Monster Hunter Thread

Was this game actually good or is it just nostalgia?

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no. if it wasnt on a nintendo system it was shit.

I want to have gay sex with monsties

I have 120 hours into this. I had fun back then, but nowadays its legit ancient shit. Hell, a good chunk of the content is gone because it was tied to online

>here's your new siege, bro

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I fucking loved it but I couldn't beat Monoblos and the servers died before I could beat Fatalis or LSL.

Biggest vidya-related regret of my late childhood-early teens.

It was miserable waiting until Tri to finally get another console Monster Hunter in the West and I don't think it was as fun as the original.

But Generations Unite is a blast, probably better than the first game even relatively speaking.

I looked up game footage and whew lad it's super ancient.

Still wanna give it a whirl something, though the movesets couldn't get more basic.

Honestly, MH is a strange series. There is a so much tedious shit that they improved upon in later versions (like just holding a button to continuously gathering). It makes me really wonder how anyone could play these games before,

if you will, try getting the hacked version which adds back online content

They had to be, you used your weapons with the fucking analog stick for some reason.

I still remember panicking and slamming on the circle button just to keep track of Rathalos after dodging his grounded lunge.

It makes faster weapons like DB and SnS suck cocks but GS and Lance somehow more satisfying.

It's because you're going back in time from now instead of from the distant past to 2004.

For the time, only really Zelda and PC RPGs like Gothic and TES were offering something like Monster Hunter, and the whole setting being built like this is just day-to-day life for people living in little isolated villages protected by the few badasses who go at wyverns and raptors with 200lb swords was both comfy and cool as fuck.

I wanted nothing more than a true open world Monster Hunter the first time I played Oblivion after it.

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Already confirmed to not be in Iceborne. She's HR only. You can use MR materials to upgrade the weapons but that's it.

Yeah, I heard about that version.

I was showing my friend who's first MH was world (mine was FU) and he fails to see how the series took off lol.

>GS and Lance somehow more satisfying.
I can see how they would be, especially the GS.

It was amazing. I'm currently replaying it on PSP. What I really like about it is the freedom they had as developers because it's a really unique game. 6th gen was peak gaming.

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PSP versions don't count

I love how it's all grounded in the setting.

Fatalis looks like a demon dragon from hell, but no he just looks that way. He's super powerful, but runs on the same rules as any other monster.

And the ecology videos are awesome. Remind me of Walking with Dinosaurs.

MH honestly didn't get good until P3rd/3U.

lol what a fucking boomer nostalgiafag

Why is Luna such an awful horribly designed fight? Why does it play like an 8 year old was like "whoa and like what if she had wind pressure and also fire ticks and a tiny head hitbox and super fast attacks and those attacks had massive hitboxes and a super that does all those things at the same time and..."

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I know about the weapon upgrades but where was it confirmed she won’t have any MR presence at all?

Best random buy ever. Also I remember rathalos being my first wall because my dumb strat with the GS involves using the infinite swipe combos between its feet.
>GS and Lance somehow more satisfying
This so much, especially with the lance. You push the analog stick up to THRUST.

Remember, monsters are our friends, NOT our wives.

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it will be her husband

I straight up said the second most recent game was better than the one I have nostalgia goggles for what more do you want from me?

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My favorite aspect to MH is the fucking quest lore

>This Cephadrome breached the sand within eyesight of my daughter and spooked her, go kill it

Overdrive Valbros don't dispair, he's in!

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Iceborne better add Fanged Beasts, or at least introduce them in future DLC. Still waiting for the Sekiro collaboration...

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I doubt new skeletons will be in Iceborne, they’re a smaller team than the base game team. Expect Leviathans and Fanged Beasts to return in MH6.

why do sonic bombs feel useless in FU

>Turn Royal ludroth into a circus lion
>Rape Nerscylla
>Marry a Rathian
>Kill a Diablos because of some bugs
>Slaughter an innocent Lagiacrus
>Murder a newborn baby
Who's the real monster?

It was good at the time because we didn't know any better.

what is the base team doing right now?

Because it's easy to hit the Cephs and Dia/Mono barely stay underground anymore.

Dia/Mono, Plesioth, and Khezu were all fucking cunts back in the first game who WOULD stall you out in areas you couldn't go as much as they could.

Tried the PS2 original once for like 10 minutes, the controls were so wack I had to quit

Somehow the never managed to make a better intro than MH1 and MH Freedom 1 by extension

Unknown at the moment, like usual they’re probably working on the next game considering the post launch content for World was most likely near complete at the end of development anyway with Deviljho, Kulve and Lunastra, or wouldn’t require the whole team like ATs or the crossovers.

Back in the day people would try to learn a game's controls before giving up

Yo anyone know a way I can clone the character edit voucher on PC? What would I try doing on cheat engine?

Fuck me I forgot to add a picture.

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Right, but when a version exists with more intuitive controls that I'm already used to I don't really see the point

Taikun Zamuza is IN!

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>High as fuck cat told me to kill Rathalos because it was blocking his view of the clouds.

save editor

I get what you mean but I think it's good to go back and play older games when a series hooks you.

I started with Persona 4 and now I've played every PS2 and 3DS/DS Megaten game and appreciate the series much more.

But then again, they are literally the same monsters. I guess you wouldn't be able to get the same feeling of escalation from fighting your first Yian Kut-Ku in MH1 if you've killed dozens in other games.

>people that do AT fights before doing the normal version of the monster

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I would be real mad if the motherfucker garuga of all things get in? Seregios? Astalos? Nope, fucking garuga. What a little shit of a monster, fucking hell.

It's understandable, especially since the dev team (and new director) stated that they wanted to flesh out and balance the already existing content, and adding new weapons/monster skeletons would divert time and resources from that. Still, the new endemic life ice monkey did seem to share some of Congala's animations, but it's a far reach to assume from such a small example.

garuga is really easy if you have evasion

That's literally impossible you retard.

You have to be HR50 to access them, so it's a bit worrying if they got that far without fighting normal Nerg and the like.

I don't give a fuck if he's easy or hard. It's a fucking abomination of a shit monster, just shit like khezu.

>fight AT Luna
>faggot asks "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ATTACK" at her most basic 180 fire shot after dying to it
shut the fcuk up

I don't like the Kut-Ku reskin either but Khezu is unique and cool.

But who the fuck am I since I wanted fucking Gypceros

You must be mad alright, but at least you didn't wish shit like Gravios.

and ruko!

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user... What the fuck is wrong with you.

Pretty sure the only ATs you can do without having fought the base form are Lunastra and Kulve.

I miss that feeling of being new to mh. When you'd get floored by kut-ku, then absolutely shitting when you first fight a rath. Playing with tools. Finding out weaknesses. Now they're just mobs. No sense of wonder or fear when you run out towards an angry mountain of monster. I wonder if first time MHW players got this feeling or if the series has legitimately changed tone.


