Vidya with a Female lead and a wholesome Story?

Vidya with a Female lead and a wholesome Story?
No "le strong wahmon" Sjw bullshit

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Other urls found in this thread:



Why do incels get triggered by the idea of a woman who doesn't exist to serve them? It's not the 1950's bucko

Any western games which aren't shit?

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shut the fuck up, the narrative of a strong women trope never works to the favor of a good story/character

What shows have you been watching?

Good luck.

Tales of Berseria

"the cute Magician Lina Inverse will say the S word!"

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American McGee's Alice
Mirror's Edge

I thought I was the only one who enjoyed all 3 of those. Good shit mein nigga.

I've heard only good things about The Longest Journey, if point and clicks are your thing.

Some of these aren't very story focused. The rest (most of them) I simply don't know the story to.
>Pre-2011 Tomb Raider games.
>Parasite Eve
>Resident Evil games
>Perfect Dark
>original Fear Effect games
>Alice Madness Returns (and its predecessor)
>Mirror's Edge
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
OP was pretty obviously just trying to avoid the hamfisted, political faggotry of current decade.

trails in the sky

unironically celeste, even though Yea Forums loves to hate it (but Yea Forums hates video games)

Umihara kawase

Probabbly because nobody does it honestly in this day and age; instead they use it to force their ideas onto people. That's why never works.

Alien is my favorite movie, super metroid is one of my favorite games. The issue is that they make their heroine super perfect and unflawed. Even arnie has flaws in his movies or link to compare to a similar vidya. You gotta have flaws to be interesting in a character or story sense.

Who plays Metroid games for the story or character? That's like the people arguing over lore in Doom.

Danganonpa V3, it's a good time :^)

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There are more shows in the world than the moeblob harem shit you fap to

"Strong" women are written like being female is some weakness to be overcome and aren't allowed to ever be in the wrong like some perfect mary sue. I prefer realistic characters to hypocritical political talking points.

gravity rush

The problem anyway is that when a character is being written as a flawed female that does a lot of wrongs, people just chalk her off as because she's a dumb girl.
See Saber from Fate/Stay Night. Very flawed character and went through many difficulties because of her indecisiveness in life, still gets shat on when compared to her betters like Iskander and Gilgamesh.

Sabers problem isn't just that she's flawed, it's that she's boring. She has no personality outside of being retardedly selfless. She and shirou are actually pretty much the same in that respect.

>Yea Forums recommends the longest journey
>but it on sale on steam
>load up game and watch intro
>walk down to lobby, very first thing in game is some dyke yammering on about her dyke friend
>uninstall the game, never look back

Story doesnt have to be uncharted shit in vidya user. You can enjoy a fun little atmospheric adventure for its story just as well if not better thru vidya.

>Eek a lesbian!

Well, you could say her dour attitude is a result of her actions when she was still King of Camelot, so it's still not something that's her fault. I don't see any circumstance where she'd end up with Rin or Taiga's personality for example.

I second this, wholesome as fuck and Kat is based.


I want all of them to crush me between their thighs, Killing me instantly.

Why has no one mentioned Nier Automata yet?
2B is a perfect example of a strong but classical female i.e. strong willed woman but is loyal to her man and will do everything for him

Sure that could be it, but they never actually delve very far into her past to show that transformation. If that had it would have given her character a far greater degree of depth and likability. Shirou served that role for EMIYA, showing who he was and how he became so bitter and cynical and he ended up the more interesting character as a result.

>is loyal to her man
>killed her man

It's full of them actually. The commander, 2b, Devola and Popola, Anenome, A2, even the operators. Good characters with a strong believable drive.

A female lead is automatically '''sjw bullshit'' according to certain gamers

gravity rush

You mean the game about the robots?

>certain gamers

Drill Dozer

You could say the Yorha are aliens or vampires but nothing would change about their personalities.


Horizon Zero Dawn.

But they're robots. They can't be females. Aliens and vampires can. I was just joking anyway, not trying to start some nitpicky argument.


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Why must you hurt me

Translation never ever

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One day I will get more than a few episodes in to Slayers. One day, maybe soon.

It's kind of the opposite with Saber. She goes from a choleric, serious business kind of person to someone who's genuinely interested in a world outside of kingship when she meets Shirou. Too bad the execution becomes a fairly standard fish out of water story and Saber's transformation is summed up with her gluttony and her doing weird things with a straight face.


Don't you hate it when games make basically humans, and then go "well, technically they're aliens indigenous to another planet and not humans at all"?

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I think she's co-opted by faggots now, but I still like Beyond Good and Evil.

