I can't beat the toutorial. The fight with the pirates near the gate gets me killed every time.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pick the mercenary or bounty hunter start. Go dark and turn off your ID. Get in close enough range of one of the patrols so that they split off from their buddy to investigate.
>charge them down
Or just left click on the gate, install the thing, and emergency burn away. The pirates cant uninstall it
What are the best skills to start with for a combat lad?
Anything from the red line or should i go with blue line and get the transverse jump asap to get the fuck outta dodge when shit goes south
Get the second line down, hit up the flux capacity for fleet
Alright lads, I'm about halfway (75%?) of the way through my Nexerlin run. I've got a few ship packs but the universe is fucking boring now so give me your best ship packs right now
>download nexerelin
>decides to completely remove the tutorial area
>can't start with the two ship combo for no reason
already not liking this mod
>play meme mod
>get memed on
I thought it would be cool to have mining be an option
>I thought
no you didn't
Meme mod how?
>all this new attention because Sseth did a video
You fucking sheep
Uhhh what? You can start with a fleet and at level 16 with 250K credits
oh hey the key still works
Fuck the dicord server of this game. Got a bunch of numales and furfagots as fucking mods. A watch out if you hurt their feelings! They will sick their pet shark on you before banning you for not bending over and taking it with no lube
Is the weapon in webm related a mod or is it in the base game?
i swear i played a game like starsector but it was free and on steam
Its a joke ship from the Neutrino Mod
You can pilot it in a mission from the title screen
Mod. That is the hammership from Neutrino
Thank you
Anyone know how to fix the Resolution?
I have a 3440x1440 monitor, but the UI is too small.
Any way to scale it down to 2560×1080
resolutionOverride is giving me a fatal error
I just delivered 400 units of drugs while on my way to ambush another smuggler I got intel on. Loving the game so far. user last thread mentioned I should look out for hyper velocity drivers and heavy maulers for my hammerhead, just so happens this place sells them. Do you get both since one is anti shield and the other is anti armor?
>I hate that my niche game is getting more attention and potentially more sales
>I wish that nobody else played it and that the developers were destitute because their game was a flop
>I enjoy this game so much that I don't want anyone else to enjoy it, only a small group of people should
That's much stronger than what the tutorial gives you, user obviously wants to start somewhere other than rock bottom or fleeted up.
This was just posted recently on the official forum. You might give it a try
Forgot the link fractalsoftworks.com
Why would you even interact with people you gamer?
What happened?
correct, anything that gets popular turns to shit because developers chase money and appeal to the lowest common denominator by ruining their games
How the heckles does somebody mine asteroids?
And is that a bad thing? Its not like an influx of players on a single player game will murder the community, unlike a certain other game sseth made a vid on.
Its more an issue of the 21:9 aspect ratio than the low resolution.
I can play normal 1920x1080 with black bars on the side
Yet if the game gets no attention, it dies since it brings in nothing.
would much rather have it die gracefully than have its corpse paraded around
Is the Killer Queen setup/mine weapons in the base game? I've always wanted a sci-fi game where you could be a minelayer
Relax, most people ITT will get bored with the game in about a month.
i like the gist of this game but i dislike how chunky all the ships look
Install Nexelin and equip mining lasers
>Cargoing fuel to a pirate base
>pretty easy and make a shit ton of money
>last few hauls suddenly get more dangerous
>get's to the point Diktat is constantly putting out bounties on raider fleets coming out of there
Had to store my promethus plus freighters in that same pirate base before they caught me. It's been 6 months and they still have the balls to charge me for storing my shit there when I can't even get to it. The second I smuggle my stuff out, I will kill every sing pirate who lives there
Any advice for fleet composition? Particular trash tier ships to avoid?
The Doom is a vanilla ship, good luck finding it as its rare
but what purpose do they serve in the vanilla game?
I'm less interested in the cloaking and more interested in loading a ship with a shitton of mine generators.
You mine ships in battle
No I mean what purpose do the asteroid fields have in the vanilla game
Generall speaking low tech and pirate modified ships are bad. The onslaught and mora are the exception
how do you use carriers? im trying to play starcraft and shove docking bays into everything that cant take em but its not working that great. if i get lucky 30-40 fighters swarm a ship an insta gib which is making me love carriers. usually though they all split up and do nothing or one carrier decides to fuckoff into the enemy and get killed.
Terrain to hide in/evade pursuers
Well youre unlucky because mine spam is the Doom's ability
There's other mine layer weapons but theyre also rare
Invest in bombers
Pair them with broadswords on the same carrier
>im trying to play starcraft and shove docking bays into everything that cant take em but its not working that great
It's not supposed to work great, this shit applies pretty serious debuffs to fighters if you didn't noticed. Get dedicated carriers, optimally use astral for bombers only and have 2-3 cruiser sized ones with interceptors.
How a carrier uses its fighters depends on the AI of its commanding officer. Aggressive/reckless officers will always attack, cautious/timid will keep their fighters in escort mode. Steady is a mix depending on the situation.
To get other ships to focus their fighters on any enemy, you need to either order a Fighter Strike on it from the command screen, or left click/select your carriers then right click the enemy.
uninstall sseth shitter
do ya'll think alex will ban me on the spot if I released a mod with slaves?
I love the Onslaught!
the devs dont seen like a bunch of faggots
the other moders will whine and cry though,
I found a "Luddic Path Blueprint Package", what is this for?
Blueprint bundle of all Luddic Path faction ships.
Right click to "learn" it so you can crank them out by the truckload once you get a colony going.
to deliver the hammer of ludd down on these technological shitters
>Diable is here
>oh no, Diable is dead
Selling, the package is garbage
Are combat freighters/tankers worth it?
They seem to be more expensive and trade strength in their actual jobs for slightly increased combat abilities and improved radar signature.
please dont tell me this game is MOSTLY just ship combat.
Its the best part
It can also be a blueprint scavenger simulator if you want
depends on your playstile, like it'd technically be possible to avoid it completly but if you play normally yeah there's a bit why
What about the ships with no captains?
not really. They would just take up precious deployment points, only really useful in small fleet scenarios but even then you could have just outrun the enemy
Steady AI by default.
>All he does is cry that a niche game get's 5 days of attention every 6 months
>He doesn't care if it's one of the only devs that want's to finish the game and not rip people off with EA
>He doesn't care that the dev let's you pirate it to try it with zero effort
>He just wants to sabotage it because he's a whiny faggot
>He's probably the same fag that's been shitting up every thread for the last year because of "muh portraits" and "muh women statistically don't go into space so they never would in a sci fi fantasy future"
Just kill yourself for the love of god
>Pick the mercenary or bounty hunter start. Go dark and turn off your ID. Get in close enough range of one of the patrols so that they split off from their buddy to investigate.
I tried that, it worked, I'm fighting just one fleet and I still lose every time
They just seem to have a lot of ships there and they're far better than mine
IIRC they can be deployed for much cheaper than dedicated combat hulls of same class. But that's just about their only advantage.
How the hell are you managing to lose to the tutorial pirates? The campaign tutorial literally gives you free ships and all the encounters are skewed heavily towards in your favor. You'd have to *try* to lose to keep fucking up like this.
I don't know man, all earlier fights were easy but this one has, in addiction to having a fleet of equal size to mine, a big fuck off ship that kills everything in its path.
Earlier fights were easy but this is fucked.
