hated so much because it's the only religion where vice and virtue is celebrated. Every other religion is either degenerate or some kind of fedora shit.
>Blue lions is the standard fire emblem experience
it really isn't, but i suppose you could say it's the closest thing to it
it's a revenge story where you tear through armies of enemies with a ruthless edgelord lord until it becomes a story of redemption and personal stakes
i wouldn't call that standard fire emblem fare, nor would i call any of the routes standard fire emblem
Hitler was a waifu?
For the people that have gone into new game plus, do you choose a new house? Or are you locked into your precious choice?
Not on new game plus, but it'd be fucking retarded to lock you into your house. 0% chance of that happening.
starts you all the way from the beginning so you're free to choose another house if you'd like
If you try to pick a new route on new game plus your save file gets deleted and your switch hardbricked.
I though as much
Perfect thanks
Wait. No I don't want this!
This, I wanted a bit of variety so I tried to go Black Eagles on NG+ and my Switch killed itself.
Fucking Edelgard.
Deer is for Fates zoomers
Lions is for Awakening zoomers
Eagles is for /pol/tards
Three Houses is officially more Horse Emblem than FE4
Mounted units are so much better than foot units in every way, and you can make everyone in the game mounted
>Dimitri offered to make peace with her and give her a second chance at life
>Byleth straight up cleaved her head open without letting her finish her sentence
Did Sensei really despise her that much?
I don't like religion in general because they all claim to speak for God
I imagine that people's opinions can sway pretty easily in a spur of the moment decision depending on if the pope becomes a monster or not.
It isn't, whoever you don't choose either becomes evil or turns into a dribbling retard, sometimes both. This is why people shit on Edelgard/Dimitri because they only play one route.
Dimitri is a naive idiot, and Byleth is canonically a stone cold ex-blade for hire. How many people do you think begged Byleth for mercy as he cut them down before the story even began?
>Hanneman C Support gives Byleth more characterisation in one event than the 12 hours I've played so far
So glad there seems to be a story reason Blyat is a mute
>5 of the 7(?) master classes are mounted
well i sure hope you anons had the foresight to train riding
Blue Lions is canon, Edeltards.
>the first major boss in the game, Lonato is the adoptive father of Ashe, which is in the blue lions
>the second major boss in the game, Milkan is the brother of Sylvain, which is in the blue lions house
>Rodrigue, the father of Felix in the blue lions house appears in the main story for all routes
>Gilbert is the father of Annette, once again in the blue lions house
>Death Knight is actually the brother of Mercedes, you guessed it, in the blue lions house
>in the battle of eagle and lion, the lions won historically
>>no outside sources to confirm this
You mussed have missed the whole first part of the game. You know, the one where everyone in the country attacks the church and they talk about "that evil witch corrupting the people"
i really don't think anyone's gonna argue that blue lions is canon, they'll just say your route isn't good
And you can turn off your horse if you for some reason need to
I wish they took a lesson from Heroes and used trenches more to limit cav dominance
Careful you'll make all the thirsty waifu faggots seethe that their waifu is canonically a fucking retard and deserves death. I have not need a single person make an argument for BE house aside from "Muh waifu Edelgarde" It's super pathetic really.
>wants to take over the world
>wants to murder an entire race and religion
she's hitler all right
Good to see flash is still going strong.
>Every other religion is either degenerate or some kind of fedora shit.
Not all. Zoroastrianism and Buddhism are pretty chill too.
How do you get the Dedue murder Edelgard and everyone else just let him go?
I just did Golden Deer and Dedue did show up during the fight vs Edel but couldn,t drop her under 1 hp. Was that a previous choice or something?
Still, GD route Dedue soloing a 5 story tall monster just because of LOYALTY makes him top 3 in my book.
He's an absolute monster gameplay-wise too.
If you get around to playing BL route, make good use of him.
Why are churchfags so thin-skinned? Isn't their whole existence based on blind faith? Why do they seethe so much when japs shit on not-real religions? Hits too close to home?
Blue Lions has a couple of monster units, Dedue and Felix both stand out as totally broken in my run. Dmitri is obviously busted but that is intended.
BL is the last of the 4 route i'll do. Starting Edelgard then church then finish with Lion.
By then Lunatic should be out so i'll do whichever was my favorite amongst those 4 in Lunatic as a ''golden'' route. Recruit everyone, maximise my shit, etc.
there's no canon route and whatever you route you may personally like, trying to shoehorn canon only makes your side look like idiots
How many times do we have to teach you old man?
Dedue and Felix seem to be predispositioned to being monster units, as well as Dimitri, of course. He has some of the highest growths in the game. But Dedue's attack and defense makes him a no nonsense tank, and Felix is going to be a dodgetanking crit monster at best and a glass cannon at worst.
