What mods should I download to make this game tolerable?
What mods should I download to make this game tolerable?
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It's fine vanilla.
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Why not play a good game instead?
>Lackluster RPG
>Lackluster FPS
>Lackluster exploration game
>Lackluster base building game
I still don't understand what exactly Bethesda's goal was for this game.
Fallout 4 is a good game.
It's a good FPS, a good exploration game, and the base building is alright.
Its not a good game if you have to mod it to make it tolerable
>Designed around quest markers
>Good exploration game
You don't. That's a meme people blindly carried forward from older bethesda games.
There's more to the game than completing quest objectives.
I don't see the connection. If you want to dick around, turn off all the quest markers. If you want to do quests, follow them.
It’s called uninstalling the game and buying or playing the non B*thesda Fallouts
I'm sorry have you played literally any other fps? it is fantastic by the standards of fallout, which is mediocre
I have, and 4's fps gameplay is pretty good.
Uhhhh. Like what?
4’s fps is mediocre at best.
No, it's good.
I don't know the answer you're looking for and I'm not in the mood to namedrop every FPS I've played in the past 30 years for your satisfaction, so you win, congrats.
New Vegas
He wants mods for 4, not 3.
No, it’s really not, unless you have poor eyesight or are a Bethesda fanboy
What? I was asking what’s there to do in the game besides mindlessly follow quest markers and kill/loot shit. I don’t know who you’re responding to.
I get it. You hate the game. I understand. But the fucking marker doesn't have anything to do with exploration. The marker complain is about how most games don't have a proper instruction from NPCs on how to get to a location but instead use the quest marker.
Wrong post.
I had fun playing it. Not being able to put yourself in other's shoes or understand the subjectivity of personal tastes and opinions is a sign of autism, user.
Low-quality post.
It's great if you haven't played the other ones in a while and aren't an fps fan. Get awkcr, uco, cbbe, wasteland commander, sim settlements, minutemen rebuilt (or something like that), true storms, a mod that rebuilds sanctuary. I'm sure there's more I can't remember, but most of the ones I used are very specific for convenience on small things like ballistic weave without joining the soitrain
Is there a mod so I can kill that nigga minuteman nigga preston gravy
Its ok to like a bad game as long as there is a consensus that the game is bad so it’s not replicated in the future
>Yea Forums defending Fallout 4
What in the goddamn?
because a new fallout came out so gotta defend the previous game
MECHOUT, nora mod and servitron
Nuka World
This is what happens when you don't put degenerates on a cross
>It's not the same as 1,2,NV so I must hate it with my passion
Even when divorced from the Fallout IP, Fallout 4 simply isn't a particularly good game. It's a watered down version of Far Cry and Borderlands.
>Plus Curie motoko mod
Better location damage
basically all the weapon mods you find interesting (should be around 100)
All the graphics improvement mods, most just replace the terrible stock textures
faster terminals
sim settlements
Those are the main must haves imo, fallout 4 is a terrible game but its very easy to dump a shitload of hours into it.
Fallout 4 fails as a looter shooter as well compared to other contemporary titles. Story is bad. Gun and armor variety are poor and aesthetically ugly. Exploration feels samey. It doesn’t do anything well.
Horizon is a good start.
Next, get Sim Settlements.
>basically all the weapon mods you find interesting (should be around 100)
I hate fallout 4 weapon mods. Modern guns look so stupid in this game, not to mention how dumb it would be for people to be running around killing each other with 300 year-old antiques.
>good exploration game
oh boy I can't wait to "explore" another mutant/raider outpost with a randomized level scaled chest at the end
So youd rather have like 4 guns to choose from that also dont fit the theme?
I got the itch for it again after deleting it, reinstalled it, the most essential mod there is, is We are the minutemen to fix that retarded MM bullshit, second up DEF UI and whatever sorting mod you wanna use, then full dialogue interface instead of the stupid d-pad bullshit, and some non intrusive graphical tweaks.
50 levels later and not even halfway into the main quest and already bored to fucking shit.
Unofficial Patch
Spring Cleaning
Mod to remove laser weapon recoil (take your pick)
Unleveled Perks (and the nuka world patch)
Weight Overhall - Junk Items
Realistic Ragdoll Force
Insignificant Object Remover
Fallout 4 - Texture Optimization Project (even if you have a high-end GPU you should get this)
Better Power Armor (makes power armor absorb damage directly to it's health until it's broken, whereupon it will expose that area to damage)
Darker Nights
Classic Fallout Ambient Music
A ton more
If you don't want to fiddle around with the fucking weird and complicated install for the texture optimization project, install this:
I mostly install quality of life mods. My advice? Play through the game with these mods on, identify areas that you would like to see improved on, and look for mods that improve on those areas. I personally hate the assault rifle since it looks like a car muffler, so I downloaded a replacer for it. I also dislike the fallout 4 10mm pistol, so I downloaded a replacer for that too. Acquire your own tastes and apply them with mods. If you are looking for ideas, go to the nexus site and look at most endorsed of all time and just start scrolling.