What ships should I generally try to get at the beginning? I have around 150k after selling some lobster and doing some surveys
Post your fleet. Maybe you just suck at the combat. I beat them with the starting merchant fleet + 1 additional Wolf frigate
Why not? I personally love these types of games and it's the first time i heard about it. Game feels like much more complex Space Rangers desu
is there a way to make carriers not engage the enemy with the carrier itself? I have noticed that without my stern pimp hand to guide them the carriers eventually start brawling with their close range small weapons, which is obviously suicide if their fighters haven't killed something before they can make it to them
>Tempest(best frigate ingame)
>Wolf(with a decent loadout you cant really go wrong)
>Drover(will do okay with almost any non-bomber fighter loadout)
>Hamerhead(accelerated ammo feeder is so good)
>Condors are okay if you get one really early for fighter support
Because you're shittid newfags and I can tell because if you actually browsed Yea Forums before a year ago you would already have known about SS instead of having an autistic meme tell you about it.
Lurk more fag
This. Starsector is old news, anyone who hasn't heard about it by now is a newfag who needs to be gassed.
user i've been visiting this shithole for 11 years and don't remember seeing any starsector threads at all
Depends on the carrier, your fleet comp and officer personality. Most carriers will prefer to hide behind somebody else if they can find a buddy.
werks on my machine. I have all steady officers on my carriers and they stay behind the line battle ships
steady captains at the helm.
aggressive captains for carriers only if:
>all your other major combat ships have aggressive captains at the helm
>you have the means to replace the carrier
Usually it gets shitposted down and moved to /vg/ to make room for smash threads.
Stop being a fucking faggot, I've been frequenting this shithole for almost fifteen years and I've only heard about this game once or twice. You think you're acutely aware of every single Yea Forums autismcore game that exists, you baiting retard?
Literally look at any archive and search for
Sunder with autopulse laser is absolutely savage for its price.
Harbinger with phase lances extremely strong in player hands because of how time flow while phasing works, but AI can't use it correctly.
Sure, sure. You just conveniently missed every Starsector thread lasting for a couple of months right after each major patch.
Bullshit you haven't seen starsector dailies it was literally everyday.
>triggered shittid fags
Fuck off back to your circle jerking hell hole faggots
I turned the computer off now since its late but it was the starting ships (wolf+kite) and two ships I found for free, fully repaired.
I had that happen to me before, 0.9.1 should have prevented carriers from going full retard but I imagine it still happens. Try getting cautious or timid officers and avoid putting anything besides PD on carriers and see if they function better without direct commands.
>i-i've been here forever!
>Hasn't seen one of the most popular Yea Forumscore games ever which gets threads every month
Fucking lol, no. You've been here at best for a year.
>every single update game gets loads of threads
>im not n-new!
yeah right
You can actually beat those missions with your flagship under autopilot. The tutorial is literacy test tier of dead simple and easy to finish.
Post your fleet and post what you're facing.
I beat it, but I kept getting deployment warnings because the fight was taking too long. I think that might be because I forgot to check back in at the planet and get all the free guns after salvaging my fleet and I ended up buying a shitload of cheap garbage weapons.
Speaking of, what kind of loadouts should I be aim for later down the line? I'm mostly just slapping whatever I've got into any available slot and hitting the auto-group button, which works for now but I'm guessing that's not going to hold up.
Also I guess another question: what are the must-have mods for when i get a better grip on the game and start over?
Diable Avionics explicitly references slaves
He just doesn't want to admit that he heard about the game first from the sseth video and only now began to notice the threads. Just another "gamer gurl" tier of fake motherfucker.
As long as you don't mess with other mods modders don't care as far as I can tell reading things.
The Drover and the Heron were explicitly mentioned in the last version patch notes for being suicidal combative
I'm not trying to be insulting, but I think you're just Dean Takahashi level of oblivious when it comes to video games. The tutorial literally TELLS you all of this before sending you off to combat.
>Hear of a semi obscure game on Yea Forums
>Buy it and enjoy it
>Hear of a semi obscure game on youtube
>Buy it and enjoy it
Im confused of the conflict here.
Yea Forums is the secret club
Youtube is not and it attracts people i don't like
As I said in the previous thread:
Hell, if you want to mess with other people's mods, at least have the fucking balls to ASK FIRST!
fucking approlight translation when. I want my ship superiority back
On the other hand, the youtube fame also brought some nushit /pol/tards who aren't playing the game, aren't interested in playing the game, but are only here to socialize about some forum drama shit nobody cares about. There's some merit in being wary.
>newfag doesnt lurk
>ruins culture
>neo-Yea Forums
You are the cancer which killed this board
Not soon enough, I want to see how broken A-L and FoB capitals are when working together and then throw them against Knights Templar.
>The tutorial literally TELLS you all of this
Really, the tutorial tells you what kind of loadouts you should be aiming for later down the line? Damn, i must have missed it when they pointed out exactly which guns i should put in my future ships to optimize them for their roles. Does the tutorial also tell you what the must-have mods are?
God, that design clashes really hard against the vanilla ship design in a really bad way.
Disturbing lack of fleet posting
No, you illiterate retard. The tutorial tells you what combat readiness is, how to fix it, and all that.
>hurr durr how to loadouts
Don't be fucking stupid. Do you expect Starcraft's tutorial to tell you all about the build orders and rush defenses?
>Does the tutorial also tell you what the must-have mods are?
Yes, the tutorial tells you to use use the Autofit option if you're not sure how to equip your ships.
I don't remember that portrait
t. Takahashi
t. would probably spend zero skill points in Mass Effect because he didn't read that part in the tutorial
Does the game have boarding mechanics?
Tore Up Plenty update when. I want to get my 0.7.2 era fleet back together.
Thanks for the CIA Watchlist vid
Based and jihadpilled
Fuck you
Some user in a thread here ages ago made it.
After combat some ships can be disabled and then boarded, its just text and percentage chance based. You need boarding troops to do it.
A lot of mods are like that to me, doesn't stop me from using them if they're fun.
Based 0.7 poster
Use to but they sucked harder than a black hole. Salvaging mechanics now take their place
This image is old and may or may not be totally accurate. Should give you an idea of the roles of various weapons though.
Please do not feel compelled to reply to unhelpful posters.
Fuck I remember that thread
Fuck. I want to slam a boarding torpedo on a ship and take it over/blow it up mid combat
what mods?
Any lewd mods?
Pretty sure it got removed for jihad
This isn't your normal space game
They removed that ages ago user
I started playing for real back in 0.6. I also remember a version where the only system was Corvus.
This mod had that missile spewing supermissile
Thank you, this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.
>that one Citadel ship
>costs a shitton of credits to get
>kill your crew and captain
>doesn't matter since it destroys entire planetary fleets all by itself
Interstellar Imperium, ship is the Olympus Class. Got a graphics overhaul so it looks different now but still the hugest boom.
The big wheel ship near the end is the old Cathedral from (iirc) S/WP, it is very different now.
Corvus III-A is where it was at
Someone say Citadel? Balance aside I miss it.
how long does it take to get a key from the order site after you pay
based and islampilled
That doesn't surprise me. The only threads that stay on the front page are waifu kumbrain threads.
where do i buy cool ships?
all they sell is garbage, even the tachyon
It is in the receipt.
Gotta hit the markets, son.
You go to strong markets. Those have the best ships, or get a commission form one of the factions and access their military storage.
