*betrays their core monster hunter fanbase in favor of casual and normie shekels*

*betrays their core monster hunter fanbase in favor of casual and normie shekels*
is this the biggest betrayal in vidya history?

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based retarded zoomer
the game was being casualized from long ago already
generations was a fucking joke

This, right here:
Is the real truth that you will never admit.

You will never admit that MHGen was a joke.
You will never admit that MHGU didn't really fix the fundamental problems with Gen.
You will never admit that before MHW came out, Gen was absolutely SHAT ON by FU, 3U and 4U fans.
You will never admit taht Gen was seen as example of a shitty MH, a casualized MH, and something that didn't live up to expectations.
You will never admit that the ATTOSECOND MHW got released you all SUDDENTLY became ok with Gen, and declared MHGU a good game.

I don't even fucking like MHW but the MH fanbase on Yea Forums makes me sick.
Biggest 180° i've ever seen a group of faggot do in my entire life.
If you behave like this when it comes to video games, i can only imagine just how spineless and cowardly you act IRL when it comes to anything else.
Absolutely disgusting.

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Absolutely this right here. You are nothing but a disgraceful bing bing if you think mhxx is any better or “less casual”.

I will add that if you’re severely disappointed in the casual aspects you aren’t a real fan, or at least you haven’t been one for a long time. 4U was peak and it was full of casual shit like mounting.

I like you, I hope you get a cookie today nice stranger

I only play MH solo and enjoy the series as a whole. some are easier than others yeah but I don't need to prove anything to anyone, especially when it comes to videogames because I play games for fun.

>is this the biggest betrayal in vidya history?
no, this is

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Absolutely loathed this game on PC.
Got it on the Switch and i had a blast.
I think it's because it's been patched into something that has nothing left in common with it's vanilla release + the Switch port ran wonderfully and the controls were tight as shit.

D3 is a terrible PC game but a pretty good console game.
Wich is probably a bad thing and the reason why it betrayed 1 and 2 in the first place, i suppose.

>You will never admit taht Gen was seen as example of a shitty MH, a casualized MH, and something that didn't live up to expectations.
The fact that World makes Gen seem like such a gem in comparison is a testament to how shit it was.

All you have to do to fix GU is simply play on Guild Style and not abuse hunter arts. You can't alter your play to avoid all of the casualization changes in World.

Speaking as a normie I like World
Couldn't get into the previous titles cause the controls were jank
Blow it out your ass autist

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Jesus fuck why did you have to remind me of this shitstain?
I still fucking remember being hyped for the release and thinking that the login error was the worst that could happen.
Then I fucking dropped the game like it was hot shit after not even a month and only came back when the expansion dropped.

>oh no my guy isnt a fucking retard who needs to pose after drinking anymore!
Making the game harder by making your character weaker is bad design

>You will never admit that MHGen was a joke.
>You will never admit that MHGU didn't really fix the fundamental problems with Gen.
>You will never admit that before MHW came out, Gen was absolutely SHAT ON by FU, 3U and 4U fans.
The "problems" with Generations were moreso the fact that the base release had no G rank and it was mostly just derivative of MH4U. Also, the changes with particle effects were shit on for "being too Anime."

MH was made for casuals and normies from the day freedom released.

>One of 4U's biggest complains from veterans was the addition of mounting as a casual mechanic
>World mounting, which is not only even more trivial to execute, can also be held much longer and do HP damage from teammates
>not a peep from the fanbase

Is this what boiling the frog is like? Oldfags are just slowly replaced by slightly newer fags?

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XX being casualized anime shit does not detract from MHW being casualized westernized shit. the OP never claimed XX was good, good job derailing.

I still think 4U is the best of all time but I'm hype for iceborne and bing bing's or PC fats wont change that

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Iceborne is coming out on PC too.

This happened before with Squaresoft and it's happened again with Capcom.

In both instances, it as Nintendo's fault for not wanting to make hardware strong enough to support the developers' creative visions.

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4U is 10/10 until it's horrendous endgame, then it becomes 7/10.
It's singleplayer really is 10/10 all the way trough, tho.
4U's singleplayer was masterfully paced and just beautifully put together in general.

>complains about longer loading times when the old games loaded between every single zone

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>It's different! I don't like it!
Wow, MHWfags sure got owned.

>Yea Forums is one person

I've only been playing since Tri but I love MHW. Fight me.

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I have played all the games since MH:FU and i dont give a shit, fuck you losers

>iceborne months from coming out is A
>mh4u is C
I agree with everything else but come on boi

World is such a blight on the series it is causing people to attempt to rewrite history in order to defend it. I can't think of a single game that has ruined a series like World has and I KNOW the next game will follow in World's footsteps.
It is actually the most disgusting thing and if you had told me ten years ago that this is where things would have ended up, I wouldn't have believed you.

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I’m still mad.


>is this the biggest betrayal in vidya history



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Its better than its ever was. The only downsides being some armor stat changes and some monsters didnt make it in. That will all eventually come back.

Monster Hunter World is a better game than anyone imagining a current gen release could have hoped the game to be. It is the best game in the series to date. And it is one of the best games of this generation.

I have never been disappointed in a MH game except for Vanilla 3, and even that I played for hundreds of hours.
Monster Hunter is one of my top 3 video game series, and I don't care what platform it's on. I will follow it wherever it goes.
tl;dr Monster Hunter kicks ass

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the only reason i hate this game is the fact that they took the cooking song out of the game

I think MH was always more casual than people think it was. Removing something tedious doesn't mean it is casual. Fixing broken things (plesi hipcheck) also shouldn't be considered making a game casual.

World was pretty decent for what it tried to do. However certain things do seem sort of braindead for no reason (fireflies for one)

Capcom has done this with every franchise they own. Be happy that it lasted as long as it did.

i`ve been playing since the frist game and MHW fixed the issue i had with all the latest MHs, the screen changing, MHW made it right user, you still have your MH classic only for nintendo but let people enjoy a little bit of MH even if you dont like it, you propably are not playing it anyway

>is this the biggest betrayal in vidya history?
not even close, zoomer. it doesn't hold a candle to nintendo's betrayal of sony.

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Jesus Christ save some hate for the rest of us

I fucking miss Loc Lac

The potion sipping change makes the game harder while being more intuitive


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They already managed to one-up that.

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There are not that many posts out there that I can think of which bring the "The wrongest man in the world" thought to mind like that guy's.

Moga Village. Home.

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Look how fucking CONDENSED it all is. Fuck Astera. I want Moga and Loc Lac back.

at least it was before ceadeus fucked everything up

>tri above 3U

>Nintenbabbys so assblasted they got ignored they claim that MHW is even close to comparable to gaming betrayals like ME3, Diablo, battlefront, battlefield, etc

How are nintendies still seething at this? I know MH is a system seller for you guys but jeez. I'm sure there's other things worth playing on that console

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