God Hand Demon Elvis

Just best Demon Elvis in God Hand. Is this what not being depressed feels like?

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Yep. Now go spank some bad girls.

No, user. If you're unironically depressed then seek professional help.

I'm on antidepressants but nothing is helping. I'm afraid if I kill myself I'll go to hell. That's the only thing stopping me.

Antidepressants are basically supressors, they won't make the symptons go away. Are you seeing a psychologist? Being able to talk about what's troubling you with someone that actually has studied about mental health issues and knows, based on actual scientific studies, how to best advise you could help.

Absolutely this. Antidepressants alone are not enough to stave off depression. Also to answer your original question, yes.

What should I do? I have hobbies, i have a social life but nothing is helping me. The only part of my day i enjoy is sleeping because i don't have to think about how depressed i am.

Most "depression" is just from bad lifestyle choices. Go out and walk regularly in the sun. Do more intensive exercise regularly. Don't sit around all day on your computer/phone/TV. Eat a healthy diet. Get a proper amount of sleep and keep a consistent sleep schedule. Drink plenty of water. Minimize Drug/Caffeine/Alcohol use. Have regular positive social interaction.

This will make anyone feel better.

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I'm doing the kms run and damn it's fucking hard, specially the gay couple

Cool, Im about to start making some gameplay videos showing mah skillz

Who besides Mikami could make a God Hand Sequel (or prequel)?
I want to say Itsuno but I feel like he just shouldn't for some reason

The sad thing is that I'm actually in good shape. I diet, I exercise, I never drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. I even go to Church three times a week, but nothing is helping me. I hate my life so much.

I dunno man, I just want a game with God Hand's combat that's all, because I don't think that in the SWJ (progressive) era will even let the game realese, they'll probably say "ugggh, this game is made for incels that hate women and minorities"

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what is exactly what you hate about your life? user, papa gorilla is here to ear everything what you say

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now go beat gene with both godhands in the arena

it's kinda easy if you know some tricks, but Gene's health bar is so god damn long that is boring.
(I beat him with normal moves and without roulette wheels or God Hand)

Look at the other things I suggested.

Also, stress. Eliminate stress.

Sometimes you just have to ride it out breh while doing everything you can to be healthy.

Nothing holds my interest anymore. I feel mentally deficient, socially retarded, not doing good in any of my classes and I dont enjoy my major program. I feel like a secondary thought to even my closest friends and I think I'm going to die alone because I dont have the ability to attract anything other than unstable women. I'm not satisfied with my current path and I don't know what to do with my life. Not that user btw

That's the strange thing. There's nothing particularly bad about my life. I'm moderately attractive, I have a good job, people seem to like me etc. But I just want to die. Ever since I was a little kid all I've ever thought about was dying. I have no hopes or dreams or fantasies other than ones that involve me being killed.

Keep seeing your psychiatrist and take your meds accordingly, and start seeing a psychologist as well. The meds will keep the worst of the symptons at bay, while going to the shrink will put you on the road to figuring out what needs to be done to cure your depression. It's a proccess you need to be willing to partake on, the psychologist is there to accompany you and aid with his expertise, but at the end of the day if you don't keep trying there's no way anyone will force the depression out of you.
Seems like you're already in a good path though, keep doing what you like/your hobbies, and definitely stay close to your friends and loved ones, it may not seem like it, but having people that care about you and actually listen, not only tell (psychologists and good psychiatrists also fit into this) is essential to aid anyone with depression.

School and college fucking sucks, be patient and don't give up, get a hobby and excercise often, get a schedule and follow it until it becomes 2nd nature, then go out by yourself, talk to your close friends and family often, believe me, most of my friends RARELY take the first step and I end up being the fucker who organizes hangouts, smash nights and shit , it's a bit tedious but it makes me and them so happy.

I was in that spot user, all you gotta do is try new things until you found out what you really like, that happen to me last year, I started college ( Engineering in systems ) and didn't liked, but with a lot of luck I heard about a famous economist of my country and now I'm studing economy and freakin' LOVE IT
And with friends, I also had that second-ish feel, I just though that I was able to only be a clown, but I just analised my friends and some where douchebags and the ones that really loved me still keep in touch, just don't stop to meet people cuz when you get older is harder to make stable relationships

I fucked up lmao

Get a mental help, I don't have any desire to die in any way user, I just feel that is useless to live but I dunno, something about being alive is what I like, playin videogames, learning, have a good group of friends, trying to get laid, doing martial arts... I just don't know what exactly what I like, I think that my cocky personality kinda helps.

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Bro, College is a scam and waste of time 95% of the time. How far along are you and what is your major?


And this is kinda true, having a diploma doesn't mean that is "Get outta poverty free card" if you want to gain money you only need to satisfy what the market wants.

>miserable in fucking school
>graduate this last spring
>feel almost zero sense of accomplishment
Make sure you're studying what you want to study, dont just go for what you think will make you money.

Exactly, that's why started Engeering in systems in my first time, now I'm studing Economy.
Pd: Fuck Keynesians and Lefties

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I'm almost a senior in International Trade I only did it because I was running out of time to stay in a major and I was already taking Japanese so i decided to join my friend. The problem is I STILL dont know the language and I'm not sure why I decided to stick with it since I rearly read manga. I have been trying to fix that by tracking down Japanese copies of Berserk to practice but Im really unsure about everything right now

And fucking why you want to learn Japanese?
You already know English, just learn another language like spanish and done, you can trade where ever the fuck you want

Because I wanted to work in asia and I didn't want to learn Mandarin

Why asia?

QT Asian girls, obviously.

I thought it might have the largest job market. Honestly I have no concrete reason to like anything I just thought Asia might be the most interesting

Man, if you really just wanted that you are a retard, and the mayority of asian girls aren't cute and doesn't have big tiddies or a big ass, waste of time

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Sike, every open country is a good to go.

Yeah it was this reason too after my last and first gf I just started hating white or western women. I know Asian girls arent great either but after that relationship theres probably something genuinely wrong with me

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Psh, what a dumbass, just fuck and let go having girls friends it's cool when you REALLY find a good person, thing that is really hard.

I do have female friends but recently Ive just felt so lonley. Like I said I feel like Im just a secondary thought to my friends and I just with I had a best friend or someone that I could be close and important to

I suggest you to keep playing.
The best antidepressant is avoiding Yea Forums.

that sucks to hear user, you just gotta find good persons, something that is hard, after literally 16 years I find out that my best friend it's just an hiphocrate son of a bitch with low autoestime that will do everything that can be on his favor

this is actually
based... uh?

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I cant even say they're bad people, its just that even my "best" friend doesn't talk to me that often