Be kind and reply to others
Be kind and reply to others
Other urls found in this thread:
Hollow Knight and The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
Dragon Ball Goku vs Tien and Angriest Pat's outer wild stream
Chainsawman, Hunter X Hunter, and Totsukuni no Shojou
Rolling Rock
Leftover chili
Went on a jackathon yesterday, so no need really.
Great. Aircraft Mechanic school starts in 4 days and I am excited as fuck.
fire emblem three houses and New Vegas
youtube shit and shudder
harley poe
New daredevil
Had tacos
Pretty comfy day
Killing Floah 2.
Andrew Hulshult's version of the Doom OST
Same old. Worrying about being a NEET while not doing much to fix anything. Although I've been getting started at least.
I haven't played FE since Awakening. How is Three Houses?
>Rolling Rock
On a roll n' rocker
gonna get really high and stare at the ground like i usually do. might play lolipop chainsaw.
hat in time
true detective and ed edd n eddy
aphex twin
Yea Forums only
water gang
full ano mode
not tonight
sad and lonely
also im 25 despite my post sounding 15
thats the best arc in db, and good beer.
Hoping between Brutal Doom, Disgaea 2 and Outrun C2C
Nothing in particular
Eurobeat shit
Guaraná Antarctica
Pizza de frango com catupiry
Not today, feeling tired
Tired, trained Shorinji Kenpo today after some time out
>I haven't played FE since Awakening. How is Three Houses?
Taking my time and only 10 hours in I love it especially the characters I am very biased to golden deer but all the houses do seem very different with characters to my knowledge only a few sharing similar personalities
Lobotomy Corp when I get home
ESPN on work TV
This thread
Boneless wings
Work sucks. Also O N E I T I S and I could use some advice regarding that if we got any normalfags or Chads in tonight.
Any good? Looks fun.
What are you writing? Also any progress is progress, keep at it.
I get you. Same here. Also nice music choice.
Call of Duty
Inccelerator spinoff
Some shibuya-kei albums
Coke and rum
A bit tired, even though I just napped
I barely play any video games nowadays but I still come here.
>What are you writing?
Some action/horror/sci-fi thing that'll be sorta like a weird mix of GitS, FEAR, and Resident Evil. On the upside, it's fun to write. On the down side, it's almost guaranteed I'll never make any money off it, so I should be spending that time on, at the very least, more productive writing, like samples of different types of writing that I could use for freelance stuff.
Oh that's cool. But how are the maps? Are the maps good or are they boring garbage?
Daggerfall Unity
Gun Gale Online
Dead Rabbit Radio
Gods And Fighting Men
Coffee, Tea, OJ, Water
Did yesterday
I haven't been paying that much attention to the maps they're pretty cool but since I'm still early in the story most of the maps are kinda of like a plateau
Squad, GTA: Online, FFXIV, or FE 3 houses.
Battle tendency, make me forget the shit that is Pt 5. Moistcr1tikal stream
Beer and water
Pretty mellow. Might go over a friends house later for a fire/drinks
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Jojo in background
Yea Forums
Jim Beam mixed with coke
Panda Express earlier
Chill satuday night so far.
How is that btw? It that horror streaming service right?
Hey man starting is the first step. Keep rolling brother.
Get really high and play a game you can get REALLY immersed into but don't have to think much about. I recommend Grow Up. Literally just climb to space and find crystals to up your powers.
>hat in time
Good shit, if I had cash I'd get that as my next game to play. Looks better than mario 64 desu and I still have my old 64.
>aphex twin
Bro I have his unreleased tracks if you want. It's like 200 something off samples he never put out there.
>also im 25 despite my post sounding 15
Hey bro I'm 24 and sound like an alien. Don't worry bout it.
>thats the best arc in db, and good beer.
Thanks man. You seem cool.
>Outrun C2C
Didn't know outrun got a reboot like afterburner. Cool stuff user.
>Any good? Looks fun.
Yeah. It's like if shenmue had actual combat and a #chillhop soundtrack. Quick excerpt of my experience:
>don't know who the fuck is who since that is how the game is
>ringo is starved with no cash
>mug the green dudes on my turf for food money because fuckem
>go home
>find THIRTY fucking dudes just waiting for me. ALL wearing green.
>We re-negotiated the deal between our gangs to protect my entire class. Not just my friends.
>he's cool with it because "we go way back"
>I protect green dudes from now on
Chill as fuck game.
Which COD? I really like The first modern warfare and COD 2
>for a fire/drinks
Fuck that brings me back to when I was in college. Keep that up. Those were some good ass memories.
I need to watch part 5. I blasted through it whilst in college to get to part 6 because admittedly giorno has 0 personality
Got all the endings I wanted in Street Fighter x Tekken. Got most of the endings I wanted in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. The AI is cheap as hell though. Tougher than the SEGA version I remember. Might play Nier:Automata or Kingdom Hearts III later.
Finished Stranger Things, Overlord, mom anime, YouTube
Late 90's-00's rap, Elton John, Sonic, Ys, Final Fantasy, Axel Rudi Pell, Haddaway
One Piece
Pepsi Vanilla
Homemade tuna patties
2d milfs
Son decided he wanted to yell all fucking day and not let me sleep. Tired, sore, headache, narcolepsy, insomnia, hate my job, just want to relax tonight.
EDF 5 , mario maker 2 and ill probably start a new game im not sure what though
nothing yet
nothing yet
Yea Forums
nothing yet
gay shit probably
not bad.
>How is that btw? It that horror streaming service right?
So good and yea they just added the nightmare on elm street movies minus new nightmare and the reboot they also have exclusives like they bring Joe Bob Briggs to marathon stuff every now and again
Dead by Daylight, Battlefield V
DanMachi, Fire Force
Don DeLillo - White Noise
Pepperoni pizza
Good, don't want to go to work tomorrow
>if life had a vomit meter
>we'd be off the scale
I Dig it.
