If Japan is so xenophobic, why do they make the most delicious brown vidya girls?

If Japan is so xenophobic, why do they make the most delicious brown vidya girls?

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i think 'delicious brown' is a cringe and creepy way to call someone tanned/brown/black

thats okinawa brown

Ever heard of Okinawa?

Shut up, nigger.

They like tourists but hate immigrants


Grow a freaking dick, dude. You're lucking he did not straight up called her a NIGRESS.

Leave this place if you're so offended!

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because they can

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she is tanned obviously, not a nigger, or i wouldn't be attracted to her.
also she cooks, something most women can't do now days for some reason.


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make like a tree and fuck off, virgin

Remember when redditors didn't browse Yea Forums

She has one of the best trainer designs. As much as the games themselves gets bad as time goes; The art direction is top-notch

>cuck trash

Mao is such a good girl

youre right because its permanently stuck in 2007 era "delicious cake" chanspeak

mao mao?

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Look, if you want a woman who cooks I'd suggest you stop dropping n-bombs. White bitches cant cook for shit.

Because brown anime girls share no actual similarities to real life brown girls outside of a vaguely similar skin tone. People thinking brown girls in real life are in any way as attractive as 2d brown is the biggest cope.

So you mean that saying good things about a dark-skinned character without using racial slur is bad?

Because they specifically avoid giving them typical features prevalent amongst brownies out of xenophobia
And that's a good thing

okay newfag

They tan

Just because they are scared of outsiders doesn't mean they don't want to fuck them.

opinion discarded

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shark teeth are stupid!

Japan is not xenophobic, only the really old citizens are

Fuck off retard

No trailer park boys either Now fuck off

Brown is shit. All of them need to become white.

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jesus christ..
when is /pol/ gonna learn they're not welcome here anymore?

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Japan draws brown, not black.
They have close ties to brazil so the brown women you see are closer to the brazilian side, not black sheboons from america

This. Lets call them for what they are:
shitskins and niggers

I prefer to call them "imminent colonization" or "ebony bitches".

So you mean I'm /pol/ for liking brown girls?


imagine having this trash of taste
white "girls" are the worst, literally every non-virgin knows this.

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Fuck off, nigger.

Tell that to Japanese calling black actors monkeys.

no one cares, user

Japan is inherentely racist to anyone who isn't japanese. You can be black but if you behave and accept japanese culture, you will be ok.

That's the problem with weeaboos, japanophiles and anime lovers. They only know a very niche part of their modern culture and when they go to Japan, the culture shock happens and they get confused. Japan (while being a first world country) is a shit place to live.

God I want to bury my face in Nessa's sweaty armpits

Except 99% of them have the same eye and hair color. Very boring.

reminder that white 'women' can't compete

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Shit taste.

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>Japan is inherentely racist to anyone who isn't japanese.
That's ok with me. I don't feel entitled to live on their soil.

>the edgy teen racism board
>liking black girls
Sure, if you say so.

based and high-test

cringe and gay

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Why would I care if I'm seen as a foreigner by them when I actually am a foreigner to them?

Because they still want to fuck hot girls, unlike westcucks who want black guys fucking their women.

I mean, the fact you think blacks hate that word anymore just reaks of white American. Stop being pussy bitches and say you like nigger women in 2D form.

You know it's true.

White is right.

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>You can be black but if you behave and accept japanese culture, you will be ok.
This, I never understood why white nerds seem to almost get off on any alleged hate asians have towards blacks

>implying /pol/ looks anything like that.

anime girls don't share any similarities to humans period you stupid shit

the key is assimilation. It's not behaving like an anime protagonist but behaving as a japanese. That means, a lot of non written rules that you must learn or else be treated as pariah.

It's a soul crushing life the one of a city dweller but I guess some people get used to it.

I don't see any brown here

It's pretty convenient since anime characters often don't belong to any real life race.
Also some people think brown = african.
It's especially retarded when an anime character has brown skin and blond hair, like, those characters are obviously black, it's not like there's a Japanese sub-culture whose members tan and dye their hair blonde.

Your right anyone from Germany westward are nigger loving freaks

brown is better than black or white, you know that deep in your heart and balls.

