Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV?
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Terrible single player WoW MMO clone. Xi did it first and better 18 years ago on the fucking PS2.
WoW but better
Not a fan. Have friends who play it and I have to pretend to like it to spend more time with them online.
it's good
It's shit besides the story, don't bother.
FF11 battle system is better
thats cute tho, you're a good friend
ARR was okay but I made it to the end of the 100 quests and have trouble convincing myself to resub for the month and start Heavensward. I wish I hadn't bought ShB so early.
We're getting older now, and this is probably the last time I'll get to interact with them as they move on. It'll be nice to have the memories, even if we can't meet up in real life.
You're over the hump, honestly. Even stormblood is better than post ARR
I like it
And that's all that matters
i wish i could play this game for more than a month at a time before getting bored
There's a thread already though...
I think the Twinning has good music
>doing E1S
>this one fucking tank keeps fucking up the FIRST set of orbs all the fucking time
>tell him he needs to pick an orb and stand outside the inner area
>it takes him like 10 pulls to finally do this properly
He also never interrupted the adds when we said they needed to be interrupted.
why don't you go post this in the WoW threads instead faggot.
There's already a fucking xiv thread up.
Janny please dont do this
and there is two WoW threads up, go complain about them too.
>only WoW, Smash, Fire Emblem, and EGS are allowed to have multiple threads
this. XI was superior in every way. XIV is for furfags and trannies to erp in
I just ran Sunken Temple of Qarn as healer and it was either a huge difficulty spike or our tank was made of paper, not to mention that everything had mechanics all of a sudden.
It was fun anyway.
He might've been getting hit by Final Sting from the bees.
>3% enrage on E2S
Fuck me this shit is thigh as FUCK
>wiping at 3% on Eden Descent Savage
>MNK died twice and SAM once at the very end
>SAM outdid the MNK overall
Fuck this is frustrating.
>join E2S prog
>everyone choosing their pos for cleave
>drk in the part flips the fuck out about them
>leaves in a rage
what is this fucking shit?
>I'm gona touch this nigger
>Come play and die
What did these lyrics mean?
>final trantasy shill thread
reminder that you faggots never ever pass
>>SAM outdid the MNK overall
gee I wonder why
Grind to grind to enable a grind. Crafting is a grind hidden inside a grind with another grind on top. The game's version of enchanting is so annoying to get it might as well not exist. Player housing is a bad joke. Randos in dungeon groups are either braindead or absolutely hostile (probably because of the braindead). The story is full of filler and you'll want to kill yourself before you even reach the first expansion.
The one thing I like most about it is also the most annoying. You have to physically discover new shit in the world in order to unlock it. This includes core game mechanics: teleporting around town, your various exp bonus logbooks, the ability to play music as a bard, etc. They take great pains to try and immerse you in the game.
So the only dps that matter are mnk, blm, drg and sam?
>cleared E3S
>everyone not the BLM in the group was either grey or blue
I'm getting the point between us and people with penta-melds + riding their pots for these parses is the difference maker between that are purples. That'll take a few weeks to level out.
I pass and I enjoy this game way more than WoW and there's nothing you can do about it
it's kind of bs on how one shitty add can ruin your clear cause it's bs hitbox. Honestly, put the ilvl requirement on 450 or wait for a few weeks so people get properly geared to clear this shit.
Is it true that E3S DPS check is easier than E2S?
The parses are completely fucked right now because of the low amount of runs uploaded.
Without crafted gear/pots, I have a 75 on E1S and a fucking 40 on E2S. The difference is disgusting.
This is a Japanese gnome, say something nice about her
Seethe, cope, dilte
It was for my group. E2S we cleared with one tank death near the end and we had 15s to spare. E3S we had two DPS deaths and still cleared before enrage.
>chest goatse
E2S DPS check is fine if people know how to fucking dodge given the dmg-down from the flying things actually fucks your output.
Completely destroys WoW and is the best MMO on the market.
