Nintendo / Pokémon SwSh

I don't get why this is such a big deal. I mean, I understand the problem, but why is it so problematic for people. Did people really think every Pokemon game would have all the old pokemon + more with all their possible attack animations? Wouldn't that be an endless amount of work at some point?

I mean, sure, i'm not happy with it either and I'm kinda dissapointed that Sword/Shield is the game that turns out to be the one where this ends, but we all knew this would be happening at some point, right?

It's a bit like expecting all the previous characters will return again for smash 6.

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it's official guys

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It's more that the excuses they've laid out don't really hold water and they're charging $60 instead of the usual $40. I've thought Pokemon was Nintendo's shittiest franchise for a long time now and I'm glad more people are waking up to this

If you're reusing models, reusing animations, reusing basically everything BUT the new shit, then don't try and say you need to remake shit from the ground up.

>all the old pokemon + more with all their possible attack animations
What are you talking about you dumb nigger

All the old models and attack animations are done. All they need to do is port them. There's nothing more to create for them.

They are reusing old models and animations, there is no excuse

all the people defending swsh is just further proof that nintendofags are bootlicking shills with no standards.

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Pokemon fans are insane. You can't argue with insane people.

Cuz ppl are fuxking retards who dont like change. I'm stoked for Sword, it looks like a breath of fresh air for the series. I'm almost glad they didnt put older ones in, it's a new experience.

>tfw every pokemans was at least coded in all previous games
There is absolutely no excuse at this point to exclude any pokemon from any game, reuse XY models, use same shitty graphics from gen 6. Gamefreak is the prime example of why monopolizing a franchise to one company is an abysmal idea.

Who cares I just think it's fucking awesome that you actually get a weapon in this game

People still are mad about this? It's been 2 months, get the fuck over it already

you're not actually this retarded, right?

Pokemon, since it's inception, has been about catching 'em all.
Every new game in the series, you've been able to catch your favorites, even if you had to do some extra work for it sometimes. This was a huge catch for every game that came out.

Sure, the battle elements and everything else plays a factor, but it's always been a creature collection and raising game first and foremost at it's core, and having all that variation in potential creatures you can catch and find is a huge draw in.
I think gamefreak is starting to lose sight on what the games have always been about at their core, and sacrificing some priorities because of it.

I'm sure some people might enjoy the new games, but I don't think I'll even bother playing them or supporting it, myself.


Yeah... they lied

I'm glad they didnt put older ones in, it's a new experience.

Yes, I'm glad. And Pokémon games are now like Digimon games. By includind few of the total existant creatures.

Didn't seem to be a problem in the fucking 3DS games with a fraction of the power and disk space.

>Pokémon games are now like Digimon games
So they got worse. Just say that

My friend caught every pokemon in the national dex and moved them from gameboy to gameboy just to do that.
He filled his compete dex up in Pokemon X and Y, he saw the new Pokemon sword and sheild and now he wants to get all the pokemon from sun and moon and then also get the ones from Sword and Shield.
Don't let his autism go to waste.

Cutting Pokemon is a good decision in isolation but doesn't make sense given that the game is still literally just a menu based 90s JRPG for some reason with modern graphics now to try and hide it. Sword and Shield is where the DS games should have reached.
Menu based JRPG was the vehicle used to convey the concept of Pokemon given the constraints of a small inexperienced Japanese magazine team trying to make a videogame for a machine less powerful than a modern toaster. Now that strong hardware and functionally unlimited budget is available it is unforgivable that this game, supposedly about capturing monsters, doesn't have fully simulated entire lives or the monsters, massive herds, or anything besides the 'new' innovation being models of the Pokemon (they are just models and not actual Pokemon until they have entirely simulated lives with findable nests et cet. et cet.) appearing from two feet away. They should have ditched random encounters in D/P/P and been doing this trash back then to begin the transition to actual game.

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No one ever once claimed that either disc space or power was ever a factor in why they didn't include all the pokemon.

Because people are done with being fucked in thew ass by GameFreak

GameFreak is a Chad. He fucks who he wants.

They’ve given multiple reasons in context and people just zero in on one, it’s whatever just don’t buy the game but know that it’d take more than one gen for them to go back on this. You could potentially be in your mid 30s before you see another game with all the Pokémon.

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>I'm glad they didnt put older ones in
>Kantomons everywhere as usual

GameFreak is a Chad. He is not a Freak.

Because this game doesn't really do anything to make up for the loss. It's just more of the exact same game it's been the last several times, but now it costs console game price instead of handheld. It's even blatantly reusing models and animations from the 3DS games, and the gameplay sure isn't doing anything new to inspire interest either (Dynamax is just Z Evolutions, which is kind of balls because Z Evolutions are also dropped.). If this was actually doing anything drastically new or changing, or upping the ante on its presentation to at least try to make a new impression on a new console, then losing stuff is fine. But as it is now, it just looks like more of the exact same, but more expensive, and now we learn not all of the Pokemon are even gonna be in it.

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>Tfw it's still going to sell like hotcakes
>Tfw Gen 9 or the third version will be even worse
I might forgive them if the third version adds in more pokemon, but man I'm sick of this shit.

Buy the product and get excited for the next product.