He looks strangely cute desu

Fuck it, they’re ALL in!

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the first monster hunter was one of the worst games you could possibly play single player. it just wasn't designed for it. problem was back then almost nobody had multiplayer capability on their PS2, and this was in an age where even DSL was cutting edge and very expensive, so most people still had 56k modems and slow shit speeds even if they did have the network adapter for their PS2.

He’s even cuter when you break the rocks off him.

>New Assignment
>Hunt a MR nergigante...
>You found him without horns running in a cutscene
> A metallic sound
> a comet dive kills nerg in a explosion of spikes and dragon element
> Hey partner, be careful, it's a Overdrive Valstrax!

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The organic flashbang is a cool gimmick to me.

I like unique monsters like Khezu, Gypceros, and Kirin more than another medium-large fire-breathing powerhouse.

Knee-jerk response to everyone pointing out how laughably easy World is

He's in.
And he's comming for your Raths.

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God I hope so, he's one of my favorites.

>trailer is literally just

Is nerg chest gamma better than the helmet for maximum might builds?


I'm embarrassed for you.

I'm still using the helmet with the rest drachen.

Yeah, I'm just trying to find something to spend gamma nerg tickets on but the gear's pretty much useless

>Remembering using the right fucking stick to attack
>No GS charge
>Weapons had next to no moves
>The janky hit boxes and animations
You know a game has a super strong concept when that shit isn't enough to stop you from enjoying the fuck out of it. If you had to order them though it would certainly be the worst of the bunch simply because each game has pretty much improved on every aspect of the last one gradually. For the most part anyway, 3 was a big mis step.

>it didn't have features from later in the series
>"why did anybody like it, the first in the series?"

I'm one of those fags who says OoT is one of the lower end 3D Zeldas because later games all built upon its foundation, but that doesn't mean people in 1997 had any problem loving it.

>Join random hunt after cheating in the "meta" longsword build
>usually would average about 8k damage with my shitty fashion build
>do 20k damage
Uh, this shit's broken

this isnt an MMO you fucking cretin

>this isnt an MMO

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God MHW2 better take place in an established area, doesn't have to be one we know, just not slapped together Astera

marry fuck kill

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Just put his theme in and I'd be happy
but he's also cool as hell

Kill Tigrex
Fuck Narga
Marry Barioth.

This is from the official Iceborne merchandise. Look at top right

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Marry The Handler
Fuck Handler Sunshine outfit
Kill All 3 of those monsters for their carves

>middle spoiler

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>tfw you'll never bust a nut visible from space

Something looks different
Did you change your hair?

It’ll probably still be in the New World, but depending on how long after World they set it there’ll be time for civilisation to build up there. Or they can just have increased communication with the Old World and now that there’s documentation on New World species available all those nobles and shot want foreign New World species for their private collections or so they won’t be the laughing stock of the ball again.

I mean I think we all knew he’d make the cut but some confirmation is nice.

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I'd be fine with that, it just sucks that the rest of the world hardly exists outside of the Argosy getting stuff from there
Nobody even talks about Loc lac, Tanzia, Minegarde, Dundorma, or even Moga (although I guess Moga probably isn't really important lorewise)


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Am I the only one who thinks it's unfair that of all decent old monsters that could have got a new subspecies it was only fucking glavenus that not only returned but got one?

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It was ok. What's important about it was that it's the game nearly all monster hunters up to World has taken its core assets from, and plenty of THOSE are good games. MHW is going the same route for a new generation of ManHan games.

Is that Onagaan or Urahole?

>running around shooting tempered luna with my lbg
>she looks at me sideways, flaps her wings and sends a heat wave at me in less than a second
>I cart
I should expect some tempered attacks to one-shot me as a gunner even with barely negative fire res with health boost 3, but I should at least be able to survive an attack I literally can't prepare for

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Mizutsune in a box!

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I want to marry all three so I can fuck all three

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Genuinely my favorite, not the one I have the most time in mind you, that would be FU, but definitely the one that I enjoy the actual gameplay-feel of the most.

There's just something about its clunkiness and design that makes it feel way more enjoyable than the later games, I really need to play the original Japanese one some time to see how different the two actually feel.


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Barioth in a box!

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You have to be extremely proactive. You have to attack her while she's stuck in a safe animation so she doesn't attack you while you're stuck in an unsafe animation.

New trailer when?

>*oouf sound in the distance*

Because bad game design is the only way these games have ever been difficult.
It's a biter pill to swallow, but you can't prove me wrong.

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Lao's only crime was being too big

This was mostly me learning the hard way that being to her immediate left or right is really dangerous if I'm petulantly wearing AT Xeno armor against all better judgement for that nice set bonus

Moga is some bumfuck village in the sticks, by which I mean the middle of the goddamn ocean. Part of the reason you can go against the guild's orders to evacuate and take on ceadeus anyway is because you're so far out that they lack the means to stop you in time. Hell, even the argosy captain is late to show up and offer his support, but just gives you his sword anyway because he's cool like that. If anything the moga hunter effectively put the place on the map by expanding the farm and giving them an export besides fish.

Some of the female armor is cute. Should I use a character change ticket to stop being a gundam?

Yeah that's what made Moga so damn comfy
I see what they were going with for Astera, but it seemed like by the time the fifth fleet arrived, they'd be communicating and working with the outside world more

Why is g ranked lagiacrus such a pain?

Astera isn't comfy because it's huge and bustling. You feel less like the resident hunter and more like a cog in the machine. It's not that I want to feel special, I just want to feel at home.
Hopefully Seliana does better in that regard

Capcom HQ just got set in fire by random autist, mh iceborne is now being delayed indefinitely out of respect. Pc release date is 3020

Banbaro male armor looks damn cool, I'd at least give that a shot for a bit and then change mid expansion.

It's still pretty good and unique feeling compared to later iterations if you just get the mod that lets you play the town/online quests offline in the village. It's the only game in the series (next to maybe Freedom 1) that allows you to play without charm/decoration farming. And it's the only game to not encourage clown suiting since skills were hidden and only worked best with full sets.

Just killed Xeno'jiva, not really sure where to go from here. What armors should I grab if I'm a SnS main?

>No GS charge
This is a kind of a good thing
The charge ended up being the only attack that mattered
It was fun, but I don't miss the old GS playstyle
World's GS is the best it has ever been

You're not entirely wrong. The most standout and praised fights in the entire series are some of the easiest, yet enjoyable and straight forward. Yet the most difficult are often just frustrating relying on shitty gimmicks like instant hits (AT Nerg), bad hitboxes (Most of MHFU and even now modern Tigrex), and silly Frontier-style AOE team killers which are more brutal in solo play because there is no good way around them (monster always aggros you) except waiting them out so you can superman dive out (AT Luna and MH4U/World AT Teostra) where the only reliable way to know when to stop being offensive against them is to set up a timer to know when they'll go off.