>most of my group of friends quit playing halfway through Stormblood
>tried to join two statics
>both blew up due to dumbass drama
>want to do Savage
>PUG hell is all that awaits me
Why is it so fucking hard to find a group like Jesus
exactly what I didn't know I wanted from an mmo. It's nice to be in a world that feels alive and not just one huge theme park
every static ive ever joined was full of the worst kinds drama whores
>get stuck unable to board the Magitek mount in Prae due to enemies magically attacking me from ten rooms away
>stuck in cutscenes while the group kills the bosses
>never even get the option to teleport to the boss arenas
10/10 game design Square holy fuck
Will they ever put xiv on the switch?
I fucking hope not.
Do closed servers open eventually or there is no point in waiting?
>wolf minion flavor text mentions it idolizes Gaius
if you get lucky you can make characters in the dead hours of the morning
we don't deserve yoshida
>free to play would make us money but it would break the community so we won't do it
Gamers out
would it, though? The cash shop already makes them so much money.
Wait cumbrane is filtered? Testing some others;
dilate, tranny, goy
despite the tranny meme spam xiv's community is one of its strongest factors. Countless people play the game simply to keep in touch with friends
Gamers out indeed
>Only have HW
>Completed the MSQ and stuff like warring triad
>Have available DoW/DoM Jobs at 60 already
>Got all the Garo gear being removed next patch completed (Fuck getting mounts though)
Should I just wait until I get Shadowbringers to resub?
>lonely trannies play this game because they have no friends irl
is that a good thing?
Contrary to belief 80% of Yea Forums posters/XIV players aren't trannies as much as /pol/ loves using that word
>Guy joins fate party
>"What is this?"
>"Fate Party"
>"What area?"
Are you fucking kidding me?
So how often should I be subscribed? I haven't done this before. I'm going to stay subbed at least until the end of August so I can finish Role Quests (shouldn't take thirty days to level two jobs, right?). Then apparently there's seasonal events and something called The Rising? I don't really plan on joining a FC or static or anything.
I know this is Yea Forums so you get your rocks off by """"ironically"""" acting retarded for attention, but the overwhelmingly majority of the playerbase doesn't even know a tranny
do yall really suck this bad?
holy shit lmao. are you still in arr?
just play another game.
Had another guy do this. They were both level 77 and haven't unlocked the area. Why are people in this game so retarded?
imagine saving that image to your computer
Hon hon hon sauce Bearnaise
>Do a leveling dungeon as a tank in order to get some easy exp
>Get into a group with a SCH, SAM, and BLM
>Think that this run will go easy, then, especially on the bosses
>BLM almost kills himself several times with first boss' stack-up mechanic
>SAM only uses single-target attacks, never AoEs moves
>SAM also constantly dies to the same boss mechanics over and over again
>SCH was okay, though
That run took longer than the run I previously did with a ninja and a dancer. How do you get to your level 70s and still not understand mechanics?
>see thing I don't like
Does anyone play or have a FC on Zalera? I'm looking for people to play the game with but I'm getting bored soloing.
>How do you get to your level 70s and still not understand mechanics?
buy a boost like a retard. I can't tell you how many wowrefugees I've encounted who do that
>this is the ffxiv playerbase
bros i thought we were chads
How long till the next savage? Can't really bother this time around since most of the gear and weapons look mediocre to me. Worse than the tomestone.
Five months from now.
Well then go have a nap
Are you talking about me or the /pol/ schizo
FFXIV x Super Smash Bros when?
no you fuck I finished Shadowbringers
>check out /xivg/
jesus christ
>implying /pol/ doesn't love xiv
convinced you can't clear titania ex anymore. too many shitters fucking up the easiest mechanics
>content has to have LOOT, GLAMOUR, for you to do it
>doing it for the challenge and the enjoyment of overcoming something as a team is unthinkable
They're french. French players are retarded
Why do you think these threads are made? /pol/ and cumbrians when did this get a filter can't stand that people are talking about video games and are trying to kill these threads too, though
Everyone is too busy doing the raid to do Titty ex
>see WARs crying for buffs when all 4 tanks are practically neck and neck
what's the point? the tanks are honestly the most balanced they have ever been, the healers are also not doing too bad this time round either
>when did this get a filter
few nights back it was spammed all over the board so it got filtered
The cash shop would probably get genuinely bad if they went F2P. The people blowing a vein in their forehead over the game having a cash-shop at all, regardless of it being cosmetic and player-requested level/story skips only, would see it suddenly get Nexon Maplestory-tier and all die at once from chemical overload.