All the good stuff are kept in military markets that are locked away by commission, on occasion you see something nice on the open or black market. A couple Independent military markets might offer some nice stuff if you have decent reputation with them. Usually I go for bounties that have ships I like.
So I need to deepthroat one faction until they sell me the good shit?
Sometimes you can find good shit in the Black Market, but not as often.
Yeah. That or get lucky and find one floating around somewhere.
It's a bad thing on Yea Forums because most people are so desperate to be "unique", as they see it as a shortcut to being interesting.
You can also raid and pillage until you get some sick shit then repair it to remove the D-mods.
If window shopping multiple size 5+ markets don't offer anything of value and if the idea of a colony to build shit you want isn't ideal or available early on, then you can get a better chance with commission.
I have a million credits, is that enough to build a colony?
I still have no idea of the economy in this game.
I see.
you need a commission to buy from most military sellers, the only exception is independents who let you access military markets without a commission so you can get some decent cruisers and capitals from the. If you're playing with nexerelin and turned on prisim freeport there's a highend seller that sells all kinds of ships and weapons for like a 200% markup
looting a wreck got me "adequate farmland" intel, I have been to the system and surveyed all the planets there, how do I get rid of the intel?
Dedicated carriers are slow as fuck and better stay back protected by one or two small frigates. Then just send your bombers escorted by a fighter wing.
Other ships with hangars that aren't dedicated carriers can just fight normally, engaging directly.
1 million is just enough to get it off the ground, but you're gonna have to invest heavily into it
There is a reason why I really like the Prism Freeport (included in both SCY and Nexerelin) and that is the High-End seller.
The other reason is the blueprints exchange.
Should be enough, depends really on finding a good system, preferably with multiple good worlds.
A bare colony yes. With build queues you want 2-3 million and a couple colonies starting up at the same time, that way you have have patrol fleets and heavy industry to start at the same time. You'll make that money back but probably not until the next cycle or so unless you build farms and mines on resource rich worlds.
Sell that shit.
I'm playing vanilla, first time.
Alright I'll do a few more credits and then I'll start with the colony stuff.
There is no time limit right?
If you mean survey data item, you can sell it.
If you need to know where planet with said farmland it, check exploration tab in intel menu.
Does it have the exclamation mark on it? Click on that so it doesn't appear unless you filter intel by exploration.
You can do colony stuff at any time
No time limit. Two mods make so other factions start their own colonies, but, mods, and they also don't pick planets too well.
That or you can explore darilicts in deep space. Those usually give blueprints. Or you can just murder the faction and get blueprints off the corpses.
>surely these Luddites won't set up shop in ALL of my colonies--
is it possible to wipe out a colony without my own faction turning on me? it says something along the line of än atrocity of this scale can not be hidden and will make the following factions hostile: blach blah"
>Prism Freeport
Where is it?
You can abandon a colony but first it needs to be size 3
not my own colony retard
You can raid it into oblivion. A colony that stays at 0 stability for too long will eventually de-civilize.
No. You're basically bombarding everything on the planet. The expats, the sexpats (fucking Tri-Tach degenerates), embassies, secret agents, civilians not belonging to the faction, stored goods, foreign-owned properties, all of them.
You can freely "abandon" a colony before it hits size 3, but after that, it's impossible.
You can't sat bomb colonies on commission, but you can repeatedly disable the starport and cause enough unrest that it will slowly descend into chaos.
it's part of the nexerelin mod. You can turn it on when starting a new save and it will spawn somewhere in hyperspace in the core of the sector. It's a size 10 independent freeport with a military market as well
> -41 stability
Nice, reminds me of when I first tried out BB content before removing the mod completely for shitting up fringe systems.
Acheron's Domain if with SCY, in hyperspace if without SCY or playing in a random sector.
WHY would you colonize blade breaker worlds?
You can have DME without BB now, you know. Gotta fiddle with the settings
BB bombers are a hoot to have though
I don't know why anyone would colonize them
Show me the stats
Maybe I'll try it again one day, but none of the fights felt interesting.
>black holes actually give you the succ
>get the succ
>can't leave
ruh roh
tfw youre dying but she keeps sucking
>hey garth
>why is this place called planet futa?
>get the succ
>think you can't leave
>turn on boost
>manage to escape
Pretty gay honestly. Don't know if that's changed between the current version and 0.8 though.
Because it has futas on it. Dont drop the soap.
at least in 0.9 i recall having to boost several times to get out of the succ. it was a horribly expensive succ to say the least.
I've been playing this game for years and I've only finished one Nex campaign.
back to fortnite then zoomer
>10^10 population
Thats a lot of futa
Post the rest of gemini pics
Can you dictate what ships your faction uses after setting up a colony?
I like the Neutrino Corp ones (even if they're a god damn bitch to find) and want to force my faction to only use those ships.
Imagine the profits the sex industry makes.
I only have these two.
If you've ever wondered how varied colony incomes can be at a glance, here it is.
Note the negative income colony. It's a 200% haz planet and normally nets about ~20k per month. One Luddite sabotage in the right industry can cause a cascading loss and tank your entire colony's income if your planet is shit quality to begin with.
Thats good enough
I thought these were lost forever
Yup, Press D and it should be under doctrine and blueprints, you can set ships to favored so make sure you never pick civilian ships for your colony. I personally use a mix of ORA and Sylphon ships for max lightshow
Is this on 9.1a? My colonies have always been shit with the new update all are all packed with beta cores but still suck ass, what industries do you use?
Does this game have an end goal? Or is it just sandboxing for the sake of sandboxing?
I was expecting no, holy shit thats amazing
Thanks user
>visit unexplored system
>3 weapons caches, rich planets
>get 2 nanoforges and a shitload of blueprints
>sell them
>make 500K goycoins
is there an image on what ship class beats which class? seems like you can fuck up cruisers with just a frigate
Systems in yellow are where I started my initial colonies.
If you thought you could have your colonies in close proximity to make defense easier, you'd be only half right. Yes, you'll have bases of operations in close proximity. In practice, pirate stations from across the map can target your shit, which means colony placement doesn't really matter. You have to travel the entire width and height of the galaxy regardless of which colony is under attack.
This is actually a good thing. You can just forget worrying about colonies being close together and only worry about picking the MOST OPTIMAL planet for moneymaking. It's honestly similar to how the core systems' factions are laid out, so it all fits in the lore of things.
One of every type. It doesn't matter how abundant the resource is, as long as it exists.
someone post a portrait pack that isn't complete garbage, please and thank you
I mean its all dependant
If you can get behind say a Dominator you can plink away at it all you want, but if you try to take on an Aurora with a frigate youre just gonna get melted
>selling nanoforges and blueprints for short term profits
Yep, you are the goy.
The faction you sold to will also use these nanoforges and blueprints.
I know pirates use blueprints when sold to but wasnt aware other factions did it.
Good thing I sold them to luddic path then
You absolute nigger
The forum drama is the mods on lockdown and the dev's circle of dick riders dictating what can be posted and what gets deleted and banned.
Nobody gives a shit except you, basedboy. Stop bitching like a kike nigress on the rag and play the game.
I am playing the game, but don't think I'm gonna pay for it.
So what defines a really good colony to make the most money? That size 10 +72% world is doing 2x more than the rest of your planets.