I'd agree that world's GS is definitely a step in the right direction but they should make crit draw much better to make draw charge style still be viable against true charge spam. And perhaps they should add some effects to side and up swinging so there is a reason to use them as they are now more useless than ever because of low damage/no stopping power and no charge ability.

If I removed that Dragonator, will he die?

Well another part of it felt like they accomplished nothing until you arrive
I guess that's main character syndrome though
But upgrading your home was kind of close to that, but it was too unceremonious to feel like it meant much
Ah well, Selina should be comfy

He’s a big wyvern.

Yeah I feel the same. I'm not really a fan of glavenus either and would have preferred something like lucent narga. Given how important monster interaction is, why is qurupeco literally no where to be found? Not only does he aesthetically fit many of the areas in the game but also would serve as a much more interesting version of what bazel does because at least the invading monster would be random. In fact it would be cool if there were always an empty fourth slot for a monster that only gets filled by a qurupeco call and then it stays around for the rest of the quest or like 25 mins if in an expedition.

>spend fifty(50) years in a new land
>absolutely cannot find a reason for the Elder Crossing
>newbie joins my team and immediately finds the cause
>also discovers 20 new monsters along the way
>hailed as the famous town hero within the week
First and Second Fleet are dumb old men

>Mamu Taroth
>Papu Terith

If the husband doesn't have a cock-plate and the musculature of a chad on his chest then I'm shooting up Capcom HQ

Mamu is reminescent of Mammon, not mom.

Didn’t they confirm in an art book that male Kulve is Kulve Taram or something?


You took too long, asshole

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What monster would hank hill be? Or alternatively what monster would like as a pet?

>just learned that GS has a sick side sweeping move after hitting Circle/B/M2 after a tackle
>have done over 900 quests with GS and is my most used weapon
only realized it existed after seeing someone do a speedrun on Odogaron. Even if it's not the strongest attack I can't help but use it now.

>Chain a few good quests with talented hunters from a lobby
>Post quest for them to join
>Shitter takes the spot that's meant for the last dude

>the hitbox for nerg's shoulder charge starts before it looks like he's started attacking
>the hitbox also extends over his whole body including the tail
>on AT nerg it will wipe off 80% of your health at 500 defense

At least I've gotten used to not reflexively rolling fucking ever because he tries to slam punish so much

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Degenerate, I respect that

>What monster would hank hill be?
Great Wroggi, a Texan family man.
>Or alternatively what monster would like as a pet?
Realistically a jaggi at biggest.
Ignoring size issues, probably a Tzitzi

>Female Taroths are very shy and only fight defensively they don't like hurting other creatures.
>Male Taroths are territorial as fuck and will deliberately hunt the biggest motherfucker in it's territory to fuck up and possibly kill to impress his mate.

>Female's siege is you chasing her around trying to take off her horns for research
>Male's siege is you and the commission trying it's fucking best to take off the horns of the male because it's trying to literally ram down and destroy Celiana because it views the Hunters as the most impressive monster.

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Wouldn’t tzi constantly blind you? Why not based kulu?

ATNerg and ATLuna were literally not play-tested with GS or Switchaxe so if you're a main of either of those weapons you're best bet is to just cheese them with Styx or something because the amount of trial and error and sheer RNG you have to go through for ATN is literally not worth the reward.

I wouldn’t mind a male version but it would have to look very different, some real dimorphism shit not just a pallet swap or a slightly different horn shape like raths and the lions

Pic related, also Kulu Ya Cute doesn't help me during hunts.

I'd choose Tobi too but accidental flashes of light are safer than accidental electrical discharges. I don't know why I'm only thinking of World monsters now, I guess it's because they're so harmless.

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When’s Cwealis getting confirmed?

The wide slash actually is really strong if you don't think you'll have time for another charge after a tackle

Reveal trailer WHEN

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Oh hey look, a tranny

>tfw i couldn't play online so i played it solo alone

That’s true, I love world, but the monsters do seem the most cuddly for some weird as reason. I mean fucking retarded kut Ku or gypceros legit look more intimidating than kulu or puki, hell even the odo is cute in a weird sorta way. It sorta feel like pokemon designs with how they got less ugly over time and more cutesy now with current gen

After Death's reveal

I wouldn't know man, Pokemon have always looked retarded to me.
And I love the looks of something "scary" like anja, for instance. I'm just unhappy that newcomers are rarely allowed to not be early rank fodder.

Never forget.

>join a lobby
>3 dudes in a quest
>2 buckos responding to SOS
>2 guys in an expedition
>8 niggers just AFK in town
>say hi
>no response
>post tempered investigation with 5 boxes
>nobody joins
>say hi let's join my quest
>nobody joins
>someone has a quest open for minutes on end
>join it
>2 slots left
>quest cancelled
What the fuck is wrong with this community i've never seen this.

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What the fuck.

Oh wow I've never noticed this piece of art is actually a paintover of an ingame screenshot.

>>the hitbox also extends over his whole body including the tail
His head and belly have no hitbox on it
Roll to the right, Evade Extender and Tremor Res help a ton in that fight

My cousin does it just fine with GS
You just need to do old fucking fashioned draw attack hit and run
Really the secret to AT Nerg is to treat him like a bigger, angrier Garuga. The same exact tactics work on him.

>MHW is on pc for about a year
>No phantom uragaan quest yet

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did consoles get it or is this one of those "why didn't someone mod this" posts?

I actually saw something like that on nexus, but it was deletedI just want to see smol uragaan again

World was my first one. Its fun because you have to learn the back and forth combat of the monsters and the whole game and monsters have sick visuals. There should be more to fight with besides the weapon in a fight, not too much more, but opening up the grapple to everyone is a step in the right direction. Sadly it invalidates sword and shield a little. The game series needs to come into the current gen even more, but the series is actually improving.

The mid-combo Slinger shots dump all your slinger ammo, SnS is the only one that can still fire one at a time. So you can't really get good use out of your flash bombs and such with other weapons unless you put it away, unless you're okay with burning 3 at once.

I actually dont like the grappling hook that much. Sure i dont like running after the monster constantly either, but a free gap closer is just... plain weird in monhan
Maybe im just getting old

It's not really free considering you get fucked by charge hitboxes and the like just like Switch Axe's Zero Sum Discharge.

I'm playing through it right now using great swords but got stuck on the "hauling" eggs back from Rath's next back to your base camp

How are you supposed to bring em back when you have the raptors right on your tail the entire time?