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I think you're a fucking faggot who should go dilate with a knife.

>If Japan is so xenophobic, why do they make the most delicious brown vidya girls?
Because they are not black but okinawan. I mean, Yea Forums thinks all japanese girls are Han-type of white, but the truth is they are mostly brown and okinawa are top brown, japan is a lot of islands after all.

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>call someone tanned/brown/black
Brown is not the same as tanned or black you moron

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Alternatively: Japan reinforcing they like the way flips look, minus the faces/everything else

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Why should we care what a faggot says?

>It's a soul crushing life the one of a city dweller but I guess some people get used to it.
I live in NYC. I know it's not the same thing, but eh city life ain't so bad. At least there's always something to do and always something in walking distance.

pretty much both options. If you walk for any district like Ikebokuro or Nakano you will never see any black around, the most brown people you see is from the south, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima or Miyazaki, they are not latinamerican brown, but they are more tanned than people from Kyoto but they are usually portrayed as brown, It´s a caricature of course.

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>Japan draws brown, not black
Explain Carole from Carole & Tuesday

>Japan is inherentely racist to anyone who isn't japanese.
I´m from chile and I been living for 10 years in japan. Is part true but depends of where you live, right now on Nara and people is very kind to me, but thats also because I´m not black or white, I mostly look like a halfo.
Asians dont hate blacks, they love black culture as a whole, but just not in their neighborhood. I used to have a black neighbor back in Tokyo, but people was really nasty with him. Osaka in the other hand is a nice place to be a gaijin.

>not attractive
I don't see the inconsistency here?

They're not ugly.

I am always surprised how delusional are americans about their country. You literally have multiple ways to life your life, from semirural, rural, small town, small city and cosmopolitan city. The problem I guess, is that you are used to the facilities of a city life.

You have a lot of liberties and opportunities compared to most countries around the world. Hell, if you hate your life so much in NY, let's swap.

You can calm yourself down, nowhere did I even come close to implying I hate city life, in fact if you actually read by post I do the opposite.

Carole is cute

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>If Japan is so xenophobic, why do they make the most delicious brown vidya girls?
Because they aren't drawn with brown facial features.

This. Weebs are mentally ill racists.

Fuck off, dumbfuck

Because Japan took the brownpill and ascended.

shut up, commie

>Carole is cute
if your like blacks, if not she is fugly.

But then everybody would thought that you are talking about a girl with negroid features and not about an anime girl with dark skin.

>If Japan is so xenophobic
Peruvian living in japan here: Japanese girls are easy to get if you are white or brown, but they will avoid you like hell if you are black.

because 2d>>dpd

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>Disagreeing with resetera fags means you're /pol/
>Calling everyone you spot that doesn't browse seem like they browse resetera /pol/.
I Fucking hate you triple niggers you stick out like a sore thumb. /pol/ is literally more welcome than resetera. You guys are just retards in sheeps clothing trying to push for a politically correct atmosphere.

here, you forgot your "sweaty"

cringe and nexflix pilled

>New Tamagoro doujin never

>Become weeb
>Suddenly develop a passionate hatred for niggers and user's personal definition of mental illness
Your view is so warped I can't help but diagnose you as brainwashed.

>no pubes
Low test.

What's wrong with brown facial features?

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Not him, but
>less sloped foreheads
>elongated backs of skulls
>broad, flat noses
>wide mouths
>jutting jaws
blacks are mostly ugly
Somalis are the worst with their lightbulb-shaped heads

You may not like it

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Redpil me on recent popularity of Brown girls.

Why has Japan suddenly start promoting them?

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Because they plan on importing shitskins to fix their population decline.

fuck off nigger

fuck chinks, fuck gooks, fuck arabs, and fuck niggers
t.catholic sea

"Japan is xenophobic" comes from white tourists that got lost by expecting every person to speak english and obey them like slaves wherever they went. Same with "French are assholes". You don't follow the local rules, you get hated, no matter where you come from.

>Be black
>Skintone probably lighter than your ass
>They're gonna avoid you bro, honest


None of those things you listed belongs to one particular of people so what are you on about?

Also I was being sarcastic to anons retarded reply.

