Post your gaming buddy
Post your gaming buddy
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>that kid in school that had a pet rat and would walk it and pretend it was a real animal like a cat or a dog
for some reason they always wore scarfs
rats are better than cats by far and only slightly less of a pet than a dog (if they lived as long theyd certainly be equal)
>rats are better than cats by far
seems like a bit of a broad statement. based on what metrics?
being good pet that i love
>pet licks wound
>lose both arms and legs
Fuck dogs/cats
>let an animal lick your actual open wounds and then dont put polysporin or a bandage on
she's just retarded, that could have happened with any other persons spit too, or even her own hand if she scratched her ass and then her wound
>t. dog fucker
t. rat
don't sit around with open fucking wounds and it won't be a problem
One of the two. Pic is a few years old.
Cute, I miss having an animal
What's that book about?
>tfw your childhood pet is dead
cats = disgusting fucking shit creatures
dogs = stupid, annoying as fuck. but cute and loyal. they get points.
rats = die too early. heartache
If rats didn't die at the speed of light other pets wouldn't stand a chance and I would be less depressed
all pets = smell like shit, gotta clean up after them
plants = get bugs on them, neem oil doesn't work and die on you
For fucks sake what am I supposed to do then?
I was an education major in college before i switched to a full history major (just as much as a mistake). I was probably in early childhood education classes at the time.
So what major are you in now?
What can you tell me about early childhood education?
>For fucks sake what am I supposed to do then?
Peaceful isolation
That position is comfy for like ten minutes before your neck starts hurting
*jumps back in through window and meows for your attention*
I finished as a history major
I honestly cant remember most of my education classes outside of a lesson i designed about the Vietnam war, and a course I was designing about horror in media vs cultural norms at the time.
The rats I had were very sweet and cute. Every time you pet them they would do this thing I called eye boggles. Their eyes would pulse in n out and make little chewing noises. My last rat had a FAT tumor, so big it couldn't even use its back legs. One night while my mom was on vacation I forgot to feed it and it died the next morning. Reaching my hand in the cage to feel its cold body scared me and made me cry. She was so sweet.
Was Egypt actually black?
His name is jum jum
My cat also likes standing in front of my monitors. He gets bit confrontational about my long screen time.
bearded dragons are the truest of bro pets behind dogs.
I'm being serious
Rat bros
how can we extend the lives of our bros?
Pet rock
Spend time with your ratties every day and give them a great life.
How long do they live?
You think he wasn't? C'mon bro, just jizz on a shirt and you'll have your own fungal kid in no time. I'm too lazy to find it, but post that pic. You know what I'm talking about.
By getting a ferret instead
lol my cat is licking my face right now
nice quadruples
need to push scientists to give us their breeds of rats and combine it with the common rat we have, maybe splice in some of those bomb searching pouch rats genes for the longevity. basically get some celeb to take up the cause of pet rats and eventually longer lasting breeds will show up
rats are great pets but they dont live very long, sadly
I don't have the emotional fortitude to love and care for something that is guaranteed to get cancer and die in two years
based thread my guy
Where do you think we are? Get a tamagotchi
>Post your gaming buddy
>pretend it was a real animal
user are you okay in the head
Sure, it's a good idea to immunise further and further the lifespan of a pest species that actively contributed in wiping part of humanity a few centuries ago.
I can see she is getting turned on by that
i wish i had a cat but i just have a dog
Can someone give me a rundown on rats? Do they just die after a week or something?
Don't exist anymore
retardation aside why do people let dogs and cats lick them/their faces? i've seen dogs eat literal shit and cats eat insects and lick their dicks like wtf why would you ever let them near you?
>b b but they need to lick inside your tonsils to know your scent
fuck that
QUICK what are the toppest tier pets?
Cats are terrible, fuck you and your cats.
Rats can live a generous 2-3 years in captivity. Often shorter than that cause they get tumors and shit.