I'm not on an EU server.
yeah i figured. just fuckin frustrating when you see dumb shit like dps walking too far with brambles right off the edge of the arena
Then why isn't tranny/dilate filtered
Oy vey, if we're not the best, then this is like another 2.0 shoah!
all eu players are retarded and weirdly antisocial. I'm stuck on behemoth which is overflowing with aussies and brazilian shitposters and the community is still better than literally every EU server
It got filtered because Yea Forums had absolutely no patience for it, same story as soi getting filtered because somebody overreached and tried bringing cancer into /g/ while a mod was around
There's literally been a ffxiv general thread up 24/7 for years. WoW threads don't even come close to the amount of shilling done here
You can go now
because this isn't a perfect world sadly, it needs to get filtered so badly, they are spammed way more than onions ever was
I just hate that there's been moments where a cash shop item would have been perfect as in in game award but they went full jew, Slepnir probably being the most irritating one.
which word got filtered? seethe?
It's mostly because nobody's tried spamming "tranny" all over Yea Forums or another heavily-moderated board yet. I guarantee if somebody starts spamming it onto Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /g/ it'll get filtered in short order. Become what you must.
C umbrain. Whichever scriptkiddy was trying to force it into popularity with bots tried it on Yea Forums and he didn't fly so good.
All Yea Forums and Yea Forums EVER talk about is waifu asses and fetishes, if you're going to ban off topic spam then ban the source. Too bad Yea Forums and Yea Forums mods are biased and will allow the board to be flooded with "buy her game" "sniffff" "what does her feet smell like after a long day?" etc. and ban you for off topic if you talk about an anime or game the mod doesn't like
Yeah we get it volcel looking down his nose at incels yadda yadda yadda the word got filtered fuck off.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Didi anyone save FrogOperator's smut before he deleted it off twitter? Asking for a friend.
because in that moment it was literally 75% of the board
>spamming the same handful of buzzwords every time I see a post I don't like is funny
Are you unironically 12
Well, there's probably several reasons, but chief among them is probably people see a character with a giant sword or a giant axe and feel they should do more HP than the guy with a tiny sword or a tiny sword that has a barrel attached to it. There's also the fact that WAR was highest DPS in Heavensward and Stormblood, and people want that back. And then some people just wish WAR had cool abilities for 70-80 instead of what they got.
At the end of the day the spam is still in response to mod-sanctioned off topic garbage, in addition tranny/dilate have been flooding boards for months, /g/ especially since /pol/ decided to flood it with firefox tech support threads then decided not to leave
>doing it for the challenge and the enjoyment of overcoming something as a team is unthinkable
Guess the allure of that has worn off. Maybe if my old static were together or I even had time to commit to one. The party size is just large enough that there's a frustratingly high chance pugging you get at least one guy wiping a party and then other members slowly degrading in performance as they become fatigued/bored with repeated attempts. Loot isn't all of it, but it is one motivator to help push through the slog.
A good place to meet fellow Diaperfags. Especially on Aether and Crystal though I wonder why there are rarely any lala-diaperfags. Its always cats and dragons with an increase in Hrothgar.
This is my scholar for tonight, say something nice to them.
did they forget that theguy with the tiny sword can cast holy magic? or the guy with the tiny sword with the barrel attached to it can add explosions to his slices?
WAR having the highest DPS in HW and SB was one of the reasons they were mostly a guaranteed slot, now you can freely pick the tanks without one slot being reserved.
I can see why they would want cool abilities, got kind of shafted there, but at the same time, Fell Cleave is the core of WAR's job identity now and that's how they seem to like it
WAR is in a good spot without overshadowing the other tanks, remember, this is a good thing
ffxivmb vs Mogboard
which one are you using?
Yea Forums is not Yea Forums. This is your last (You).
is mogboard any better..