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I forget, is Slayers the anime where mana is stored in a woman's breasts, and big boobs means that a sorceress is powerful? I remember that being a thing in a show but I can't remember if it was real or if it's something I just thought up when I was a horny teenager, and now remember being real.

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what the fuck is he wearing

Wet was pretty fun even though it was carried by the ost

Nah. I like Farscape and Babylon 5. That shit don't bother me. I just wanted to poke fun at user.

Except Homs are humans. they're human-like entities created by a human who thought he could be god and made people in his own image. Play the damn game before you spout nonsense.

Yes. Especially when they move, speak and act like humans but surprise they're robots (kinda)!

That said, my favorite duality of man vs machine has got to be in 40k: Mechanicus where the supposed protagonists, the Mechanicus Magi, all speak in garbled beeps and boops, while their enemies, the Necrons, speak in eloquent High Gothic mimicking Shakespeare. Mind you, the former are supposed to be humans while the latter are space egyptian terminators with no souls speak of.

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There is that one anime where when they beat someone they steal their breast size. Is that the one you are talking about?

Drakengard 3

Mirror's Edge 1
Beyond Good and Evil

I unironically miss 90s arty style so much.
It was so snappy and perfectly exaggerated and stylized. Character designs and outfits were kino

>they're absolutely humans, they're human-like entities made by a human
Do you think before you speak, or what?

Probably not. I don't think I would have had access to something that overt in the 90s / early 2000s.

It's an anime made in the 2010s

Wild Arms 3 fits that perfectly. Strongly recommend it.

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Beyond Good & Evil is your best bet. Awesome game besides. Otherwise you're going into 16-bit territory where the gender didn't matter like Alisia Dragoon & Valis.
God I hated that era for westernized (re: raped) box art.

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I am interested in both of these shows.

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Nier Automata

Agreed. As does Koudelka. If you can get past the God-Awful gameplay. Game was fucking designed as a Resident Evil game when the team making the game rebelled against the designer or some bullshit and forced a Final Fantasy battle system instead.
Using the battle system from Final Fantasy II of all fucking games.
Combined with a "tactical" positioning system (re: checkers for dummies).
With the RE-style/sized rooms unchanged so you're left to wander in circles forcing random encounters just for level-up before the next boss.
I really want to love this game... but I just can't.

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But a lead has to be strrong in at least one way. Otherwise, how would she overcome whatever adversity the game's narrative sets in her path?

I like both of these boxes.

The twist of that game is that they ARE earth humans.

quality Stargate game never

Silent Hill 3 is pretty wholesome, it's about the importance of family and a warning against single motherhood.

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My Dragon Warrior III lead female Roto was strong in the Lewd. Does that count?

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Popful Mail, even has a strong Slayers vibe for ya

Seeing as someone already mentioned Metroid, uh.
Romancing Saga has the option of multiple protagonists, there's a girl, go nuts.
LISA's DLC, just that, it's cool.
Not too wholesome, but one of the most psychologically deep games of all time, American McGee's Alice, a masterpiece (pic related).

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Play the game, dumbass. They call themselves "Homs", but they're straight-up humans. Plot Twist: They're on Earth twisted by magical science.

Nobody is saying a female lead can't have strengths. They just don't want it to be the "I'm a strong woman who doesn't need a man but my entire identity is about being a woman trying to compete with men" kind. Just like how the majority of male characters don't have being male as the focus.

Always did like it when Heather gets killed, and the monsters spread her legs before dragging her body away.

It's technically not earth, just another dimension where earth was a water planet.
Xenoblade 2 is the original earth, buildings and all.

A Hat in time

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Oh God yes, this x41,000

Any kind of modern Slayers video game, when?

That was one thing that always bugged me about Xenoblade (the first). The "Endless Ocean": Was it just a massive "water planet" rotating around the sun that birthed two giants like out of some religious story whose origins I forget due to shit going down on the original Earth, or was it literally and endless plane of ocean, and that the way the Sun rose/set by appearing/disappearing above the horizon line wasn't a hardware limitation but rather the sun and moon were literally appearing and disappearing as they traveled over the giants?
Keep in mind that Xeno2 is in my backlog.

Best girl.

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check steam

Mordred was a much more dynamic saber.