Once again, nobody gives a shit. Nobody wants to read about you telegraphing what you're doing like a fucking zoomer on a tweet binge.
i don't remember 9/11 but i was born in 1999 so i'm not a zoomer: the post
Not him but, it depends on what and how much the colony is exporting. How much is being produced depends on the population, how much is being exported depends on the accessibility of the colony and after that, you have to consider the upkeep of the structures and that depends on the hazard rating, you want a low hazard rating for your expensive industries.
where can i pirate an up to date verison?
>that image
Jesus fucking christ I hate science fantasy fags so much they have no fucking clue how the laws of physics work WHATSOEVER
People are saying the cd key getting passed around is getting blacklisted in the next big update but it takes about two minutes to crack it yourself
Honestly, people have been bitching about the sorry state of the forums years before sseth's vid.
This is basically it >close enough to the core worlds to have a high accessibility rating
>low hazard rating (it's a direct multiplier for upkeep costs)
>at least 3 or 4 resources to mine and build industries for
The rest is nitpicking for space optimization and just a matter of growing your colony.
>Diable Avionics
WTF is the versant?
It's a sexy ship and I love how it was balanced in a way that makes it simultaneously OP as fuck, but weak because it only can operate for so long before it starts malfunctioning, but is it a mech like the other wanzers or a ship? I literally keep looking at the sprite and can't figure it out because it has a head but then it has those weird fucking prongs
t. born in 1998
Games been getting development for 10 years now. It doesn't need the attention to survive and is probably just annoying the fuck out of the original playerbase having to deal with meme-posting dumbfucks.
Holy shit you degenerates are blatantly youngshit and it's so goddamn obvious. Your behavior reeks of young parents who don't believe in beating their faggot child to whip some discipline into them.
t. born never
How much for a one-way ticket to move there from Earth?
It is basically a huge fuck off wanzer that can go into ship mode to go fast
Personally, I use them with Safety Overrides Hardened Subsystems and throw them into pursuit encounters.
based and allahpilled
It's basically like one of these things.
It's kind of hard to tell but it's pretty much a gigantic mech with a ship mode, think a scaled up valiant. If this Starsector was a SHMUP the Versant would be the giant robot that you fight as a stage boss or something
Planet Futa covers the travel costs if you're willing to co-sign a waiver absolving both parties of all responsibilities pertaining to anal and hip damages.
damn you sound upset
What's your username on the forums, fag? I'm curious.
Of course he's upset, and rightly so. We're here to talk games and you only care about dev drama. Knock it off.
Not him but yes. Generally a good rule of thumb is 1~2 kinetic weapon with one HE of similar range and size, not including PD weapons. So something like one/two HVD with H.mauler, or one Heavy autocannon/two arbalest AC with heavy mortar works well.
Range is a great thing to have, keep range if you have longer ranged weapons.
Is there a WH40k/gothic mod?
All that I want to do is to fly a fleet and make an empire
Alright thanks anons
Time to set up my first colony and watch it burn
Assault Loadout is the best Loadout
>Safety Overrides
>Hardened Subsystems
>Unstable Injector
>Extreme Modifications
>Strap two light plasma cutters on it
Viola, you have a giant death mech that can operate for like 1 minute before it explodes but can melt destroyers and below with its giant notbeamsabers and harvest spam in both modes
Hey, if they've got normal human dicks, I'll sign away. Miss me with them ovipositors though.
>Fucking Google bringing back golden memes
I got sauce by scrolling down, but the laugh was too much to resist posting.
>~6000 eggs implanted
>tight vagina
Along with what the other user said, stations will also use mines from Lv.2 and over, and non-fancy bog standard yet effective mines are available in the form of proximity charge launchers available in black markets(along with REDACTED bombers that is armed with it)
lads I found a legion class battlecarrier
is this worth restoring?
>some sloot tells me where I can find a cache of ancient tech
>she just wants to AI Core
>go there, fuck up some REDACTED, and get the loot
>take the AI core for myself
>steal it and install it on my colony
>Hegemony gets suspicious how my shitty outpost on a barren rock is doing so well
>They send a fleet to inspect the colony
>instantly get gangraped by Persean patrols guarding the jump point
does anyone else send inspections to your colony? because i'm literally right next to a size 7 Persean League homeworld with a fucking battlestation so i'm fucked if they decide they don't like what i'm doing
Hell yeah it is.
Using a similar loadout on mine, except with no Extreme Modifications, two Banish Torpedos and still have room for points of vents thanks to maxed out Loadout Design. Actually, I could skip the vents altogether and go full beams anime.
If it is a Legion (XIV), yes.
And the total monthly profit from all this micromanaged autism? Somewhere between 2.5 to 4 mil depending on the pirate and Luddic threats.
Is it worth it?
Yeah. The pirate/Luddic stations spawn in waves and while it takes a while to swat them down, there's plenty of time inbetween that I can go and do other stuff as well. Manually going through each planet to squash Luddic cells does get tedious, but the UI is surprisingly good and it only takes two clicks to do. I just wish there was a mechanic for sending your security fleet to put down some of these station threats. I don't care if there's a diceroll or not, at this point I can afford the losses.
Dude enforcer is pretty decent if you fit it well. Pirate versions also have some unique twist to it(like how pirate mule has a omni medium turret instead of composite medium of base model along with shielded cargo holds)
>but it's riddled with Dmods
And what ship isn't? If you are at this point of the game you won't be flying shiny pristine ships anyway.
Bad shields Onslaught!
Every legion is a powerful command ship
Sending "inspectors" for AI cores is a Hegemony thing. Other factions will come in to sabotage your industry, be jelly of your free market, or whatever else. You can always bribe them to fuck off without a reputation loss.
Is this game in early access or is it released/in a relatively finished state?
I've been meaning to try it out but I have a dislike of buying anything in early access.
It actually is a XIV
cool my very first big fucking ship
RIP being able to smuggle though
Man, what the fuck did you do to Rimworld?
Can you just use a mine launcher and spin to just cheese this game?
I always used my Legion as a battering ram armed with medium Typhoon launchers. It can do some serious damage as a breakthrough vessel because they're all forward facing and have good arcs + fighter cover helps get rid of smaller ships, but it will fold under long range sustained fire.
You're probably thinking of endless skies.
Only the Hegemony does. You can bribe away inspections and expeditions, though.
doesn't that just show that you also watch him?
No, and it'll never happen because the dev won't allow any mods to be shared that use any material from any source without written authorization from the people who created the material in the first place. Maybe if and when the game hits 1.0 there will be a modding scene pop up that isn't controlled by the forum sycophants, but I imagine this game will never see steam and, if it does, do not expect workshop support. It'll be like parajew games where there are mods locked on the parajew forums and you'll have to register and prove ownership to get access. If the /vg/ thread and infinitychan threads wake back up, maybe there will be mods there and on loverslab if there's anyone into lewding up the game.
Modding is part of the game and it's a relevant conversation.
Only reason to play rimworld is for mods.
No, it's not a mod "discussion" and you damn well know it, fagbrain. All you're doing is transplanting your borderline sexual fascination with that shithole to here and discussion of mods is only ancillary to flapping your faggot mouth. At this point I'm convinced that you're some forum kike false flagging here to advertise for the fucking site.
Stop being obsessed with someone unless you're trying to fuck them, you degenerate homosexual.
youll notice the star wars tag in the bottom corner there
fucking nu-wars is so shit lol
im new and i have no idea how to progress outside of doing explore missions but then i have no idea what to do with the money or ships i buy, im trying to be a super power or a pirate but i have no idea how to into colonization or when it becomes a good idea, also no idea how to do piracy in a way that makes it hit markets i can manipulate.