God Hand, Minecraft, and probably Division 2 with friends
The Boys
See watchan
This thread
Voodoo Ranger
I'm meh. Depressed and just in a rut mentally and trying to feel better. Mostly just been staying in bed and sleeping a lot.
How is overlord
Is EDF 5 good?
How's golden wind
Sounds like a nice night
Is daggerfall unity worth it?
Which CoD?
Did BF V improve?
KF 2 any good?
Overwatch. I just did my placements and I'm 3300 playing Zen.
I've been downloading D44M for ages though.
The Boys. It's some good shit. I feel so cheated that Hughy isn't Scottish though, especially when his Dad is being played by Simon Pegg, doing a fucking awful American accent.
Lords of Silence
Emperors Watch
I made some really shit spring rolls, and a salad.
Remy Lacroix & CherryCrush & Larkin Love.
Chilled. I'm watching EVO & downloading DBFZ on Steam. I wanna play it, but I don't think I'll ever be good at fighting games.
I wanna paint some Warhammer, but I left all my shit in Belgium.
>gay shit probably
based, I love [insert your favourite game
>Pepsi Vanilla
want, we don't got those here
>Call of Duty
what one?
>Brutal Doom
any good?
>true detective and ed edd n eddy
same show
Yes please send me those tracks.
http:// s.team/p/ckv-wrwp/btqwgjbg
also you're kinda selling me on that Ringo game even though I had already written it off.
Kill La Kill IF
Smash Ultimate montage
Now watching the new All That episode with my nieces
Promare OST
Yea Forums
Dr. Pepper Dark Berry
Maybe some hot pockets
Fap at my sis’ place? You fucking crazy?>FEELAN
My sis and her kids got through most of Kill La Kill, too bad the last ep they watched was the Ragyo diddling Satauki scene
TFT, getting bored of it though. Thinking about browsing some websites for new games. Maybee i'll check out steam if they added some decent filters
Gin tonic
Bored and a bit drunk
Daggerfall Unity and Minecraft
twitch and old wow vanilla videos
Steppenwolf, Herman Hesse
Vodka and beer
dont now, maybe >>/gif/
as shit but maybe this user can get a gf in a few months, so im excited for that
FE3H Edelgard route
Weeb stuff
Good, just got a comfy new chair for my battlestation.
Deus Ex, think I'm getting near the end
Black Lagoon
Nothing really
Yea Forums
Pretty good, gonna be moving in a few weeks so I'm pretty excited
>KF2 any good?
Lotta fun, assuming the type of gameplay appeals to you.
Overlord's pretty good. Another isekai anime.
Fargo with the boyfwen
Probably jinsang, potsu, brockbeats, some other chillwave later
Yea Forums!
coconut soda!
happy! its kinda cold in my room though
I'm decent at selling when I care about the product. Take it with a grain of salt. Also added and messaged you bro.
Oops realized it was Pepsi Cherry Vanilla. I'm tired. They usually sell Pepsi Vanilla around here but I haven't found it for two weeks. Probably getting removed again.
>Daggerfall Unity
Is this shit any good? I could never get into any of the ES games.
That sounds even better. Still not got that here :(
Not sure. Probably Smash and/or CTR
Also EVO, and this discord call
Yea Forums posts
Chips. Sour cream and bacon.
The fattest asses and the widest hips
Pretty good. Got a kink in my neck that hurts like a mother fucker.
>What are you playing?
I think Brigdor and maybe something on my PS4, not sure yet
Beer, a few my buddy gave me
It's like a Pepsi float. It's my favorite flavor. It gets pulled off the market for 5 or more years before they bring it back.
Ace Combat 7. Fuck yeah Morgan.
Reptile stuff on youtube
See the above
Not sure.
Blood and honey
Got a Whataburger on the way home from work
Retail is a drag and the new guy is getting on my nerves. At least I should be getting a bonus on the next check.
Trying to finish Super DB Heroes story mode. I want to play other games, but I want to play them with a Steam controller which I don't have.
EVO. Sonic/GO1 DBFZ was godtier, wish he won for another year of shitposting on Yea Forums, but he didn't.
Anime OST.
Diet shit.
Not today.
Decent. Want to buy a used steam controller but eBay faggots are overpricing it hard. Just hoping Valve has a sale soon, it's almost been a year. Got a job interview yesterday, went well. Wish the location was Downtown, but it's not bad. And finally, my tongue injury is about 70% healed. The last week was hell man, shit hurt bad and was hard to eat. Apparently I bit myself in my sleep.
CSGO maybe, maybe minecraft, or The Darkness 2.
Some random small streamer I watch when I'm really bored, maybe I'll finish P4 of JoJo tonight
Playlist filled with my favorite rock artists
Probably not tonight
Leftover chicken drums and rice
coffee and water
Already did twice, not feeling it atm but maybe later
Mixed. I really want to get drunk tonight and game but I'm broke as fuck right now. Everytime I see a picture/ad of alcohol I get triggered, I think I might be a borderline alcoholic at this point. On the plus side my hunk of junk F150 might get sold tomorrow so I'll have some money, probably just get a cheap bike and save most of the money I get from it
>I really want to get drunk tonight and game but I'm broke as fuck right now.
Rolling rock or frazina
Franzia wine gets you the most drunk for the cheapest. Studies have been done:
Wine is a white girl's 40
When I said I was broke as fuck I meant it bro, I have like 2 bucks to my name at the moment until I get paid on the 7th. I didn't manage my money well last month so I had JUST enough for rent and to stock up on food to get me through to the 7th.
It's my first time playin an old ES game too, and its incredible user. Really enjoyable, i recommend it.