Nope, Edelgard is kino and canon
>Edelgard's main theme is the game's main theme
>The only route that can unlock the 4th route (Rhea's story)
>The only route where you can fight the "True Boss"
>The only route where Byleth can be saved and regained his/her heartbeat and humanity back
>The only route where you can destroys the ancient crests that had ruled the world since time immemorial
>The only route that removes Seiroh/Nemesis permanent threat to human race
>The only route where you became the humanity savior that ushers a new era that solely belongs to human race
>The only route where the lord love you regardless of Byleth gender
You should see my Raphael.
41 strenght and 98 % chance to crit on emperor edelgard. He would do upward of 600 damage on monsters but they obviously die 1 crit in.
That's the best part too, he got ridiculously speed blessed at around 30, so factoring weight he quads reliably outside thiefs and other speedsters who die in 1 hit anyway
>Why are churchfags so thin-skinned?
No one would be thin-skinned about jack if people stopped inserting real-life shit into worlds like this.
But in case you haven't realized it yet, OP's post is meant to be a joke, smartass.
I wish they wrote the future titles more like historical fiction than fantasy. Even though the writing quality isn't exactly top notch, I'm really enjoying the more grounded up political scheming over the "ancient evil arises" and tropey characters.
The only BL units that aren't great are Ashe and Ingrid, and even then, once you get them into their intermediate class niche, they begin to show up. Annette can be average if you get rngscrewed
Cheers. Enjoy, user.
Can't of hard to tell. And when you realise they're aren't joking it could be much too late.
>Implying literally any of that shit matters
It's such a weak fucking argument. It baffles me to hear this 6th grade bs
>*Recruits the entirety of Blue Lions*
Wow guess my house is canon now :) fucking idiot
Was there a lord that got cucked harder than Edgegard?
Yeah but only Claude's route has you fighting Nemesis. Checkmate atheist.
Alright anons...
>Favorite Lord from 3H
>Favorite unit from each house (excluding Lords)
>Least favorite Lord from 3H
>Least favorite unit from each house
Ingrid didn't turn out to bad for me but Ashe was irredeemable trash. I checked this growths just since I wanted to know if he got level fucked and nope he is probably the worst unit in the game hands down.
It's true.
>blue lions
Stopped reading right there you fucking retarded zoomer. Back to redERA.
> Hubert is a fucking vampire murderer assasin
> Send you a letter with a bunch of info in case he and edgelard get shanked and ask earnestly to take care of the slither freaks
Is Hubert based? haven't interacted with him in any way since not recruitable
But Hitler was right
Friendly reminder that absolutely nobody even shilled Edelgard in the first place.
This faggot got triggered by the in-game popularity polls and has been making threads ever since the first day of release.
Yes, he's that fragile.
>Dorothea, Felix, Lysithea
>Ferdinand, Sylvain, Lorenz
hubert is absolutely based
the only cringe thing about him is he's one of the two units you can't recruit into your house
Hubert is literally Oberstein
Nah, Dimitri probably wouldn't have mind if she didn't mastermind all the atrocities she did.
>he doesn't get old memes
How old are you again?
I'm planning on just getting him on a flying mount (are men allowed on pegasi like in Fates?) to make a Kinshi knight to go sweep chests on maps
Mine has enough speed to double now, but I get the feeling he's been blessed on my one
Punished Dimitri
Fuck Edelgard
Fuck Ashe and Ignats
I don't really hate any BE
what the fuck are you talking about? are you an ESL nigger or just drunk? go to bed.
Lysithea with 55 Magic = fuck you
no man on pegasus, wyverns only for lads.
Eagle Secondary Lesbian?
>in the battle of eagle and lion, the lions won historically
Explain, is this revealed in the end?
Don't forget to give her the +2 range staff
This is my one main gripe with the game, other than the removal of the weapon triangle. A few more master classes as DLC would probably be the only extra content I buy for this game, same as 3ds til I hacked it and played the rest for free.
great. Wyverns are advanced classes too, aren't they
Just beat it with him as well, was good.
Petra, Lysithea, Dedue
Caspar, Marianne, Sylvain - but only becuase they got the notably worst levels in their houses. I like pretty much everyone in terms of character.
Punished Dmitri is literally our guy
Some more class on foot would be nice, and an upgrade to the thief line.
Swimsuit costumes soon
byleth a piece of shit
user I already beat this game twice with my wife. I know about the fuck you staff.
People seem to hate Marianne level, for me it was reallt painless.
Need to keep up to date on battalions tho, but once i realised how fucking busted B and over rank battalions are everyone got crash-coursed into Autority
based edelCHAD!
Lysithea, Dedue, Bernadetta
Ferdinand and Leonie
How did it take you 85 hours to finish this? I did it at around 35 hours and 4 of those hours were just me trolling people online while the game stayed on in the background.