In reality" black" or "white" features don't exist.

My Roy got obliterated by Hero in online.........

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>lighter than latin

redbone or whatever they are called could be it?

How do you compliment a brown girl?

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because these don't look like real brown/black people whom japanese hate with passion

when will redditor rats learn that they're not welcome anywhere?

cute and funnypilled
tfw ywn suck on one of those premature titties ; _ ;

does it still count as oyakodon if the girl is just the friend of the actual daughter?

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>clothes screams chinese
I'm confused

I know that feel bro

post more cute and funny tho

I love Mao

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VERY good girl. Would impregnate.


I wish i was a sweaty brown girl.

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why would you want that user


So i can be a cute user's wife.

>he doesnt know

how about being a cute user's exotic fucktoy slave?

That's okay too i suppose...

No, now post real Oyakodon you coward.

Taimanin anal massacre
Winny the poo baseball derby
free roms of Tintin in Tibet

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Now gimme sauce.

doll play

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DB is just tanned white/asian girls.

Just as it should be.

Brown people facial features should stay where they belong, in 3DPD.

Niggers don't own brown skin color, user.

tfw used to date a half Jap half braz girl with big fake boobs

go back where you came from faggot


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Japan is an island nation filled with dark skinned monkey savages, the dark skinned pokemon girl are a reflection of that population.




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Post it I dare ye

Which is why the need to be white.

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We don't care about your stupid feelings nigger

>It's yet another thread full of /pol/cucks and amerimutts coping with "SHE ISN'T BLACK SHE'S ACTUALLY WHITE WITH BROWN SKIN!!!!!"

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Man, I don't give a shit what color they are but these skin edits just look plain nasty.
There's something about the fact that the "artists" go for the palest white they can without realizing they are fit girls who are going to be out in the sun, not cooped up in an office all day.
If you're going to change their race, at least understand the characters themselves. Just make them a little tan and give them some tanlines to drive home the point they're white and hit another fetish.

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Nobody hates brown skin. They just hate ugly ape-like facial features.

And they would be right. They literally are white women with darkened skin.
Pic related is an accurate depiction of what they would look like in animu.

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What the FUCK im in love. I want an edgy shark-tooth gf so fucking bad now

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Keep coping

But all brown girls have unattractive faces and body.

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To be fair pol also despises white-women.


Honestly kind of hot if the quality was better. I doubt though that a smelly Pokemon researcher gives a shit about dying her hair every night.
If you're going to go gyaru, just go full gyaru.

Leave with your shit taste.


Fuck off.

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I thought the point of pol is that they hate everyone equally but wouldn't dare say it.
Like some sort of tsundere animu girl.

I'll fill the dark void in heart, if you know what I mean.

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Not in anime they dont

They are for having that brown layer.

Teach me your baiting ways OH Master!

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This place isn't for you. If you're not willing to put up with complete degeneracy, actually get out.

maybe in america "white" "women" cannot cook
that's not an issue in white part of europe

Why is this off-topic thread still up?

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Because it blends in with the other 20 political threads


>white racists BTFO forever¨
just accept it, the future is brown

That's not a brown person though. It's a white person with brown skin.

cope harder racist

You seem to be the one coping, nigger.


how so? you're soon history, and the only thing people will remember is how shitty your kind was to others

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japan is not xenophobic black/white guys are invited over there all the time too stay or participate in there culture all the time. im not sure why white guys on Yea Forums think everyone is japan hates niggers with a passion.

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I have no idea

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That's fine, but you'll never be white, no matter how much propaganda you fill your fat nigger ass with. Good day.

Everyone hates nigger, even other niggers.

note the lack of simian features and a fro

nobody likes whites, why would anyone want to be like you?

seethe harder, go suck some nationalist dick

saying "you'll never be white" is like telling someone "God has this." An utterly meaningless and pathetic coping mechanism.

Brown girls are only good in anime and games, they look like shit IRL.

Stop quoting me, nigger.

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Cope harder, nigger.

fuck off to /pol/ this is a board for everyone

Oh so you admit that Yea Forums is a libtard safe space.

I don't listen to niggers.

Are you fitting in yet?