Pre-modern rebootening Tomb Raider. Only faggots hate classic Lara.
This one. Madness Returns is still pretty rough around the edges th-thanks EA, but it's everything modern STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN games should be.
Alice is strong, but she's not flawless. She's not a braindead retard, but she's not always perfect in intelligibility. She's a compelling character before she's a woman, and that makes her a strong character. Defining a character by their predisposed, unimportant traits that they can't even control is an awful fucking character, and almost no real people outside of a stupid minority define themselves like that. STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN characters are unrealistic for that reason.
Strong leads aren't a bad thing, unless you like your characters bland. The purpose of a character being built on their gender with sloppy writing and having no real in-universe reason for gender to be the focus is a bad thing. They aren't characters, they're just soapboxes so the creators can spout what they want and look good doing it.

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Uncharted Waters 2 Catalina route.

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>th-thanks EA
I'm pretty sure McGee himself said him and his team just made a lot of mistakes during development like wasting a lot of time or setting goals too high. EA wasn't responsible for the filler content in the game either.

>literally a foot taller
This is my fetish.

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I think Lina is just short.

>can't get past a few episodes
Try Ruin Explorers, it IS only a few episodes and gives the same vibe.

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Phantasy Star 1-4
the actual slayers RPGs
Technically half of the Ranma 1/2 Crimson Cat Gang SNES RPG
fuck it the Tenchi SNES SRPG counts because tenchi is outnumbered by all the girls and the story is wholesome AF
Alisia Dragoon
Popful Mail
Wonder Project J2 kinda counts, and is well worth checking out.

Great tastes.

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I'd like a DaS Anime MOD to turn everything weeb animu to build various characters.

Misadventures of Tron Bonne

is it available anywhere with the jap dub?

I need more Senpai, Ihrie and Rasha in my life, I really wish the guy behind it would actually go back to this art style over what he does now with Xenosaga.

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Presumably, before the end of the game where Shulk has Alvis reshape their universe into an infinite one with multiple planets like the original universe It was in fact just an infinite plane of water

fuck, it's been a while since I've seen this conversion. And it kind of rustles me that I can't even use her fucking name, guess I'll use

There might be a chance for a revival. Plenty of studios are hoping to bank on nostalgic 30yos. I mean, we're getting some new Slayers novelizations.

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>It was in fact just an infinite plane of water
No it wasn't. The start of the final area is you being in space and see Earth in the distance, along with Jupiter and Saturn.

Not Slayers, Lina is one of theost powerful mages and she is constantly mocked for being flat.
Although she loses her spellcasting at that time of the month

Lollipop Chainsaw
No One Lives Forever
Tomb Raider (the old ones)
Heavy Metal FAKK 2

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If the universe was truly already like that, and it wasn't just some form of the final dungeon in usual JRPG sense, then why the fuck does Shulk have to wish for it to be like that?

>lina in the middle of a bunch of samefaces
shameful and insulting

See that part I definitely remember being in Slayers because I thought it was hilarious.

lina is not even that flat

>At that time of the month
I don't remember this. I recall her losing her magic, but it was due to a curse and not her being on her period.


I'm not too sure about the first one, but it might be Seikon no Qwaser. Second one is probably. Manyuu Hikenchou. Both have some of the highest quality plot in anime.

Fortune Summoners

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Just proves how special Lina is among a crowd of otaku bait.

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am I the only female girl around here

but user we're all girls

If you've watched the first season of the anime it becomes a plot device in the early episodes. It wasn't really a factor in the OVAs.

Some of us are female boys.

"we are all girls here" user

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>Slayers SNES game
>Devs managed to work around the fact that Lina is a horrible horrible person and isn't actually fit to be an RPG protagonist
>It turns out you're actually playing as an evil clone of Lina the whole time
>Everyone openly admits you're actually a much better person and more pleasant to be around

This. I like her cheerful personality.

Who the fuck came up with those clothes? Holy shit

Tales of Berseria is basically the JRPG answer to John Wick if that sounds like something you'd enjoy.

I've only played the Tenchi Muto SNES game and have no idea there was a Slayers one. That story narrative sounds perfect as Lina is a horrible little girl with no boobs.

>btw I'm a grill
Post tits or fuck off

>They pulled off the plot of an early South Park episode before South Park even existed
That's amazing.

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Can somebody explain about Naga? Did she appear in anime? Did she appear in Light Novel? I saw a lot of arts with her, but i can't find her in characters.

Ova character only.

Do i understand right that she is the second favourite character after Lina?

She’s number one.

Sana is Best Girl and her faceplant slide is the most precious shit in the world.

Dino Crisis

oh boy a stealth anime slayers thread
too bad nowadays the entire site is infested by underaged normalfags like >472851926

Ys Origin.

Slayers is one of the only animes I ever enjoyed.

It's really a shame it doesn't have Shadow Heart's battle system.