Get the Transporter skill from the Kulu-Ya-Ku equipment and drink Dash Juice
Marathon Runner helps too if you can get it

thanks for the tip been stuck at this point for close to five years now & I've played FU to death

Oh I'm fucking retarded, I thought you were talking about World
But yeah other than the Kulu Ya Ku part stamina skills/items help more than anything

Why did you people tell me AT Xeno was good

Because they’re masochist who like “challenge” he’s nothing but air explosions and one shots. It’s somewhat predictable, but it always ends up being just a 15-20 slog fest

Sex with monsters?

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Gen 1 gets a pass because its the first. and started the franchise, but the series didn't get good until half way through gen 2, peaking with freedom unite, and the series has been on a steady up and down cycle since, and we're in a limbo where there is no 5th gen monster hunter, just spinoffs like X and World.

>SnS is the only one that can still fire one at a time

Why does nu-LS feel so vapid? I swear this thing controls differently compared to FU, and not for the better--like they prized speed over feedback and weight.

It's the best feeling LS so far baring XX having the better counter, I've used LS since F2.

Is shit, play MHFU instead.

Critical Juncture is great but the Brave counter doesn't really feel like much unless it makes the monster flinch

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I just prefer it because it's instant, foresight is stronger but it's so slow. Not as satisfying.

>The charge ended up being the only attack that mattered
>World's GS is the best it has ever been
How can you say this when TCS is the only attack that matters in World?

I think you have that mixed up, none of the mid-combo slinger shots expend any more than one per shot. They are just high flinch power with a much shorter range since you just shoot the ground. The only shot that expands all ammo is the clutch claw burst that sends a monster to hit a wall. SnS just has the higher combo advantage over the others in that you can freely aim your burst shots, and can chain a strong Perfect Rush from it, but that's not saying much since other weapons can also freely continue their combos

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It was good but dos was superior anything after that is nu MH garbage.

is xx actually shit outside of styles?
can't I just use guild?

Either Guild or Striker resemble more the vanilla movesets, you can just not use the arts either those are optional.

Regardless of what Yea Forums tells you the game is good.

Which one would you pick?

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MHW PC room 3pseat

Just doing dailies for now.

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>MH threads slow down to a crawl when samefagging shitposters are gone
Really makes you think huh?
it's better this way anyways

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Source? I stopped grinding KT because I was under the impression you couldn't upgrade her shit.

Why is it that in none of these interviews does anyone ask where the fucking pause button went

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True samefag shit post do add a bit to the thread, it’s slower now because mainly in last week of comfy threads we’ve had some sort of new to go off of to fuel it, plus this thread feature monster hunter 1 in the op, and that poison to world players because people think it’s a shitpost console war thread. When the trailer comes out it’ll be big again or just wait till this thread is acrchiver and make one with comfy in the title and people will flock to it

Bit of both. It served as a solid proof of concept and a good foundation to build upon but these days its ancient garbage with fucked up controls a bunch of missing content because the online is shut down and the game had a ton of online only stuff. Some monsters like Kirin can't be fought anymore in that game because it was an online only monster.

Which arch tempered is the easiest to solo besides Kirin?

I get what you mean, but do we really need a pause button? Because either you do a 15min investigation or a 50 min quest and in the former it can be done in around 5min and the later you can just fast travel to base and wait or just exist and save game. You don’t need 50mins to kill a monster so if you’re busy for 20min you can easily comeback and beat it

Like I understand where the pause button people are coming from but then again it’s sorta not needed, though I wouldn’t complain if they add one in MH6 in 2020

it's a basic ass feature that they removed for 0 reason, every single MH game before World has pause

>it's really late in the US, all claps are sleeping
>little to no consolefagging
Yep, makes you think indeed

None of the games were good until World. Even World has a ton of kinks to iron out.

>Also I remember rathalos being my first wall
Wall monsters are so good. At first I struggled with kut ku in the original but then I finally got the hang of the game and beat him. Then things were pretty easygoing until rathalos where I ran into the wall again. Nothing beats the feeling of
>finally beating that wall monster
>the rush of satisfaction
>go back and do it again
>and again
>when you're finally wearing a full suit of armor and using a weapon all made from that wall monster

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Literally all of them, you never wanna do at online because random will die like there’s no tomorrow, but personally for me easiest to hardest is

Luna = Xeno (lots of aoe, but xeno is more fair)

Zorah and Kulve aren’t worth mentioning because you have to do them online obviously and they’re basically the same fights

it depends on what you're personally comfortable with but teostra and vaal are pretty easy (although you might want some miasma decos for the latter)
kushala is ok but tests your patience a lot unless you have a strategy to cheese it

>SnS main

user i'm so sorry

We've had consolewar fags this late during the night before so i don't think that's the reason.

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Nearly all blademaster sets use some variation of 4x Drachen or 3x Teo y. For the early endgame focus on getting Luna Ruin and Jho SnS, and do the Witcher DLC because Geralt's armor is extremely good for the early endgame.

>being a meta slave clown man

No fuck that, I don’t need any of that “ oh did we REALLY need it” apologist shit

Every fucking game since at least FU has a pause option when playing offline, why is it that the game that shits convenience features all over the place is lacking one of the most basic

I don’t care if World is so easy that the average console player spends almost as much time in loading screens as they do fighting monsters, sometimes a man needs to answer the damn phone

SnS is fine. Iceborne SnS is even more fine.

Absolutely based.

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imagine not playing CB, I just can't go back to how simple every other weapon feels in comparison

I'm tempted to make a male character just for that armor. Its so fucking good. If they make it so you can use layered armor of any type I may just have to.

Talk and play at the same? Don’t you have a shit bucket too? Gramps

3rd gen is comfy but duramboros has too much hp fuck him


Tbh I can't remember many times I ever actually paused the game, I'd always forget the button was even there since it was under another menu.
For the 3DS games I'd snap them shut if I had to go do something I guess

But you can do that :)

Dumping a couple supers and watching the monster flop around in a constant state of staggered is pretty godly.

I'm sure YOU will be able to... somewhere around January 2020

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Every monster wa Rathalos so it was awful

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Thank for beta testing :^)

>Only brute not in world
Poor duramboros is paying for his sin.

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AT Nerg doesn't last that long when you know what you're doing

reminder that full transmog is IN

what set will you build around? I will be using Deviljho mainly because it's the best looking armor set.

Why dont people like Lao? He was my favorite part of MHFU, I remember shitting bricks the first time I saw him.

He's boring

>Doomguy Radobaan
>Edgelord dog

he's a glorified cutscene
you watch him walk 15 minutes and then he flops over dead if you managed to put enough cannonballs into him

Too boring of a fight

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> we did it, Pard!

he's boring after the first few times
if you want a fuckhuge monster done right, you need to fight Laviente.

