Games you were playing on friday night, 2005

Games you were playing on friday night, 2005.

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With myself

Probably this.

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custom warcraft 3 games like winter maul wars

either morrowind or quake 3

got the game early

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Yup this, spent countless hours on a bleach pvp custom game, loads of fun
it's obvious

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idk halo 2 or something. maybe chaos theory if i even have my dates right


this or guitar hero

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>the number of hours I farmed/raced for some freaking chao

Not even mad

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WoW, of course.

I'd play this while watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on DVD

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Star Wars Battlefront or Lego Star Wars on PS2.

I highly doubt I was playing six year old games on a Friday in 2005...

sa2, pacman world 2, and wario world

WoW, like any god-fearing Christian man.
Alternatively, AoE2, or Doom 3 multiplayer if me and some friends were doing LAN.

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Probably pokemon
Maybe the treasure planet gba game.

This masterpiece

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This for sure with my neighbours.

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battlefield 2
burnout revenge
san andreas or vice city
half life 2

I don't believe anyone was playing VC after SA released. Specifically after SA launch on xbox and pc in 2005

so comfy

some flash game where you drive around a bunch of tanks running people over or some shit and they splatter everywhere when you hit them

i really loved playing it , i liked it more than SA

probably this, GTA vice city, and the Jak games on the PS2

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this madden football game that came with my psp. That and sobbing into my pillow every night as the life I used to know fell down around me. I do not miss that year.

All of these plus Resident Evil Outbreak and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks

smash melee

i want to go back vros

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sleep over at my best friend Neils place playing metal gear solid 3 and budokai 2. god i miss those days


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what I would give for a sequel or remaster

holy shit, i forgot about this series. i poured hours into the first and third, but for some reason couldn't get into the second one.

This, and I'm playing through it again now

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>2005 was 40 years ago
>kids born in 2005 are now having sex

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Metroid Prime 2

This. Best gamecube game of all time.

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I was a sportsballfag back then.

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probably this

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky modded

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Did you read the OP?

Rome Total War, I wasted so much of my life on that game

Either Metal Gear Online or Resident Evil Outbreak. Online gaming blew my fucking mind back then, and those games were 10/10 examples of how to do multiplayer games.

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Probably mario kart DD, but also maybe viewtiful Joe 1 or 2

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Probably Metroid Prime 2 or Shadow the Hedgehog

Based and Rangpilled, Mate

Mario Kart DS or some other DS games.
I had the strangest fear that if I played console vidya too long I would get motion sick because of the warning in Gamecube manuals.

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I don't really remember. Either I was playing with my Gamecube, N64, or, more than likely, I was playing with Legos.

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