Go check Yea Forums archives with the same terms
i want to play an mmo but this looks like such dogshit in every way
Its Asian WoW. Honestly if you're considering FFXIV or WoW just ask yourself: Do I want Western art or Japanese art? That will give you your answer
>inb4 "muh game is better cause story"
Both games are garbage
It's the warrior holocaust again. Everyone is taking PLD/GNB or PLD/DRK to savage. I don't know why drk. I thought we put that bootleg warrior in the shed. Warriors carried every group through Heavenward with our dps and now we've been betrayed
>doesn't deny /pol/ is ruining boards
>I don't know why drk.
DRK has Paladin-tier mitigation with The Blackest Night and can trivialize some mechanics with its burst-shielding
same with the damaged Manderville outfit, baffles me that it wasn't a quest reward.
>tfw just wanted cool abilities and an interesting rotation
>get the literal definition of UNGA BUNGA SMASH for rotation, and reused animations dyed red
Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are all kind of the same cyclone of feces
>Do I want Western art or Japanese art?
I don't remember japanese art being so gothic.
>Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV?
It's the most shilled game on Yea Forums and as a Final Fantasy fan I can see why mods hate it clogging up the catalog more than Smash threads.
Sadly I only saved the non-smut stuff, but Ryne posting will live on even if he's gone.
>WAR is in a good spot without overshadowing the other tanks, remember, this is a good thing
It's absolutely a good thing. I'm disappointed WAR's kit is still just MEME CLEAVE and MEME CLEAVE ACCESSORIES, but at the very least the tanks are mostly equal barring DRK's absolutely fucking stupid mitigation, which honestly isn't even that big of a deal. WAR will likely see more use in fights that have less uptime, though PLD basically has a guaranteed slot even then because they're just repeating the same mistake they made with HW PLD.
>mods hate it
mod hates it
Replace Yea Forums with /int/
FFXIV threads recently have been obnoxious to that user's defense. Generally they popped up on big patch days simmer down and back to the game or another since patches dont last long. Now a days FFXIV threads consist of either /xivg/ tier faggotry or "Janny/WoW-boogeyman" posting with little to no talk about the game itself.
I agree with you, since I'm a PLD main. I'm just repeating things my friends have said and things from shout chat.
i love this game and browse these threads but i agree that the ff14 fags here love shilling this game, anytime a new promo its guaranteed that one fag is already on the move to start the thread with it, you can only use the smash excuse for so much before it becomes tired
Damn it all!
>Terrible single player MMO
I thought 11 was impossible unless you were in a group?
>be DRG
>spam HoH
>ignore party entirely and just pull what and when I want, even when we have tanks
>afk on teleporter thing if it's ready and party runs off to get chests
>consistent commends if I don't leave the instant we're done via duty finder
>a subscription based game having a cash shop at all
Might as well go F2P especially given the most common defense of the shop itself being the only guaranteed revenue the game gets.
>more than Smash threads.
there are like five Smash threads up at every moment, there have been three XIV threads in the last twelve hours a month after an expansion release
I think he's saying that it's terrible BECAUSE it's singleplayer despite being an "mmo".
Trusts allow you to blow through massive swathes of the game's story more or less singleplayer. 100% multiplayer is popular-perception of the game but hasn't applied for around ten years.
He's calling FFXIV a terrible single player MMO and I have to agree. It's a barebones version of WoW, which is terrible in of itself, and it prides itself on an aspect that should be a focus of a single player game not a game whose entire genre is about social interaction and interacting with the world at large. A chosen one story is pretty egregious in an MMO setting.
why the fuck are there brazilians in an EU server
I lost interest in savage when I realised the only difficulty is finding 7 other people capable of following instructions.
Shadowbringers was absolute kino though, more than worth the 100s of hours I put in to get there.
Dotafag here, I haven't played in a while but they'd flood NA servers despite both having their own and not understanding the game isn't TDM
The game is intensely profitable even without the kinds of uber-money it would have going F2P, problem being most of that money gets funneled into Square Enix and whatever bullshit it has going on. The money from cash-shop sales and the claim in general is dated to somewhere around Heavensward, if I'm remembering right, and was used to expand and improve server infrastructure. Probably there's quite a lot more money being kept inside XIV now because of Yoshida's spot as a general manager for an entire development wing of Squeenix, his place on the Board of Directors, and Shadowbringers actually being advertised worth a pinch.