Some Birbs
>want a pet
>dandruff and shedded fur is the absolute bane of my existence
Life sucks.
enough said
i dont watch projared does he have a shitty youtube mascot or something
>Had a stag grub
>slept all day and got fat just like I did
>but after a few years he became a chad while I remained a slob
Still miss it though, but I 100% acknowledge they aren't really pets; more like marginally interactive trinkets. not a nip, my dad just likes insects
Why do they get tumors?
get a short hair cat or dog. or get a reptile.
as a species they evolved to proliferate in large numbers, not be exceptionally long lasting or durable. whale tactics vs rodent tactics. rodents take huge numbers and reproduce from a young age in huge numbers, whales are big as fuck and live for ages
>Get a reptile
A shame Tegus are such high-maintenance and can decide to tear your fingers off, because they're cute and apparently can show affection unlike other reptiles.
reptiles are cool but shit pets, they have crazy requirements and will never ever express actual affection regardless of how much you anthropomorphize them
That's because you're a cock licking fag
Refugees don't need our help to destroy Europe. The plagues already did enough.
Like two years if they're lucky. Pet rats are bred from lab rats so they're susceptible to a ton of illnesses, often cancer and tumors, either internal or on their tails.
>dude I love my pets!
>no, I'm not a vegan
>no my pet is not allowed to go freely! I own it!
hypocrites, the lot of you.
Dogs and rats. Really miss having rats, they're so much smarter than most rodents and actually love their owners. Got a hamster a few years ago expecting it to be similar experience and was very surprised at just how retarded hamsters are. She would just walk right off my desk if I didnt stop her. At least she always seemed pleased to see me.
Motherfucker already got the right to have free food and not be eaten so he can't complain about go freely.
>>no my pet is not allowed to go freely! I own it!
I bet you are one of those cunts that let their stupid fucking cat run rampant and rape the local ecosystem.
> pretend it was a real animal like a cat or a dog
rats are also strangely smart. the gap between them and mice surprised the fuck out of me, they act more like dogs then mice.
mice are almost purely instinctual, rats can make friendships with you and be tough tricks much easier, they grasp the concept of a human being taking care of them.
mice never got past the "is this man going to kill me?" stage unless you hand raised them from a
youngling and even then they still get nervous. TL:DR get a rat not a mouse from a handraiser.
I actually think about this often. Are cats the only pets that'll willingly come and go freely if they have permanent access to leave? My cat always hangs out with me even though it can go outside whenever it wants. I can't imagine that with other animals.
>not having a cute formerly feral kot that you tamed who wanders wherever he pleases and jumps back inside for eating/attention/naps
But I am vegan. And I let my cat go where he wants but he wears a little bell and a collar with loud colors so he can't kill birds.
but he has a dick
Why are cats so based?
oof. Imagine actually wanting your cat to be defenseless AND noisy out in the wild. When it gets mauled by a seething pitbull I hope you know it's your own fault for gimping its ability to walk by stealthily
big brain
hand shaped heda
culture of sneak
they cute
>tfw no pet
I want a cat, but I feel like if I get one, I'm not going to take care of it right.
>refuse to take baths unlike dogs
God no, never again.
My closest neighbors are like two miles away and they're in their 80's with only cats
they are pretty fuckin easy to take care of, just give them some food and attention and they'll figure out the rest
t. unplanned cat adopter
She passed but would always sleep near me while I was at the PC and even come nudge my ankles during late nights when buns can be very active.
I've got the weirdest boner
how about just getting a cat that knows how to walk outside and hide his shit in the bushes by himself like a functioning individual
man, I can smell your estrogen through my monitor. my cat's playful and all, but she isn't fucking useless, she knows how to fight and how to get birds for dinner.
I don't mind if you're a fag, but don't force your cat to be a fag.
Oof. Imagine actually being so butthurt about nothing you lie through your keyboard like a big tough guy. Get a clue, simp.
I wish my rabbit would be chill like that, but an accident involving a vacuum cleaner when he was young permanently put him on edge.
Sorry she isn't around anymore. Buns I have found are the best companion pet for a single room. I lost the girl I had a little over a year ago. But have the male she was bonded with staying with me. He sits next to me while I am on the pc, then comes and sleeps on my bed when I go to sleep myself.
I want to be a big tough guy for being a vegan living in the boonies who cares about the lives of local birds?
cool. cats own.
so what do you do now for a job?
you fucked him right?
user no you’ll have to amputate your face now
so? I don't think you or literally anyone ever cared about the billions of insects birds kill each year. it's called food chain. maybe I went too far with the "fag" part, but what I meant is that is the natural way of things, way older than anyone
birds arent making bugs extinct
>maybe I went too far with the "fag" part
The food chain is out of wack almost everywhere with domestic cats because of the fairly recent introduction of them in ecosystems that never had cats.