Apex Ranked, FE3H, Overwatch with GF
King of the Hill / Breaking Bad
Home - Odyssey
Time and how to spend it, Oracle Documentation
Monster Ultra Purple / Pepsi Max
Had an Ultimate Burger at spoons earlier
Sex > Fappan
Pretty fucking good, been offered a decent job that should be really interesting and pays well. Current job aren't bothered about me working my notice so Im just enjoying the summer playing vidya.
update: i'm really high and staring at the ground again
Dirty Bomb. Third world shitstains with 200+ ping ruin the fucking game. Yet it's the only multiplayer FPS game I can tolerate and enjoy nowadays until MCC comes to PC
Pewdz Minecraft series. Saw Once Upon A Time in Hollywood again with my parents earlier. It's an overall meh film but I like it because of the setting and style
Beastie Boys
Yea Forums
Orchada and water
Gonna get Abelardos after this post. It's a Mexican place that's really good.
Gerudo earlier today
I'm doing great actually. Life is good and I can't say much else. I'm gonna enjoy this present feeling for the rest of the night.
>Shorinji Kenpo
Da fuq is dat?
How'd you fuck your tongue up?
Save that money up and GTFO of retail ASAP, user. Anything else would be better
Don't act on those impulses if you feel like an alcoholic, user. Been there, done that. It's a slippery slope to get out of. If anything, go to bed. If you can't fall asleep due to cravings then take some magnesium. That shit'll knock you out.
Thanks man. I've spent a lot of time acting on the impulse. I even did some really scummy shit like using my mom's debit card to withdraw money when I lived with her and she'd ask me to go grocery shopping or w/e , it was a lot worse before. It's all I used to think about, I was a social drinker until my dad killed himself but it's been so long since then I really have no excuse anymore, and it wasn't much of an excuse to self-destruct anyways.
I just keep hearing too many good things about this game. I was gonna wait, but I think I'm gonna just cave and run to the store in about an hour to buy it.
>Black Lagoon
Based. Have you read the manga? What is prompting the move? New job, new city?
>Don DeLillo
I basically skipped the 20th century white American male canon because my natural interests took me elsewhere and I read a lot in languages other than English (Spanish and Chinese, mostly), but I've heard great things. A friend recently recommended some Pynchon and DeLlillo including a book with a wild lecture about trash that seemed dope. May have to check them out.
Busted out the old Gameboy to play Oracle of Ages but I think I'm gonna pick up FE3H tonight.
Nothing atm, Trailer Park Boys later
Freddie Gibbs/Madlib Bandana on infinite loop
Space Dust IPA that was on sale, maybe some homebrew later
Dope prosciutto, buratta, and olie oil pizza from a local joint
We'll see
Solid. Went on a fun "date" with an elderly gal in my neighborhood to an old estate nearby with gorgeous gardens. Had a lovely conversation strolling in the trees and on a bench under an enormous sycamore. Hanging with friends again tomorrow before heading back to the grind.
Might as well buy it now anyway since Nintendo never discounts their games.
REPOSTAN from earlier, lads.
Mordhau, Sekiro. On NG+2 and going for the purification ending. Also trying to max out the prayer beads, my god did I miss a lot of little minibosses and shit the first few times.
Succession on HBO. Pretty solid so far.
The Beatles
The Goldfinch
Dr. Pepper
Made a nice ham and cheese sammie with jalapenos for lunch.
7/10, things are going well but I am admittedly a tired fella at the moment.
>King of the Hill / Breaking Bad
Nice taste.
>Fargo with the boyfwen
Show or film? (Which season if the former.)
>The diddling scene
I remember you posting about that on last night's thread, clearly dreading it. Was it as bad as you thought?
>New Daredevil
Based. Daredevil is my absolute favorite Marvel hero.
Celebrating Tool finally making their way to Spotify, eh? Don't blame you, they're good.
Guess I'll contribute now.
In the mood for some RollerCoaster Tycoon tonight, but we'll see.
Decided to check out The Boys. I rather like it. A nice sidestep from typical everyday capeshit.
Ire by Parkway Drive (don't tell Yea Forums)
Threads and messages
Bold Rock, a local hard cider. Wasn't all that great. Won't be buying it again. Besides that, water.
Had some pizza. It ain't sitting well. The DRINKAN probably contributed.
Might try nofap again. Hasn't been doing much for me lately.
Like utter shit. Bombed an interview and it affected me more than I initially knew. Trying to get back out there, but it's proven to be a real pain in my ass.
>how'd you fuck your tongue up
I bit it in my sleep I think, must've been really fucking bad based on how long it took for the wound to heal up. At first I thought I was sick since my throat felt kind of dry, then a few hours later the pain kicked into overdrive. Was hell for the last week.
World of Warcraft
I tried to power through that Sabrina the Teenage Witch show on Netflix, but holy Christ, it's god awful. The plot goes nowhere, Sabrina contradicts herself every twenty minutes, and there are ten thousand irrelevant subplots the most hamfisted of them revolving around the damn transgender girl or whatever the fuck she identifies as.
I got one of those Wendy's big bags for lunch. It wasn't too bad.
Wish I had some interesting horror or sci fi to watch.
Eh, it wouldn't be that horrible if these homeless would stop coming in and spitting on and threatening us.
Either that, or if I could carry.
You and me both man. Living off loans in a couple months time. I just budget well. Good luck next month my man.
>I tried to power through that Sabrina the Teenage Witch show
Hey, dude, ni-
>on Netflix
Oh. Oh THAT Sabrina show. Pic very related
Mutant Football League
DBS Dub and Archer 1999
t.A.T.u. - Я твoя нe пepвaя (Ya tvoya ne pervaya)
Labatt Blue
The lady i used to get cheap cartons of smokes from is no longer in business. Other then that i can not complain.
Injustice 2.
The Killers - Read My Mind
Joker's Asylum II Killer Croc. I like dumb Croc's brilliant method of escape.
Hopefully beer soon.
