Which game has the best guns?

Which game has the best guns?

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Halo 2

i like black guys



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Far Cry 2

why would you buy a famas that many times

Uhhh say goodbye to those sweetie

This was the last straw and we are taking them away

Amerifags are never going to enact gun control.

Enter the Gungeon

I hope not.

Doom 2016.

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Escape from Tarkov, without a doubt


Borderlands 2 and Unreal Tournament because wanting realistic guns in games is autistic.

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why do gun critics never detail the logistics of gun seizure proposals?

but borderlands guns suck. They're not fun to use.

How's the state of the game currently, lads? I haven't played since around November/December and it still in a pretty shaky state with cheaters and performance.

Attached: shoreline.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

scare tactics are enough, their base are morons.

Insurgency Sandstorm

It's okay, the new patch is around the corner and it'll be the biggest one so far with the introduction of the hideout, migration to Unity 2018 and a lot more guns/armors being added.
Not many people playing right now because they're all just waiting for the patch so I'd hold out a while longer before returning to it.

Apparently rampant with hackers.

reminds me of halo 3 forge screenshots where people would draw titties with guns
good times

Because nobody is ever going to take anyones guns and the right is just as adamant as the left at enforcing gun control. See every republican president going back to Reagan


girls frontline

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Sounds good, I hope there will be a good boost with Unity 2018 for clients and network performance.

Any idea if an actual anti-cheat is going to be implemented in the big update?

Attached: inna woods.webm (852x480, 2.91M)


>that poverty carpet
Maybe save a few bucks and instead of buying new guns, buy and install some decent flooring.

God this is sickening. Why does anyone need to own so many deadly weapons?

peak mall ninja picture