>the absolute state
Dogs, some cats.
My cat is a good girl and excellent lap cat but she's banned from my office because she thinks cables are fun to eat. Doesn't even chew them, just straight up snips them. I thought she'd learned her lesson after last christmas when she literally zapped the shit out of herself on the tree but apparently not.
What about Guinea Pigs?
amazing dog > amazing cat > dumb dog >cat
anything else is just being an attention whore.
>cat run rampant and rape the local ecosystem.
Uh, I think you mean improve. Survival of the fittest bitch boy. Dumb birds and rabbits shouldn't have been so slow to run away.
>simp is that way
>Let me just introduce this flamethrower into the underbrush, dumbass plants shouldn't have been flammable, survival of the fittest
fucking kek
I don't want some dumbass bird around me for 30 god damn years. Our rooster is 6 years old and I'm about ready to strangle his ass.
Congratulations, you just made the area more fertile for future generations of vegetation and possibly helped certain species of plants reproduce with the aid of fire!
Good news, the average rooster lifespan is half that.
Blue tongue skinks
nigga been eatin booberries hahaha look dat niggas tongue hahahaa niiggaa been eatin fukin popsicles n shit!!!
He's been acting weird as of late.
r they eating fuckin fruit gushers
The one dude doesn't seem so happy about the other dude.
probably cause he's just missing his home dimension
God damn iguana bullies
I recognize you, you're that animal rapist.
Fella on the bottom right was so pissed.
Probably he just want to eat your soul.
If lizards were able to feel emotions they would be the perfect pets and wives
You should get a wormhole for your back door so he can go out freely. He looks bored.
>Post your gaming buddy
She died a week ago.
I had her for twelve long happy years, black lab, I've never cried harder in my life than the moment the vet said she was no longer with us. Just typing this made my eyes watery.
Cherish every moment, anons.
>dumbass bird
They're like the rain man of the animal kingdom. There big iq autism isn't matched by any other for maybe except the octopus, or the odd monkey
>letting your cat roam outside so it can be hit by a car, attacked by wild animals, catch diseases and parasites, get murdered by piece of shit hoodlums
nah nigger never let your cat roam outside, it's content inside with food and windows to look outside and sunbathe from
My mom would tell me about how when she was a kid her family would take in stray cats and one time one of their cats came back with a rubber band tied so tight around it's tail that it had to be amputated
People are fucking terrible human beings, one of the reasons I hate living in America where people can abuse defenseless animals and get off free for it
Animal abusers should be brought out into the street and subjected to the selfsame torment they inflict on animals
fucking pieces of shit
vulture babby?
Vultures are so underapprectiated
and yet, somewhere along the line, your point was lost in the flames of your own making.
>it's content inside with food and windows to look outside and sunbathe from
The Veterinarian I work for lets all 3 of her cats roam outside. Yes, absolutely it's a high risk situation and if you're not ready to potentially have your friend attacked or killed don't do it, but I've seen cats that become very lethargic when they are denied their freedom of the outside.
enjoy your fleas
>blue j
Fucking Java flashbacks, damn i hate programming.
>it's content inside with food and windows to look outside and sunbathe from
only if it's been kept inside its whole life and never experienced being outside
I hate birds.
every cat I've owned has been content to remain inside, they have enough room to run around and have been fine
letting your cat roam outside is asking for it to be harmed or lost
fucking kek
I always think it's better that animals have freedom and a happier life over a long unhappy one. It's not fair for us to decide that for them. Some cats don't care about going outside or just chill in the garden, but at least they have a choice.
your suppose to sterilize the "wound" with peanut butter first
She was happy to see me come home.
Vs Giving all of Europe the plague.
if you don't let your cat outside in the first place it'll never get depressed over not being let outside.
my cat escaped once for a week or 2 and she's just fine staying inside now, fyi. letting a cat go out is bad for so many reasons it's ridiculous that it's somehow considered an acceptable practice. if you let your cat roam the outdoors you're seriously irresponsible. just have a litterbox and scratching posts like a responsible owner for fucks sake.
I sterilize my balls with peanut butter.
hmm, hmm yes I see you make a good point against dogs and cats ol chap, but might I levy an argument against your rat my good sir. ahem. BUBONIC PLAGUE
So literal flamethrowers are better for the environment than feral street-dwelling cats.
