Deep thought provoking game
Why no one talks about it?
Deep thought provoking game
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Because it was supposed to be a horror game and was sub par in that respect. Still a stellar game narrative wise. Just failed in the one aspect it was marketed with
The biggest problem of this game is that the protagonist is completely retarded.
The "coin flip" is fucking stupid and you gotta be a complete idiot to believe in it.
And no, "he's traumatized so he's going to delude himself into believing in the coin flip" isn't a fucking argument.
It's just terrible writing.
That's not Hotline Miami 2.
because it was absolute shit, even the entire SCP ripoff was trash
Too smart for Yea Forums
Still just an "okay" game because it only had like three scary monsters.
Agreed horror didn't mash with the narrative but damn that narrative though..
To be fair the protag literally has brain damage. The fact that there are retards who always talk about the coin flip is dumb as fuck though. When you transfer a lossless picture from your phone to the computer do you ever stress over which one is the original? No, you don't.
Friendly reminder that Simon suffered brain damage during the car crash and his brain scan was very primitive (one of the first ever made). This is why his character was a literal retard in this game.
there needs to be multiple threads a day for every video game ever, even if people have discussed it to death across thousands of threads
>lol you're a robot
It's not clever and it was obvious from the beginning. Ending was stupid too
Got baited, enjoyed the story but was a walking sim with occasional sneak
People did talk about it, when it came out. There were lots of threads. Not every game gets actively discussed forever.
It was an okay book / movie / """"game"""" but the concepts are entry level shit. It did complement The Talos Principle quite well though, which was a happy accident.
They're two totally unrelated products but I wouldn't mind a collab between Croteam and Frictional for an intertwined duology.
There's a lot they could do with that backdrop and the Simon, WAU, and automaton characters.
I liked the setting and some of the characters, but you could tell that the only medium that could get away with this kind of writing is videogames. Very videogamey dialogue.
Sorry for being summer fag just wondering what y'all thought of it
>summer fag
it came out in 2015
The whole coin flip deal was retarded. IMO what they should have done was never have the body jump. The starting Simon goes to sleep, wakes up, finds the suit and Catherine missing, undetermined amount of time has passed, later finds out first hand about the launch happening, robo-Catherine's death, and later meeting with the second WAU immune Simon in trying to find a way out or back to the surface. Work out their relationship and conflict, and mistrust. They should have stuck with heavier emphasis on exploring the WAU's MO and its effects on biology.
Haven't played games in a long time. Kids tend to tie you up
There isnt anything really to talk about beyond the existential themes and some story points. The writing is okay. The enemies are okay. The design is okay. No really interesting game mechanics that set it apart.
The stilted dialogue and acting had to have been a product of the script writer and voice director.
Simon's VA was pretty damn good but I think they've said they had issues with Catherine's VA from the start.
>do you ever stress over which one is the original? No, you don't.
You missed the point they were trying to make. Your Ego (that is, the You right now, the You that is reading this post) isn't going into the digital Eden, it's just a perfect copy of you. You're there, but your Ego is not there. The protagonist thinks this is a very raw deal because *HE* is still stuck at the bottom of the ocean. He might be out there, but he's not actually out there.
Just liked the idea of shifting the human perspective of survival to " what is the legacy of humanity" theme
Reminder that there is no coin flip. It's no different than teleportation.
You're creating a new exclusive copy that is its own being; There is no mind link with person A staying person A.
In teleportation once the original person is broken down for transmission, they're dead and gone, a new copy with a comprehensive memory up to the point of the original death takes the original's place, and outside observers are none the wiser.
>they had issues with Catherine's VA from the start.
that's a pretty big issue considering how much of the game is just them talking
Ironically, this exact point got so controversial among Trekkies that they made an entire episode for TNG dedicated to showing exactly how Teleportation works and maintains the Ego (it was also the episode we were introduced to Barclay, aka Best Character.)
I think there are other themes too. As in Ozymandias. We have to leave some record right?
Really I remember her performance getting better as the game progressed. No idea how they recorded her dialogue (if it was sequential), but I only remember her intro in the game sounding fake.
It's a common mistake where the dialogue is too refined and concise and it just sounds like they're reading a script rather than having natural conversations. I'm pretty sure Catherine is supposed to have Aspergers, which was a quality they wanted to emphasize.
or maybe it's just the fact that it's a digitized version of the character.
What would a digitized version of you be like?
Self autonomy and the likes.
Even Simon questions everything
This game had some outstanding Foley effects. They did an excellent job on the deep sea approach to Tau.
There shouldn't be any difference with the copy until the digitized version becomes aware and convinced that they are a copy of an original self. Any number of things could happen from that point on, influenced by whether or not they ever meet that original self.
digital style and digital dancing
Not really much to talk about. People liked it when it came out, it's good at what it does without being particularly memorable
Yea Forums was full of retards unironically believing the coin flip
Why does everyone act like Soma was groundbreaking?
Was this really the first time you people had encountered the concepts of theseus's ship or twinmakers?
They have been staples of sci fi for generations.
For many people it seems to have been.
I maintain that The Talos Principle did it better, though it was different.
>The "coin flip" is fucking stupid and you gotta be a complete idiot to believe in it.
You're a complete idiot then because you made the same mistake the protagonist did.
The "coin flip" didn't refer to a literal 50% chance of being the one to transfer, obviously whoever goes in to be scanned will not be the one inside the copy but since both the original and the copy will have the same memories up until the moment the copy is made that means that in the very instant the copy process is done you have no idea if you will be the copy of the original hence a "coin flip", the copy also remembers being the original.
It wasn't but the narrative of a joe blow
Like many of us, blew my cat up
Am I missing something?
Everyone is hung up on the "coin toss"
When they're WAU making digitized copies of people
My earliest memory of reading such a story was probably Mindscan by Robert J Sawyer back in the 90's but similar stories have been done for literally millennia.
What really impressed me with this game is that the more traditional scary bits where you're running from monsters weren't what made the game scary. The horror game from the themes, and it explored those themes fully and carefully. I've been following Frictional since Penumbra Overture, and I think Grip has some really interesting ideas about game design. Soma is a pretty good culmination of what he's been trying to do with the horror genre for a while.
It's groundbreaking because it explored heady sci-fi ideas in a way that makes them extremely personal, throwing the player directly into the muck instead of just explaining them from a comfortable distance. This story wouldn't have the same impact in a medium without interactivity, nor would it have been the same in the hands of less talented developers.
The issue is that for whatever reason a ton of people don't get that the "coin toss" was just meant as a metaphor as explained
Because adventure games are GAY