I really like the pukei, kulu and rathian sets

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>Savage axe mode brought the AED back as the optimal play style
Thank you Jesus

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The rathalos master rank armor will be where I start. Rathalos has always had some of my favorite armor. Also a big fan of the Nerg and Kulve sets as well so I might do those at some point too.

Damascus because I wanna be a fucking knight.

He was fun for the first couple of hunts
After that he was nothing more than a walking snoozefest

>wearing full sets

I'd wear full lagi if he was in

Don't know, the only reason I used the mod in base mhw was because the Drachen was monstrously ugly

I would just transmog into an uglier clownsuit to dab on full armor fags

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He’d work pretty well in Ancient Forest tbqh, although kind of on the large side.

I see your lizard puppy and raise you this ugly fucking baby

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no fuck that, I already have PTSD from the double jho/HZD collab quest where the big one goes to sleep in the tiny tree cave and sweeps the entire area with its tail, so duram's beyblade autism can fuck right off

Eh, its not really ugly.

When is his trailer coming out?

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Don’t worry they’ll make his nest the cave Great Jagras sleeps in instead.

Do monsters on hunts with multiple targets mean they have less health or something? Otherwise I don't see why you would ever accept hunts with multiple targets.


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Hopefully soon.
They did say there is gonna be a trailer, right?

I don’t think is happening this week bud, all they said was more info the 3 or 4th and a trailer hasn’t come out yet, but they did release high quality footage of their comic con panel, so they’re probably referring to that as new info. True it’s known stuff but probably not known among casual players, so that comic con footage is new to them, the majority, so probably no trailer til gamescon

I hope I’m wrong though

>Brachy's slime molds explode with dynamite force to disperse spores
I wonder how tough are these fucks' spores. Also why the fuck does the mold only grow on brachy if those fucks EXPLODE to cover ground?

>not using full sets, complete with matching weapon

>ywn see a turf war between Duramboros and Glavenus where they both spin into one another and ricochet around the area like Beyblades

Brachydios' shell is the only place where the mold is stable and doesn't immediately start to explode or something

It'll probably be before Gamescom, we'll have a Developer Diary along with the trailer and those last like 20 minutes.
Gamescom will most likely just have playable demos of Brachy or Zinogre, maybe Velkhana, just like with E3.

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what a cute couple

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I doubt the zignore and brachy being playable, they’re probably just gonna be pumping the velkana demo there and release it publicly around mid to late August

Yeah i forgot about the Velkhana demo.

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MUH FASHION, i bet you play a female char

Yes. I think they get their health reduced to 75% each so the total health is 150%. Three monster hunts are at 200% health, so they all get 66% of their original health. Dunno if the scale even lower but I wouldn’t be surprised given how fucking quick they go down in those marathon event quests where you hunt every monster in an area.

I play male and combine different sets because I'm not unoriginal

sorry user, you're gay also every set even the most simple is 100 times better that wathever "fashion" you make.

Huh, I totally forgot about that, it's a coevolution. It brings no advantage for the mold to leave rent-free obsisdian flats, or brachy to not have explosive punches.

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They're keeping the best for last

So khezu?

Is in the trash.

I wanna fucking annihilate those flying rats.

t. full odo weeb

Along with lagi and valtrax gramps

Calm down Incelregios

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They're not even trying to hide it anymore

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Jesus the eyes on those plushes look awful compared to the old ones

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He has a unique foot design. Are there other monster with similar looking feet?

>t2 4 rewards
>2 worn, 2 glowing
>repeat the same quest
>4 warped
why do even the rewards have to be so full of rng?


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Reminder that the new siege monster is going to be Water Lao.


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It had the best atmosphere by a huge margin and there was hardly any autismo minmaxing because skill points straight up didn't exist. you only got skills from wearing a full set, and it was only one skill. The online was ultra-chill and comfy with people going co-op on gathering hunts and just cooking and fishing etc.
Fatalis was an asshole, khezu was khezu and gravios was the tankiest motherfucker on the planet since the highest sharpness you got was green. The combat was extremely barebones, there was no gunlances, bows, longswords. Greatswords didn't have charge attacks so you just swung it like a grug. Sleep bombing was completely overpowered, poison was viable, there weren't any palicos, I can't even remember if there were meals or not.
Monsters were ultra clunky and acted like giant animatronic toys, hitboxes were all over the place and that one bullfango up in area 11 felt like it had more HP than a fucking lao.
The series has definitely changed for the better, it actually feels like monster "hunter" now, rather than monster "arena battler", but a ton of soul was lost along the way. Real fond memories of the old swamp, great atmosphere.

However there are many animals in real life that have them, most notably parrots


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Sorry buddy. You have to go back.


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>you only got skills from wearing a full set
god I miss this

Giant new landshark soon

Anyone know when press release copies are coming out so the roster gets leaked again?

Is this the most powerful item in the entire series?

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What's the cutest MH pairing?

Yian Garuga and Satan

Are you colorblind?

>the uniqlo MH tshirts are $6 now
>but they're $6 because they suck and no one wanted them

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Reminder that a based Nip asked Fujioka at the demo event if Ukanlos was coming back and he just started laughing and said he wasn't allowed to talk about monsters outside of the demo.

What a fucking legend

>winter village
>giant fucking winter zone
>"Where's Ukanlos?"
Really should've been the first question anyone asked.

Best monster HAS to be in Iceborne god dammit.

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The full set from USJ event, looks beautiful on female characters.

user, Lucent Narga is never coming back. White Fatalis has a pretty good chance though.

We already know that not all flagships will be in, and Zinogre will probably be the last flagshig so there'll be one reintroduced per World area.
>Ancient Forest - Nargacuga
>Wildspire Waste - Glavenus
>Coral Highlands - Zinogre
>Rotten Vale - Tigrex
>Elder's Recess - Brachydios
Lagiacrus, Gore Magala, Seregios and Valstrax probably aren't going to make it.

The only reason Gore won't make it is if Fujioka and Ichihara felt that they absolutely needed Shaggy and didn't want to allocate resources to doing both.
Lagi and Val were both deconfirmed, and they were really bummed out that they couldn't get Lagi into World in the first place.
Saying they're only going to introduce one per World area is dumb though because they've never suggested that, and your pattern doesn't even fit. Tigrex is an all areas invader. Glavenus is in the Forest and Wildspire.
Plus by your logic Ebony Odogaron is the Coral Highlands because he was the one that introduced the area for Iceborne.

They could still cram a few more in easily. Lagiacrus is confirmed not in and Valstrax was hinted to not be in, but Seregios is an easy addition and doesn’t need to be tied to a single map. Gore Magala gives them Shagaru and Chaotic Gore as well, so they’d get three monsters out of the single new skeleton so it’s a worthwhile investment for Capcom. Valstrax would also be an easy addition but they already kinda hinted he wasn’t gonna make the cut.