He's based except the part where he's her eternal orbiter
>tfw just want to hear peoples opinions on three houses gameplay wise
>All I can find is nothing but people jerking off to the yellow nigger and general waifu/husbando faggotry
I guess i'll just play SMT4:A again
Where do i acquire Lysitheas magic +2 range dildo
>yellow nigger
You were never gonna play this game /pol/
What I meant was that they got shitty level-ups, their stats were hot trash. Caspar in particular had like 11 Str at level 17.
Lorenz paralogue.
Originally it was a rebellion against the Empire by Faerghus for independence. They mention it before the recreation in a couple of the routes iirc.
Also Loog (which is mentioned in a lot of Support scenes) was the first king of Faerghus because of said rebelion.
Not really. He is just a person with near non-existent emotional capacity in a world where being shrewd and merciless extends your life expectancy.
Closer to a robot than a monster.
It's Fire Emblem, what the fuck is there to say, presumably you've played an FE game before, yes?
It is a paralogue
It's Lorenz's paralogue reward, but it's practically made for Lysithea.
Is this from Berserk 2016?
Fuck i still gotta recruit him
After all this waiting I want a Lunatic mode with an Ironman option built in, that every move is permanently saved to your one file and if Byleth dies you have to literally start over. Divine Pulse is built into the game so allow a few of those but severely limit them, like those charges you get don’t restock between maps so they’re a one time use across the whole game.
I haven't been a fan of a lot of the changes since awakening, magic classes being kind of all merged together was one of the biggest turn offs for me as well as the constant memes in the treehouse translations.
What's the good reward for the Dedue paralogue? I managed to defeat loads of the Duscur rebels but it still said I didn't do enough and only got a bullion. Hoping I didn't miss out on too much
Reminder that the mobile game basically confirms the DLC is a True End route.
I hope you're ready for JK Sothis school antics and absurd time travel plots.
So is Lions canon, and the others just alternates/what-if? Or is this a prologue leading up to the main game?
Retard, just don't use Divine Pulse if you care about MUH difficulty on the easiest FE game ever.
Someone is a dick and dragons are back
You can pretty much use anything as any class in this one, classes are pretty much just stats and passives
He gets to not fucking die.
>easiest FE game ever
What a fucking retard, Normal and Hard are properly balanced. Lunatic is where you go for a real challenge but that’s not out yet.
Also arbitrary self-imposed challenges aren’t as fun as having it built into the game.
Honestly, DP is casual as fuck but if im going to reset anyway if someone dies, why do i care really? I see it as a QoL if anything. Though admittedly they should have only given you one use per map instead of the like fucking 9 or 10 you can end up with
That sounds kind of shitty to be honest.
Why even play Lunatic in 3H
In Fates you got golden emblems on your player card to flex with, and jusy that was enough to warrant doing all 3 routes on Lunatic for me but in this you presumably get nothing so why even bother
Non-magic classes can’t use magic even if they learned it. Also mounts are a big deal. And a lot of those passives like Bow range on archer classes is role defining.
> Not sure if wanting to marry Lysithea, Hilda or Sothis before release
> Sothis doesn't get enough screentime, plus she already fusioned souls with Byleth
> Lysithea fucking dies of Crest aids if you don't cure her on certain endings
> Hilda do just fine without me
I can't let her die bros, gonna S rank Lys in every route.
>allied with ancient evil
>send bandits to kill students
>ancient evil starts doing evil shit
>kills your dad
>goes to war with everyone
I can see why you may think that but nah it isn't, it lets you be more flexible with character building. Plus only certain classes let you use magic, melee weapons are fair game on anything though, but there's no point if you don't have the skill level or stats
Obsessed Dimitrikek
>Normal and Hard
I don't know man, i didn't have to ever restart a mission in my playthrough on hard classic.
not an argument
None of the routes are canon most likely but BL tells the most standard FE story of a lord who loses everything yet ends up fighting and retaking his homeland, it just does it with a lord who has lost his way until ch17, unlike most lords like seliph, marth, roy etc.
makes dimitri the most compelling lord to me
i see the appeal of edelgard's route, because she's the postergirl waifubait and she represents a "villain" route we don't get to explore often, but i really enjoyed dimitri's fall, and subsequent redemption
claude is just kinda there, real charming fella, but don't have much to say about him
>Also arbitrary self-imposed challenges aren’t as fun as having it built into the game.
why do you need the game to force you to play the way you like?
He's a willpowerlet
If you play smart on Hard it’s not supposed to take restarts. Normal is babby mode for game journalists, Hard is properly balanced fun that will slightly challenge you, Lunatic is balls to the wall Dante Must Die shit. That’s how the difficulties work now.
same. Dimitri's route also has the most kino scenes in the entire game
>I should've known, that one day, you would be haunting me as well
It’s not fun if I feel like I can just break my own rules at any time. If you’re locked into a brutal challenge with no choice but to adapt it’s different.