>being this smug, while you're dying out

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Go back, nigger.

I know, people like you're is the reason why America has a racist leader.

You're truly right. Black chicks are ALWAYS ugly. They get fat if they aren't already fat from birth and think that means they're "thick".

Got any more buzzwords for me today, tourist-kun?

there has to be an easier way to report about 150 posts




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When we die out you'll have to deal with the Asians nigger, and unlike white people they have no remorse for you fuckers at all. They will beat, your mother, your father, and your little niglet kids, and they'll get away with it.

That's your future.

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I've had enough of this garbage

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>having so much hatred towards others that even the most racist people in the world pales in comparison
do you understand now why it's so easy to make a case why the genocide of your kind isn't such a bad thing?

you onions white cunts ruin everything

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Japs love Hawaii

asians don't control the nukes in the U.S

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>getting bred out of existence because your race is so stupid
>"that's fine"


Neither do white people, nigger. Enjoy being fucked by Hooknose Shecklestein while the Asians force you to pick rice. Me and the other whites will be laughing at you from beyond the grave.

Because japs know what people want.
Make attractive and appealing children and then get tons of money from the consumers.

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who's side do you think I'm on retard?

His only racism is prioritizing every minority's employment status over the majority's employment status.

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I don't give a flying fuck.

Does sex with a brown woman feel better?

Go back to where ever you came from then

his racism is openly letting white supremacist have a voice in society

What a pathetic post

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It is fine, because little do niggers and Jews know, white people will have the last laugh.

SEA monkeys are brown. And there's something called a tan. Which East Asians get. The only reason you don't see it that much is because they go out of their way to avoid direct sunlight.

as a dark skin dude does it really matter? like really in the grand scheme of things bigger things to worry about in the world.

neither do I, but I'm happy that your ancestors will soon all be dead, thanks for being a pain in the ass


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This site is dead

pretending to be from resetera is a guaranteed way to farm (you)s

by dying out?

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"Gee golly, you're so pretty, wow"

When resetera fucks off themselves you mentally ill freak. I noticed most times its you faggots complaining about /pol/ than /pol/ doing stupid shit.

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oh hi, you must be white

Such a shame that your tiny brains and low IQs prevent you from comprehending what's in store for you.

It's called getting a tan

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It's fucking unbelievable that simple Bea imagedump threads get nuked on sight yet this massive dumpster fire abortion of a thread gets to stay up for 8 hours

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Such a shame that your tiny brains and low IQs prevent you from even breeding properly.

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No sane white person wants to bring kids into this world.

They may be xenophobic but their dicks aren't

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I'm Mexican but thank you very much. Though with how racist you leftists are, I might as well be because I voted for trump and will vote for him again.

why are you voting against your own interests?

What’s in store for us? You gonna go jack off in the corner of your single wide and do some more meth while thinking about chad ducking your ex?

real talk, whites dying out and asians+russians being all that's left is the best case scenario. The jews will no longer have an all-powerful protector, Japan will annex america while Russia conquers Europe and holds China at bay with assistance from Japan slamming their rear.
Whites are solely responsible for the existence of niggers, spics, muslims, jews, and sjws. The world is better off without you

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I want to marry Menat.

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Russians are white, nigger. If whites are completely gone they will be too. All that'll be left are Jews, Asians and a lot of niggers.

>broke: gamer girl bathwater
>woke: tomboy sweat

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And tan/gyaru is bad.

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>The West has a much larger population of brown people than the Japan does
>Every single hot brown girl is from Japanese cartoons and games?


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the world has never been safer

Beats being paler than a ghost

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What you're seeing is pure aryan mixed with pure mongolian with a bit of hunnish muttblood thrown in. Russian white and american "white" are two very different things.

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They're the same. Spics aren't white, so you can fuck off with that bullshit.

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>brown women
>ever hot

>not liking albino

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because the Japanese understand how to make character designs that are appealing, rather than pandering to people

Whatever you say. Regardless, russians are not attached to the western world, so they would be safe from the 'white' purge that follows america's downfall.
Then only pure russian whites would be left

Pandering is exactly what they're doing in this case, you absolute retard. Real niggers don't look like OP unless they're heavily mixed.

