Party Van

Hey it's saturday! Time to play some TF2!

Password: the usual
Variety Night:


Extract to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007
Or wherever you have Source SDK Base 2007
No need to mount if you already have everything mounted.

Attached: teamfortress.jpg (220x310, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:!JPw0laaK!GpEZxImgPlFtktK330N64g!LdJFEaZT!G_8hpalQwL5SaKIKxbJHgqstX0jSRfZ1QfDCVj8dLSE!6UBFQIZB!CwXhzbU9xaZgFTSZXkuY45MCQvu0CuaYNZXMzDQ_gd0

>not the normal van picture

also password is The Game

Attached: AHHHHH.jpg (582x436, 47K)

I couldn't put it because some summer fag decided it was a great idea to ask when the van, yes THE VAN that happens every weekend at the same time and has never changed since it began. Started

>Obs again
Most people here don't even fucking own css so what's the point

there's a mega link with the files in the post you moron

But i already own everything and already did the steampipe conversion I don't need this trash repack, the last OBS session was a disaster either way

You can change a single pixel and post it

password isnt working for me for some reason
i put it exactly as shown "The Game"

Hmm, must be bugged. Try all lowercase.

nevermind i got it
it's the usual not fucking "The Game"


based retard

Who's the worst regular on the van?

>be newfag
Aw shit.

are you telling me you can recognize regulars by anything other than their spray

password is rage

it rhymes with my options field



Attached: you know I had to.png (94x300, 33K)

Start remembering what you hear.

Attached: catwolfthing.png (1390x771, 120K)

>trade map
where did we go so wrong

do you people really enjoy vsh

all of them

A little bit.

Attached: funthings.jpg (1280x720, 72K)


It's fun unless you don't know how to play as Saxton or use crouch to super jump instead of right click

Better than prophunt at least

>server full when I see the thread again
man I just want to lay with the Yea Forumsro's

Damnit same boat. Why can't one of you fucks in your bunker get blown up so we can play?


most of the fags in game have been there for almost 2 hours I doubt its gonna empty out anytime soon

It's full now but that gives me time to download all the maps from the server.
Based lynx + wget to download them all

>buffer overflow

gg then frens

Attached: 20621132_122303118407044_4713038825557983490_n.jpg (640x640, 45K)

Heavy update is even further delayed because of the crate glitch rip! It's gonna be 2020 before we get another weapons update.

>Summer Crate glitch forces the team to actually sit down and get to fucking work
This might have been a good thing, user. This may have helped get them back into the swing of things. Don't give up.

Attached: 1560656147889.png (250x360, 88K)


If I didn't know the password then I would go into a fit of rage!

>obsidian conflict
>instead of l4d2
>instead of sven coop
>instead of zombie panic
>instead of OTTD

We've done L4D2 four times already, Sven Coop is unstable with more than 16 players, Zombie Panic only supports 25 players, and OTTD has no micspam.

Imagine, for one second, if you would, BEING ON RED

Can you faggots just make a steam workshop thing instead of having to manually download all these files?

Sven Coop is fun as fuck, Zombie Panic is fun as fuck, and OTTD is fun as fuck. Obsidian conflict is also fun as fuck.

why can't I fucking talk in chat

/tf2g/ was detected in your browser history



bro just fucking script it

cope tf2babies.

why is everyone leaving baka

Because it's not mandrill that kills the server, it's shit like turbine_crocodile

that fucking map was heartburn


cope some more traderfag

>using your gun during boxing

>not using your gun when boxing

>playing boxing

Attached: 1555025446845.png (750x734, 329K)

Attached: 1562003291604.jpg (1125x1119, 223K)

Time to play a vanilla map, no?

no, I love cancer and killing servers, fuck tf2 and fuck gamers

>browses Yea Forums

>pomf joins the server
oh shit act cool

It's also Mandrill.

last bump

For anyone who's interested in Obsidian Conflict tomorrow night, here are some important downloads. Since this thread was posted, I added the hl2.7z archive to that MEGA link in the OP which is probably the most important, so get that.

First, you need Source SDK Base 2007, which can be downloaded from Steam via the Tools menu.
Next, you need the mod

Some maps in OC need some of the Valve Source games installed. The unofficial mounter sucks ass and only mounts games you have installed; use it if you know what you're doing, but I have a retard-proof way of mounting the games here:!JPw0laaK!GpEZxImgPlFtktK330N64g
Like the OP mentions, these are extracted into your Source SDK Base 2007 install folder. That's it.

Some optional downloads:
Model pack:!LdJFEaZT!G_8hpalQwL5SaKIKxbJHgqstX0jSRfZ1QfDCVj8dLSE
Map pack:!6UBFQIZB!CwXhzbU9xaZgFTSZXkuY45MCQvu0CuaYNZXMzDQ_gd0
I wouldn't bother with the map pack, the server has fastdl and we probably won't get to play many custom maps. Just in case, though.

Attached: 1344799807157.png (306x220, 46K)

TFC again when?
I missed it a while ago.

Personally I liked that map and left because of mario kart

reminder you should THANK gun chads in boxing for getting that shitty map to end faster


can we thank everyone who picks meme shit maps for killing the server faster too?


We need a better boxing map where we can actually fuck around while we wait and where it's Medieval Mode.

that already exists but it was made specifically for this old server community I was in, and it went down with the server as far as I'm aware