No, Hard isn't balanced at all.
It's just enemies with increased stats over Normal.
You still one round everything with your juggernauts and there is still no challenge.
I'm at this too
>It will take some time to deepen this bond
Nigger it's 2/1 already
But the Church is (almost) always evil in JRPGs? Pic related is literally the only exception I can think of.
and i just know a good amount of people are gonna pick on him for his edgy quotes right after the timeskip, but it just makes hearing him go from "My strength is in service of revenge." to "With this strength, I can protect them all." all the more sweeter.
Because you actually understand Fire Emblem. Like I said, Hard is like the normal mode in the GBA games, it’s the intended challenge level for everyone who doesn’t have brain problems, work for IGN or is a drooling infant
What do you guys think of this particular image?
The Church isn't evil.
Rhea barely even reaches evil status in any route either.
Well, I refuse to look at anything that comes from Twatter, so... disgust, I guess?
Dimitrifags are mentally ill women
based. Churchcucks btfo.
I have no opinion.
I do have an opinion of the person who took the screencap though.
Dragon Quest, they just want your shekels
>with no choice but to adapt
>or reset
Just admit it, you're a willpowerlet and if the game had something to exploit you'd do it without thinking about any brutal challenge.
Notice how these "Dimitrifags" have a cetain way of (((tumblr LGBT))) typing
Did you read my original post? I was advocating for a true ironman mode you retard, one where every move is saved like a roguelike does.
I thought tumblr/twitter fucks were obsessed with claude?
Why are you fags obsessed with digging up and screencapping what teenage girls have to say about the game? You retards should just fuck off back to Twitter
Remember when they're review bombing FE 3H?
>Cutting handholding moment near doors
Based and Lionpilled
Why are you obsessed with his post? are you a dimitrifags?
>t. dimitrifag
Fuck off fujo
Just wait until the final Trails game where they kill Aidios
*turns out the real Aidios was Rean all along*
Play more games than just persona and neptunia
Why would you possibly think it's her and not the MC
so should i just never use holy relics
why do they have such low durability holy fuck
god forbid you use a combat art with them
I ain't touching that syphilis-infested dick
Nobody gives a fuck about Byleth, and Edelguard is much more popular
It is literally a very common trope that organized religion is evil in japanese rpgs. Never played Neptunia and only played Persona 4 Golden btw.
Cute Emperor>Frog faced weirdo
Anyone else want Three Houses amiibos? bonus points for time skip designs.
I keep reading about this but I haven't seen any proof of it. All the streamers I've followed who played the golden deer route had the normal cutscene of Edgelord being killed by the player character.
Is there a link to any source of Dedue going all crest rape on her?
>Nobody gives a fuck about Byleth
Imagine being this much of a delusional brainlet in 2019. Jesus, just off yourself at this point. You're legitimately a waste of space and oxygen.
That was all shallow popularity from the trailers, the second those retards saw what kind of person Edelgard really is they dropped her like a ton of bricks. Some people who like the tragic romancable villain dig her though.
you underestimate japan's love for self insert autists
>225 crit with Lysithea
Yeah, why not.
Are you implying people cared about Robin or Corrin?
When you break all 4 monster tiles you obtain the Umbral Steel necessary to repair the Hero Relics. But Seteth lance use a different monster material it seems.
No, i used 3 FE amiibos and didn't get any of "special rewards" the game said i would. So fuck them.
They did about Robin.
>all these faggots talking story band events without spoilers
Only on this shithole
t. mentally ill women
FByleth is much more popular than Mbyleth, so maybe she will get into smash?
Byleth's weapon is at least neat. Can't say you see whip/ bone swords often.
>this is your brain on BLACKED Eagle
They'll both be in if one is getting in, they'll just have both Male and female like Robin and Corrin.
No but at least I'm not an ESL who stalks twitter to look for trannies' and fujoshits' opinion on the game, take time to stitch everything and then start sperging about it on Yea Forums. Go back to your shithole.
t. Danyfag
>most deployed unit is now Dorothea over Edelgard
We have to thank all titty lovers from other houses that recruited her.
people like femCorrin
Yeah, it's not often but this pink haired sister wields a "templar sword", is literally the same as Byleth's
Hello newfriend!
I find it only respectable to inform you that on an anonymous imageboard, regardless of rules, you're not likely to find much self restraint in regards to spoilers.
Seeing as how this is probably your first month on this site, I caution you not to browse at all when you're worried about spoilers.
I hope I've made your stay just a bit more bearable!