>No "le strong wahmon" Sjw bullshit
do you even know what that means by this point? fuck off

She is a self-proclaimed Lina's rival. She used to chase Lina around while trying to prove that she was the better sorcerer. All of this happened before she met Gourry and the rest of the party and she doesn't appear during the main series.

There's only one OVA featuring the whole party where Naga appears, but only as a cameo.
around 5:30

>tfw ywn have your own Naga to do this to your penis to arouse you before she dominates you

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Perfect Dark

>just another dimension
You mean the same dimension after an artificial experiment went Big Bang?

This. Lara Croft was the best female character written but of course numales and pinkhaired western were too retarded too understand that and only saw BIG BOOBS = BAD.

>Lara Croft was the best female character written
Her character was literally just daddy issues.

That's called add flaws to the character, you know some background.

>God-Awful gameplay
uh, you can go fuck yourself, Koudelka's gameplay is great.

It's not adding flaws, it's literally all there is. Old Lara Croft is nothing more than a women rebelling against her aristocratic father who wants her to marry some rich snob. That is the sole reason she becomes a tomb raider and dresses like to a whore. She just wants to piss off daddy.

Then I have to inform you, you're a brainlet if that's the only thing you see as Lara Croft as a character.

Is this a troll?
She’s an adventurer because she wants to be one.
Daddy only plays a role in the first reboot.

>Lara Croft is a deep and meaningful characters, guys!
You're a retard. It was cynical shit thrown together to sell to women. You may as well be arguing the depths of Barbie's character.

I see you have no arguments, clearly NuLara is your thing.

>I see you have no arguments
As opposed to the infallible "You're a brainlet that doesn't get it" argument which is the only thing you presented? I don't care much for the nu-Lara games but she absolutely has a better character than the original. The first reboot was a massive improvement too. Original Lara was trash.

Yikes! I've got a feeling that you're flat. Don't take it out on others.

I'll have you know my 100% natural man titties are enormous.

>I don't care much for the nu-Lara games but she absolutely has a better character than the original. The first reboot was a massive improvement too. Original Lara was trash.
And that is how is proven NuLara was (you)r thing after being unable to see why OG Lara is a good female character.

>Actual strong woman with Mary Sue level powers
>Before SJW ruined the whole concept, so still a cult classic

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Because OG Lara isn't a good character. You haven't presented any argument whatsoever as to why she is good, just the assertions that she is and that anyone who doesn't agree is magically unable to see it. Because you are a retard.

Kill yourself, retard.

She is compared to the other girls in the series, and Araizumi could never bring it upon himself to draw a flat chest.

Isn't this also the plot of one of the OVAs? The villain creates 'Evil' clones of Lina and Naga who turn out to be more morally adjusted.


>filled with tranny propaganda
no thanks

No need to so someone who only see "daddy issues lol".

But that literally is what it is. OG Lara was the child of a couple of snobs. She was arranged to marry another snob. She decides she doesn't want to be a snob like her parents. She runs away and does shit "unbecoming" for someone of her status to piss them off. Her father disowns her.

lol no, she's way more deep and complex brainlet

And that's not all of her character, meanwhile NuLara is pretty much moaning and grunting because she's put into crazy shit that can't handle sheading a tear here and there; such a well written strong female lead. Of course it gets worse when people thinks writting a character is using minutes on cutscenes and shit when old Lara does it in just a couple lines.

So you keep claiming but never actually present arguments for.

I liked Darcy from urban chaos and Houston from vigilante 8 and i’m a nazi. What does that say about me?

>Romancing Saga has the option of multiple protagonists, there's a girl, go nuts.
Also Saga frontier

It says you are full of shit.

Quoted the wrong post. You can't even be reddit properly.

I would also love to impregnate a black girl and turn her into my cumdumpster housewife even tho i hate niggers and we have zero of them here in Slav country.

Final Fantasy VI comes to mind and of course there's Metroid and Resident Evil and Parasite Eve and of course Nier

Being a strong woman doesn't mean bitching about men, destroying their countries and taking their jobs idiot.

>Otherwise, how would she overcome whatever adversity the game's narrative sets in her path?
Same as anyone else, grind and fight

>Being a strong woman doesn't mean bitching about men, destroying their countries and taking their jobs idiot.
What game?

>doesnt mention phantasy star 1
Shut the fuck up, zoomer bitch.
Go back to watchmojo and wikipedia.

Any modern AAA western game these days

I haven't played Phantasy Star 1 anyway jackass

We can tell. Go read wikipedia articles for your nerd cred, mewling cunt.

>nerd cred
These are all series I've played idiot

Fuck you.

up yours nigger

Did you enjoy the lick images?

