Whoops, dropped my 'best indie game of all time' card

Whoops, dropped my 'best indie game of all time' card.

Attached: Hotline_Miami.jpg (800x800, 113K)

Extremely based

haha very careless of you

why did it have a hotline miami sticker posted on top though

That's not Bloodstained

It wasn't self-published, so it's not an indie.


That's not Rain World.

A very respectable answer

But for me, it's Transistor

Why was HM2 so disappointing?

>HM2 was a disappointmen-

Attached: Hotline Miami 2 - Dead Ahead.webm (700x700, 2.86M)

'scuse me just passing by

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Haha, it's a little outdated though.
Take mine.

Attached: Rain World.jpg (600x800, 107K)

Hollow Knight

Transistor was also very great, I think it stands right about equal to HM

playing through this for this first time right now, it's so damn good. I keep wanting to check the wiki so I don't miss shit but I end up spoiling myself. Do you have to restart the whole game if you finish it to do stuff you miss?

space pew pews

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The fact that he is zooming the entire goddamn shows that the game is broken.

well pick that shit up i dont like seeing trash all over the place

Factorio is not only the best indie game, but also the highest rated one

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It wasnt.
First game was great. Second was godly.

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Think you meant to post celeste user-kun. Hotline miami is pretty damn good though.

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too many glass windows
level design too open
character-locked levels


Attached: Celeste 7c .webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

That's not Doom.

Is that Journey? That game is the definition of average. It was interesting enough that I played it in one sitting, but that's also because it was pretty short so that's about the amount of time I would have committed to a bad game anyway. I feel bad for anyone that thinks Journey is a masterpiece since even just in the genre of walking sims there are better ones like Naissance.

damn....fighting depression really looks like that....

Once Hades comes out of Early Access and off Epic Games it will dethrone HM based off gameplay and presentation.

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Look, it's the reason I don't instantly dismiss literally every indie game

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That’s not Terraria

playing flower as a 13 year old was pretty eye opening for me, so that game is the best for me, personally

hotline miami is a masterpiece eitherway

Off the top of my head, there's 3 things you can 'miss out' on, otherwise the only thing you'll really miss out on is dialogue from the wanderers or choices you'd have to make on another playthrough anyways because they're mutually exclusive. Here's what I can think of, spoilers ahead, so don't look if you don't want to be spoiled.
1. Zote's entire questline if you leave him to die instead of saving him in his first encounter. He can be ignored in Deepnest, but he won't die there if I'm not mistaken, so you can save him there whenever.
2. There's a really neat character moment with Cloth if you save her near that tram station before fighting the Traitor Lord. This leads to one of the two conclusions to her story. Neither one leads to an achievement, though, unlike the missable things in 1 and 3.
3. One of the endings is locked if you meet the requirements for the true ending. There's two variants of the 'failure' ending, and you can only get the first one if you don't have a certain item because slightly different events will occur.

Agree with this user. Transistor has masterpiece level visuals, music, and storytelling. The actual gameplay is the only part that isn't exceptional, but it's still quite good and fits in perfectly with what's going on in the rest of the game.
Supergiant Games are the most consistent devs around. Bastion was an amazing breakout title, and instead of just making Bastion 2 and resting on their laurels, they tried for something completely different and artistically bold. That takes real guts. Then after the lower sales and generally worse reception, since Transistor is definitely NOT a game that has mass appeal, they stuck to their guns and made something original and innovative anyway. There aren't enough words that can be said about how much I appreciate their dedication to originality. Over and over, the pattern for indie devs that make a success is to just make a sequel to cash in.

I agree with all you've said. Supergiant is my favorite dev for that reason.,
It has been proven that in the indie market consistent fresh ideas is better then rehashes. I've seen the lead dev for Furi talk about this in regards to why Haven is going to be a persona-inspired RPG when Furi was a story-light boss-rush bullet hell.

At the end of the day its more memorable to the audience and its more likely to be something the devs will passionately pour their soul into instead of a cash grab. Even if it may not appeal to the exact same audience as the last game.

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Had no business being as addictive as it was.