>he thinks nips don't love their shitty self insert MCs
Says the tranny wanting the stronk womyn in smash
*Nukes ur mount*
Get fucked lol
>it's the only religion where vice and virtue is celebrated
So you're a Dimitrifags, do you even own a switch? LMAO
>be on BL
>end of ch. 18
>suddenly gundam units
That's some god tier shit
Class progression is retarded. Movement gambits are OP. Mounted units are extra OP because of canto and dismount. Maps are meh, few defensive objectives. Weapon triangle got replaced by passive skills and so you don’t have to think about that anymore. There are active skills called combat arts which are alright. Stats are inflated as fuck again. Pair up is technically back but it’s nerfed so hard it’s only good for support building and training up a weak unit. There’s now aggro lines so you have to think even less. There’s also a turnwheel in all modes so you don’t have to strategize to avoid resetting the map and instead can trial and error. There is no lunatic yet. Hard mode is piss easy.
TL;DR: it’s not impressive.
try fast traveling and checking the map, it updates their support
Forgot to say they unfucked weapons from Fates too.
So what's the point of Dark Mage/Bishop and why is it so hard to get and genderlocked? There's like one person in the entire game it would naturally fit on and he's route exclusive
It fits on Lorenz and Hubert, but it's honestly an overhyped class.
You'd have to master Dark Bishop to get Lifetaker, and that's a pretty meh skill in this game.
Don't bother.
>August 1st
My point stands. Also that fine piece of “””games journalism””” was literally using the ingame usage statistics which was obviously dominated by Black Eagles since it’s the first choice on the menu and the first house teased in the trailers. But it was a trap and they were the baddies all along.
>My point stands.
Lol nope, do you even play the game?
I didn't even need to get past the first 2 missions for the church to just hate their guts. Imagine the impact Charlotte had on me if before the mist mission i wanted to talk to her and now i use every oportunity i get to spit in her mouth. I didn't even send her anything for her birthday. When Gilbert joined my party for the next mission i just let him get defeated by the rebels. The fact that i can't say to Rhea and her dog to get fucked is just pissing me of. Not even the asshole's sister gets a pass from me. I get it that there is an anti church route but i just want to be able to throw jabs at them for being scum earlier. I'm not even on edelgard route
>nobody cares about a teacher with huge knockers and dresses like a whore who will also willingly fuck her students
This is your average Eaglenigger brain. The FeMU is already more popular than her male counterpart but that doesn’t matter since both will still be in Smash like what they did with Corrin
Why does Edelgard make Yea Forums seethe so badly?
No one?
Then I guess it really is just make-believe.
Because ugly girls and trannies.
Cute girls kinda invalidate their existence since they feel like third rate goods.
it was revealed she's the worst character
she's great if you wanna do an evil playthrough but otherwise they bait you into thinking she's a decent person
She's the eugenics freak, man. 75 normal hit with shadow spikes to riders.
What will Gilbert do if Byleth impregnated his daughter?
Baby damage.
Speedreaders and faggots act like they played her route while they just parrot whatever misinformation some other faggot posted when the game first released.
Want to know a secret? She's fine.
Or some people chose the church on their first playthrough over the Edelgard.
>discord trannies and mentally ill women hate her since she's more popular than dimitri and claude
>moralfags hate her since she actually kills people instead of muh diplomacy
>religiousfags hate her since she cucks religion
>disneyfags hate her since she gets the best and happiest ending even though she isn't nice
It's mainly the first group that's seething and samefagging, but she really exposes how fake Yea Forums is. Everyone was memeing about how they wanted to kill everyone with Dimitri yet they back out when a character actually does kill.
Lysithea best girl
I just think she's ugly.
Shes shit.
She's a cunt.
People just give her a pass because she's got a vagina.
>duH rEliGion iS GoOD
fuck off normie
They also hate Fbyleth when they first announce her design
But look at now, Fbyleth is much much more popular than her male counterpart
Girls = good
Boys = disgusting
Fuck off
>all these faggots ignoring that the church being bad is literally the story of the pre-timeskip for all routes
>Imagine letting Edgelord and Hubert be authoritylets
You deserved this
It's embarrassing how little you understand of the story
Nice flaseflagging fujoshit
Beat Bleagles this morning (First run)
Do I have to pick her again to do the Church route or can I do it from any other house?
he's not wrong
You have to play BE again for church route.
Does Mercedes leave if i betry the church?
No character does leave, they come up with the most retarded reasons to stay with you instead.
Fellow /pol/ tourist, yellow nigger is actually kinda cool and has the most heterosexual route.
I didn't expect to like it that much, if you want me to say something about balance is that Fortress and Cavalry is beyond op even in hard, if you make two great knights you are pretty much untouchable.
>came into the game thinking it would just be persona tactics
>throwaway story line where i would just default to waifu house
>turns into having one of my now fav fire emblem lords punished Dimitri
>thought i would hate the nigger but Claude turns out to be the chillest bro ive seen in the series
>and hes not gay
>waifu loses sanity throughout becoming Hitler 2nd coming
all they have to do now is work on the difficulty and combat and this series will transform into something amazing
If you don't use cavalry and gambits this becomes more enjoyable, I honestly feel that they need better AI formations that don't get ultra cucked by heavy armor and more focus on terrain choke points to keep you on your toes.