If you live in Japan cat have no risk
My cats have the freedom to go outside whenever they want (during the day at least), and they don't ever go further than the garden. They just like to chill in the sun and take in the breeze. There's nothing cruel about it.
My cat who I had for 18 years was put to sleep yesterday due to terminal leukemia
Can I get an F please
this is how children with peanut allergies are made
I had a cat that got outside once. After a few seconds she ran back inside and never tried to get out again. I did carry her outside a few months later, all bundled in a kitty harness and leash. She didn't want to go for a walk, which was fine because I put her down in about 2 feet of snow instead. She was very happy to never go outside again.
thats okay user your cat lived a life filled with love and kidness because of you
F user i hope he/she had a good life
have the parasites that your cat has dragged into your home degenerated your brain so badly that "lmao" is all you have to say?
He sits with me when I'm at my PC. Usually nestles under my neck and watches or he'll be tugging on my ear.
He may pass soon. Uncurable disease and most of his feathers are gone..
Fuck, why'd you have to post a Savannah. I lost mine 6 years ago, and I still haven't gotten over it.
when my neighbor takes his dog for a walk his five cats follow behind. shits cute as fuck
Some cats are outside cats, dude. My childhood cat roamed my entire property for her entire life, lived to be fourteen and died peacefully in her sleep. My current cat is skittish as hell and can barely handle being inside, so I don't even try to offer him the concept of being outside. It all depends on the animal and your environment.
I want a large bird
I had to put my 15 year old cat down last year due to her just no longer eating or drinking and dropping from 10 lbs to 5 lbs in 3 weeks. Even injecting fluids into her did jack shit. Which was odd, as she'd gotten a clean bill of health a week before she started going downhill.
Post pic?
Dude, those insects suck your ass dry, kill crops and spread disease to you and your animals alike. You might not care about them now, but that's because you haven't had to deal with them unrestricted.
Me too
F, same thing took my cat, though she didn't live nearly that long. Treasure the good times you had.
no matter what environment you're in the wildlife is being harmed and your cat is being exposed to countless dangerous and health risks. you're also exposing yourself to parasites through contact with your cat. would you sit down and cuddle with a wild animal just because it was being friendly, taking no care for your own health? ok maybe, but would you willingly take on the long term exposure of having it live and sleep in your home, bed, handling and cleaning its shit vomit and piss?
>My mom would tell me about how when she was a kid her family would take in stray cats and one time one of their cats came back with a rubber band tied so tight around it's tail that it had to be amputated
This shit is precisely why I don't want to let my cat outside. I feel awful about it, because I originally took him in from the outside and I know he'd love to get let out, but apart from getting hit by a car, I don't want some fucking lunatic to take my kot and torture him or some shit. It's particularly worrisome because he's an incredibly friendly cat that goes up to and trusts anyone--I got him in the first place when he followed me home one day, and prior to that he was known for scratching on people's doors to be taken in during storms. Not too long ago in my neighborhood, some woman got arrested because she had some dogs and cats, then decided to just move and leave them in the house to starve and rot to death. Plus, I live in a drug-infested town and there's a bum encampment about 300 yards from my apartment. Shit's dreadful.
I'm not sure you can really even escape it if you live somewhere rural, either--your cat's liable to just get eaten by one of the billion predators that lives in NA, or shot by a hillbilly that's pissed it wandered onto their property.
Exact same here. She was doing just fine, went to the vet a few weeks ago and her bloodwork was normal. Suddenly she stops eating or drinking anything for a few days, we bring her to the vet, and she's in the late stages of leukemia. Don't know the vet just fucked something up or if the symptoms hid themselves for a long time.
Because one, you clean yourself afterward, and two, it's a sign of affection so most people are just charmed by how cute the animal is trying to love you.
but user that's a dinosaur...
>terminal leukemia
sorry for your loss.
would like to take this chance to remind everybody that cat leukemia is transmittable. as in, it's a contagious disease that cats spread to one another. i really hope your cat wasn't an outdoor cat, user.
I literally did for fourteen years, you fucking retard. If you take care of your animal it shouldn't be a problem. Are you going to live in a bubble because of the countless dangers and health risks that being outside poses to humans, too?
I been meaning to take a pic of it, but I don't own a cell phone and probably never will so it's not like a camera is always within reach.