Thanks man. I've usually been pretty good with my money but it was a friend's birthday. I made the grave mistake of buying a round of shots at the bar for the group, then at least 8 beer for myself. At the end of the night after eating my bill was like $150, it was fucked. I'd much rather drink at home/pregame and get 8-12 beer in me for like 20 bucks but I didn't plan it out
We all have addictions. Cigarettes have and probs will be the death of me. Gotta find a reason to stop though. For me it's to improve at the gym. Can't say for you and alcohol but I wish ya well
God I love this man so much
>there are paycucks that unironically give activison money
but why user, genuinely curious
I feel you, I used to be pretty toned and now I'm getting skinny-fat, I really gotta get back into the gym. Every time I have a long workout I get so high on endorphins and wonder why I don't just work out everyday instead of drink, but after they wear off I'm back to square one
I already watched the series. I dreaded my sis and her kids getting to that scene. They closed their eyes and all were weirded out.
Came back from a two week trip today and now I forgot how I spend my weekends at home, I've just been refreshing Yea Forums for a couple hours and now the sun is gone.
Yakuza Zero, Dragon Quest 11, trying to fill the void while waiting for Control
Taking a break
I wonder how much hrt brain rot you must have to think WoW is fun.
Could be worse, I could be on an anonymous message board complaining that people are doing things I don't like.
back to MOUNTS, MOGS, CHEEVOS, goyim
inv to asmon layer
Played some TF2 today.
Just watched Kubrick's The Killing. Going to start Man With a Movie Camera soon.
Autechre's Confield, more especifically Lentic Catachresis on repeat.
Children of Dune. 150 pages in.
Boomer Monster.
Garlic bread.
Milf hentai.
I don't know, sorta apathetic. Really wish I had a gf to watch kinos with, not gonna lie.
dungeons and dragons boiii
Die Hard 3 later.
Some old Civil War journals.
pulled pork and colesaw sammies
the public use tag on gelborou, as usual
p. good honestly
Some XCOM 2 ironman, althought shits going bad
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Frank Zappa
Might finally finish the second Dune book or not
Not up to it tonight
Hyped that my University semester begins next week
Mario Maker 2 and Dragon Quest 1. I cant believe people call DQ1 dated, I'm having a blast.
Been rewatching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, although I'd like to watch a good movie tonight.
Talking Heads
Potato wedges covered in cheese and bacon
Itchy as fuck. I've got a full body rash. Doctor said its ringworm but I don't believe them, the cream they gave me hasnt done shit. I'm going to ask for pills or a fucking injection.
>Talking Heads
A meme for a meme.
>the public use tag on gelborou, as usual
Either Unturned or RS2 depending on how drunk I get
Probably another Friday the 13th installment, im on the 4th at this point
At The Drive-in - Relationship of Command
Been reading The Stranger by Camus, huge mind fuck
I call it a Dr. Pirate, just DP and Dark Rum
Leftover ribs from my parents house, possibly frozen patty burgers
Anything with Dana Dearmond rn, older stuff tho
Fukt up
Any specific Beatles? Magical Mystery Tours been hard ticklin my taint lately
>They closed their eyes and were all weirded out
Could have been worse, I suppose. As long as you didn't have a visible erection, I'd say you got off pretty light.
Ah you motherfucker, that's probably my favorite album of theirs.
people who play XCOM 2 on ironman are a whole different breed of man, I wish you luck sir
That whole album is so fucking good to trip to man, its unreal
>Curb Your Enthusiasm
Excellent taste.
Yeah, it's fucking nuts. I can't even imagine being alive when they were churning out the music they did and witnessing it in all of its unbridled fury.
DOOM 2, Maximum Action, Fallout 4
Stop Skeletons From Fighting and Evangelion episode 25, 26 and the movie, was gonna do it yesterday but I got too sleepy. I'm prepared tonight though, super excited to finish it though.
Yea Forums and twitter, practicing voice acting
Not too sure had some egg noodles for dinner.
water and coke
my gfs nudes, she has a wonderful ass
Amazing. Got a voice acting gig for an audio book, this is my dream job, and I feel like in the future I can make this a career. It's wonderful, I can only go up from here. And I'm gonna take a huge shit and then a comfy shower/bath, then just watch eva and play some games. Hope you guys are doing well too
proud of you user
based yaoi
I know that feeling with worrying about being a NEET, if you know that you dont want to become one, then you wont become one. You got this user.
hat in time is amazing, the 2nd dlc was amazing, im sorry about you feeling sad and lonely user
is brutal doom still shit to Yea Forums?
Tell whats going on with her, also that image is fucking great, wheres it from?
based poison, sorry about your son user, take it easy
how the fuck do i play deus ex on windows 10?based hip lover
is whataburger as good as everyone says? i really want to try it
King of the Hill is fucking kino
im glad you had fun with that woman user
really didnt like milf stuff but now its almost all i can think about, good tastes user
>Have you read the manga?
Nope, only a few episodes in and it's pretty cool so far
>What is prompting the move?
Just finished up at community college so I'm transferring to my 4 year.
Yeah, meeting Monarch's went from minor inconvenience in normal to absolute nightmare in ironman. At least my starting continent's chosen is Hunter who is easy enough to evade unlike assasin that fucked me up even on normal.
thank you gentlemen
Absolutely patrician.
I watched it when it first aired also openly gay
Whataburger is pretty good. It's still fast food though, so keep that in mind.
Children of Dune was a bit of a slog for me, but I'm the weird guy who lies Dune Messiah. Have you read the series, or is it the first time for you?
You madman.
Forgot to tag , sorry.
Mirror's Edge. fuck this game is so cool. I love the use of color and the sense of height.
Watching Star Trek TOS for the first time. Just finished The Squire of Gothos. Hilarious
Hadestown. Wait For Me is my favorite. So melancholy and folksy
Water, had some ginger ale earlier
Pizza with friends after DnD tonight. Had our first PC death...
Might fuck my gf tomorrow desu
Comfy and exhilarated by ME
What advice do you need?
Been listening to some Deltron, fucking awesome
Played dnd with friends tonight too. Anything cool happen?
Saw your pic and all I could think is pic related.
Fair enough I suppose. I like the game AND the girls are top tier
>Have you read the series, or is it the first time for you?