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japans been using brown skin as a shortcut to making a girl exotic for a long fucking time. I could find examples of it going back to the 80s i'm sure if i tried.

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>liking blindness and skin cancer
pale >>>>>>> albino

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I, the tripfag, look down on you.

You seem to be confused nigger. We're not just talking about America, we're talking the entire planet. Niggers think they have it hard now but just you wait. The real fun for them has not begun yet. They're in for years and years of torture, worse than they could ever imagine.

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>YWN be pushed to your physical limits by a tough but caring tomboy trainer
I'm so sick of this reality

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Why not both?

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>not having a tulpa yell at you while you work out telling you how disgusting your rolls are and she will only fuck you when she finally sees a six pack
Buncha normies in here....

pale Nessa doesn't work, her color scheme needs to be adjusted to be slightly darker/brighter

Imagine being so butthurt at being called out all the time that you make this image.

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>it's another american who thinks the entire world revolves around them
Nope. Russia is not economically dependant on America, if anything they are still being harmed by America's influence. Even ignoring that, imagine how much wealth Russia would have when the mutt guard dog is gone and Russia can easily sweep europe and the middle east.

Face it, America and its 'whites' are holding the world back.

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Why? It's more someone finding cute/pretty girls of another color beatufiul. Would you rather people just called them racist shit instead? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying NWORD BAD HURR. There's just some legit really gorgeous colored gals. I don't personally say delicious brown but I've always seen it as a term of endearment.

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I'm arguing with retards about white genocide, and you seem to think that's exclusive to this shitty country. You fucking dumb nigger monkey.

When mods start enforcing global rules.

I give up, this thread is completely unsalvageable

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when did Nessa join Team Magma?

They would never be able to pull off their genocide in Russia, that's the point. The only genocide would be of the weakest 'whites', the ones from the western world which have allowed all of this to transpire.

I can't believe i have spent my time masturbating to Nessa when Bea exists.

It was shit to begin with, nigger lover.

It's newfags user, it's always newfags. Just like the same people that guy "durr japan on the thicc meme now!?!" yet ignore 90s Capcom in its entirety.

>those "abs"
looks like she took a page outta all mights book


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Tan anglos with blue and green eyes aren't the same thing as shit eyes and nappy hair with sloped heads

Nobody even knows who Putin is playing for. Sometimes it seems like he's just another Jew puppet, other times he seems based. I'm leaning towards just another Jew puppet like nearly every other world leader.

keep posting for those who actually ain't trolling user

Least you try.

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What a nigger post

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So why are we so attracted to brown girls, especially in 2D?
Not just for exotic things but why do they even look more innocent and makes us feel more protective than our usual pale skinned waifus do?

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Darker skin makes lighter colors pop, like her crystal blue eyes

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you are mentally ill

Tan anything is nice

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Sweet chocolate.

Because it's exotic and different and they don't know the reality.

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They do know the reality, you retard.

>Can't discuss delicious brown girls anymore because "muh niggers, muh whitoids"
>Every time
Man, I really fucking hate this board, I wish I had somewhere else to go. I keep asking to get permabanned but the faggot mods only do 3 day vacations and my IP is dynamic anyways.

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Tomboys aren't women.

No, they don't. A few American Blacks raping schoolgirls in Okinawa is nothing like the 20,000 plus confirmed rapes we've had in my country as a direct result of immigration.

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Easy fix. Go to Reddit.

The stigma you've gotten from your colonist grand father's sin is making you a race traitor.

>Triphomosexual telling ANYONE to go to leddit
I hope you see the irony on this. Strongly consider and successfully commit suicide.

shut up nigger

I'd rather be a tripfag than a racist


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Built for the BWC

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I'm not, I fucking hate illegals. How about you work on that racist white savior complex and stop believing you know what's best for those poor non-white white?

Found the faggot. What part of my post complaining about the shit state of this shit board was racist you fucking troglodyte?

your fucking bigoted demeanor, that's what

I hope you get raped you fucking faggot.

physiognomy exists, it always has. It baffles me that people like you actually try to deny geographically distinct people don't look different. What's next, the eye-lids of east-asians aren't shaped differently?

