When does it get difficult?
When does it get difficult?
It doesn't
>He fell for the Dark Souls is hard bullshit YEARS after the fact
random enemies here and there, but almost none of the bosses desu (which is good)
If you died even once in the game, then clearly you've found the difficulty.
Souls games aren't difficult.
It doesn't. Dark Souls 3 is the most casualized Souls game to date.
Dancer was the hardest boss by a longshot. Nothing else is as troublesome except maybe that dude with the big wolf that OHKO's you with the ice attack.
The game desperately needed a Bayonetta style "roll four times in a row and you fall over"
>the big wolf that OHKO's you with the ice attack
Huh i never knew what that move did because I never let it hit me.
>the hardest boss by a longshot.
>Dancer was supposed to be difficult
Only hard when you stumble into a few of the bloodborne rejects, none of which are bosses.
Bonking their noses aside, who the fuck said pontiff beasts were okay in their current state
Pontiff beasts, matrix birds, a few others could be mentioned im sure.
What the FUCK were they thinking?
i killed dancer first try with only 3 estus because i came straight from yhorm
As far as base game Pontiff was the worst for me. Fucker maxed out his stamina.
I can at least dodge midir consistently. Dancer is a fucking gamble. Her grab gets me 99% of the time.
Holy shit fucking Chozos, on top of all the faggots dont even take good damage for ripostes
>only fun enemy in the entire DLCs
>Soulshitters who parrot the endless combo meme from their favorite youtuber hate it
They were thinking "beta tests for Sekiro's blocking and posture system."
I can't believe I farmed the plat offline for this shit. Wasn't too bad, only that took an extended amount of time was the 30 proof of concord kept.
>He thinks is can stagger enemies
I'm fucking roll masterflex
Nameless King and the Ringed City DLC
these are not fun, why are they fun?
Pontiff Dogs are NOTHING compared to fucking Outrider Knights.
>tfw missed the Insta kill on that white dragon 15 times in a row
Why the fuck did I keep just falling to my death
Aim for the neck, not the head.
The fps was my worst enemy in this game.
white dragon?
I am pissed at this boss. It got so boring to mindlessly get past phase 1 and 2, and die a totally mundane death in phase 3
>What the FUCK were they thinking?
>keep the door to that little church closed
>sit up on the rafters
>invaders will spawn inside
>pop a seed
>watch them shit their pants
Are you serious, the hitbox is half a mile wide so you can fall off at any point and land it. It's the total opposite of Witch of Izalith.
Phase 3 is okay if you went through one a lot. 2 is awful without a summon because you often get hit by grandad's fire from offscreen.
2 was really easy for me, so was phase 1. 3 wasn't super challenging, just quick and deadly.
>Not fist or caestus parrying
Crocodoges were fun- they were hard but not broken like outrider and corvian k***hts were
I did this fight twice, once with a spear and a medium shield, was absurdly good against friede herself since she could be staggered from outside her range and the shield was enough.
Second character went with two handing the mace and phase 3 was much harder, even factoring the Perseverance skill.
It's the hardest Soulsborne by far. Orphan, Ludwig, O&S, Gwyn without parrying, Fume Knight and Blue Smelter all feel like a breeze compared to the worst stuff in DS3. It reaches the point where the game just isn't fun anymore honestly.
>It's the hardest Soulsborne by far.
This fight is in the bottom half in terms of difficulty so I'm not sure what you're getting at
This. Why are random enemies in these games always so much harder than bosses?
>dancer was hard
>the boss with the slowest most telegraphed attacks was hard
It's literally just a test to see if you learned to dodge into and under their attacks
>Game is about being thrown into a world with no power, knowledge or information whatsoever so you have to figure everything out on your own.
>Watch playthroughs and read about the game for years on Yea Forums and the wikis.
>"this game is too easy git gud scrubs"
it never gets difficult, hard, or even challenging. no video game gives anyone with a brain a challenge even a little. I play every single game released and first try every boss and complete the game to 100% in under 6 hours or less. if you ever need a second try on anything, just end yourself. I also fucked your mom last night with my eight inch dick (average). if you want something truly challenging, try being white in today's america.
>Gael can teleport
I've never seen him do that.
For me? It's Champion Gundyr.
I never was able to beat Gael, dont really care anymore because it stopped being fun
>heavily edited clip that only shows the very very very end of a very long boss fight
are you people literally retarded?
that must feel so satisfying
The corvian knight scares me more than any boss
It's the one enemy I ever bother to use alluring skulls for
I beat the Dancer on my first try. It was so underwhelming.
user the point is very clear: The game doesn't reliably punish you for panic rolling. And Miyazaki and co. knew that, because they created all the enemies and bosses with delayed attacks.
At least you can run past the Corvian knights, but you can't run from fucking Vilhelm or progress without killing him.
Spent so much fucking time trying to fight him like a man, different weapons, different spells, different buffs, but it's just so much fucking bullshit I ended up blowing poison arrows up his ass.
On a twink run I learned that he does eventually stop his poise healing bullshit, after a very long war of attrition
They made her defenses low and health pool tiny so twinks can have a chance at beating her
>You can’t run from Vilhelm
You can, he chases for a bit, then walks back. That’s your opening. Have you never played a Souls game before?
I've never parried a boss, takes all the fun out of the fight
Am I the only who literally fisted the Dancer with the Dark Hand?
You and every twink on the planet
Prisoner chain is absolutely essential for low level invaders
They mean Ancient Wyvern
how exactly can someone be unable to beat a souls boss?
like even the bosses with the most complicated movesets still take like 4-5 tries to figure out
You've missed a bone shard faggot
>all that heavy armour
>dude is rolling around like sonic
I remember when classes with heavy armour in DeS and DaS1 fatrolled from the start, dark souls 3 Knight fast roles with full plate, stupid fucking game.