First time going in. Absolutely loved Dune and Dune Messiah. Children of Dune is being kinda slow but I'm only 120ish pages in. Really want to get to God Emperor, though. Want to see if the hype is real.
Fire Emblem, Mario Maker 2
Brutalmoose, LGR thrifting
Lo-Fi Hip Hop radio and the sounds of the crickets outside
reading is for women
Chai Tea
Eating is for fatties
Im good atm
Chill as long as I dont think about impeding wage slavery
If you like herberts weird style, also check out Destination Void/The Jesus incident and the ConSentiency series.
For Vidya, Alpha Centauri feels like his ghost was on the dev team.
Rune Factory Frontier
troubleshootan forums
male slavery hentai
weird combo of like ... seeing potential financial disaster on the horizon and not caring/feeling unable to do anything. Praying to Asherah
Cool. I wish you luck with it. My brother went that route with his college and it worked out well for him in terms of flexibility and taking time off where he needed to and/or working almost full-time while in school. What are you gonna study at the 4-year?
>Weird guy who likes Dune Messiah
You're not alone. It was my favorite of the series and grappled most effectively with the contradictions and unintended consequences of fundamentalism.
God Emperor is...arcane, at times self-indulgent. The pseudo-philosophizing epigrams at the start of each chapter are mostly miss, sometimes hit. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it immensely, and I think that Herbert did a fantastic job of writing the psyche of a man inured to the passing of millennia, yet still fundamentally wounded by his God-hood. You'll probably enjoy it.
Based. I can listen to that album over and over without tiring. "Remember when a bowl of soup was a nickel?"
>I need to watch part 5. I blasted through it whilst in college to get to part 6 because admittedly giorno has 0 personality
Seriously? I like Giorno. He just wants the mafia to stop selling drugs to women and children and is willing to take over the whole organization to it. He has more of a personality than Jotaro desu. I like Jotaro but he's mostly just the silent type and all he says is "yare yare daze" every 5 minutes. Giorno is more than that.
>How's golden wind
Really good. I'm only halfway through the season but I already like it more than Diamond is Unbreakable. Dont get me wrong, I liked DiU, but GW is even better imo.
Siege and Destiny 2 with the guys
Dr. Stone
This thread
Cheap vodka
Cold pizza
>all my friends and co-workers tripping on some relationship drama in their lives
>gotta listen to their bullshit everyday
>everyone wonders why I don't date
Don't bother with dating. Bitches ain't shit.
Was grinding frames of the war variety, but not currently
Kimetsu no Yaiba maybe
Checking out music from this thread, and discord frens playing cooperative prison architect
A Conjuring of Light by Schwab.
Empanadas from a real good local shop earlier
Might go check /h/ for some vanilla
Meh. Hobbies don't hold my attention currently.
Fire Emblem Three Houses, Starcraft Brood War, Rising Storm 2 and whatever old games that I feel like popping in
EVO, Once Upon a Time In Hollywood rewatching Pure Pwnage
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Tea, got a bottle of vodka though
Not for me tonight
Feels alright. I hate that I've been in this nostalgic mood as of late though.
XIV with my EB and RS on the side, probably FE or UNIST in a bit
Finished watching EVO Melty is still one of my favorite games of all time, may watch some comfy let's plays
Wild Turkey
Italian Sub
Pretty good, free for the next week or so
FFXIV & Hedon
Evo. Melty was sweet as always.
Code for my VN
A Nice Crisp coke
Garbage Fast Food
Yuri Incest
Melancholy but at least my boy Janemba got into DBZF so that's something to be happy about I guess.
>Rune Factory Frontier
Sounds comfy. Looking forward to 5?
>male slavery hentai
>Rewatching Always Sunny.
Good shit. I should do that too. While I liked the new season I didn't laugh as much as I did watching the older ones.
>Dr. Stone
Based. How is the show btw I haven't been able to watch it yet but I love the manga.
Oracle of ages
Major Lazer on hulu
I'll check out different songs and artist to add to my bike ride.
I can't read
Water. I am not a fan of soda but I love teas and coffee.
I just had round table with my dad
I think I'm desensitized because it takes like 30 mins to find a video so I don't even bother
I have an interview Tuesday. I'm excited I fucking hate being a neet
based brutalmoose and lgr, seen ians new video?
YouTube schlock while I build
Caligula’s Horse
Futa shit
Same as always, like shit
>yuri incest
Honestly, it's pretty good. Never read the manga, but I'm invested.
oh shit, saw you last thread user, good tastes man
>yuri incest
Absolutely patrician
>oh shit, saw you last thread user, good tastes man
My nigga, how's your day going user?
Minecraft with some buds, pretty chill
kengan ashura, ,mindless entertainment nice for background viewing
Soju and water
Just ate kbbq with my girl ran me $80 but fuck it
sad, working like crazy due to QA for a video game company
>I was looking to reinstall yesterday BUT I saw it was 50+ gigs, is it worth it to reinstall? Is there enough content to justify 50+ gigs?
I never uninstall it, and I have a 500gb HDD with just a 60gb SSD. For how much I play the game, it's definitely worth keeping around. If you're someone who needs to play brand new maps every day, then probably not, unless you wanna devote even more drive space to dicking around with all the custom maps. If you've played it before and still need to ask, then it's probably not worth installing. Just go play KF1. It's only a little over 6 gigs.
Slay The Spire's latest weird character, The Juggle
some streamer bullshit, probably pat or woolie
funky panda electroswing
this fucking shitpile manifesto
30/30 cbd/thc wax in vapour form.
nothing, tonight. too angry.
a vile snarling hatred for the world, and the utterly idiotic ramblings of the right.
Ah okay, yeah I have both but KF2 seemed like it might've gotten new characters or content and wanted to see what's up. I swear I only remember it being like 10 gigs at most when I first bought it and KF1. Thanks for the rundown user!
Why would you even care about new characters? They add literally nothing to the gameplay.
