Do y’all actually hate Todd Howard?
Do y’all actually hate Todd Howard?
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He makes his employees work 80+ hour weeks, so yes.
I sure as fuck don't like him, but I hate Pete more.
its not like thats bothering the employees though.
if they hate it so much, they would have quit by now.
they know what they fucking signed up for.
what a fucking midget
Why Pete?
t. virgin NEET
Notice that this women didn't have kids with him lol
I'm too normie to care. If I made as much as him to say shit, I would too tho.
Doesn't work that way
America not having UHC means that you can be stuck in shit conditions because losing insurance means death
Well it’s not his wife
>it's not like that's bothering the employees though
epic fucking retard lmfao
have sex commie
he's a used car salesman that got into gaming instead
Nice photoshop, Todd. Someone post the original, please.
Oops my bad g. They look good together.
Not hate, just disappointed in him. Everyone knows he can do better but she's spent years pulling the same junk with no reproach.
What a smart move. “Hey boss, I quit.” Now you are immediately replaced in an oversaturated market and have lost not only your income but your health insurance.
Bethesda has one of the lowest turnnover rates in the industry.They seem to have no problem with the demands of the job.
They seem to enjoy it considering most of the major names on the credits for Fallout 4 go all the way back to Oblivion, Morrowind, and even Daggerfall
There's not even 80 hours in a week
Based retard
Have fun waiting a year for a doctor to look at you for a few minutes, also have fun paying for third worlders healthcare in forn of taxes, get fucked yuroshit
Nobody hates Todd Howard.
>doesn't recognize Lynda Carter
for shame user
No, lol I knew 76 was going to be a shit show before it was and just didn't buy it. And if you're dumb enough to spend 200 bucks on an ultimate edition or some rum you deserve the gas. Yes, ES 6 is going to be a shit show folks, prep your anus' now.
i wish i had 80+ hour weeks
never waited more than a week to see a doctor
You can't hate him, really. As someone who isn't invested in Bethesda nor buys their games, it's just funny.
How could you possibly know this
That has to be edited
wonder if they ever caught that guy who trashed a store because they wouldn't give him a refund
you know in your heart of hearts it isn't
>I'm actually a really nice guy and he treats his employees well ask anyone
>I'm actually a really nice guy
He's actually a really nice guy and treats his employees well ask anyone
Not him but nice try faggot, tens of thousands die from our shit healthcare industry every single year, it's literally nothing like this even one country to the north, you literal fucking mongoloid. Healthcare administrators have turned hospitals into profit mills where you get a surface level evaluation, no fucking doctor patient relationship that compares to anything in a civilised nation, and just constant pill pushing solutions for pronlems that would have a social or behavioural prescription literally anywhere else. Why is our infant mortality rate worse than literal third world countries? I hope you get sick through no fault of your own whatsoever and go bankrupt trying to fix yourself before finally realizing what a retard you are mere moments before you croak, you revolting bootlicker.
t. Dual citizen who's lived in both the States and Canada for 10 and 25 years respectively
That's his wife? C'mon, Todd, you can do better than that, my man...
Who are you quoting anonymous? There's no post there haha
Credits on the game.
They are a fairly small studio.
Companies like Bioware,Obsidian, and CDProjekt burn through talent at a high rate.
So well I don't have the HR records for every studio it would be a reasonable assumption.
Not really, but I still think his games are very overrated
Lemme see your wife faggot.
Rude desu
that's how you know it's a healthy workplace, it's not even uncommon fro new employees to drop off almost immediately
Well yeah, you typically stop getting paid when you quit. That's how the world works. you're better off quitting than killing yourself pulling 80 hour work weeks.
shes probably been with him since day 1 back when he use to be in the chess club
you virgins wouldn't know shit about having a loyal waifu
>like to think that Todd is just a cool dude with the bad luck
>like to think that that story about him soloing settlements at the last moment was true
>that Zenimax and Hines are just forcing him to say shit, "come on, who ELSE will say it? and look good while you are doing it"
>that Todd is working his ass off trying to make the best shit that is possible
I can't hate Todd for some reason, but my hatred for the rest of Bethesda is making up for it.
I just want to see Todd as a good guy
Yeah having the honor of a lifetime working on Elder Scrolls 6 is such a drag. I would work 100 weeks for free to be apart of that
Imagine having to go to the doctor more than once a decade. Nice genes.
this. Our healthcare industry is a scam that tries to nickle and dime the sick.
He does it for free
I could never hate Todd-daddy.
What’s Todd’s favorite race to play?
Nords definitely, because he's so handsome, tall and muscular
Thanks for the (you) but I'm not going to read your novel ;)
I hate Pete Hines because he is an enormous asshole.
>buy a series so you can cash in on brand value
>make a sequel without actually playing the originals, or taking into account the original plan for a sequel
>get called out for inconsistent lore
>try to be smug and reveal how little you actually know about the franchise
>get called out again
>respond by saying “lol IDK nerds!”
Also there was the brilliant Wolfenstein TNC ad campaign he came up with
God, they're both so ugly.
Excuse me but wtf. She looks pretty good for an old fart. Looked even better young
When you work that much, work becomes a home away from home, so it doesn't matter. Most of them are probably neckbeards who just play games in the lounge and look at porn at their desk for at least 40% of their day. It only makes sense considering how fucking terrible TES and Fallout from 3 onward are.
The best thing Pete Hines ever did is tell autistic lorefags to go fuck themselves. Taking videogames seriously is retarded.
>I hope you get sick through no fault of your own whatsoever
All the people constantly bitching about healthcare are always fat fucks or do other dumb shit to not take care of themselves.
I know what a fucking faggot lol
he doesn't sperg out on twitter so he's alright
It’s not wise to post your info on Yea Forums, Rod.
Kill any especially evil nazis today, Pete?
She looks good in this photo. She could get it.
all you need to do to prevent any illness is just get /fit/ and leave humanity behind
same, i believe zenimax are the real assholes
Just get another job that offers health insurance. Also it's not like you are working while having a severe illness which makes you be obligated to stay at a job that overworks you.