Is the best place to buy ships from pirate run worlds, excepting faction-exclusive markets?
sidepoint, my ship loadouts suck and i need help know if shit like "finishers" are worth only getting one go at it
What's the best part about this whole ordeal? Playing a good game or making people seethe that their niche game isn't niche anymore?
Nobody gives a shit as long as you're not blogposting about how you "totally pwned those SJWs in discord haha" and actually play the damn game.
Prove me wrong that mods are on lockdown by a circle of dick suckers that I imagine you (samefagging, I might add) are part of. This game has only survived for so long because of mods and Alex is milking his suckups for all they're worth for as long as he can. Expect an announcement that starsector will be an EGS exlusive in the lead-up to 1.0!
Wouldn't it make more sense for all of this to be automated after a certain point?
Link to the post where that happened.
What is even your damn argument.
All I can see here is that you want to cram your shithole full of drama because it sexually excites you.
Last time I played this game is back when Yea Forums used to have threads for it.
Nexerelin has faction fleets occasionally going to stamp out Pirate and Luddic Path bases.
Kadur Remnant/Vayra's Sector adds a mechanic where raiding factions (Pirates, Luddic Path, Kadur Remnant) stop making any new bases if they lose all their markets but, last time I tried that it was sort of bugged and now the mod is very much in development and prone to save breaks.
the black market all the time
converted civilian ships made of garbage and rust >>>> "high-tech" gay shit
Dunno about him but you're not enticing me onto your side at all, you sound psychotic.
>fucking dozens of alpha cores
Bloody hell, no wonder the Luddfags are going full jihad on you. Even Tri-Tachyon would probably tell you to dial it back.
Man I unironically wish this game had an easier way to gauge enemy strength versus your own. If I fight 90 troops against 20 in warband I know that I'm going to win for sure, but in this game I can completely get fucked even if I have bigger and more ships.
lmao do you even know how to tell if someone is samefagging? im just posting wh40k shit not whatever faggit argument you had going
Why do you even need to post mods there? Can't you just make a mod using what ever you want and just post it here or even on leddit if you wanted? How does that constitute a mod monopoly when you don't even have to publish mods you've made on their forum at all?
There's a mod that I can't remember the name of, which adds tons of pirate rust buckets of all sizes.
I think the pirate faction is a great idea that needs to be fleshed out more. Something like an "alternate" but very illegal source of big ships for roleplaying runs or no-commission challenges. The mechanic as it stands is almost reminiscent of ship licenses from EV: Nova and I think it could be made even better if the pirate faction got more ships in vanilla.
I mean the AI seem to struggle with this quite a bit. I had a fleet of about 7 ships mostly frigates, downgraded to 5 and replaced a frigate with a big ass carrier. Whereas before pirates ran away from me now they all attack me and I completely fuck them up because lolbombers
That would be Junk Pirates and Underworld.
Macross mod when? youtube.com
yeah, I think i've got the mod you are talking about
But I do agree, with the whole licensing thing there should be more cheap stuff heavily converted into warships. I'd like to see the addition of weapon rails in addition to slots, where only big single/double torpedos/missiles can be fitted. Makes sense to turn a fragile freighter into a quick strike one hitter machine.
It probably wouldn't get to this point, to be quite honest. Realistically, maxing out one colony takes a long, long time. It'd be a while before you have several, let alone two colonies.
forgot the incriminating picture
Nothing stopping people from playing a while, senpai. Some people like 'map painting.' My point is that dealing with pirates and cultists should mostly be handled locally, not by you.
Nexerelin enables you to do that. You can hire agents that will stamp out luddic cells for you and infiltrate other factions to raise relations with them for you, or sabotage relations of those factions with other factions.
And pirates?
I mean most of the mods for Starsector are only listed on the forums at this moment, so there's that. It's a matter of both visibility and convenience. Imagine having to go to one site to download BRDY and Dong (when) only to have to go somewhere else to get Shadowyards and Diable, and then continue on to yet another site for whatever portrait packs you want to use etc. Might not be a big deal for some, but I'd imagine most would want everything available in the same place for convenience sake. We're well into the age of instant gratification after all.
Pirates can be dealt with by your colony fleets and orbital installations if they actually get to attempt to raid the surface of your planet. Your colonies, when developed enough will have trade and defense fleets both and mercenary patrols will be hired to further reinforce their capability for self defence.
How many ships can this one take?
So you've been throwing a tantrum over a simple matter of convenience?
There ain't no reason or logic to be found inside the brain of a reichfugee.
You assume I speak for everyone. I do not. Also, convenience is only a small part of it.
So is there some kind of end goal in this game or a storyline?
Have you never played an open world game or are you actually too young to remember Minecraft?
What else then? I mean if you really wanted to you could just take all the hundreds of MBs that is the forum mods. Upload it to a Russian mod archive site. Then laugh as they try to have it taken down in broken snow speak.
>tfw 700,000 credits in debt
>Tfw just take supplies and fuel from local star bases, making the debt even worse
>Game punishes by taking my crew
>Take more crew from the base, further fueling my debt
moe facepulls, your highness?
don't talk shit about Maelstrom
it's o-kay it's just d-debt financing
Which faction has the best markets for ships, recently started and I'm sitting on some decent dosh after doing a bunch of delivery and getting pirate bounties as collateral.
just make something similar and change all the names to OC dunotsteel shit
boom, problem solved
Coming up with a setting appropriate name is hard, the random gen seems to mostly give me female ones, but it seems mostly based on planets and moons so I went to look something up there, and the vast majority of those are feminine.
The perseans usually have some good shit just out in their open markets, ranging from killer frigates to outright pristine cruisers
Name yourself "Tax Freeman".
Persean and and sometimes Independent markets tend to have ships I like before acquiring capitals. PL is pretty good on size and number, if you prefer midline then Sindria can offer some more ships around that level of tech.
The virtue signalling is strong in this one.
unironicallty get good i didnt even nkow this game HAD a tutorial
If I have a High Command in one colony, will all my other colonies in different systems have patrols as well?
All colonies need a patrol hq to send patrols. Military base and High Command are needed for larger fleets and I think also fleets patrolling in hyper space but don't quote me on that.
You get a fleet regardless. High Command just gives a really big modifier to your fleet size. For the precise numbers, mouse over the "Fleets" triangle in the colony view.
>read thread
>every time someone asks if something is in the base game the answer is no
is there anything in the fucking base game
Yes, when a game gets popular and you have thousands of little kids and lazy idiots with no attention span becoming the loudest voice of criticism for their game, it'll only get better.
There's ton of shit in the base game. What the hell are you reading?
I went and watched sseth's video after the fact. I think these kids actually haven't even watched the video judging from the kinds of questions they're asking.
Is it worth it to spend a single point on the combat tree?
Depends on the kind of power fantasy you like. If you want to kick ass and chew bubblegum, it's worthwhile. If you fancy yourself as an elite commander, you can entirely ignore it.
ONly for combat endurance, then the rest of points into carrier
>Got scavenger to level 3 as my first skill
>Take mission to find AI core
>Send it off in its box
>loot site
>got 540k worth of blueprints including Eagle class cruiser and Daze class cruiser blueprints
Sweet fucking Jesus
fuckin slaves
>gachi in space
this has gone too far
FYI, starsector is now on nexus
Post your mods folder
Man, the Wayfarer is pretty shit. The weapons seem like they're completely useless.
