Why are they so much better at making games?

Why are they so much better at making games?

Attached: Flag_and_map_of_Japan.png (1280x852, 69K)

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they aren't


no jews


scamco says nihao

Culture is based around improving the society rather then the individual. They also have laws that prevent creators from inserting a political agenda in content.

only jizzminds think they're better

>They also have laws that prevent creators from inserting a political agenda in content.

so how the hell did Persona get around that law... twice.

Because they only export half decent games for Amerimutts. Vast majority of their games are cumbrane pandering gacha shit.

Theyve been stagnating honestly

What political agenda was in Persona? If it's shit like the trans flag or some racial message it's not allowed

the villain is basically Shinzo Abe

Sweden is better

Persona 5 supposedly had a racial message with Ann and the gang also believing that people who care about heritage are losers. Fortune teller lady referenced a male dominated society and how women have it hard in the work place. Persona 4 also referenced something similar with Naoto wanted to be treated as an equal in the male dominated police profession.

nice bait

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Not him. Minecraft and Hotline Miami are kino and there's nothing else, so they create masterpiece 100% of the time.

>uploading a street speech by a candidate
>uploading the broadcast of a candidate's political opinion
>promoting a particular candidate and party and encourage people to vote for the candidate

Sounds like an authoritarian shithole

>how women have it hard in the work place
It's true in a few cases though, I'm an engineer and my boss told me he never hires woman engineers

They care about making fun games first and foremost.
Setpieces, politics, story, all of this comes second to the game being fun

Literally nobody but the police can have guns. They're a totalitarian shithole.

I should state it's a set of laws that's been in Japan since the 1950s and the culture has grown around it since then. They can skirt spots here and there but if they never outright show the actual agenda then they haven't done anything.

weeb central in here. The elevens are very good at making the games they are good at and that's it.

Japanese people are just more apolitical in general so that's why you're less likely to see politics in games anyway or any other form of medium. Pretty much all the nips I know couldn't care less about politics, they vaguely know couple important people in their government but that's pretty much it. Outside of few groups at the extreme, the average nips don't give a fuck and more importantly don't have the time to give a fuck.

might have to do with japan being a functionally one party state for 50 years

You literally cannot speak of any political figure positively or negatively. All those anti-trump protests would finally stfu at least.

And shalom

they don't care excessively about graphic but gameplay

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>politics is just talking about real life candidates

>Invented games
>Are the best at making them
Makes sense

Because they mostly live in poverty and making games is a passion for them and their break out of it because it's a medium that has finally been acknowledged by the rest of the world so it's not a hobby anymore
In west you have pampered rich millenial kids who've once in their life thought that video games are kinda cool and now they do this shit but they've no real end goals in life so everything they do is half assed. They complain about their conditions even though everything is handed to them on a silver platter, they put no effort in what they do, they are here just to exist.

i wonder how much they'd start caring about politics if they had some cultural enrichment.

And 70 years of it will affect the culture to not speak of it in general.

Minecraft is the best selling game of all time cunt

Japan hasn't made a good game in at least fifteen years.

Wait until their government starts importing shitskins to replace them. I bet they'll care about politics then.

Catering to niches. They make specific games for specific audiences, which results in a more focused, satisfying experience.

Western publishers are the exact opposite, and insist on throwing everything together and making massive omnigames that are meant to please everybody but in the end please nobody.

Koikatus was pretty good. it let me play hide and go seek with my bepis. everytimei found him i got mayonnaise to put in my sandwich.


Even beyond that, they don't care about international politics. They vaguely follow what may be happening in the US or in China/Korea since it's close to them and that's it. Even when the NHK talks about politics they have to use kiddy language and shitty puns to explain how things are working in other countries, it's rather pathetic to watch (even more so if you understand what they say).

They wouldn't care, remember that the last time some JP got abducted by ISIS people in Japan blamed their owns for venturing into dangerous countries rather than ISIS.

Japanese consoles are the ones that blew up. Xbox is only around cause it's buoyed by Microsoft. That and the lack of SJWs/Jews.

The workpower of the chinese but with actual souls

this is the gayest post here. congratulations.

This is the second smartest user here. First is me.


Well you see Japan after WW2 was a U.S experiment the emperor and McCarthy help push up. For once in history, they could build a nation from the ground up to specific specs. Stuff you couldn't do in the U.S because some stuff is ingrained in U.S society, like deifying the rebellious attitude. Japan on the other hand had their world shattered post ww2 and peoples broken. No one was going to speak up a peep if it stood in the way of getting better. So theres this mentality now over there that "if people enjoy it and theres a market, good."

The West doesn't make good RPGs anymore; Japan still does.
The West doesn't make good fighting games; Japan does.
Japan has better action games, platformers, rhythm games, beat 'em ups, shmups, and adventure titles. Japan still makes shit the West gave up on long ago. The only thing the West still does better than Japan is FPS.

>Any 3x3 thread
>Most games are japanese

Yes they are

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they're not sloppy
that's about it

for contrast, see ANY euro developed game (nice graphics and sound, shame about that slippery garbage gameplay), and the vast majority of US developed ones (which also tend to be ugly)


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