>hmm maybe today I'll finally be able to get a decent party for tittyx
>inevitable 10 minutes wasted in the beginning assigning puddles
>"hey we should all just stand in the center for the ice attack because it's too hard to dodge"
>both tanks can't decide which one is MT, constantly swapping. party wipes during first big cleave because of it
>other healer (lala with mentor crown) consistently runs in and grabs tethers from other people every time, causes two wipes because of this but nobody says a word
>right as I'm about to abandon duty our bunny dancer accidentally walks forward while typing and prematurely pulls boss
F2P would kill the game with gold seller spam instantly and drive everyone to WoW
It's an excellent thing that the game isn't F2P, short-term it is an absolute death-knell for any kind of community a game has and long-term it's pure moneygrubbing.
>The game is intensely profitable even without the kinds of uber-money it would have going F2P
Why do XIV fags love spouting this lie? Sure it saved them as a hail mary but at this point all their Gacha games shit on FFXIV in terms of profit. They require lower operating costs than XIV and produce significantly more than XIV could ever dream of off images alone.
>Probably there's quite a lot more money being kept inside XIV now
Yet they struggled to make 2 new races which only really required hiring more modelers something that isn't exactly exclusive to MMOs and can't be waived with the "Battle Designers" excuse. They also gave less glamours and unique models/textures on launch with promises of patching them in during ShB's lifespan. If they have money they're hoarding it for profit. The formula will be the same since Heavensward with little to no additional progression based content that isn't a one and done minigame.
>Get trial
>Pick rogadin because the other races look faggy as fuck
>Pick axe (who the fuck would pick the book)
>Skip the weeaboo trash intro
>The game is just hitting small animals for little xp
>This by pressing 1 and 2 over and over
You expect me to pay a monthly sub for this piece of shit? Stop shilling this garbage.
How do I know what vendor trash is and what is valuable crafting mats
A decent group has always been the biggest barrier of entry to high-end content. The problem with NA players, and I say this with all sincerity, is that everyone thinks they're hot fucking shit and refuse to put the time in to learn the fight. Every time you attempt a party finder run on an extreme trial or a savage raid, you should fucking *expect* wipes, if you go into that shit expecting the group to fully mesh together with no trouble and for everyone to be on the same page, you are wrong AND stupid. Instead what happens is you get three players who are familiar with the fight but expect everyone to be equally familiar or to fully understand it by watching videos, which is for faggots, then you get two brand new players who are largely blind but otherwise decent, one or two braindead randos who wipes the whole party and blames everyone else because they think mechanics are for cars, and then you get the one absolute chad who just silently shows up and does everything perfectly without fuss and tries to actually teach people mechanics and foster group cooperation.
Is crafting leveling gear useless to use?
I've been playing this game for a good year now and still couldn't make a single friend. I dunno, people never talk, it's like uni all over again where people already know each others and never mix and I just play this game in solo. Feels like I'm missing something.
>more money
>ShadowBringers struggled to even launch with basic shit complete
Keep sucking Yoshi's dick. No matter the revenue or the playercount he'll keep giving you more of the same to please Shareholders.
>Sure it saved them as a hail mary but at this point all their Gacha games shit on FFXIV in terms of profit. They require lower operating costs than XIV and produce significantly more than XIV could ever dream of off images alone.
How many layers of irony are you on to think that because other games are more profitable for less effort, a game is not profitable?
>bs hitbox
Have you tried not fucking standing in it? Literally just all you have to do. We didn't have a single person get hit
People who fuck up on tethers are the worst.
Even if the person who wasn't meant to grab it grabs it common sense should kick in to make other people not run after it.
>ShadowBringers struggled to even launch with basic shit complete
The game is understaffed and this has been the case since it first rebooted. MMO development is not popular in Japan.
Most people are on Discord now a days user. Pair that with the fact that XIV follows WoW's streamlined version of gameplay interaction and you're guaranteed to just have a boring experience. Save your money and play something else.
user they never stated that the game doesn't make profit. Do you understand what comparisons are?