Steam release when?
What was the reason not to put game on steam in the first place?
Unfinished and only updating once a year, ie something that would not fly well with the general Steam audience... "this game is dead, it's a scam"etc
Is this in the base game?
what was the strongest ship in the entire modverse if we count all versions of the game? some approlight bosship?
so i'm a huge faggot and lost to the pirates at the jump gate in the tutorial.
>i tried to fight manually and think i don't know how to strafe properly. i use Q and E but slowly drift from side to side, which I guess is wrong?
>i salvaged the ships like the game told me but my combat readiness was in the toilet and had to "mothball" pretty much everything except my starting ship because i didn't have enough crew. wtf am i meant to do, sell them off?
what fucking mods do i fucking install for my first fucking playthrough, motherfuckers?
If you go talk to the governor after getting the ships, he gives you a bunch of free supplies, crew, and weapons you need to put on the ships.
The SWP arcade boss, probably.
None, the game is polished enough and there is already a lot to take in as a new player.
The dev wants the game to be complete before being released in other platforms.
Basically it is a very extended early access on the devs terms.
How do I get more ships reliably? It takes ages to find ships to scavenge and I've got plenty of money I'd like to spend.
do a vanilla run first. the game stands on its own decently. then check the mod index and pick whatever fancies you
The anime portrait mod, and the faction mods that looks cool to you
Restart with Nexelin once you get used to the game
Probably not the absolute strongest of all available ships but the Tahlan Shipworks Izanami was a thing of beauty before it got nerfed. Probably still strong
Speed up mod is a must
Ship and weapon pack
Magic lib
Graphics lib
Lazy lib
how to stop use phase ships?
Doom cruiser is just so ridiculously powerful I can't pilot anything else anymore.
yeah it’s still strong, I piloted it well after getting my first capital in my last run. nothing too OP but extremely solid
At least I didn't make a thread about not beating a tutorial.
I'll lurk because I don't know shit yet.
Starting as a merc gives you like 5 ships whereas a bounty hunter starts with 2? Why would i not start as a merc then...
I already posted it in previous threads, but probably this fuckboi before the nerf
fun fact: it used to have like 40 fighter bays
forgot pic
Black markets and faction military stores. The Independents don't require a commission to buy from the military, so they're an easy source of ships as long as you're willing to put up with the quality being kind of shit.
>asymmetrical ships
but why
>wealthy freetrader with almost max rep everywhere
>daussault mikoyan is down to one planet and at war with a major alliance
>tfw don’t want to break my neutrality to save them
Because they're in space dummy, it doesn't matter
wolf class ships are better than what you start with as a merc
of course it matters
if the ship is asymmetrical, then any thrust provided by the engines will be off-center of mass and it will fucking spin all the time
>This guy drowned taking a girl to an island in the middle of a river to giver her sword lessons.
You can have an asymmetrical ship with engine aligned with the center of mass. Look at the lunar module or pretty much any space probe.
>asymmetrical objects can't have center of mass in-line with engines
Based retard.
Let me blow your mind
How do I raise reputation with factions if I can't fight for shit? Doing trade runs is +1, and helping quartermasters in bars is +2, it takes ages this way.
Also, will a single cruiser defeat a bunch of frigates, combat freighters and other low-level shit or do I need proper support?
Did you obain explicit written permission from Hitler to post this photo, thief?
Is it normal to get cloned systems? I'm noticing that I have two systems, Magec and Achaman, that both on the hover-over are described as the Magec system and have Nova Maxios, Tibicena, and Kanta's Den as markets.
Damn, sseth is powerful enough to make a thread about a literal who game get hundreds of replies?
Get their blueprints and turn your faction into their remnants
>Get to actual combat
>Can't control anything
The game is great.
Is there any reason to hold onto survey data if you're not going back to that system? Or should you just sell it?
How does it feel to be this retarded?
I bet you didn't even close the map.
Will I get fucked if i try a luddic path playthrough?
As in only shit (D) ships with safety overrides etc
get the SO for capital ships mod and you should be fine
Fuck off newfag
Holy shit how can you ever get pol off your mind? Are you that pathetic lmao
How am I supposed to talk to planets without my transmitter on, when there's always 5-6 fleets in orbit? If I turn it far away and try to sneak in I always get spotted. If I fly in normally and turn it just before landing, they say I have a partol on my tail and refuse to trade.
Also, how the fuck do patrols know I have illegal good on me? I haven't been searched once when I was playing fair, but the second I enter a Hegemony system with my legally obtained hard drugs they stop me.
>only been playing for a few hours
>760,000 Paragon class battleship from a random derelict probe
I dont think the scavenger ability is balanced
Turn off your transponder and go dark. There is also a skill which decreases the range ships can detect you and doubles your go dark ability effectiveness. I have a mid sized fleet and my detection range is only 120.
Some stations are just too hard to sneak into though.
what the fuck do i pick as a starter? does the "faster start" thing make shit easier or what?
I gotta be honest, it activates my autism that I can't really afford to be a good pilot and admiral without crippling my tech, or vice versal.
You don't, look for a station with no patrols, or hope that the lone merchant fleet doesn't cares about you
I just bought the game and about to play my first play through, any tips you mad lads?
The different starting options change what ships you have at the beginning, the easier/faster options give you more. Try the first (Wolf) option and go from there.
Ok i picked the wolf, went with the drone ship thing and started on normal. hopefully i dont fuck up hard enough that i cant get passed the pirates at the jump gate.
should i pump the salvage skill first? what about autopiloting the fights, i feel like it would do a better job than i would personally
Keep an eye on the news channel: it might tell you when and where major battles are going to be and you might salvage some cool stuff
>News channel
I don't know much, but I think you can't go wrong with skills like salvage and navigation.
you won't be able to produce it so not really, and selling it is a bad ideqa in the long run
salvage is good. after that go for the ordinance points one in the blue path
commit to piloting yourself, once you get the hang of it you will see how insane your weight on the battlefield can be. there are almost no ships that the player cannot control better than the AI
>will a single cruiser defeat a bunch of frigates
Depends on the ships involved, but if the cruiser isn't braindead generally yes.
Support ships are nice to have early on and even up to lategame. Be it a dram/ buffalo or Atlas/prometheus, having extra storage can be useful, especially on long range expeditions(be it exploration or military)
>implying its worthless
Going to just sell it and make a colony off the proceeds. You can always get more blueprints.
I'd argue that a fucking paragon blueprint is an exception.
Always make sure you have fuel and supplies before you travel in hyperspace.
For easier pirate fights you can lure them near patrols, or join in a detachment in battle so you can steal kills and get rewarded for damage contribution.
Not moving or going dark in debris, asteroid fields, etc. will make you much harder to detect.
Turn your transponder off trading in the black market to lower suspicion, but don't do it in front of patrols.
Go to settings and enable Invert behavior of 'Strafe and turn to cursor' button or hold Shift to make aiming easier, allows you to strafe with A/D.
Press N to run simulation, you can use that to try out weapons before you buy them in markets or to experiment with loadouts without any risk to your fleet.
Try some missions if you aren't comfortable with combat after the tutorial, Mission: Random Battle generates random fleets and you can refit them with just about anything.
enjoy rehunting that down later on, it’s a fucking pain in the ass
20 hours into my run with 250% salvage bonus and no paragon yet
F for a true american hero
imagine being this much of a fucking faggot lmfao
>not making your entire fleet nothing but carriers and bombers so you can allah the infidels
You're playing wrong
>250% salvage bonus
How? I have 150% from the skill, what else increases it?
