Thread subject: Long-forgotten babes of gaming

Any generation of gaming. Personal favorites but "not exactly forgotten" okay too, I suppose. If you utterly suck. Alternately: If someone posts a "not exactly forgotten" gaming babe you don't recognize then YOU suck.
Bonus points if their design is a straight-up rip-off of other, more famous characters. I mean fuck, make it fun people!
Hard Mode: Include their theme/introduction music. Sample:
Dante Must Die Mode: MILFs.
Anyone who claims a waifu gets kicked in the nuts. A daughterfu is fine too.

Attached: Lucia3d.jpg (800x1200, 85K)

>milfs but no waifus
>milf daughterfus are fine
I see.

Nobody remembers Kara or her armpits

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Sophia from Battle Arena Toshinden.

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Attached: Suikoden_III_Lucia.png (179x479, 84K)

Speaking of Shadow hearts

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I think her tits are even bigger ingame
Or maybe that's just after you get her secret wedding dress costume

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godlike taste

>picking the whitewashed zhu rong skins
absolute bottom of the barrel, asinine ass autistic ass retard abysmal taste. there are like 40 other female characters to pick from in Warriors and you pick the brown one just to pick the costume where she looks asian. kill yourself.

Attached: PattyBoFII.jpg (360x520, 30K)

>Implying I picked it
>Yea Forums filename


Attached: char-ageha-f_big (1).jpg (460x444, 50K)

based oppai brainlet

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Og Krystal

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Reminder that Valve successfully memed them into episodic content model and of course RIP

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Attached: RR.jpg (678x960, 53K)

Woolie still uploads though

>finally got around to playing VtmB recently
>check email
>get secret mission from Gary to go on a scavenger hunt
>every reward is a crudely photoshopped low quality pic ostensibly of in-game females

It was almost quaint thinking back to when people would jump through hoops in games just for a static picture of a titty.

Attached: MittLaugh.jpg (512x269, 26K)

one day it will reboot again...

Attached: sin_episode1_02.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

i have so many i could post.
here is one im planning on doing something with

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i know
i bought a physical copy of that fucking game

Attached: Veran.png (527x843, 366K)

Damn. I haven't played that in years.

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im surprised anyone even remembers her

Not hard to remember when Unreal had its first bad game

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Karen is best girl and possibly best mommy in gaming

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>14 years old

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I miss the snowblind hack and slash games

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I know i wasnt the only one fighting the camera for a peek at her pantsu

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What game?

This is so sad, she seemed like a good candidate for next gen Lara Croft, and it was an era where we could have Playboy magazines without issue. But her games were shit so she had no star power. Plus a bad movie.

Why can't vidya characters dress like Shahdee anymore?

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I've seen this character but I can't remember her name or where she's from. Can someone help me out?

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Final Fantasy XIII. Don't fucking bother.

Seraphine from Hunted: The Demon’s Forge

I miss when women were allowed to be sexy in video games...

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But is she best easy slut who shacks-up with random gambler mommy?

Attached: Miranda_Clear.png (1845x4305, 3.65M)

Only playable on Game Boy Color.

Attached: Lily.jpg (196x310, 11K)

On one hand, she was fucking hot. On the other hand, her entire character didn't matter and her game sucked hippo ass.

Yeah, but she was hot.