Do you own, oh I dunno, a normal camera?
If you're not there in the room with your pet when they're put down you're scum and I don't want anything to do with you
that's incredibly irresponsible and short sighted of you to do. i'm sorry that your cat has passed away and whilst i'm sure it was well loved and lived a happy life with you, i hope you do not have any future pet cats.
oh my god the bottom right one looks like a snake with arms its so cute
But dinosaurs are cool as fuck, at least when they are not eating you...
yeah but I don't keep it around my neck like a Japanese tourist in an 80's movie
Dude. Stop. You don't know him, you don't know where he lives, you have no idea if these cats are also mousers for the barn on the farm or if he has a huge yard for his cat to chill-out in. You don't know shit. So until you know shit, don't speak as though you already know shit.
Put it next to the window. People normally walk their dogs around the same time every day, as that's the time the dog gets to take a massive shit in the neighbors' yard.
Does that poster seem like a white girl to you
I would love to have a bird if it didn't mean cleaning up their shit all the time and worrying about them flying away. They seem like perfect pets otherwise.
Why do I get the idea that bird is more intelligent than certain game journalists?
>cats are also mousers for the barn
working animals are not pets, no more than the cows that would be raised for milk and veal are pets or the lab rodent being experimented on is a pet. the people working with them form bonds of course but they are primarily a working animal and is a completely different scenario.
>huge yard
yards are not zones where parasites or predators just choose not to go because it's someones property
I love crows so much, I want one as a pet
my hand
>working animals are not pets
Good bye.
the worse part of having a bird is the fucking dust. my brother's house is covered in a fine white powder from his cockatoo s feathers. fuck that shit
What is wrong with him?
>dog has rare benign cancer affecting in his head
>has to have surgery this week that splits his skull
can't you read motherfucker? next time I'll just shit on ya head ya shithead
Imagine being this much of a coldhearted faggot
imagine not reading past the first half of a sentence
Imagine being this much of a detached faggot
My stupid dog that decides every hour is run around the house hour.
grow up
Ravens and magpies can use objects as tools or toys without being taught the behavior, so yeah.
>he fell for the shiba meme
Bro... that's cringe...
what a fluffy boi
He likes to sit on my bed and watch me play games.
its called bruxing(teeth thing) and boggling it means they are VERY happy
Shibas and huskies are too crazy.
Girls love shibas tho. Literal chick magnets.
that cat looks gay
grow down
it's literally made of pussy
It's been a while since I've had a pet. If I ever pull the trigger and get one it'd be an axelotl. Every picture and video of them gives me great smile.
Either that or befriending/adopting a crow. They seem pretty bro-tier.
>years ago our first cat managed to get out of the house
>was gone for 2 weeks, thought she was dead
>get a call from a car wash place 4 miles from home, she somehow was fucking alive
>never left our sides ever again and is clingy to the point of being almost obnoxious.
I fucking love rats. They're the best rodent.
>Affection of a dog
>Size of a small animal
>Smarter than mice, hamsters and guinea pigs
>Can be trained
Should I get a bunny or a cat?
cat. bunnies are too unpredictable.
cat hands down. unless you have researched and are prepared for a bunny dont even consider it. They are already massively abandoned please dont get a pet you are not ready for, especially not something niche and fairly high maintenance
Did that bird just fucking dab on him?
based trash birds
Based dog
>die too fast
cute dog
Despite being just 13% of the pet population
What game has the best rats? Aside from Vermintide, which is #1.
I don't have an animal companion these days after my doggo of 16 years died, but I do hang out with my neighbor's pets. The chickens usually photobomb my /toy/ photo sessions. My sis used to have a cat too. It was a siamese hybrid that liked to piss everywhere and wake me up in the middle of the night. Though it got fed up after she was forced to wear a brace for her scratching problems and ran away.
fuck off and die you retarded obnoxious hippie faggot
I try not to think of that.
Get a cat and make sure to let it free roam in the natural world.
woke her up taking this
Why do dogs always know when you're taking pictures of them? My dog always wakes up and tries to hide when I take pictures, like he's an injun thinking it'll steal his soul.
I feel bad whenever I have to push her off me, but this cat will sit in my lap for 5+ hours if I let her.