>This isn't your normal space game
lol name any space game with boarding combat of that kind
I got mine from the blueprint exchange on prism
Also, if you have the 9th domain legion present, their special high tech ships move faster than regular ships, at the cost of CR decay.
Getting them to friendly is a bit tricky though
about 10 salvage rigs. I upped the fleet limit to 100 and have 1mill/month from colonies so cost is not a problem
I don’t even field them, they are slow and boring
>dude outranging and eternal fluxwar lmao
I just let my astrals chew them out when the enemy fields them, conquest is my vanilla shipfu
Is it me or does diable always get its shit pushed in in nexerelin? They've lost all their markets but sivie in my game
i made this long time ago
>do a raid on pirates after trading with them as a fuck you
>get only 2 spacebits
Am I doing something wrong? Does fucking over spaceports first just straight up destroy everything they own?
Install utility mods
Then install diable, nexrelin, and shadowyards
shadowyards and diable are the most balanced and best fitting of the mods available, but consider also installing the other mods tarteflete makes
and don't listen to the faglords saying you have to play vanilla first, they're just unthinking parrots repeating what they've heard other peopel say not knowing why they say it
Modders don't care what other modders make as long as it doesn't mess with other mods! At least that is what it looks like to me reading things.
Reminder that Tri-Tachyon's AI are responsible for the gate collapse.
Not surprising.
>plenty of enemies
>being friendly with pirates means their independent trade fleets get fucked, meaning lower stability
>half their colonies are isolated stations with middling defenses
the mods that use copyrighted shit gets purged, and the mods that alter other mods or even work with other mods gets purged if the content threatens the OC donut steel factions
>AI-truster asking for proof when he knows what he did
Having read the forums and Discord a lot it looks modders just want their licenses to be followed.
yeah go make a mod that has compatibility with the autistic inner circle and see what happens
Somehow every other modder managed it.
But I seen relatively new mods come out that do interact with old mods and everything is fine? Also is there any mods that are not compatible with others? I need to play more of them.
I'm gonna. There's nothing they can do to stop me.
It's pretty basic though, if you want to have your mod hosted on the forum:
>Do not break other mods with yours.
>Do not alter other mods without asking first unless their license allow it.
If you want to break stuff privately, knock yourself out.
What are some essential mods that aren't "press X to win" OP bullshit?
give me some bloody beginner tipps, what should I do in early game
is my fleet too big?
in what should I invest?
just the ones you see, there have been plenty over the years purged because the content added upset the modders part of the dev's special butt buddies
gonna have to list them for me
nope but if you get into the "official" discord you'll see a lot of bitching about it if it gets popular, and it'll be a cold day in hell before the dev allows it on his forums. protip: don't let him figure out who you are or he'll blacklist you key and say it's been shared
the only rule is don't upset a handful of modders who are the dev's special sluts
You don't need to beat them. You just need to activate the gate. Put 3 points into "Sensor" skill, activate "dark mode", sneak behind them and activate the gate.
>Muh license
Copyright autism is bad enough with major corporations, private citizens getting in on it is the worst cancer.
There aren't any truly OP mod on the forum except maybe Blue. (There are plenty on the Chinese forum though)
Is there a guide on fitting? Its one of the very early things you need to do and the tutorial doesnt offer much advice.
Following the autofit stuff is nice but I never have all the weapons so I'm left with 1 or 2 hardpoints with nothing on it. And fitting myself I can get the hardpoints filled up but I'm not sure if what im doing is correct and then all the systems and shit to the right.
Everything else seems easy enough but I cannot figure out whats good and bad for fitting a ship.
And you'll have to list those purged mods to me because as far as I know, there were two in total over the past seven years.
Any examples?
Legacy of Arkgenis or however that is spelled, Tyrador, as just two.
I never seen any modders get very upset unless someone modified other mods?
Sylphon, Mining incorporated, Disassemble Reassemble, Mayasuran Navy, Ruthless Sector, Starship Legend...
Because they vanish into the ether. Here is one from recently: fractalsoftworks.com
>Locking this thread; please keep in mind that discussing moderation decisions on the forum is against the forum rules.
Based dev, right?
Thank you! I really do need to play more mods.
So you found one of the two mods that were ever shut down.
Post links when you find them updated for the current version, if you would be so kind.
That is just one though? You made it sound like there was many.
Because homeboy listed the good mods that have been purged.
Happened before, it'll happen again. There are other mods that have stayed up that are breaking "the rules". Why do those stay up when others get purged?
So you're telling me all those special snowflake ships I've been avoiding so far are in fact perfectly balanced?
Can you list any of the not good mods that got purged?
Do you even own the game or are you just here to keep posting about your creepy fixation with the devs? Are you a mass shooter?
So I'm hearing there was a nazi mod that got shut down, where do I get it now?
All you got is outrage signaling and one single example of a not so greatly handled situation by either side.
It’s like reading a SJW tweet about the evil white man, except this nigga’s completely latched onto Alex.
Bonus for only listing one of the "many" mods that got purged.
so? I prefer the game to get attention because a mememaster did a meme video on it instead of paid reviews and shills
this game is too complicated
I started playing on sseth's cd key because I wanted to see if it was like FTL
why are there no other games about managing the innards of one ship and fighting one ship?
I really struggle to play these multiples vs multiples setups because I can't keep track of everything happening on screen
any tips for gitting gud or do u just need to play more? (yes I'm aware of the pause function)
Reminder that disliking the developer as a person does not mean someone hates the game, just like how you can enjoy a movie but think the director is a ninny.
how long is sseth's key gonna work?
Have you played the tutorials in the main menu, some of the single battle missions in the menu, and the campaign tutorial?
get over it you fucking tranny
Until the next version adds that key to the list of blocked keys, so 6 months to a year probably.
Pulsar, though its multiplayer and less detailed.
I did the tutoriala from the menu then started a campaign
there's just too much things on the screen, to much text, I don't even know what I have to do, I went to a station and picked a cargo quest but my cargo is too small
Sounds like you could use detailed advice, maybe join the Discord?
Being the one who did the translations for FoB and AL last time, don't expect it anytime soon. It's a ridiculous amount of work.
That is the worst possible advice a person could receive.
Your fleet isn't too big. You have plenty of cargo space, try some procurement missions or ferry some cargo from dockside bar requests while you travel since you look a bit tight on credits. What you should invest in really depends on what you want to try doing besides starting a colony, for now you should accumulate some more credits and try to bully some trade fleets if you can't afford buying supplies or fuel.
if the tutorial isn’t enough then you should be more worried about your IQ than being able to play this game.
the tutorial gives you free shit and handholds you through everything. how are you still having trouble navigating it?
I only did the combat and command tutorial from the menu
Discord is cancer incarnate, all discord communities are terrible circlejerks. Why the fuck are you even here if you prefer the hugbox format?
sseths key still work or am i just retarding it?
it's one of the games where if you don't magically know what stats you absolutely must have at the start then the game is impossible
Who said I prefer it? I like being user too but sometimes a live chat really is helpful.
A link was posted a thread or two back. I'm too lazy to bring it up but its there if you really want it.
Please respond, I just want to learn how to effectively earn shit from pirating pirate bases.