This, but with lolis.

>I am a writer and I'm going to make a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER
>Watch out boys she's a tuff grrrrl and she's no nonsense and so scary hot dang so strong so bold
>Yes, I am a good writer and if people don't like this character that I made they are simply sexist and I am a good writer

Shu the fuck up and leave this site for ten tears, underaged scumbag.

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Considering her dad, how big do you think her bush is?

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>it's bad writing because she doesn't want to fuck me

I'm a prancing lala homo man but nice try fag
>It's good writing because she's a tuff girl
Try making good characters instead of mouthpieces and/or fetish representation, dweeb

2b doesn't have a vagina

>it's bad writing because i'm a faggot

>It's good writing because I'm a retard

Perfect Dark
Tomb Raider, originals and underworld trilogy
NOLF 1 and 2

You're forgetting Archer from No one lives forever

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Because everyone making games or movies seems to think "strong female lead" really means "action dude, but with tits" and it gets a bit stale

Eternal Darkness

She will when i’m done with her.


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good lord 90's anime looks like fucking shit

To be sent off to Gacha land is truly suffering

There is only one thing around here that looks like shit: (You)

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Uh... Castlevania Order of Ecclesia?

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>Being a strong woman doesn't mean bitching about men, destroying their countries and taking their jobs idiot.
one of these posts

the translation was done by a fan but they never found someone interested in putting it in the rom sadly

>extremely easygoing and fun, always tries to stay positive, has such a radiant personality she managed to heal two derailed mass murderers
>strong-willed but still vulnerable, madly in love and not afraid to show her affection
>kinda bad at fighting, one of the worst party members in the group, still tough enough to not be a dead weight
>despite the fact her father is a national hero, was never spoiled and grew up into a genuinely good person
We need more female leads like Estelle.

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Her sister is better

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The fact that is Naga singing makes it better.

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Phantom Brave is peak wholesome but I think La Pucelle is what you're looking for OP.

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this too

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>that hover hand from Zelgadis

Celeste is fucking amazing. Great OST too! Definitely worth a buy.

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not a western game u cuck

Lina looks great in Naga's gear.

playing through plague tale right now and while the gameplay is very easy the story about trying to figure out what's wrong with the little brother and save him seems good so far


I always like Jill Valentine from the original RE games.

why did you bring this up? I cant jerk off right now

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Good tastes. I'm afraid of what the future holds for BGE

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>I will always find you... Like it's written is the stars
Fuck, I can't hold all those feelings

Dragon Age inquisition

seconding that

I know I'll get riled for this, but many of Blizzard's characters pre-WoW.
The female characters in Diablo 2 for example felt strong without being in to your face, even with the camp full of amazons.

Lina a slut.

BloodRayne 1, Beyond Good and Evil.

Trails in the Sky isn't even voice-acted. Only the battle dialogue (People shouting attacks) are. I believe there's a patch that allows you to switch to Japanese battle dialogue though.
There's also a mod that takes the fully-voiceacted dialogue from the unlocalized remake and puts it over the original English version.

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Great women are often sluts, it's litteraly the female equivalents of Chads.

>I need more Senpai, Ihrie and Rasha in my life, I really wish the guy behind it would actually go back to this art style over what he does now with Xenosaga.
Tanaka's artstyle is generally still the same even today. He just doesn't do anime anymore. Look at his 2D portraits for Xenoblade 2 and they still have the same face style as his 90s character designs.

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I guess it's the only way they can keep wolves at bay.

>No "le strong wahmon" Sjw bullshit

Congrats getting played OP

>Old Lara Croft is nothing more than a women rebelling against her aristocratic father who wants her to marry some rich snob. That is the sole reason she becomes a tomb raider and dresses like to a whore.
No, she refused to marry BECAUSE she became an adventurer. The plane crash changed her and she became an adventurer when she came home and when her dad told her about the marriage she refused because of her lifestyle change. Not the other way around. Did you even fucking play the games? Hell even that's not an excuse, I haven't played the games, I just looked it up in the wiki

Troubleshooter for the Sega Mega drive

Bad strong women revolving around wearing their gender as an identity to go up against or to belittle men. Being a strong female character while keeping or being indifferent of your womanly traits is positive.

Left the plot on a real cliff hanger.

The future


A hentai?

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final fantasy 6 (if you count Terra as a protag)

Muh fucking dick!

No that's from some erpg you played made in rpgmaker

I know cause I played the same thing and the witches stored their power exactly this way

if that's your thing they're making figures of this song/segment

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This one.

>everything I don't like is tranny propaganda
people have different opinions