It's not a new skeleton. Nerg and Xeno are both on the Magala skeleton.

>Saying they're only going to introduce one per World area is dumb though because they've never suggested that, and your pattern doesn't even fit. Tigrex is an all areas invader. Glavenus is in the Forest and Wildspire.
You misunderstand, I'm talking strictly about their introduction trailers.

Then Zinogre won't make it because Ebony brought us the Coral Highlands.

Many aspects were awful, yet I still fell in love.

You still misunderstand. I did not say that they were reintroducing areas through the flagship trailers.

even though the first games were nowhere near nintendo systems, also say that about mhw

by todays standards it would be kind of a hassle to play, but I'd still try to play it after all this time

Why are people pretending Zinogre will be in the coral highlands when it has nothing to do with water or sealife?
>inb4 Odogaron
Odogaron lives literally underneath it

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>3 was a big mis step.
Vanilla Tri was so awful it's not even funny.

It's the only place where there're storms......Kirin is fucking in because that, he only appears when there is a storm.

Every other area already had one.

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remember when i first fought lunastra in mhfu, i was actually forced to go ranged since she kept downing me if i uses blademaster

Kirin is in there, too.

Ancient forest already has something like 4 flagships, it can house another one

not quite, it's a compound explosive, brachy's saliva primes the slime mold and the resulting reaction is what causes the slime to detonate

What do an inflating bat and a dilophosaurus have to do with water or sea life?

So is this old ass game good or nah?

Coral Highlands is also World’s mountain/peak equivalent.

>but then why is every other elder dragon affected by them?

if they added sergios i hope to god it's armor is like it was when they first introduced it, gen freaking ruined the armor set, oh and it has interactions with all the apex monsters

Apex monster interactions are a complete waste of time, they're all fucking ties
You can't tell me with a straight face that Rathalos wouldn't get raped by Tigrex

they should actually put some frontier monsters in mhw like that thorn monster i forget what it was called

Well yes I'd find it unlikely he can't show up anywhere else but these trailers have been showing part of their introduction scene and been going one per area. Coral Highlands has not has such a moment in any trailer and Zinogre has not been shown yet.

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Very good question
I still wonder why those monsters exist


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>i forget what it was called

Es Penis

That’s Espinas, pronounced ‘ess-penis’.

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yeah that one, to be honest i want to fight most of the frontier monsters mostly because of their designs, and the "new world" is the perfect place to put some in

Listfag this meme will never catch on.

>almost half a year for the pc version
>shameless tactic to make impatient retards double dip

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and elder recess(with kusla) and ancient forest

the only tie that happens is with deviljho and zeus, i like watching the fights

Even the big daddy of Frontier designs, Harudomerugu? Memes aside he’s not that bade, the spikes and silver parts aren’t actually part of him they’re just liquid metal he controls and when you dispel all his liquid metal or he dies he actually looks like a pretty genetic dragon with six noodles for wings.

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It's different for sure. I actually bought it a few years back because I was curious of the pure gen 1 experience after playing Freedom Unite. Haven't spent much time with it because if there's one thing I absolutely hate doing it's doing claw on a Dual Shock. PSP? No problem. Controllers like the Dual Shock 2 and 4 are just very uncomfortable for me when I'm trying to simultaneously use the D pad with analog because of how long my fingers are and the awkward bend they have to take. Hell even the Switch's controller set up feels more natural, and I've had a bias against that since the 3DS.

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liquid metal dragon? that sounds freaking awesome to fight

His Zenith is an unrepentant Yugioh monster though.

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He’s not a bad fight but not an amazing one either, which kind of sucks because a dragon that controls and armours itself in liquid metal is a fucking awesome idea.

Red eyes jizz dragon

Honestly I think all of the glowing parts are what make a lot of Frontier monsters look worse than they actually are

the fight could probably be done better in world or even double cross

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Yeah that’s a point. Harudomerugu’s glowing parts are meant to be the organs that manipulate the liquid metal IIRC, so they have a reason to exist, but on some monsters the glowing is just needless.

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>top of her class in the Rathian academy

Look at the little chicken wings on that bitch of an Elder Dragon. Nigga can’t even fly unless he’s got liquid metal laying around somewhere.

Imagine if Frontier lived long enough for Cwealis to become a reality.

Seeing the super mega white Fatalis and the literal Equal Dragon Weapon they were pretty close

His theme is also pretty good, too:
Frontier actually has a lot of really good music.

It's because they both forced and really fucked up the online lobbies. The game forces you to randomly join a lobby when you load it up so 95% of people just looking to play the game on their own terms and thrown into a lobby blindly with no connection to what they want to do themselves. On top of that the SOS system generally gets your closer-geared and better experienced hunters than people in your lobby so people rely on that instead of forming a party before setting off. On top of that you can't see any other players unless you go out of your way to visit the gathering hub, which is completely unnescessary unless you're doing KT runs which have their own lobbies, or if you plan on doing arena quests which noone wants to do unless they have to because there are only 2 that give you resources you need and they're both tiresome after the 200th run. On top of that the gathering hub is locked behind a load screen in a game that suffers horrendously from load times on console. On top of that it's the first real Monster Hunter title to launch on a console that has seperate party chats so people will talk to their friends through private parties instead of the local text chat.
World is a fantastic game but the way online was handled blows my mind every time that they made every single choice incorrectly

>The game forces you to randomly join a lobby when you load it up
uhh, no?

What we really need is Akantor and Ukanlos, cousin.

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Gladly that will be fixed with IB, or at least partialy.

I still think Frontier-derived and Frontier-original monsters, especially dragons, are stupid as fuck. I do think some of them are cool, but only in the context of Frontier where they are allowed to go to the extremes to order to make their moves flashy and powerful in an MMO. Bringing them back to a title that isn't Frontier 2 just won't work. Hypnoc and Volganos were just animal-like and maybe had designs liked enough by the main team that they were brought over to the main series, and got watered down to be more ""realistic"". The dragons that followed just turn into super ridiculous godlike yet generic monsters that seemingly end the fucking world which each attack. Wish they made way more monsters that were more animalistic, now those were pretty dope, and would have a higher chance to be promoted to main roster.

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Unless you specify a lobby you want to join or go out of your way to create a private lobby with a password it does, there's no default City/Village option like previous games.

A lot of the non dragons are more in line with mainline, I think it’s just Frontier’s art style and need to spike the fuck out of everything that makes them look tacky. Look at for example, Rukodiora is fine he just looks bright and in a mainline game would probably not look as garish.

Can you not create a private lobby on console without setting a password? Do you actually get thrown into a random lobby upon selecting your character?

You haven’t even scratched the surface.

The coral Highlands isn't a sealife focused map, it's world's misty peaks equivalent which is where zinogre would most likely live in.