Sorry, user who posted this here, I meant BBC as in Big black COCK. Not small white ones.

Who else here wants to fuck the buff farmboy gym leader?

You could hate the niggers whit a burning passion (as you should) and still enjoy KFC lso she is brown BTW

>being fit means you can't be pale

are you stupid?

My own interests? I'm legal and was there the whole time my family went through the citizenship process. Why do you care more for brown people that don't live here and would rather leech off our ridiculously broken welfare system when we're already trillions in debt? Do you not care for the brown people who live here legally? Am I just trash to you? I mean I already know the answer to that last question since I won't vote for the racist democrats so automatically I'm just a piece of shit who "doesn't know any better" so I shouldn't have a mind of my own and listen to the superior and more knowledgeable whites who think they're helping me but instead just want to keep me down and on that government tit because I'm brown and therefore incapable of critical thought?


Found my next cosplay. I'm liking the fact there's new brown Pokemon characters in the current gen and my body type is literally identical

The only one coping is you, whitey

>thinking black men wants to fuck brown/black women

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Because after the collapse everyone will have communism.

Homosexuals should be publicly executed. Fuck off you goddamn faggot.

Dude did I just become a faggot filter? Go worship Moloch you kike.

Based. But every women will get the BBC.

>every women
Wrong. Only white women deserve the BBC.

Anime brown = Real brown.

See also pic related.

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i wanna fuck the aether girl

Attached: __aether_foundation_employee_and_you_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_richou_zerozero1101__sample-f23ce (850x962, 240K)

Sorry man, but if blacks just breed with whites their genetics will fuck with them and produce offspring with smaller cocks.


Attached: White Korra.png (800x1120, 761K)

what does that supposed to mean?

Right, that's why you got so butthurt over a picture of a 2D brown girl fucking a white guy. lmao, keep seething, wouldn't want to have to pull out the dating statistics again, Daquan.

You can't bleach something that's white. Why are these fags dumb?

>Implying I'm the one butthurt when you just typed this
Is the white race the most cucked race in America?

>not creating more white women

Gamefreak isn't representative of Japan for one thing

What are the chances that i will get to massage a fit brown tomboy if i decide to pursue this career? What is the ratio for fit to fat people in this industry?

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Do you all see how badly Jewish Zionist propaganda is driving a wedge between everyone. Meanwhile they have their own little ethnostate, control the US congress, and continue to hoard more wealth than you can dream of.

I need full evidence to decide on this.


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im asking what does that mean retard, I genuinely dont know

Can't massage something that doesn't exist

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you bleach it until it is white

Japanese are not xenophobic, Chinese are.
Japanese feel uncomfortable around foreigners because most of them have never seen foreigners in their lives, do not speak English, and foreigners are seen as excessively loud and obnoxious (and most of them are).
In comparison, Chinese actually see Westerners as subhuman pigs.

Attached: __saitou_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_yamaneko_tkdrumsco__b7b8940ab8c14aba0b27137f5112e663.png (850x1200, 737K)

you don't even know what an ethnicity is.

nigger lol

Attached: IMG_20190609_202557.jpg (2480x3507, 670K)

This proves the opposite tho.


Enjoy massaging men 90% of the time because women will feel uncomfortable unless is another woman giving the massage. Unless you're handsome and get /fit/ so they actively ask for you, but then get ready for lots of married cougars.

if they don't exist why can we figure out race based on bone structure?

>can draw an ass
>can't draw a face/mouth on the side

I knew I would see a lot of replies the moment I scrolled down

>Chinese actually see Westerners as subhuman pigs

Westerners see chinese as subhuman pigs, so it balances out.

Smaller percentages compose a larger percentage. See crime for a clearer example.

Why are shitskins incapable of understanding per capita?

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Take your meds.

I support race swapped alternate characters

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why are whites incapable of taking responsibility?

dilate tranny

Why are whites the most divided race in America?

You need to take your meds first before dilating sweaty.

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so get to it then bitch

Sorry I'm neither a nigger nor a spic, now go bleach your asshole you queer.