I feel that they made cavalry, Wyverns and fortress way too fucking strong in this game for they own good.
Flayn is the only one that leaves.
I want a villainess femdom gf who takes her frustrations out on me all the time.
You become a cuck
no, I am serious
Armors need to be strong. If you want to reign them back just add a few more mages to the map
I got you covered bro
Things are probably different on the dlc harder difficulties, because according to the leaks, everything has practically doubled DEX, so no dodgetanking.
The sheer stupidity of almost every master class being mounted is ridiculous though.
>when you kill all the Black Eagle characters
Ferdinand made me sad the most.
I played BE and didn't found Raphael in the timeskip, when i fought the alliance. Neither Lorenz. Were they were killed offscreen ?
>keep your teacher level
Nah you have to buy it back with renow.
I think the statues are the only thing that carries over.
It sucks for the classes which aren't mounted since they just fall behind every battle now since everyone else zooms ahead
Lorenz is with the pro-empire faction, no clue about Raphael
>The sheer stupidity of almost every master class being mounted is ridiculous though.
This. What the fuck?
Judging by how all 3 Lords have the hots for Byleth and some story spoilers, I think the story was written with Fembylteh in mind.
>start off planning to recruit only 2-3 students
>end up recruiting almost everyone in Blue Lions and now desperately trying to save everyone in Black Eagles before the deadline
I didn't think I'd give a shit but I don't want to kill these students
She's just female Cao Cao from Dynasty Warriors, she's all about MUH AMBITION and if she can't have it, she'd rather die
>Dimitri gets strength on almost every level up
>comedic supports about how he can't do sewing and breaks swords because of his retard strength
>crushes a guy's head in with his bare hands
Friendship with Ike ended, Dimitri is my new best Lord.
>normalfags like thing so thing good
>sexy purple skirt
>high heels
>white pantyhose
she's better overall senpai
>tfw going through the game blind as part of Black Eagles
>realizing my horrible mistake of being lazy and only recruiting 2-3 students
I'm so tired of killing them all. At least I got Lysithea, that's the one I wanted the most. I'll always recruit her, I can't bear the idea of killing Aoi Yuki
>Wheres the master class Archer?
>Oh its bow knight
What the fuck
who is she?
Nigga, the first time was a group of heretics plotting against the entire continent, the second a sudden ambush you have to defend yourself against. The only issue is Rhea.
I'm willing to kill anyone who insults Dimitri
Cornelia, she did nothing wrong tho
touch the daughter, you get the slaughter
One thing, a character has asked me to reduce her area of interest from magic and logic (I think) to just magic. Is there any benefit in this?
>he hasn't heard of Space Loli Hitler's galactic conquest
2019 has been a good year for hitler waifu connoisseurs
Seh got a big milkers
You get bonus exp in said field.
dlc for her romance when
But Dany was shit, as was the show in general
>t. dropped at S3
dany was more or less the only good part of S7&8 though
but yeah the show just completely dropped off once they replaced jeyne westerling with le spunky foreign girl in S2
S1 will forever be kino though
Had these shitty lost items for ages.
Focusing on a sole area is just a 1.5x boost so I don’t feel it’s worth it unless you absolutely need one stat up. The suggestions are just to guide blind players towards areas the characters tend to be good at. Don’t worry about it too much.
>Everyone was memeing about how they wanted to kill everyone with Dimitri yet they back out when a character actually does kill.
But everyone wanted Dimitri to kill the Empire, not literal students and nuns and villagers like Edelgard does.
>mfw just remembered Gilbert killed himself on that first crest monster mission and disappeared from the game after that.
Motherfucker I thought I did a perfect run.
When do gifts start appearing in the item shop? I want to get Lythseia and got her to C already.
Like 4 or 5 months in you can do a side quest battle to unlock two merchants. Once you do that you can buy gifts, tea, bait, etc
I think Gilbert does wood carvings? Maybe Anna if that doesn't work.
>Hubert, Ingrid, Marianne
>Bernadette, Mercedes(i like all the blue lions), Leonie
Is there any reason to actively try to get members from other classes instead of developing bonds with my own class if I'm going to do all routes anyway?
Some Paralogues require you to have different members across the houses. Also support conversations post-war support conversations.
Mengde is legitimately a better person than she is.
More paralogues, fill out your roster, some units like felix and lysithea are broken, and you dont have to viciously murder them
Maybe it's because I'm playing in another language or I'm not far enough (I'm on the rebellion of Ashe's adoptive father), but what's a paralogue?
there are supports between characters from different houses. I'm hooking Ashe up with Petra
You shouldn't have encountered them yet, but they're side missions that go deeper into different characters backgrounds and usually has pretty good rewards. They'll be marked as a green exclamation point on the calandar when you get them.
