Be sincere, is this worth it for 10 bucks? I have 7 from sell a lot of shit, so its like 3
Be sincere, is this worth it for 10 bucks? I have 7 from sell a lot of shit, so its like 3
honestly its one of the best deck building games ive ever played
buy it
it's really fun
I’d pirate on PC just wait for a mobile version and buy that instead. Nothing has really changed since release.
Otherwise it’s alright. Nothing new or creative to the genre but it is good.
all right I just buy it, I hope you faggets are right, if not I will get a refund and buy hand of fate 2
I’d rather you buy hand of fate 2 and not buy slay the spire.
dont forget theres a modding community too user
It's pretty good. I consider it one of the very very few indie games that was worth the money.
are dlcs worth it or just cosmetic shit?
thank you user, any recommendation?
i've always used replay the spire, its just a huge content expansion. i've also heard good things about hubris but ive personally never used it.
other than those two most of the mods add characters/cards, so its more of a 'pick what seems cool to you' kind of deal
and the rest of them? I hope Terraria is on that list
It's very RNG heavy so if you can stand that it's fun. Mods add a lot of replay value.
The Marisa mod is one of the best character mods, the Servant and Slime mods are good too.
I like RNG except if is just dumb to try anything besides luck like darkest dungeon because you are going to fail no matter what you try to avoid it.
It's basically that no matter what your strategy is you can get totally fucked by RNG if it decides to not give you any defensive cards when the enemy uses a strong attack.
yeah but in DD you CANT minimize the chances of getting rekt by a fucking flying rock and depressed at the same time, is in another level of RNG
Well you can't minimise the chances of most things in StS since most of your power comes from relics which are determined by RNG. You basically pick a strategy based on your first few card drops and first relic or two and then hope the rest of the stuff you get throughout the run supports it.
I've got 80 hours in it and could easily go back for more. But it depends on if you like single player card games. There's a lot of tricks to learn, and you might get your ass kicked at first, but eventually 100% success rate on normal runs become easy. Then you get into ascension and it's a question of how masochistic you are.
Well definitely I find it cool but not enough for me, as this user said I will get Hand of Fate 2 because 1 was fucking rad and looks like is the same but with more and polished shit.
Thanks for all of your opinions.
just get it on Gamepass and play it for free
I never played terreria. I don't think I'd like that genre of game. Other indies I liked were FTL, katana zero and yoku's island adventure.
>yoku's island adventure
oh didnt know about yoku's and looks fun, is a good metroidvania by itself like hollow knight or just copy this and that from another games?
It's a pinball game really. I don't think it's exactly like a metroidvania because you won't find new skills to fight things, just new skills to unlock further areas. You'll like it if you like pinball.
>Ascension 1 actually makes the game easier because you can get more relics
>Ascension 2 makes normal enemies hit so hard it's impossible to not take significant damage from every battle because you can't block it
Literally how?
For $10? Yeah. It's fun and has quite a bit of depth, with a pretty high knowledge ceiling.
Its pretty great. Wish it had a better final boss though. Heart is pretty bullshit and most builds just can't beat it.
Too brainlet to play any card game. Is there any newbie friendly card game? Gathering the Magic seems to be popular but I'm not sure.
Slay the Spire is essentially a turned based RPG, where your turns are your cards.
Magic the Gathering is an actual card game. If you want noob magic, play Hearthstone.
>Nothing new
>Card gameplay instead of 'just be good lmao' gameplay of shit like Isaac or spelunky
what you call RNG, I call a shit deck. if you're getting "totally fucked" you just don't know how to work it right. People always blame RNG when they suck... most RNG can be controlled or manipulated if you know what you're doing and what to plan for.
Except if you've ever actually played spire you'd know that you won't know which bosses encounter until you actually reach them. So shut the fuck up and quit pretending to know what you are talking about. It's RNG heavy. Not even to mention the cards AND relics are mostly random too. Please just shut the fuck up.
t. 17 and 18 with warrior and rogue
If you like deck building, for sure. If it was like 20 bucks, maybe not, but at it's current state with 3 characters and id say 10ish hours of content per character, its worth
What? Ascension only truly starts being bullshit on 15 and up.
so the people with 60+ win streaks didn't figure out how to control the RNG to their favor by understanding how the randomness works. they just got positive RNG their way... for all those 60+ games and lucked it the whole way through. right.
I beat ascension 20 on Iron Clad and it basically took a lot of luck to do it
Even if you play perfectly you need luck because of relic/card/boss choice randomness
I've bought it for 25 on my Switch and I'm getting my money's worth, 10 bucks is a steal.
Slay the Spire is actually pretty new-user friendly, since it's the only card game I've played beside the GBC Pokémon TCG games (which I also recommend).
60+ win streaks on what ascension? 0 is nothing.
Also OP if you are still reading. Don't misunderstand. It is an RNG heavy game. But it still manages to be a great fucking time. I honestly sunk like 200 hours into it just blasting tunes and retrying and retrying. It's a great fucking game. Worth full price. It's tough to explain until you actually play it. Just good fun.
>Literally how?
about as mentally involving as minesweeper, solitaire or doing an endless stream of basic arithmetic. It's a game you play while listening to a podcast or a game you play when you're too tired to be engaged by a more mentally or physically taxing game.
I have over 70 hours in it, so it can't be too bad.
I'm not really a fan of other games like it either, but if you have 2-4 friends or so to play it with it's great fun.
You could try Hex. It's free to play and has a single player mode so you don't have to go up against actual people.
It has mods
It's terrible. Play a real card game instead.
...wat da fug?
Any tips? I always try for the thief using Poison based cards to eat away at the high defense monsters and I've made it as far as the last boss with her/it. What other strats do you use?
I'm partial to the Animator and Clockwork mod characters. I play mostly on endless mode so it's just a lot of fun to explore a bunch of ways to make broken decks.
Cunny mod
I got it for free for review purposes and I've dumped 80 hours into it and I'm still legitimately enjoying it every time I turn it on.
I play it in the mornings before wageslaving.