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>Wouldn't that be an endless amount of work at some point?
No, because presumably they would pick some baseline of complexity for the models and just port the 3D models from one gen into the future, so they only have to do new models.
Game Freak actually did this with Sun and Moon and over-produced those models to be more detailed than the 3DS could run well, which is why that game has so many frame rate drops.
The reason they did so was so that the models would be able to be ported into future games.
Except Game Freak is enormously incompetent and allegedly fucked up the conversion process so they have to make them all from scratch.
Here's the issue: people would be much less angry if the game was just the new pokemon and focused on having a good and new gameplay experience.
But the issue is that no single kind of pokemon fan is happy with their decisions
>Pokeautists with living 'dexes don't get to port over all their pokemon
>newer players/RPG fans who want some innovation and development have to deal with the same fucking formula as every single pokemon game since gen 1.
No one is happy here.
No one likes Dynamax/Gigantamax
The open world design is a fucking joke compared to BOTW and even XB2.
The visuals are actually dogshit even for the Switch, even for the 3DS (which, I will remind everyone, had KH3DS).
It's a game that screams indifference and apathy
>but we all knew this would be happening at some point, right?
No, because there's this idea in game design that is 'reusing code'.
You can just port the functionality from one thing over to another assuming the dependencies are comparable and the language is mostly the same.

>Have to put up with XY, ORAS, SM and USUM having fucking terrible framerate issues because GameFreak decided to "futureproof" themselves with stupidly high-polygon Pokemon for a 240p system
>Claim their future proofed models don't work with the new games when nips, fans and HIRE THIS MAN faggots have ripped and used them perfectly and toss them aside

Because there's nothing good that's new either.
It's one thing to cut out old stuff
It's another to have literally nothing exciting to take its place.
Let's ignore the lack of the national dex for now.
What else is there to be excited about? Story is dogshit, new designs are dogshit for the most part, the animations are dogshit, the overall art design is dogshit, there's no fun gimmick like secret bases, custom pokeballs or contests.
Name a single positive feature in this game wherein I could compare that feature to an analogous one in SMT or Digimon or DQJ

>tfw i havent bought a pokemon game since bw2
i could feel the bullshit coming with x/y
thank god i skipped out on the whole 3ds era.

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What's your endgame, OP?

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>Did people really think every Pokemon game would have all the old pokemon + more with all their possible attack animations?
Yes because when they made them (or more specifically when CREATURES made them, Game Freak didn't even make the Pokemon models used in the own games) they made them future-proofed at much higher quality than what the 3DS could handle.
We know they can just use them again on the Switch because they DID for LGPE.
Personally, if the game underwent significant overhauls that considerably changed fundamental aspects of the mechanics, OR if they went really, legitimately above and beyond with animations for the Pokemon they kept, I would actually think cutting Pokemon was reasonable. But they didn't, the mechanics are the same as they've been for 15-20 years and the animations are still ugly with stuff like Charizard shooting Flamethrower out of its shoulder, Pokemon awkwardly bouncing up and down to "attack", Blastoise not even using its water cannons to shoot water, etc.

Aegislash was the only good part of XY. I didn't buy SM or USUM.
I've actually been playing Crystal Clear lately.
user you know how many people have to repost threads to get past smash spam right?
Still strange.

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I hope modders put all the cut Pokemon back into the game just to shame Game Freak. Can't be that hard since we have all the models, right?

Aegislash is very cool, true.
But he's in Pokken now so I get to experience him in the best way possible without the chaff

>Did people really think every Pokemon game would have all the old pokemon + more with all their possible attack animations?
Yes. I do expect one of the biggest entertainment franchises in the world to continue growing
>buh thuh switch can't handle it
Then Nintendo should've made a platform strong enough for it's biggest fucking franchise

Because we've gotten nothing even remotely close to worthwhile in exchange. If it came out looking like Breath of the Xeno Odyssey with lots of personalized animations, following ridable pokemon, features, etc it would be one thing. But this looks barely above a 3ds game, a system that managed to stuff in all 800 or so creatures. And when this happens to be the most profitable franchise on the planet you kind of have to wonder why this is an issue to begin with.

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I still don't have a switch, how is Pokken?
Is most of the meat online?

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It's not even about the Switch, it's almost entirely about Game Freak/Nintendo's budgeting.

I don't have it either, I'm just saying if I really wanted to experience AegisSlash, Pokken is the better alternative to to XY

Well that comment aged like milk

Why were Aegislash and Gourgeist the best parts of XY?

Oh well, thanks user.

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Honestly felt like some of the most inspired designs in a while. XY might be my least favorite gen but it introduced a lot of my favorite mons.
Aegislash, Trevenant, Hoopa, Zygarde, etc

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I dunno, I just dig his design and aesthetic.

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I don't see the problem

What's the problem?


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People would be more fine with the national dex thing had they actually put effort in the game like they used as an excuse. Sure people would be upset, but a better looking and playing game would of made up for it, they just know the game will make money and they just don't care for pokemon anymore. Literally putting more faith into that Towns game that looked like shit.

The problem isn’t Pokémon getting cut, it’s what we’re getting in return, which seems to be a severely disappointing, low effort, underwhelming jump to console.

Yeah, I'm genuinely uninterested due to my perception of the low production values. I can live without every old pokemon, but nothing they've shown grabs me. I hope by the release date something improves, but I'd rather pick up something that looks like somebody put a lot of thought into small elements, like Dragon Quest: XI S.