Back up unit incase one of your house members has shit level ups, dies or you train it badly
theyre pretty much character sidequests that give great rewards like +2 magic range relic or stat items - however some of them you need characters from other houses (like Mercedes & Caspar together iirc), I prioritize paralogues over usual quests
My felix was useless my play through he hit for nothing and died in 2 hits. This is the first FE I think where I have just babied units and still found them to be horrible from start to finish.
Lmao my ashe cant even fucking double armor knights and does like 4 damage to fucking mages. Holy fuck this mother fucker has got to be the worst unit ive ever had in a fire emblem. Probably just got really unlucky but he is unusable, whats a better bow character i can steal from one of the houses?
She is getting a figma (just like Lucina and Corrin did before her), so it´s clear who is the character Nintendo wants to push.
seething cuks
Watch for green exclamation marks on the calendar, those are paralogues.
Female Corrin is literally the most popular character from Fates.
>BLACKED Eaglefags
which is the most retarded part because the male and female protags are IDENTICAL. autogynephilia fags and foot fetish niggers just don't care if a girl has a room temperature iq
>you missed the opportunity to deepen this bond
fuck this shit
>Had this happen with Rhea B
Number one reason why I will do church on a Fresh playthrough
Fuuuuuuack, why are villains always titty monsters in FE universe? How am i feel supposed to feel comfortable with killing them? I already felt bad for Kronya.
The only problem with Versailles was that it wasn't harsh enough and Entente were too spineless to actually enforce it.
>Archi Bishop is a literal dragon
>The Church is literally sending your class to do their dirty work through the game
>based off conjecture and fear mongering
>play Edelgard route
>I would much rather make a treaty than continue to fight their army, hopefully they surrender :) Attention civilians, we will no harm you, thanks for the help Claude you're a pal
>Edelgard in Dimitri Route
>Dimitri in not his route
>inb4 muh sensei
Sensei is a literal mute self insert, if that's the only thing stopping them from becoming Hitlerstalins then the writing is trash
So I went in ignoring most of the threads and trailers about this game and holy fuck doing edelgard first was an eye opener.
But yeah I'd fuck her.
While waifufaggin played a part on it, being a retard with no initiavite is way more socially acceptable in a woman than in a man, this is an universal truth that goes beyond fictional characters and applies to the real world too.
Cope christfag. Your time is over
Hitler didn't have a vagina, retard.
Lmao watch out its a sceptic. What are you gonna do, lift some boulders?
>a fire emblem game has poor writing
I hope you didn't get into the series for the stories.
How do you know if someone's a "Christian"?
Don't worry, they'll break down at every opportunity to tell you.
Lionchads where we @?
Yeah that sounds familiar, fuck edelgard
Why is post-timeskip Edelgard so much cuter than teenage Edelgard?
Reporting in
>wtf video game discussion on MY Yea Forums
are you niggering me that's fucking unfair to have to baby a serios knight to let him stay alive for recruitment
>This support system is dumb but was fun to make a huge tangled mess of A supports and seeing what comes out of it
Seriously. My Petra married Hubert. That's so weird.
I hope you didn't go blue lions. Otherwise his daughter saw her long lost father getting eaten alive by a demonic beast.
Well the gameplay of this one isn't good so it might just have nothing going for it.
>tfw that spastic got himself offed by the reinforcements and retreated
>this saved his life
My father-in-law should be grateful
There's an even bigger contrast between her serious look and her dork moments which makes her cuter.
Petra X Igntaz reminds me of Rhys X Mia a little.
Just killed Ferdinand in Deers route, the fucker would't back down and i had to kill every general to win the map. It's my first killed student, how do i feel about this?
Like you should go kill all of them and be finished with this shit game
Lol, he actually tries to waifu genocide garbage
If I am gonna go church route, I will go full steam and fuck the pope
I am obviously going to jump on the next route right after i finish Deers.
Some of those are shit unexpectedly going out of Hand.
Ahs's dad you were just supposed to provide cleanup and aid for the main force, but Lenato went around them and attacked you.
In subsequent chapters the Knights are mostly tied down with the western church so they aren't able to give you much aid, except Gilbert and Jeralt, with the latter not being an Option once he dies.
> The bit where she draws you a shitty portrait.
I want Byleth to put it on his fridge next to his mercenary report cards signed by dad.
She looks like she's about to crack open my skull and eat my brain
he doesn't die if defeated there
I was expecting her to become colder and less pleasant post timeskip. How wrong I was.
Friends are for the weak, kill them all boyo
Is Choosing to marry Rhea (when visiting your parents grave before the final battle) the only way to save her life instead of letting her die in the Church Route?
I've missed Rhea's B-Support. Not deal, I've never planned to marry her.