Extinction, nobody else like you but the whites, with the whites gone the earth will have thrid world standard of living and the ones blamed for that will be the blacks, just look at what the Egyptians did to the nubians, after whites are the ones who maintain the balance, without whites the shit of the blacks will be seen by the entire world, and they are not as pacific as the whites they will literally kill you all.

>Sorry I'm neither a nigger nor a spic,
but you're still a tranny so go dilate

t. projecting Gaynigger from Outer Space on pink pills

Shes already in Not Africa getting blacked

2D doesn't invade their borders and fuck shit up.

Now you've completely lost it. White people are the most cucked race on Earth, enjoy the (You)

Mallow's a Pacific Islander.
Their features are negligible.

You don't even understand percentages lmao.

>brown girls getting blacked
Nice meme.

says the one that thunk 16%%. keep seething tranny

So why do "fanartists" always pick and sexualize 10 year old something girls giving them a 18+ old mature body?

Don't they have a shame?

Based. Keep BTFOING dumb white trannies, user.

Even phoneposters can write more coherent posts than you lmao.

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go somewhere with a bunch of niggers and call them a nigger then you fucking nigger. watch what happens.

gt your faggyass out of this thread please

>thread went to shit-posting in the morning
White girls go back to sleep. It is okay, no one can blame you; you never had a chance against fertile mestizo and asian women.
It is only natural that white men, the apex of masculine power, mate with the apex of feminine fertility.

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To avoid going to jail. Happened to a porn artist once.

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>"P-Please stop bullying me"
I came here for pictures, pictures of brown girls, yet I leave with the mental picture of your exploded brown asshole. What a twist of fate.

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>mestizo and asian women
>caring diseases

what did egyptians do to the nubians?

dilate tranny

what if I like brown anime girls AND brown catgirls

Attached: Alicia.jpg (1013x1890, 360K)

>brown catgirls
Then you're a furry.

Heh.....oh boy.....fellas...let him have it

I like anime girls too though

Nothing wrong with that

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What the, I don't know this one.
She's got potential.

I love big tidy flips. Thank you, good night

gamer thread

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>another Aliciafag
Never though I would see the day
Also Im stealing that image, get fucked nigger

Attached: I've got a lovely batch of coconuts.gif (640x360, 2.98M)

Seek help.

>black people features don't exist

Y'all niggas need to actually live around a large black population before you try to fight the /pol/ boogeyman. 90% of them are regular people and then every so often you see the dude who looks like a slider accident in an Elder Scrolls game. Also all the black women do not agree with you because they all love to buy wigs.

I think a /fit/bro once mentioned he has to massage an ungodly amount of fat women.

Would you ever care if someone didn't like someone else for being too fat, skinny ugly, short, tall, smelly, etc.? If no, then why would you care if it was because of their skin color or because they're from somewhere else?

It's just an excuse to throw a tantrum as an adult while trying to bend someone else to your will. It's also hypocritical to be intolerant of someone else's intolerance. If someone's not directly affecting your life by robbing you or physically assaulting you, etc. then let them live however they want.

They have better taste than the US.

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Why is it so difficult to find really attractive flips?

How about a worldwide guide?

Which pokemon game is she from?

Eat shit insufferable shitskin

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I dunno , my friend went over there for 3 years , said its no more racist then the United States. Everyone, everywhere is racist Its a human thing


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So uh. What videogame are we talking about?

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How have you lived this long being so stupid? Unless you're underage, then get banned.

>There's something about the fact that the "artists" go for the palest white they can without realizing they are fit girls who are going to be out in the sun, not cooped up in an office all day.
>If you're going to change their race, at least understand the characters themselves
Bea and Nessa are not black at all, there is no race to change, except both girls are tanned brown okinawan. Is funny how people stress to find them a race when japan dont give a fuck about that. Both are tanned because they are sport girls, and that´s an anime troope

Attached: tumblr_pv0x8gLMmf1wpdye7o1_400.jpg (400x600, 55K)

>Redpil me on recent popularity of Brown girls
>Why has Japan suddenly start promoting them?
You are a zoomer, right? Nadia was at the top of female character in every Newtype polls for 5 years. Love for brown lolis is not new.