He sounds like a car revving.

By default, yeah. You can go out of your way to choose which lobby to join if you want but if you're just looking to play the game like a normal person you're gonna be pointlessly crammed into a room with 15 different hunters each named Geralt


Weird, on PC you get to choose between searching for a lobby, creating your own or joining a friends lobby after you select your character.

the Virgin Overdrive Valstrax vs the Chad Valorgod Valstrax

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Another gem by the mastermind that brought us Cwealis and Death, read the "Obsidian Deviljho Questline" for some raughs

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Please, stop.

>Frontier shit
Get some taste

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Frontier is fine but these fanon monsters are making me cry blood.

Most of the elders could be adopted fine, but a lot of the regular stuff is definitely mediocre or just outright ugly even if the fights are good.

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People posting fanon monsters are mostly just laughing at them
Can't say the same for Frontier posters

>Frontier is fine
Not in a million years, thank God it's shutting down for good.

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It was good before the third generation, then it went downhill.

You just proved his point.

They could always touch up the designs.

Only acceptable answer l.

Is this telling me there's two monsters named UNKNOWN 1 and UNKNOWN 2?

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The second one also goes by the name Mi-Ru, so I'm not sure why they've done that.

Bio-energy breh

fucking captain tsubasa legs

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autism grip got it

Criminally underrated post. 10/10 I chuckled

hey put me in

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And me!

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Looks like someone just put it in him.

Farunokku? More like Fakkunokku cause if he gets in I’ll get in him!

3rd Fleet was a bunch of literally high elves snorting their own farts and inventing new alcohol while stranded, no wonder they didn't accomplish anything

>a new skeleton

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Grindy trash, but it scratched an autistic itch in many people hence its popularity. Japan's poor taste is why games like this and gachas are so popular.

Literally just the existing Piscine skeleton but not squatting.

In the trash bin.

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You can trip Plesioth underwater by breaking its wings. Beware that this only works twice so make every partbreak count. (3U)

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No, by all means, make him squat

>implying they care
You will get you kushala reskin and you will like it

I didn't realise plesioth had more than 2 wings

The hell does that even mean?

Plesioth and Lavasioth use the exact same skeleton. Hell be grateful Cephadrome isn't coming back yet.

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I pirated it back on the PS2 and threw the disc away very fast.
Then I returned with the PSP games because they're way better.

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>be grateful
>disliking the first great scrubs filter

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>in a 4 man temp kush hunt
>he goes to take a nap
>everyone starts placing down barrels
>place down a summer festival firework because I thought they were like regular barrels but with pretty explosions
I got a couple of stickers after that

Like happy festival fireworks, ya?

I want to see your goofy run animation to the water again

That's all on console too. Guy is talking shit and acting like pressing down on the dpad once to go from random lobby to private is "going out of your way"

Getting a psp stick for my ds today
Finally it's going to not be total aids to fight underwater

Lmao just emulate the WIIU version on pc

>not having a WiiU with 1500 hours of 3U already

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Alright guys, I'm gonna do the tank role vs Extremoth.
I want to play with the glutton HBG (with shield mods)
What skills/set should I focus on getting?

Super Recovery and Recovery Up

nope, I'm not fighting this garbage

this, it's emulated near perfectly

>Heat Guard
>Fire resistance
Why all you worldsperm can't into basic MH preparation?

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>finally hit HR100 and have to now do the Sapphire Star quest
>Fighting tempered Kushala makes me want to stab my fucking eyeballs out even with over 500 def
I fucking hate Kushnigger so much

In gens 1 and 2 maybe. Did newcomers struggle with it in 4U?

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I prefer the other version of that pic

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>tfw replaying 4u

It wasn't hard in the slightest, but I remember farming mats for the sonic pods being a pain in the ass.
I reallt don't miss the forced waste of time that was mats gathering in previous gens

Astera does a good job of making people more isolated than they actually are. It's a part of why MHW rooms are never as focused as 4P lobbies are in most of the past titles, SOS may have changed that culture with the new blood but I don't think it would've done that much. Finally adding in access to most if not all Astera/Seliana facilities might lessen this, but they should've been the primary hubs to begin with.

So has anyone fucked with that Kulve Taroth mission in MHW?
is it worth it?

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Absolutely. Rewards are shit if you play GL compared to that pink Rathian lvl 4 shelling GL or Jho's sweeping GL, but the fight itself is pretty fun.

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>loot lottery when master rank gear is right around the corner
no, kulve can go suck my dick (please)

Couldn't the Wycoon just reproduce screamer sac and bomb casing materials? Farming certain materials in 4U was so easy then Generations/Ultimate made it even easier as did World. Just hunt monsters and let the shit accumulate in between.

How can Overdrive even compete?

Why is Teo so sexy?

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kush is a major jobber for heavy bowgun chads

looks like I'm going to need to make a build for HBG for him, I literally never want to actually fight him

You could buy them from Wycoon sometimes but I don't think he could farm them
Bomb Casingd were a bigger annoyance than anything else in 4U once you stopped mining lower rank stuff, you'd end up having to ask Wycoon for shit you didn't actually need so he would bring back some rocks.

Teo looks like a major faggot asking for his fucking face to be bashed with a hammer.
Now Kushy, that's a sexy critter

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The first game ins the series was the clunkiest and literally had a borderline unplayable SP mode.
Bu it was still fun for its time assuming you ware one of the few people who owned a PS2 whit a network adapter back then.

Tempered kush only has flashbomb immunity after the fourth one. So you can still dab on him for a good portion of the fight, and the reduced HP from multi-monster quest means he should go down at least relatively fast after that.
AT kush on the other hand is some fucking garbage

>put 200 hours in game, beat tempered kirin solo
>starting to get burnt out, only thing left to do is grind streamstones and grab drachen
>feel my mind wandering back to sekiro that I never finished
>want to keep progressing but losing interest
How do I press on, bros? Or should I just take a break so I'm not fully burnt out for Iceborne since nothing but decos will matter in master rank.

The early monster hunter games were fine. They weren't nearly as hard or bullshit as people make them out to be. As long as you knew how retarded some of the hitboxes were you could just play around them. Plesioth is not hard if you've fought him before.
The small monsters being super aggressive is a pain but you just have to kill them all once and get on with the hunt.
The worst parts of the old games were the limited mechanics outside of the hunts. Boxes with a couple pages only, not being able to sort your items manually, etc.

zorah for sticky + cluster spam makes short work of him, just hit the stickies on the head for those juicy KO's and then dab on him with cluster when he falls

Decos won't matter in MR since 4-slot decos will be a thing, and I assume rarity 8+ single slot decos too.
Do something else while waiting for Iceborne

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Have you actually played frontier?

