>digital copies cost the same as physical copies
why can't it cost less? they are saving time and material to put them in stock at every gamestop. what gives?
Digital copies cost the same as physical copies
Because price competition.
Because they sell you the physical copy at a discount
Because Sexican Fandler.
they charge you the production, not the materials. think as the materials are included
de donde eres?
que juego jugaste hoy?
que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
esposafu o esposobando?
>de donde eres?
>que juego jugaste hoy?
ando jugando MHW
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
>esposafu o esposobando?
por que?
>de donde eres?
>que juego jugaste hoy?
pic. related
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
Samsho, red dead redemption 2 y madden 20
>esposafu o esposobando?
no tengo
Jalisco Master Race
Kill la kill IF
>Comprar juegos
Amo a mi hainita Aigis
que esa no es una maquina
look ya fuckin` mexicos
this is an english only board
>furry posting is allowed as long is videogames
don't mind if i walk in
que cuentas?
aqui jugando MHW
they did used to cost less. $50 was the standard for non-indie digital games. But then Bethesda decided to charge $60 for Skyrim on Steam and every other publisher followed suit.
Because according to devs you're paying for the "software" and not the plastic.
Fuck Trump
Fuck Jews
Fuck borders
But most important fuck female gringos
Eso es todo
that's bullshit
>de donde eres?
>que juego jugaste hoy?
Fire emblem 3H
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
Mana collection
>esposafu o esposobando?
>bing bing maker 2
>el otro dia vi que habia un monkey ball 2 barato en mercado libre probablemente eso
que tal el bing bing wahoo 2?
They often are, have you ever noticed new games on steam being 10 bucks off for the first few days of release?
Norte de Tamaulipas
GTA San Andreas
Smash ultimate
pic related
muy bueno, si tienes switch vale mucho la pena
aqui nadie comparte sus discords, es una pena.
para que quieren discord? noams comparten porno
>de donde eres?
>que juego jugaste hoy?
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
varios, si todo sale bien comprare un switch a finales de año y le llegare al DQXI, al smash bros, a digimon cybersleuth y quizas a pokemon sword and shield.
>esposafu o esposobando?
>para que quieren discord
para hacer amiguitos obviamente, me molesta que he hecho amistad con anones de otros tablones excepto con mis hermanos spics de Yea Forums
no, estoy en no fap asi que no comparto porno
PCMR. Everything Day 1 is 10% off with humble automatically. New games are usually like 45-50$ day 1 or 2 on G2A. If the game was bundled with a bunch of new graphics cards they keys and up really cheap day 1. Console digital prices will only go up next gen because when you buy playstation you can only buy from sony so theres much less competition driving down PSN games.
>de donde eres?
Barcelona la de verdad
>que juego jugaste hoy?
Jugué con mi nabo
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
Iceborne o el ciberpunk ese de lo cohone
>esposafu o esposobando?
No onions subnormal
que cuentan?
It's about the message
Female gringos? What about gringas (male)?
putos amerimierdas arruinando mi gramática con sus chistes caducados
kek, siempre caen
>digital copies cost any amount of money instead of being free due to the lack of material costs of shipping and manufacturing
It's almost like the pricing of infinitely-available digital goods is an arbitrary and unsustainable business practice based on what a company has determined to be the most profitable price to set.
Alv wey eres yo?
no he jugado nada en todo el día hasta esta noche cuando comencé a jugar MHW
tal vez
Nothing in any shop is valued at same price as raw materials. If it was, there'd be zero incentive, zero middle-man, zero shop. kys commies.
Also if you think more deeply, a fully grown corn plant with five ears of corn on it has more market value than the single initial corn seed that originated that plant. Does this mean we should expect to pay price equivalent of 1 seed for all five ears of corn? Who is the jew here?
Donde juegas bro ps4 o steam?
Alguien sabe de algún bar travesti aquí en GDL?
>en GDL
Cómo cuál? Tengo ganas de conocer a alguna maricona y darle toda la noche
Pinche joto
es de gdl, que esperabas?
>de donde eres?
>que juego jugaste hoy?
Titanfall 2, aunque estoy enfocado en acabarme el Doom 3 ahora que lo sacaron en nuevas consolas
>que juego vas a comprar en el futuro proximo?
Doom Eternal o Sekiro
>esposafu o esposobando?