You're trying to funnel others into the grinder rather than simply talking to them here, despite you being here.
I died in the fleet tutt boys.
you’re posting this in an outrage hugbox coddled by edgy teen mods.
i’m going to ask you again. do you even play this game or are you just here to blogpost about how triggered you are by an irrelevant outside community?
That is a good point! But with how lost that user is it would be hard to help him in this format.
what does it matter when they all control like a greasy turd and have the firepower of a sponge
>i’m going to ask you again
You haven't asked me shit, I'm someone who is generally against discord shit. Whoever is complaining about mods? Someone else entirely.
>This place is a hugbox!
Then why are you here?
To break the conditioning.
interesting that i don't see anyone policing progressive-authored mods via quite frankly malicious code like a total fascist
really makes you think
Tactical bombardment to lower defenses and having more marines will improve the raid. Pirate bases may not yield much since it may lack on stockpiles and be a waste, at least compared to pulling off a raid on Chicomoztoc or a larger military market.
>tfw you just used up 200 000 peoples worth of bandit, basically DDOSSED the dev
>Nobody bought the game
Pirates win again, deal with it
Actually it was criticized.
You got to wait till another faction pops a bounty on it. Otherwise you aren't gonna get paid for spacing pirates.
Apparently, you're doing a pretty poor job. You're going to need more of those vitamin supplements or whatever the fuck Alex Jones sells.
>Nobody bought the game
So many people bought the game they ran out of keys.
reread the post
I don't know considering that an user is saying tons of mods have been purged while being proven wrong left and right? I think I am doing a pretty good job.
I wish i could perform saturation bombing on the stormniggers in this thread
Why do you keep trying to drag some other conversation into this one?
As someone who plays tons of Warband I am more than experienced with autistic and whiny modders
i wish i could force you to live next to coloureds
Sorry I am getting confused.
eh its the usual Yea Forums trash, Honestly better off on using your own personal filter on reddit/discord these days.
Oh no, default relationship statuses.
Then why are you here?
That code was removed due to the criticism.
I already do. nice first world country with honest and hard working people.
Maybe if you guys actually did something about your dumbassery you might not have so many cultural issues.
Every mod should try and set as many of those as possible.
But I'm not sure why you post them.
talk about the game or fuck off
this board is not a fucking sewing circle for socializing about how triggered you are, fucking kike
I'm sure you can name your country.
a friend linked me to see some images. read down through the thread and saw it devolve into the usual "black/orange man bad XD "
the point is that i don't see anyone writing equivalent code on the "evil" side
You can't find the thread URL from an image link.
Wasn't me.
Obviously, the evil side desperately seeks attention and legitimacy.
i wish you’d snap and shoot your parents for not beating your faggot ass as a child
>see image link
>open /vg/ to find thread
>open Yea Forums to find thread
>see what other images were posted, see what people are talking about.
i was curious.
I love those teleporting frigates. With AI controlling them theyre borderline unkillable
>user takes the moral highground in his pissing match by wishing death upon his parents
What is evil, user?
>thinking you have any moral high ground at all with the kikespeak you’re spewing
redirect your ass back to /pol/
not like anyone is really playing outside of newcomers, but I had my fun in earlier threads
and yes i opened vg first because vg usually has less retards, but as of now its just a Yea Forums thread.
Nigger, I'm seeing you act like a retarded shitposting baby and pretending you're higher than the other shitposter. That's what makes you look worse, user.
The more updates this game gets, the easier it becomes. First we got subspace which allows some bullshit maneuvers and non-risk moneymaking. Then removed the typhoon bombers and nerfed pirate patrols because noobs couldnt handle them. Now we got colonies which 100% propels even the blackest negro in to the late game, no skill required.
Starsector at this point is a casualized version of modded starfarer. Too bad got niggers like OP who cant pass the tutorial
Seems to be just trolling since theres some obvious political bias's going on with certain mods and their authors (See; ACAB, Eat the Rich, and uhh some other ones near the bottom of the list)
>go back to /pol/
Pray tell, what did he mean by this?
Just from looking at them, this faction looks like it deserves a good purging.
I'd never heard of it before, that is why I follow the reviewers I do, they tend to play stuff I'd have never heard about.
I wouldn't call it trolling, unless its directed towards the mod author. We're in autosage anyway bruv, don't get too worked up.
Eh, the game got harder in the early economy days, Starfarer was easy as fuck. Do you nor remember how OP lashers were?
i highly doubt the mod author is in here, its just for generating replies and shitting up the thread.
>reichfugee furfag
like clockwork
Lashers were OP? This I gotta hear
What is ACAB?
Like I said, we're in autosage, poking at a sperg is no harm to the thread seconds from death.
Furfag he may be, but he's not the one talking like /pol/ while calling others /pol/.
There are some things I find funny or don't take seriously at all. Anyway I hope there's more fleet posting next time.
I'm just curious why you would use blatantly antisemitic language and then immediately afterwards tell someone to go back to /pol/
What mod are they from?
Kadur Remnant, I think.
Space T*rks/Muslims
it’s where you belong with the rest of your fellow MIGA retards
Before we die, what's the first ship I should upgrade to when I outgrow the Wolf?
during the starfarer days merchant fleets didnt have much of a guard, a few hounds, here and there.
The original lasher's burn was fast enough it could easily prey on anything it wanted, while being fast enough to escape any kind of retaliation. Mounting two LDAC's and 2 harpoons would reduce just about anything to slag. if you supported it with a salamander it was easy game.
the only thing better than a lasher was a wolf and they were rare as fuck.
then when the game updated to have commander skill tree lashers could be upgraded to have hardened 300 degree shields with enhanced mobility.
Basically, up until the economy update any fleet that wasnt burn 10 lashers and wolves was essentially just a display piece.
All Cops Are Bastards.
American thing relating to the police brutality over there.
>Space Turks
>They seem like hippies rather than some kind of Ottoman Empire deal
The fuck's the point? If you're going Turk it's either an invading steppe nigger horde, or that fatass Ottoman Empire fielding advanced cannons and slave-soldiers to sit on the competition.
Tempst, Omen and Afflictor (phase) are nice frigates if you want to stay high tech. If you want to go up in size then Hammerhead or Medusa, or Sunder if you're feeling risky. If you go up to destroyers at least keep a couple frigates to avoid the bigger ship getting swarmed.
Oh. As for that, you should probably know the people shouting anti-police stuff here are the type to say stuff like "theft shouldn't result in prison time" "trespassing should be legal" and "cops shouldn't exist" rather than wanting any kind of reform.
eh, i dont really care, its the usual totalitarian trash you come to expect these days.
L*ftism ruins everything
I want the comfy starsector threads back
What the fuck happened
You can travel back to before autosage, dumbass. It's really your fault for continuing to enter the thread only when it's dying.
>everything that seems wrong is leftists fault
Spoken like a true inbred r*ghtist snowflake
why are you still posting this shit? none of us wanted to know what’s going on in their own little world. stop posting unsolicited garbage.
What do you propose leads to retards depicting Turks as anti-authority hippies?
>What the fuck happened
It isn't 0.7.2 anymore. We don't have things like dong or ship superiority posting. I don't dislike 0.8 or 0.9.0 threads but things were better in 0.7 and earlier.
>Last minute useless potshot at a conversation you had no part in
Dong soon.
What year is it? Oh shit is Alex about to push a major update already?
>last minute potshot
ok retard