Hellsing Ultimate
Random youtube videos
Jojo Steel Ball Run
Hand free with my aneros
probably some minecraft or katana zero if i can find my fucking mouse in the trash heap of my room
End of The Fucking World
Vektor, particularly this guitar solo youtu.be
Iced Coffee still, woke up not too long ago
starbucks sandwich thing
prolly some milf incest
not too great, can't find my fucking mouse but don't want to clean my room
I meant new content in general like characters, maps, weapons, etc. If the character's cool it'd be fun to try them if they're new.
pretty good user, got a voice acting gig and gonna watch some evangelion.
Nothing actually.
Old William Osman vids.
Surf Rock.
Nothing. Want a water.
MILFS, hypnosis, gassy milfs, TF, TG TF, etc
>voice acting gig
That's fucking awesome user, proud of you. Where you gonna be working at?
Well they've almost certainly added new weapons and maps since you last played, although that depends on when that was. And robots, which are cancer, but those may have been a thing when you uninstalled.
Yeah it's pretty great.
That's good too hear. I'm glad they're adapting it well enough then. I'm not sure where they're at right now or where they're ending but, I can assure that it only gets better so stay tuned.
>my post just fucking got nuked for no reason
Oh hell yeah, that could be fun to dip my toes back in and experience. I uninstalled around about a year after it first released.
What? Any reason why they were added? Sorry I hope i'm not annoying you by asking so many questions.
currently just out of my house, just starting out small, doing some shit for an audio book but i can only go up from here!
Hell yeah my man! Grats on that, I believe in you man, make it big and shoot for the stars.
Nah, it's cool. I don't know why they added them, but they're shit and I would be glad if I could never see them again in public servers. They get lasers, missles, or a stun laser depending on the variant. And their weakpoint is a tiny rectangle on their fucking chest.
Holy shit that sounds cancer as fuck. Thanks for the heads up user and you have a great rest of the night!
thank you so much dude! nervous about the future, but this really made me feel good. thanks user!
Muse Dash
Uncut LOTR movies
Various shonen manga
Myself in the mirror
I just started playing deus ex myself. Download GMDX and a copy of deus ex (either steam or drm-free). It is a graphical and QoL update while still remaining faithful to the og.
Yeah, they're fucking dumb, but you do get used to them. If you hit their weakpoint, it's usually just a shot or two to kill them. And thanks, you too.
Escape From Tarkov
Older episodes of Spongebob are my guilty pleasure and I might throw some up on the TV
Infected Mushroom
Blue Moon
Some Dorito Chile Limón or whatever it's called. Pretty gud
Already did
bretty comfy, got a 3 day weekend from work and finally get to return to my 3rd shift on monday. Still a shit job but at least the night is quiet
No problem user! In all the sea of negativity out here we could all use some positive motivation and i'm proud you're chasing (what I presume at least) your dreams.
Huh, sounds like it might be fun to play the game and at least see how some of the new maps and weapons are. No problem user!
A little Sieging with the boys. Got our asses handed to us in ranked. Almost done with Wolfenstein Youngblood. It's okay.
Watched The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly for the first time, and it's everything I wanted it to be. I've seen the final stand off before, but watching it within the context of the movie and the trilogy is truly amazing. Whole thing is kino. Was supposed to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with a friend but we had to reschedule. Going to watch a horror movie tonight. Unless someone recommends me a slasher, I'm going to rewatch Halloween.
SebastiAn remixes
N/A tonight.
Water and iced coffee
Pretty good. Only had a short shift at work, and I played with my bros today, so I'm feeling great.
Nice. I watched my first Wes Craven a few days ago in the form of Last House on the Left. Some stuff was overly silly but most was still pretty effective. He grew up less than 20 minutes away from where I live, so I'm trying to learn him specifically to help me make my own kino horror.
Which run? I've only read Wish You Were Here which I really enjoyed.
Good taste in pornstars at least.
this has been my dream for a while, im finally excited to act on it. thank you for the fucking amazing parr ass, that shit is golden
My bratan. I keep wanting to play some more of this patch before the wipe makes me farm shit for the millionth time, but then I keep remembering how fucked the meta is and decide not to.
Tanki Online
Elo - Twilight
AriZona Fruit Punch
Nothing, sorting my folders ATM
Tired, but relieved I don't have work tomorrow
Upgrade your grey matter, cuz one day it may matter
Shut the fuck up, Deltron ZERO.
Hotel Dusk
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Sailor Moon
The Chromatics
Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier
No more of that.
What keeps putting me off are the blatant ESP cheaters. You can hide just about anywhere, but soon enough you'll hear footsteps and then get killed by prefire or a grenade. Really makes me want to stop playing. But then I get a match where that doesn't happen and I'm completely immersed and can't resist playing more.
I have a hard time talking about ESPers, 'cause don't get me wrong, I've seen some blatant fucking cheaters using wallhacks. But I know there've been plenty of times where I killed people and knew it'd look suspicious from their end 'cause I just got lucky, had good crosshair placement, like to clear everything, or whatever other reason. Then you add in the server bullshit on top of that, and I have a hard time calling hacks. But yeah, I've run into a couple I knew were cheating, and that's never fun.
My main issue is that I want to run gear but know there's no point. There's some extremely diminishing returns on gear in that game, and it wears on me every time. I want them to bridge the price gap between the low-end stuff and the high-end so that I don't spend 500k-1mil R on a loadout that's only marginally more effective than a setup that costs a tenth of that. And I actually enjoy the PVP less the more realistic they make it because games where everyone is just one-shotting each other non-stop aren't that exciting. You get way fewer fights with any sort of flow or challenge.