>implying you won't need a complete set of decos to craft a single 4 slot deco

If you're not feeling it then it is time to do something else for a while and return when you do. Forcing it never works out right.

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some of them seem pretty good

>having a wiiU

I'm gonna try this, thanks

based wii u chad

She's got a good selection of great weapons and also a lot of garbage, shit gets repetitive though. This checklist has a lot of the better Rarity 7-8 ones and doesn't have the newer Kjarr series, but you're probably going to keep what you find of the latter anyway. They're not likely to have any futureproofing in Iceborne but we'll see, if you're on PC then you still got five months at least.

Kulve is the only source of Wide Lv4 GLs, which are still nice to have as an option at all. Certainly a way around say, AT Lunastra's shitzones.

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legiana pierce build also works well and is a lot easier to craft since you don't have to grind for zorah and xeno parts

I like portable monhun
I rarely play games on my PC anymore

not my taste personally, I would have liked the palico shirt if it didn't have stripes
not MH, but I'm a bit mad pic related is out of stock in real people sizes

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Freedom Unite is still, to this day, the best game in the series.

Wait, are they really making earlier decos irrelevant? I spent so long grabbing some of those.

They're not going to let you craft decos. They said 4 slots are a reward for MR quests. They also said the skill combinations aren't completely random, so presumably they have some kind of table system which governs which skills can end up together on one deco.

You're fucking retarded if you think that the level 1-3 decos will be useless just because some armor pieces may have few level 4 slots. You will still be using mostly level 1-3 decos.

I like the steak one but it is a little silly
the one with a ton of items is a silly clusterfuck too
everything else is pretty boring and yeah the stripes on the palico one look bad

Kushala looks like a piece of shit. Why would anyone like it?

No, the items will still have lower level slots so you will need those decos as well.

Ugh where are my anime colors and anime monsters

There's a mix of slot types still, going off what footage there is of Rarity 9 Beta armors which so far don't seem as generous as Gamma stuff, but I don't think we've seen what Rarity 12 Beta shit is like. What we've seen of Lv4 decos include stuff like two points of Artillery, so I'd assume your current collection is still going to be useful.

>T. never knocked Kushy out

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They showed off another one that has max might + divine blessing just for a bit of info.

>Mixed decos

I wonder how many of these Lv4s are going to be rubbish. Think the tempered equivalent will intentionally reward more useful ones?

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Because it has an awesome HBG that's not in World.

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Ichihara said he's been paying attention to the excel spreadsheets players put together and intends to destroy it. Please enjoy Iceborne.

Shit still makes me mad

>be hunting horn main
>mfw negate all wind pressure

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This. MH's soul is on Nintendo.

>it wears off while you're trying to hit him and you stumble around like a drunken idiot and get tossed into a tornado

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My fellow negro of soothing music to dab on ol' windyguts.

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2G and P3rd are on PSP though? Don't both arguing against it. Everyone agreed that they have the most soul.

the fights felt more epic now they're meh.

Just beat Xeno'jiva. Tempered Bazelgeuses destroy me. Send help

HH's wind resist works on kush?

>is he glowing?
>then stay the fuck away
it's pretty simple
alternatively just use a ranged weapon and trivialize him entirely

Just let them kill each other

It's about the time. Fights in stuff like World take 5-10 minutes with level appropriate equips.

is fatalis sentient?

all monsters are

Isn't there an armor set I could get to gain more DEF? Or some other missions I could do before them?

I don't think you know what sentient means

So we can date Paolumu?

okay i used the wrong word.
is fatalis conscious of itself?

I'd DATE Paolumu!

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What's wrong with Gore and Valstrax autists?
Why won't they stop screechig about their shitmons?

As in self-actualization?
Literally no way to tell, the way humans do tests on animals in real life varies. Some apes can self-actualize, some can't. Some fish can, some can't. Some birds can, some can't.

I'd rid the World of Paolumu and make it a better place in doing so.

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I want 4U on PS4/PC/Switch. Anything to allow me to not have to continue on a handheld.

Too late, going to date

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so i cant ask fatalis for consent then?

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desu I kinda wish they'd do a spinoff that's more in the spirit of the older games and doesn't have all the retarded bullshit from 3U and onwards.

All things being equal, nothing regarding Fatalis has actually made it to the games themselves except for Crimson being a shitter that got bullied out of Castle Schrade and persists on absolute fury.
4U pulled some stuff from the ecology books for the cutscene intros, and 2G has the immortal regenerating Fatalis sword, but everything else is basically semi-canon on the verge of non-canon like most of the ecology stuff.
Wiki editors aside, Fatalis is just an asshole that hates hunters with a burning passion and likes to melt the armor he strips off the dead hunters and make his scales pretty.

Outside of dubious flagship designs, I never saw P3rd or 3U as particularly 'retarded' like 4 onwards.
I mean, there's the dumb SA phials but the bursts were never optimal to use and the LS finisher was silly but it already had the spirit gauge and combo before.

Don't make it angry then

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I think what's worse is the fact there's no reason for it to return anytime soon.
>Kushala's gimmick based around wind and tornadoes
>player had two options: armor through the attacks or use poison to nullify said tornadoes
>Kushala's HBG on top of being good in general counters the monster so hard it trivializes the fight
>in comes World
>poison no longer does anything meaningful to Kushala
>all elder dragons given a gimmick based around elderseal
>only a couple monster are truly susceptible to poison, everything else is so so
>literally no reason to bring back Kushala revolver as a result

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>retarded bullshit from 3U
what in specific? SA? the retarded endgame sets that had everything you could ever want on them? talismans being bullshit?

It's not just poison, pretty much all status and element weapons are useless in MHW.

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>the double Bloodbath quest

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it shouldnt work against the aura.

See this screaming chicken? Farm it's HBG to max upgrade then spam Lvl 3 Pierce until they both die. Also what said, let them kill themselves while you're at it.

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2g is broken hitbox trash and P3 is the second easiest game in the series behind world

It does. The HH song is the same as kushy set bonus, negate all wind, not just wind resistance.

Maybe? Fatalis is supposedly the only truly malicious monster

Don't worry grandpa your shitty Kut Ku Hunter games are never going away unfortunately

I saw ones like Sliding lv1 andAttack lv1, Challenger lv1, Tool Specialist lv1. There's also single skill ones that give 2 or more levels, such as Stealth lv3, Artillery lv2, Bleed resist lv2. I think most offensive skills would be more useable for 4-slots

Someone bringing a fast Sleep weapon does wonders on AT Nerg lemme tell ya
The problem is there were barely any good craftable ones, most of the good status weapons were Kulve drops

Thanks for confirming you only like soulless games.

P3rd is one of the worst monster hunter games that aren't unplayable like pre freedom unite ones

>pre freedom unite
Freedom 2 was perfectly playable