>More Spawns
>Hollywood bullet tracer
>Weapons Ru556, MP7 MG42 Kriss Vector
This is a free country, so you're entitled to your wrong opinion.
Since it doesn't seem to be your strong point, you can use the link below to practice counting:
4's weapons fit very well.
>Water cooled assault rifle
>pistol caliber "rifle" against far more advanced body armor than current day, also powered armor
>2 shotguns one being break action and no tube loaded model
>Pipe weapons have to be used in a country that has over 50% gun ownership?
>One bolt action with a smaller caliber for a bolt action unless you modify it to fire a larger caliber, in a world with powered armor
Basically you would have very few options and it makes little sense that military grade weapons have such tiny armor penetration capabilities in a world with extremely advanced armor, and powered armor with even higher protection.
Rate my Larkin Love.
different lighting because the lighting is dogshit.
>Fallout 4 had no redeeming qualit-
This a million times
It really feels like an entirely different team made it, astonishingly high levels of polish coming out of Bethesda feels very foreign.
I normally just go with a headshot mod to make the game more perilous for everyone before I start exploring custom weapons and levels
>have to spend 20 dollars to make the game good
truly living in the future
I am all against mods especially immersion breaking ones, but Fallout 4 weapons are absolute dogshit, designed by some fags who have never even seen guns let alone fired them, the one unique energy weapon they added, the laser musket, aside from making absolutely no sense doesn't even have a fucking trigger, lol portable naval cannon cuz why not, lol shitty pipe weapons with horrible stats in pre war containers and safes, oh look at this beautiful fully upgraded bolt action sniper rifle that is completely useless because of it's shit damage and reload time.
>Homeless, poor little girl named Bertha asks me to do something for her
>Pick "No"
>"Sorry kid, my plate is full"
Damn she's ugly
Look at the Biraitbec modlist. Its 100% stable. Guarantees good visuals, since you literally get 50GB of the best available textures in your .ba archives.
Like what? Linear as fuck 3? (Witcher3) Where theres barely any exploration or fun loot to be had and no sandbox?
Or New Vegas, 3? 3 is a bitch to even run on Win10 and Vegas is so dated in every single way. Also go watch the 1h+ long Critique of NV. The game is pretty Eh.
What else is there really.
You mod all bethesda games, because it makes them more fun and look alot better.
Something you cant do for other games. Witcher 3s modding capability is limited as fuck for instance.
Is Bethesda the only people who do these types of games? I'd like to play WRPG like Fallout or the Elder Scrolls not made by them for once.
No it isn't
Play Gothic I and II.
>open world sandbox good
>Suggests the Gothic games to someone who plays fallout 4
>Phoneposting wojakposter
Witcher 3 is LINEAR? You stupid? Biggest complaint was the fact that the hubs were too big and thus the whole world didn’t feel cohesive.
Since when are open world sandboxes preferable to hubs? You’re asking for big theme park, not a good video game. Look elsewhere.
>mod that just fucking skips over this part
There, now it's 10/10.
>You're asking for a big theme park
Witcher 3 is a Themepark
Skyrim, Fallout, are Sandboxes more than themeparks.
The main quest of Witcher 3 is very linear, yes.
Looks barely functional ngl.
No, a themepark is any BGS game because their worlds are nonsensically incoherent, featuring brainless groups of enemies and other attractions that serve absolutely no purpose other than to entertain you for ten minutes. Bethesda’s world building is atrocious.
The main quest of every Bethesda game is linear. Your point?
Is this bait? Gothic II is the gold standard for open world RPGs.
Walking around towns and villages for 5 minutes in TW3 is more immersive and soulful than the entirety of FO4, also the game has a fuck ton of locations, side quests and items scattered around it just doesn't magically appear on your fucking map because you're a retarded baby who has to be spoon fed.
>New Vegas.
>Pretty eh.
>Hard to run.
Yeah nah, but I guess installing FO4 with two dozen mods just so you can actually feel immersed into your shooter looter rpg is easier that just installing and running NV.
>The main quest of every Bethesda game is linear.
You can skip straight to the final boss in Morrowind and a lot of other RPGs, might I add.
Download that mod that autobuilds and manages settlements.