Attached: nadia.jpg (500x375, 70K)

>needs wider hips
>out of shape twig legs
>out of shape shit stomach
>out of shape
>gross sandals
>no thot high heels. even tennis shoes would have probably been better.
>broad shoulders
>shit face
0 out of 10. would not fuck.

Only one is tanned.

>randomly mentions trees
You must miss your childhood home, nigger.

>game set in fictional Europe
>it's filled with black people

kek, is this the Japanese "Remember Me"?

I think you have to go back.

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Show me a single photo of a tanned japanese sports girl. You can't.

Never as long as you retards exist. If you wanna change that you better 41% yourself.

Except you. You'll no longer be useful and probably get just a bullet. Or do you think your commie overlords will tolerate people that protest against anything?

>all these replies
Masterful work user

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Feel free to leave Yea Forums at any time.

They seem to hate everyone.
But they actually love the whole of the human race.

Isn't she actually Alolan (Hawaiian)

Why do twittertards and Resetretards love this word so much?

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White Hawaiian

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Is gamer filtered? Not a single one in the thread

You're not looking at your own picture. Compared to their share of the general population (the lighter-blue bar), blacks are overrepresented as trannies (dark-blue bar is higher than blacks' lighter-blue bar).


Attached: 1564936518208.png (481x336, 132K)

Im talking about an anime troope, you dingus. For japan any people from south is more tanned than regular tokyo/kyoto citizen, but again, is less tanned than regular cali guy. It´s a caricature.

The only way for a nigress to look good is to give them white or Asian features. Otherwise it’s impossible for them not to just look like the baboons they are.

Bea is not black at all, she looks southamerican at best, but she is far from how japanese draw niggers.


WOW. This is some DEEP VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION occurring in this Yea Forums THREAD.


Such PRETTY GIRLS. What VIDEO GAMES are they from? Maybe we can DISCUSS VIDEO GAMES together in this THREAD about VIDEO GAMES.

Kill it with fire and magnets

I didn't say she was black.


Nice VIDEO GAMES here. Let's DISCUSS the VIDEO GAMES that this female character is from.
She is from a VIDEO GAME, right?

Gamefreak knows their game sucks, but as long as you wanna fuck the girls you're gonna buy it.

Clearly it is, if you said in your first post that "most women can't cook now days for sone reason"


I just LOVE DISCUSSING VIDEO GAMES with my PALS on Yea Forums/v/.


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She has some big VIDEO GAMES for such a PRETTY GIRL. Let's DISCUSS the VIDEO GAMES.

Brown girls- sexual assault
Niggers- assault

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I'm sorry but how does this relate to VIDEO GAMES and VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION that takes place on Yea Forums? Let's DISCUSS VIDEO GAMES.

>not wanting brown girls be in the kitchen

that's just Youmu

And it work so well.

When Resetera realizes they aren't, either.

Why Black and White are complaining about race?
Humans were a mistake.

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Because we hate brown girls.

Good VIDEO GAMES, bros?

Based. Just say nigress or black female

one leg is thinner than the other especially near the calf and that bugs the hell out of me
these poor amputees
tits bigger than her head but no ass
awful character design
5/10 flavor of the month
what's wrong with her hand
awful composition
pretty good but feet are weirding me out and i'm not even a footfag
face looks wrong


Congratulations to everyone in this thread. The entire "shitposting hater" ruse has been a test performed by the janitors and moderators of this board to ensure that the average userbase handled queer faggots who hate waifus in the appropriate manner. Good job to everyone, and we encourage you to continue posting waifu threads. In fact, as a show of faith it would be nice if you'd go right now and make a waifu thread in honor of your favorite girl or game.


- Yea Forums Staff

Attached: White Champion Iris.jpg (600x584, 87K)

no nose iris

I mean the mother looks ugly and has a flat nose so who cares lol

One it's called epicanthic folds

Two here it is present in one of the oldest tribes in known to exist in Africa.

Three stop being retarded.

Attached: San Tribe.jpg (634x702, 135K)

The same way I'll be able to be able to prove Dragonballs exist in a couple of years. My money or funding will always reflect my interest.

they are

Because they only have brown skin and not brown facial features or hair