Gacha shit isn't a reliable income, and SE knows this given how many of their JP-only phone games they've shut down within a year of its release due to not meeting expectations. If their current money makers in the mobile area fall flat, they at least have XIV as their backup.
Never got the mentality.
FFXI was super profitable, I'm sure XIV is the same what have they got to lose putting more team members on? We could have less recycled assets and more dungeons every patch day.
They should really consider it since Shadowbringers is the highest rated FF game right now.
I do feel bad when the game screws them and the guy who needs to get the tether runs up to it and somehow it doesn't pass it and they're all like "fuck sorry guys :(" it's okay bro. it happens :(
>The game is intensely profitable even without the kinds of uber-money it would have going F2P
>Why do XIV fags love spouting this lie?
for what he quoted in response to the other guy it was almost a family guy cutaway-joke in terms of total irrelevance
>They should really consider it since Shadowbringers is the highest rated FF game right now.
Yes, it could achieve this with limited resources, therefore there's no need for more 'unnecessary' resources.
I miss being a newbie back in ARR and people banter and shit in fates. People actually wouldn't mind running low level content (not roulettes, actual dungeons) After heavensward the community changed. I don't know if I'm exaggerating but I can definitely feel it.
>How many layers of irony are you on to think that because other games are more profitable for less effort, a game is not profitable?
Did I ever say it wasn't profitable? I said the Gacha games shit on it in terms of Profits you mong. For less effort they'll produce significantly more than FFXIV could dream of, this does not equate to "FFXIV doesnt profit"
If only Square Enix was a massive AAA company that had modelers in other departments that they could swap in to help with projects as needed. Shame really but guess we got to accept this small sized company's limitations.
Yet they'll still shit it out on series on ends and they'll still produce more money . The fact that they're low effort makes the risk minimal as opposed to FFXIV.
>Be ST
>Stand in front of everyone else so the tether only binds to me
>Somehow gets a random dude right at the back
Hate that shit, luckily people can see what happened and don't lose their shit
Perks of playing on a JP server
>I said the Gacha games shit on it in terms of Profits you mong.
what the hell does that have to do with anything, who the fuck cares that gacha is more profitable
Japan's datacenter has a good chunk of them too, lots of girls into it
Not that user, but it's not for a lack of trying. Up and coming game devs and programmers in Japan would rather work on the next big gacha game rather than an mmo. And working on FFXIV requires using a very specific toolset that is unique to the game. They can't even look to devs outside of Japan, because working on XIV as a developer requires complete fluency in Japanese and being willing to permanently relocate.
>Did I ever say it wasn't profitable?
"WOW WAY TO LIE" in response to what you quoted, pick your arguments better. Quote the right part of the sentence before you bring up something that has nothing to do with the rest of the paragraph.
>If only Square Enix was a massive AAA company that had modelers in other departments that they could swap in to help with projects as needed.
That's apparently not how it works since it doesn't happen, to our knowledge.
>Shame really but guess we got to accept this small sized company's limitations.
How much cock do you suck on a regular basis?
I can't find a single FC that isn't completely dead silent. Queuing for non-ShB content can take hours... Is this game dead or what?
>no need for more 'unnecessary' resources.
This is a fine thought if you were making profit but from the perspective of a Consumer you're essentially getting less from a product that is gaining more revenue than before. It's only natural for a consumer to assume the company would either keep on its standard for 3 expansions straight or expand properly, something XIV has failed on outside of ShB's story and music.
>Queuing for non-ShB content can take hours
Imagine not playing a healer
>How much cock do you suck on a regular basis?
>telling someone else they suck cock while defending less work from a game gaining record profits
I was just stating the train of thought of the suits/execs who only care about profit. Of course the consumer gets fucked over.
If he's gonna be a complete faggot then I'm gonna call 'em like I see 'em, man.
>while defending less work
Oh get off your own high horse you absolute pole-smoker.
Actually more girls into it in Japan oddly enough, though you are not wrong some trannies try to sneak in
Fair enough user. Your logic is definitely sound but it's just odd to see people defend said mentality while being consumers.
>Oh get off your own high horse
user I do need to ask why you defend it while being on the consumer side of things? Is it not logical for consumers to want more from the company to create a happy medium?
