Why can't more FPS games be FAST? And also have long-range shotguns that can kill multiple enemies at once
Why can't more FPS games be FAST? And also have long-range shotguns that can kill multiple enemies at once
>a speedrun of a lategame level vs. a slowrun of the first level
good bait
Cherrypicked. Classic Doom and nuDoom are both really damn good, why downplay the quality of one to hype up the other?
compare nudoom to brutal doom
Reality: here's a random Doom video that I looked up from the original game. Try for yourself anytime.
Doom 1 has a faster movement speed than Quake.
pro-tip: the run button is shift
pro-tip: most source ports let you autorun with caps lock
pro-tip: don't use classic controls
also play on the intended difficulty: ultra-violence
>Doom 1 has a faster movement speed than Quake.
No it fucking does not. You can HUH through quake like a madman. What are you talking about
That's sped up.
It's a "user thinks he knows more about the game than the games creator" episode
Doom is factually faster than Quake. This isn't an opinion, it's an observable and demonstrable proof that verifiably exists.
>John Carmack decided that we could get more gameplay out of the levels if he slowed down the player's running speed. In DOOM the player went at crazy-fast speeds and it was incredible. In DOOM we could make huge maps and player speed was not a problem. With Quake's maps, the hallways, rooms, and outdoor areas were all smaller because of the file size. So slowing down the player meant it took longer to finish a level, and longer to finish the game overall.
-John Romero.
Cuz Half Life and Halo had to ruin the genre.
You mean Quake right?
You a fan of Sonic the hedgehog by any chance? They have drugs for ADHD you don’t have to be this way Op.
Hey guys what's going on in this threa-
Oh, no.
Most of the fast FPS we get are indie games. Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Maiden, Prodeus, Wrath. Prodeus looks to be the most Doom-like. Dunno if you've tried any of those. There's also Nightmare Reaper, but that's a little bit different.
Or not necessarily indie but lower-budget, lower-profile studios to be more accurate.
Right. The intended movement speed was slower. But they didn't realise exploits like strafe jumping, rocket boosting etc. You can move Super fast in quake by exploring physics and shit
Romero is hardly a creator, even then he was a one hit hype man.
Loads of FPS games have been fast, but I do really enjoy Doom's shotgun that you can still hit things fairly accurately across a room with. It's nice. The spread is a good mix between hitting multiple things and being able to do effective damage at range.
you can move stupid fast in doom too
SR50 is a hell of a drug
set joyb_speed to 29 in your config if using the original DOS EXEs, or enable autorun in your preferred source port
now you're running
>Running Speed
You forgot about jumping, huh?
>its a retard doesn't know what strafejumping is episode