I feel so blessed yo live in a gated community with a 10 meter tall pine tree wall-fence all around my garden. It's a big garden, so the kots can roam around safely. Even if they climb the huge trees (they never do) there is no one outside to hurt them, as it's a gated community with heavy security(unless you arent a resident the guard Will not let you Enter), so no niggers that go around trying to do bad stuff. After hearing these stories of animal abuse in neighborhoods, i'm truly sorry that those cats had to go through that. But at the same time, i feel glad my Cats are safe. Pic related is one of my Cats, she often sits and sleeps on my lap while i play
My other kot. She likes rubbing tomatos
I had my dog lick my wounds when I was a kid, never got any diseases or reactions from it.
When a dogs eyes are fully closed they are not asleep. Dogs have a semi transparent third eyelid that is used when they sleep. It will look like their eyes are still open. When they actually close their eyes they are literally just resting their eyes.
F for fuck cats
When I still lived with my family my mother and siblings would just let my cat out whenever they wanted whether i was home or not and regardless of the weather.
Last time he was out he was gone for THREE WEEKS, i was livid and anxious the entire time, he came back with a nasty scratch on his face and was basically comatose for 5 days while he recovered from whatever the fuck happened, he never rushes to doors that lead outside when they are opened anymore, so i don't feel as guilty keeping him inside.
Sounds like bullshit.
The real answer is simply dogs have good ass hearing and you're making noise.
Where are my aquarium chads at?
having a dog is awesome, great company
weird dog
>No it's fine dude, its dangerous going outside so keeping my kids locked up is better because its safe
Fuck off, bubble boy.
kids are a lot smarter than cats user, don't make retarded posts please.
>kids are a lot smarter than cats
my buddy died six years ago
the pain never goes away
I think Dishonored lets you spawn in a group of rats if you go the evil route
not at surviving outside lmao
>Keep playing user, I'm just pirating your glass of water.
Wow check the get
asshole fucking cat always knocks the glass over when he's done with it, he could at least not spill shit everywhere when he cucks my out of my water
based and cute niggercat
regards, niggercat connoisseur
Random story: I volunteer at and animal shelter on weekends, work with cats. One day had a dude come holding back tears frantically looking for help seemingly trying to get an animal as fast as possible. He wanted a dog and I guess I was the first person I saw so he asked me. Couldn't help so I started walking him to find one of the dog volunteers and while walking he told me he was out of state from New York. Said his girlfriend in New York called him that morning to tell him she put his perfectly healthy dog down while he was away. That's basically it, didn't really ask for any further story as it was clearly killing him to talk about it. Fuck that bitch. Respect your animals.
which is why kids dont run around naked in alleys and up trees and into sewers and shit user
my dog died today, we had to put him to sleep, he had erlichia
bastard was the only one who was happy to see me back from wageslaving, he was a good dog
>Hysterical hole attacks innocent animal for revenge for something her bf did or did not do
I wish I didn't believe this but I do
My cat sits on my ps4 probably coz it heats up so quickly
Sorry my dude
he cute
>want a small animal to keep exercise easy
>they piss and shit everywhere, all the time
>want a big animal that I can just let into the yard so I don't have to clean up shit
>they need to be played with and exercised regularly and their food is expensive as fuck
are cats really my only option?
where ferret friends at?
Technically he's my grandparents' cat, but he seems to enjoy hanging out with me the most when I'm visiting. He chews electrical cords and wires like a kid with down syndrome, though.
They're adorable but their piss smells like death and they destroy everything they touch.
Soo.. they're like women?
will you get another? mine has a tumor on the mouth, already tried to remove it but only grew back, options left are chemo or removing half face and I don't think any of them are good for her, so I just let her live until it becomes a problem for eating or painful, it's my first dog and my plan is to get another as soon as possible, life is great with a dog and even tough it will hurt as hell, I consider part of dog ownership outliving your dog
That cat's high as fuck.
are rats not animals to you?
no snakes?
size isn't much related about energy, chihuahuas and greyhounds are lazy fucks, it's all about the breed, but any dog you get you gotta learn some basic education for them, try to go volunteer at some dog kennel and learn how to handle them, for example, best moment to teach a dog is after walking, they are more receptive after a long walk, don't take kenel dogs as reference tough, they become stressed on kenel and they become diferent after they relax at your home,
I have raised three cats so far that were allowed to go outside whenever and they all lived 20+ years