Was playing GTA Online and was running the EMP delivery despite it being impossible with randoms, now playing Fire Emblem Three Houses and Soul Sacrifice Delta
The Ocean Waves
Telephone Line - ELO
Rereading Tsurezure Children
Had a burger earlier
Not today
Eh, all right. Been applying for jobs and haven't had any luck, mainly after something to keep me busy and boost my savings till I go back to school next year. On the brightside, I brought a new PC.
i read them all in chronological order, and they were all really good.
honestly WYWH is probably my least favorite so far. Badlands is incredible, almost a World War Z collection of like 30 or 40 short stories that take place in the universe, some funny, some scary, all great. currently reading +100 which takes place 100 years after the outbreak. it's written by Alan Moore and it's pretty good so far
read Psychopath and then Badlands (just cause there's some callbacks to Psychopath that you won't fully appreciate unless you've read it)
you won't regret it
yeah I get what you mean, the jank makes it almost impossible sometimes to tell if something was legit or not. But like you said, you can tell when it's really obvious. Most gear I ever run is usually just an SKS, some basic armor and some mags. Might give the FAL a go cause I've had several scav runs that spawned with one. One of my scavs spawned with a FAL and a Labs key yesterday.
Nothing currently but I finally bought Infinite Space after I found it at a store for a decent price. I know I could've just emulated it but emulating DS games feels so weird to me, it just feels too off trying to manage the dual screens. Regardless I'm excited to finally play it soon cause everything I've heard about it seems to be right up my alley.
Started Bakemonogatari, only about 6 episodes in and its weird starting to slowly get the context for these characters that I've jerked off to for years without actually knowing a thing about them. Its a good time so far.
Got caught on the JoJo hype from the Part 5 anime ending and decided to reread Part 7 before I catch up on Part 8. Part 8 seems kinda like Part 4 on crack so I'm very eager to get to it.
Cinnamon toast crunch.
Uraraka. Girls with a little chub are supreme.
Pretty good. Summer is slowly coming to an end but I'm just glad I managed to be productive for most of it. Gonna enjoy the rest of it while I can.
Which Ys soundtrack is your favorite? For me its probably 8's, there's just so many bangers.
All great shit.
>Rune Factory Frontier
Which girl are you going for? I always go for Selphy
Good luck with interview user, what's it for?
Not a fan personally, ones I've had tasted like alcoholic spring water
Cool. At least going to read +100 and try to get around to Psychopath + Badlands.
Yeah the FAL scavs are pretty fun. M80 dicks on just about everything people are running. It can be fun to see what random bits they spawn with too. I've had ones with shit like clocks, wallets, or enough drugs to start up a pharmacy. Anyway, enjoy the raids. Don't mind me being just a wee bit jaded after playing the game for two fucking years.
Excellent taste my dude
Hope you feel better soon user
Apex and Minecraft
One punch man
Ween and Dan LeBatard show
Nothing at the moment other than this thread
Beers and water
Had a burger earlier
Taking the day off
Pretty good not looking forward to work on Monday cuz it’ll be crazy busy
Glad your summer went well, user. Shit always seems to end when it just starts.
Girls with a little chub are supreme.
I agree whole hardly.
>Rereading Tsurezure Children
Comfy, I never finished it myself but I remember my favorite pair being the the student council president and try hard Gyaru girl.
>Hotel Dusk
Great Taste. Nice to see others playing the game.
A lot of EDF 5 earlier and currently
nothing either unfortunately
Red wine, the beer is gone
Some grilled grouper throat earlier
Big fat bat tits
Should finish off the manga, your couple has quite a sweet ending. My personal favourites were the deadpan/dry couple and the rapper/basketball girl
Sleeping dogs
Kinda shitty battle so far desu but it's new
This thread
Gin and lemonade
Chips and guac
Good been chilling with family this weekend but it's nice to get some late night alone time
Splatoon 2, Pokken and PES 2019
Evangelion Manga
If you all are still here, long story short:
>liked her for a while, got casual friendly vibes
>asked for her number on Sunday, seemed a little hesitant but gave it
>just texted her hi so she got my number
>couple days later I had a bad night at work and texted her after the shift to apologize for being shitty
>no response days later
Is it a big deal? Should I just try sending something casual tomorrow, or should I give up?
Oh, and the art is by ToroborosArt on Twitter.
maybe she forgot, try it again tomorrow user. just give her another "hey whats up?" if nothing then drop her, you got better bitches to go after, hell if you want ill try to help you, you got a discord? and thank you for the artist name
PUBG, maybe Soul Silver before I sleep.
Spider-Man Homecoming
My gf mixing a Spotify playlist
Rereading A Scanner Darkly
Had some hot dogs
DFC interracial
I'm in an ok mood. Blitzed.
Breath of Fire 3 and Pathfinder Kingmaker
MauLer's videos on the last jedi and darksouls 2. Good background/white noise while grinding away in BoF
The Broken Eye. just finished A Wizard of Earthsea. I enjoyed it but if i had read it as a kid i probably would have loved it.
cant drink anymore gives me seizures
Ok i gotta get up early to go to work but Sunday is my Friday was woot woot
Symphony of the Night and might start New Vegas for the first time since I got the Ultimate Edition on GOG recently.
Just started Full Metal Alchemist
Graduation and Astroworld
This thread
Pretty good, got a short afternoon shift tomorrow then I'm off Monday.
>Sleeping dogs
Enjoy, genuinely a great game.
>Maximum Action
Any good? worth buying at current price or nah?
>New Vegas for the first time since I got the Ultimate Edition on GOG recently.
Mods my friend. Mods.
Any mod recommendations? I want my first playthrough to be pretty vanilla.
Can't remember it but there's one that tweaks survival mode so it's harder. It's piss easy vanilla. especially with the canteen dlc thing. But if that kinda of mode ain't for you then more power to you.
Get sprint mod
Perfect Dark (360 port) and Digital Devil Saga
Got an N64 and a CRT today. Unfortunately the generic controller that it came with has the worst analog stick I've ever used in my life. I ordered one of the brawler controllers so I hope it's decent.
