
I can't beat the toutorial. The fight with the pirates near the gate gets me killed every time.

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Pick the mercenary or bounty hunter start. Go dark and turn off your ID. Get in close enough range of one of the patrols so that they split off from their buddy to investigate.

>charge them down

Or just left click on the gate, install the thing, and emergency burn away. The pirates cant uninstall it

What are the best skills to start with for a combat lad?
Anything from the red line or should i go with blue line and get the transverse jump asap to get the fuck outta dodge when shit goes south

Get the second line down, hit up the flux capacity for fleet

Alright lads, I'm about halfway (75%?) of the way through my Nexerlin run. I've got a few ship packs but the universe is fucking boring now so give me your best ship packs right now

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>download nexerelin
>decides to completely remove the tutorial area
>can't start with the two ship combo for no reason
already not liking this mod

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>play meme mod
>get memed on

I thought it would be cool to have mining be an option

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>I thought
no you didn't