And of course the standard mods for Bethesda games, the Unofficial Patches, MCM, whatever UI enhancements you like, and and other bug fixes.
>citing Bethesda’s 2002 game, the last good game they made
Yeah what about the last decade? Skyrim and Fallout 4 are linear as fuck.
Also anime pic, that’s just mentally ill.
>using TW3 as an example of a game that doesn’t spoonfeed you like a retarded baby
Fallout 4 is normie trash but Witcher 3 is just as bad. It just has a better story and writing.
>Yea Forums is one person
>that mod list
Patrician. Those mods are essential.
More like the turd standard. Looks boring. Is it better in game with the sound effects and music?
>He fell for the 'Skyrim is bad' meme
using this? nexusmods.com
I wish there was a good looking Colt 6520
High iq
Stalker, fallout 1, New Vegas, underrail
Medium iq
Fallout 2, atom rpg
Low iq
Borderlands, Bethesda fallout
Heroic fantasy version
High iq
Witcher 1, Gothic 1 and 2
Medium iq
Witcher 3, morrowind, da:o
Low iq
Witcher 2, oblivion, skyrim
Having said that, genre ranking
High iq
Medium iq
Post apocalyptic
Low iq
Heroic fantasy
Objective, scientifically proven rankings that cannot be contested
NV is zoomercore too, you twat.
>just a bunch of visuals
Is this why people are so easily duped into buying trash nowadays? Because a pretty landscape is a substitute for good gameplay and worldbuilding?
I could pull some beautiful still images from a movie, that doesn’t make it a good game.
>Yea Forums still pushing the meme that 2 isn't the best Fallout game
>Witcher 3 isn’t low IQ
>Witcher 2 is
Lmfao, both pale in comparison to 1, but 3 is objectively more dumbed down than 2
Not that I disagree, but my point was if TW3 spoonfeeds you, FO4 Bottlefeeds you.
Just because it was released in 2010 doesn't mean it's zoomercore user.
Next up Dwarf Fortress is for millennials and zoomies.
Who teh fuck plays main quest?
Better Locational Damage. The game is a lost cause as an RPG, and with this mod you can get rid of the bullet sponging and make it feel more like a fairly competent FPS.
>Witcher 3 is dumbed dow-
Witcher 3 has a terrible feel. Especially since its third person so you're always zoomed the fuck out and you can just walk into peoples homes and take everything they own without consequence. Plus they all have the same fucking irish voice actor. Also the combat is repetitive as shit, you just spam left click on blood and (wine?) difficulty with occasional magic because theres nothing else to do, and the fucking COMBAT MUSIC IS FUCKING GARBAGE. The constant LALALALALALALALA, like what the fuck is this. Theres also no loot in the game so exploration is fucking pointless unless you wanna do random ass quests like: find my frying pan
Spring Cleaning: Notoriously broken, use Scrap Everything
Homemaker, use Sim Settlements
The other mods are completely useless or redundant.
Go look at the Biraitbec Modlist.
Entirely stable, granted you're not a retard.
Takes 30min max to install unless your net is garbage. Play the game.
BLD with Ghouls version is essential. And included.
imagine slapping that face while she is sucking you off.
Yes it is. I beat it on death march no problem and I’m trash at video games.
This clip is just theatrics, you can make the AI look stupid in this game and limit enemies to one easily countered moveset. The game is dumbed down from a hand holding gameplay perspective. Everything has a waypoint. You have zero agency over player intuition.
>Play out exactly like the copypasta
For the combat and exploration, play on harder difficulties, you will get your shit pushed in and will have to actually play more tactically and not just resort to button mashing, you'll also need better gear which you will get by finding the recipes from exploring around the world and clearing nests and caves.
>walk into peoples homes and take everything they own without consequence.
You're a Witcher user, what kind of peasant will step up to you for taking their bread and wine?
Also the world around you in TW3 feels alive, the biggest settlement/town in FO4 feels like a backdrop for the player, nothing more than a place to buy shit and get quests from important npcs.
I'm not debating that The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece because it's not and it does get boring, all I'm saying is that it's a far better game than Fallout 4, but that's really not that hard of an achievement.
>raider overhaul
>all of cross' shit
>some assembly required
>wasteland creatures redone
What went wrong?
Distinct lack of talent available.
True. I wanted the Enclave suits and I though to myself, I wasted money for an overprice mods. Don't get me wrong, I would pay mods but they're too over price.
>need the highest level of the gunsmith perk to make a fucking suppressor and a full stock for nearly all the guns
Fucking why. I usually just give myself the mods using console commands to bypass that shit.