How did they pull it off bros? What went so right?

How did they pull it off bros? What went so right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Fallout 1/2 (1997, 1998) - Black Isle Studio
Not designed around quest markers
Non-linear main quest
Side content well integrated into the main quest
All NPCs are killable
Multiple solutions to quests, some including dynamic systems that lead to unscripted gameplay
Dark ambient soundtracks to set the tone

>Fallout 3 (2007) - Bethesda
Game treats you like an idiot and has you following GPS markers
Main quest is incredibly linear
Side content is completely disconnected from the main quest and often times makes no sense
Side quests seldom have multiple solutions and no dynamic gameplay systems to be found
Radio which consists of 50s tracks, even though they were used sparingly in the originals

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I love the inclusion of objective markers! :D :D
It really helped that my 'special' brother could join in the fun!
Wow, the game was so epic it almost felt like my favourite movie (Gears of War)

Fallout 1 and 2
A ded and forgotten IP
Fallout 3,4, Shelter, and 76
A multi billion dollar IP

>Still get daily threads

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Yes Bethesda brought the IP back to relevance.

>popularity makes the game better

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That would be NV friendo

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Being a good game makes it popular.
> But I don't like it
That sounds like a you problem.

Good old reddit anger

Your points are valid but the anime photos are cringe

>this thread again
Even if you force your shitty game it always be shit.

You don't even belong here in fact your opinion and even your existence in here are denied.

>thing is popular so it must be good
So why aren’t you watching Ninja on Mixer and voting Democrat?

>mainstream success isn't an anti-meritocratic process especially in Fallout's case where bethesda calculated every single bit of soiboi pandering to maximize profits.

I pity the fool.......

Only good thing about this game is that we got new vegas out of it.


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I am not their target audience.

> soiboi pandering
I think you are confusing them with Obsidian or Bioware.

100% Denial

I hate this image so much, it makes me feel like I'm looking into a different better universe

Pull off almost bastardizing and tarnishing the franchise until New Vegas came out and helped redeem what Todd did to it?

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I just noticed how soulless the new cover art is for 4 & 76

I declare the saltmines open.
I love when the codex visits.

Stay mad

I unironically like the world being more empty and dire than the one in New Vegas. It’s like road warrior vs beyond thunderdome. Sure thinderdome has more stuff going on, but the world of road warrior just seemed awful to live in.

He’s not you’re just underaged and retarded