Battlestation thread

post dem

Attached: 6216795.jpg (1271x1001, 169K)

Seems like furry shit but looks pretty comfy
Also, thoughts on getting a la-z-boy/recliner instead of a gaming chair?

Attached: la-z-boy-larson-leather-rocker-recliner-chestnut.jpg (320x400, 43K)

Don't be too jealous of my furniture now.

Attached: BST.jpg (1280x960, 183K)

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>Two Switches

Richfag obviously.

Please bully

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>that floor vent
Oh man. During my childhood my family lived in a house with floor vents and during the cold winter months I would sit over the vent with a blanket and it was so warm. You must really enjoy that vent when it's cold.

Ever since, I've only lived in houses with ceiling vents. Really sucks I haven't experienced floor vents for so long


I need a computer desk. Thinking of this. Thoughts?

Attached: 81lbjaM3H+L._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 102K)

get yourself a plastic desk

Attached: why yes i do use 1024x768 bb.jpg (2048x1152, 218K)


Attached: IMG_1063.jpg (2000x2667, 995K)

Yeah, the glass must get cold.

See those silver disks? The glass is glued to those and screws mount them to the frame. See that flimsey ass "X" in the back? It doesn't give it enough torsional strength. I had one. It was a piece of shit. The glass becomes separated from the silver mounting disks.

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Looks like you've got a rat problem.

Alright, I'll steer clear.

Wanna see more stations for some ideas.

sounds based to me

am I posting mine too often I just like to do rates

that dismantled laptop will never not surprise me
looks a bit cramped but not bad, I couldn't stand a numpadless keyboard though
please put your right monitor on top of a book or something so it's somewhat aligned with the others
hopefully you get your furniture quiclky enough so you can avoid breaking your back
nice and comfy

Attached: bst1.jpg (5141x4407, 3.61M)

looks v cozy OP love the dog nook

3 steel reserves

bottom text


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I don't know why I did this. I didn't even clean the table off before hand.

Attached: 20190803_225457.jpg (4912x2765, 2.63M)

I, too, use a cheap folding table as a desk. It was a really great decision. I don't need drawers like a real desk and I like how I can really sprawl out my legs under the table. If I ever move, it'll be as easy as just folding it up and walking out the door too.

Those monitors are standing in the middle of the table, why?
Get a triple monitor arm, ikea signum for cable management

get a table cloth to classy it up.

this is actually really comfy. looks nice user

hey buddy. there are zoomers out there wholl think that flag is racist

Dude this looks like a friend of mines house.

That would make 5 flags I have (Betsy Ross, Rising Sun Japan, Confederate flag, whiskey rebellion, mandalorian) racist. Working on getting a honk kong flag
well that's weird cause I am in a trailer

Attached: Hong_Kong_Large_Flag.jpg (5000x3334, 464K)

what games can your pupper run?

his favorite is licking peanut butter off his butthole

>dog station

Where would you keep your mouse?