Too lazy to watch anything
rain sounds, maybe some 90's electronic stuff later
Gonna go make some coffee
I'll make something in a bit
Sleep is pretty fucked. Just woke up a little after 1am
Hope you're enjoying Symphony of the Night fren, I just played it for the first time this year.
How are the Breath of Fire games? I've heard a lot of good but I've never given them a shot
Yeah emulating DS stuff feels really weird to me too. Hope you enjoy Infinite Space, I want to try it one day.
avatar tlab
nothing right now
corona familiar
pork ramen
four elements trainer fire route
good, happy it's the weekend
here's your reply
Not that user but the BoF games are JRPG Kino. 3 & 4 are legit some of my favorite games of all time. 1,2, & 5 are alright too I guess but they really pale in comparison to the ps1 classics. I could go in depth but I don't want to overwhelm. I'll just say you should def give them a try.
Spider-Man PS4
Devilman Crybaby
Attack on Titan
Erotic audio
I should say I'm trying to play Spider-Man but we just got brought our puppy home and it needs to readjust to it's new living situation and my girlfriends an idiot so now it's like I'm training two retards.
>my girlfriends an idiot so now it's like I'm training two retards.
> (You)
>How are the Breath of Fire games? I've heard a lot of good but I've never given them a shot
fanfuckingtastic this guy is right 1,2,are ok but 3, and 4 are some of the best JRPGs on the ps1 and that is saying something. 5 is the black sheep of the family. The FF13 of BoF if you will but it killed the franchise outright. The music rocks and BoF4 (has some of the best sprite work in any game ever IMO. While all breath of fire games are connected to each other is some way you dont have to play 1 and 2 to jump to 3 and 4. (there is always a girl named Nina and a boy named Ryu.)
>my girlfriends an idiot so now it's like I'm training two retards.
what the dumb broad do this time?
If you like JRPGs and haven't played Shadow Hearts i recommend you remedy that and Breath of Fire at your earliest convince. they are 11/10 games.
Yell the dogs name from across the street on his first walk in the city causing him to freak out and wanna cross the street and then immediately getting on her phone when I handed her the leash instead of paying attention to where she was walking with him.
I definitely want to get to BoF at some point. I have a huge backlog though so I'm not sure quite when. I'm also really interested in Shadow Hearts. But I think copies of it are expensive now and I'm not sure how PCSX2 would run it
this is why chicks get cats. A man and his dog have a special bond. truly something most women cant understand. Same with Bromances on a certain level.
>I definitely want to get to BoF at some point. I have a huge backlog though so I'm not sure quite when. I'm also really interested in Shadow Hearts. But I think copies of it are expensive now and I'm not sure how PCSX2 would run it
copies of BoF are pretty pricey too (all but 5 cuz its 5 and it deserve to burn next to Final Fantasy 13 in the deepest ring of video game hell) Emulation should be fine for them. Only game sthey pulled some black magic type shit to run like SotC have emulation issues. Since we are just recommending to jrpgs at this point emulate Panzer Dragoon Saga. The most unique rpg ive ever played.
>I'm also really interested in Shadow Hearts. But I think copies of it are expensive now
Oh they are. Even Breath of Fire 4 gets up there in price. Emulation on BoF should be flawless not sure about shadow hearts
I emulate pretty much all PS1 stuff. For RPGs though I kind of prefer to play the downloads on the PS3 because it seems to be a bit more faithful to how it should be.
Jealous of those phsyical copies though
Thanks. My copy of SH1 can freeze for some reason during one of the latter game cuts scenes. Don't know if it's a bug but skipping it right when it starts by passes it.
Man I want to have every game in this picture. Especially the Devil Summoner games
>Devil Summoner games
cost me way more than it should have for Devil Summoner 2. While im flexing, that brown box in the background are the limited run 2013 reprints of Original Dungeons and Dragons. Probably the most valuable hobby item i own. Hunt around pawn shops and local bookstores that take in used games and books. The boomers got no clue what they are worth.
>Didn't know outrun got a reboot like afterburner. Cool stuff user.
It's addictive as all hell, unfortunately the PSP version i'm playing has a lot of framerate drops but there's alternatives
>any good?
Yeah i like it a lot, in some ways it makes Doom a little more "generic" with the reloading and assault rifles, but feels very satisfying to play
>Da fuq is dat?
A martial arts created by this bad motherfucker right here, lots of really close range punching, hand twisting and throwing
>is brutal doom still shit to Yea Forums?
I never get to see a discussion around here about it, but why did i know Yea Forums wouldn't like it?
Diablo II & OSRS,
making a char in SoulCal
Dragon Ball Z &
Space Ghost: C2C
Tron: Legacy OST
Ghost in the Shell
pulled pork
pic related looks much better on my psquad
very much enjoyan my time
>and my girlfriends an idiot so now it's like I'm training two retards.
>Space ghost
>Pulled Pork
>Diablo II
>Fapping to his OWN create a soul
Based as fuck.
>Didn't know outrun got a reboot like afterburner. Cool stuff user.
It's not a reboot. It's sort of a port of 2 and 2SP, with a bunch of races/missions added to round things out
great soundtrack though
>Ghost in the Shell
>Nice. I watched my first Wes Craven a few days ago in the form of Last House on the Left. Some stuff was overly silly but most was still pretty effective. He grew up less than 20 minutes away from where I live, so I'm trying to learn him specifically to help me make my own kino horror.
He is probably the best you could learn from it's kinda sad knowing there will never be another craven movie I definitely recommend the first scream
BBTAG (that new trailer was cool time to be a Yumi main) and Crash Team Racing.
Evo Sunday. Watching all of it.
Evo Sunday. Listening to all of it.
Probably gonna toss in a digiorno pepperoni stuffed crust around the time Smash top 8 starts.
Kinda depressed but Evo is a good distraction. Oh well. Get high and do combos.
>pork ramen
noice. looks fun, user.
hope you git ur combos down nice today and have fun while doing so
if the thread tanks after this ill cya bois next weekend, it was fun. cheers, friends.