I just married Flayn in the Church route (my first playthrough). I love my waifu more.
I would genuinly die for Edelgard if she came to life into the real world. That's how certain I'm that she's right. I would legit give my own life for her. If you Dimitrifags lack that resolve then you should shut the fuck up and leave the thread. But I guess it's not unlike Dimitrifags to not follow their ambitions.
Petra is for Blyeth or Dorothea only
There are no teenage boys for you to resurrect here, Dagda. Go home.
If you have enough support to do the B conversation with Ferdie you can recruit him with D+ heavy armor. I did it.
Gautier Knights from Sylvain paralogue and the Seiros Holy Monks.
Is there any difference in Part 1 between Houses, as in, missions, story,etc Like do you always fight Sylvain's brother.
How does Flayn stack up to other immortal lolis?
Everyone in the game is evil unless they get Sothis/Byleth milkies. That’s the whole plot.
>only ever "proves" how awful the Church is based off conjecture and fear mongering
She has proof, but she will only show the proof if the world submits to her. She would rather die and live in a world that she isn't allowed to rule.
This is why I immediately sided with the Church. I mean, she put me in a five-year coma after attacking the fucking school. There's no way I'm giving her the benefit of doubt.
You don't get called the "Ashen Demon" for being a super nice guy and smiling and waving at every Brigand that comes your way, that's for sure.
D+ Brawl/Heavy armor is enough if you have B rank unlocked. I recruited every single person on my GD playthrough.
>hey sensei, let me kill a million people, I'll depose nobles
>thanks for helping me kill everyone sensei. Ew, don't stand close to me, you are a commoner
>I mean, she put me in a five-year coma after attacking the fucking school.
Wasn't it Rhea in BE and Thales in other routes ?
In GD route she pretty much admits the church is a lie Sothis is dead and has been dead for 1000 years, Rhea is the last of the her children and made up the religion to kill the Invaders of her country. All the history and myth as the people know it were made it up to make the church seem more validated and in the end all Rhea wanted to do was bring back her mom
Bow Knight being Lances and not Swords is peak BS.
Why are all the blue lion supports all about food?
*One shots you with Nosferatu and heals to full*
>only route where you fight the true boss
Isn’t Rhea also the final boss in the church route?
Jesus dude, she just tossed you to the side because she refuses to be seen with a commoner. Not to mention that commoner being a reincarnation of a fucking god but that still isn't good enough for her. You are a literal cuck aren't you?
It's the only route without a nigger.
>edgetards spend most threads calling dimitrifags obsessed
>literally searching the recesses of a shithole like Twitter to get ammo for housewars
Daily reminder edgetard is Reddits favorite character.
How do I get Umbral Steel?
Everyone loves Edelgard though, even Nintendo said so
Anyone who hates Bernie is mentally ill? Sounds about right
Do you even play the game? lmao
user you're talking to the people who shit all over Fates just because of the bad story while saying that the gameplay is good but it doesn't matter because of the stupid story and the (skippable) cutscenes.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt edelgards true goal with eliminating the church was to liberate humanity from being led(and deceived) by a crazy dragon milf and getting rid of her also meant ridding the world of crest for good?
Her means were beyond stupid(and pure evil in other routes) but she had good intentions.
Break the barriers on demonic beasts
I legit want her in smash just because of the axe
plus she cute
Is this a cuck meme or something? In most of her endings, she gets rid of the commoner/noble system for a meritocracy and even steps down for a someone else to do the job.
>Kill them all. Don't let a single one of them escape. Sever their limbs and crush their wicked skulls!
The gameplay of Fates isn't good though.
Don't bother replying to cuckfag
what makes it bad
t. cuckolding enthusiasts
Question: I've seen that my characters have some possible CBA ranks that are not of their class. Is that the extent of their possible social world?
I love camilla!
How different are the houses? Totally different maps or same maps with different characters?
yes they have all their possible supports listed in the first part of the game
Nice. Even then, this stuff is a management nightmare. There might as well be no way to max them all out in one go. Or is there.
>the waifufag is mad
lmao, enjoy being a c u c k
NG+ lets you carry over renown/prof rank, so you'll have an easier time recruiting and maxing supports...but given the number of units doing all of both in a single run likely isnt possible or requires an extreme level of autism to accomplished.
Most FE final bosses are evil dragons.
Rhea was not evil in the church route. It's just her power going out of control.
Rhea went insane (became the villain) in the BE route, because you betrayed her trusts.
She is neither good or evil in the other routes. Just mischievous.
wrong gurl
Meant to reply on
>Rhea was not evil in the church route. It's just her power going out of control.
This actually almost ruined the game for me. It's like the devs were like "well fuck we already had the player kill Edelgard, and we don't want the underground techno mages to be the final boss, so let's just turn Rhea evil because she just "lost control"
Just awful, hopefully all the other routes endings are better