I've been playing almost since ARR launch and I still don't have any friends.
u a qt3.14?
But I don't want to play a healer... why should I play something I don't like?
>user I do need to ask why you defend it while being on the consumer side of things?
Am I supposed to be against the game or what goes on under its hood for the sake of impressing strangers on the internet? In-game trends and developmental behavioral patterns have more evidence supporting staffing problems and past money-funneling than an anonymous poster on the internet does for claims the developers are willfully shit.
>FFXIV except its a mahjong gambling anime
>people in the lvl 70-79 range with no melds on their gear, not even T6 which are guaranteed removal for an extra 720 in secondary stats
who give a shit about meld ?
If you want better wait times then play something that's needed.
For the pass 2 or 3 weeks I've been playing through everything from ARR to reaching the Crystarium (that I'm at now) and every single thing has always been instaqueue except Alliance Raids. But I only play WHM.
How long is Stormblood's msq?
Has anyone else noticed that Nu-Titan has the exact same fucking face as Ilberd?
>decide to level dancer
>expect job quest to be basic slut shit
>turns out dancers are literally exorcists
One ultimately would be prioritized for progression and general combat-related stuff
Forgot picture.
Get about 30-35 skills in the end, but I know you most likely already knew that.
I beat the story it was alright. Not a fan of the end game content. Gonna resub 3 months prior to the next expansion to catch up on story, etc like I always do.
it feels longer than Heavensward but I'm pretty sure it's shorter, took me I'd say roughly 20 hours
Literally no point in melding outside Ex/Savage
Melee is more fun than standing 20 feet away from the boss and only moving to dodge AoEs.
Also DRG mobility is just so good.
Get yours eyes checked.
it's longer. Stormblood has like 120 quests, HW has some 90
I disagree hard, standing still/planning movement and having build-up to spells makes everything feel far more impactful. Flipping constantly is fun, I'll admit
looks more like raubahn when he goes nuclear
I see it in the eyes.
Don't be a clicker.
Controller on PC master race; movement, combat etc. is a lot more fluid and I can just click UI shit
If they came back to the game, they might not know you can remove materia without destroying or they're leveling so fast they don't care
>"Janny/WoW-boogeyman" posting
This mainly started because usually threads were only deleted or moved at certain times of the day at one point.
I've played this game since before ARR. All of the end game content is just arena fights that are staged dance routines you have to memorize. I play a month when a patch comes out but I really just use it to do something while I watch YouTube or shows. It doesn't feel like a real world that FFXI and vanilla WoW had. Mods kept me interested because beating off to my catgirl is the only joy I can squeeze out of the game. Also I don't want to leave my FC because the leader is a good person with a good personality that deserves more members.
I'm curious Yea Forums
Post your
>race and clan
>"main" job
>favorite trial and dungeon
>favorite soundtrack
post the best screenshots you have of scenery in-game.
>tfw same
It was perfect in heavensward and then they threw it all in the trash so brainlets could play it
I never cared about my dps I just wanted to play my fun tank and they took it all away
Dunesfolk Lalafell Male
>Main Job
>Favorite Trial/Dungeon
None, the repetitive nature of this game has blended everything into the same thing mentally
>Favorite ST
Twilight Over Thanalan
Still are, every so often. A moderator likes to come and go but will lay low for several days or a couple weeks, I assume either he's getting told off and doing it when "nobody's looking" or he thinks he's being sneaky and people will forget by the time he does it again.
Shinryu/Ala Mhigo
Ala Mhigo Anthem
Hyur Midlander
DRK for now. I think I'm going to switch to SAM or MNK because I like waving my dick with big parses and getting blue on DRK feels bad
Flames, I prefer adders though
Suzaku and dohn mheg
>male roegadyn
>immortal flames, but have an equivalent rank in the maelstrom
>alexander prime, amaurot
>genuinely torn; alexander prime and omega's themes (a12/o11), alexander's raid music in general, titan's first track (weight of a whisper), the new leviathan and titan songs are all up there on my list
>go into eureka pyros to kill some shit
>there are fucking people farming NMs
>get 7 levels in 2 hours
Holy shit what a pleasant surprise.
an intoner cuased the ascian calamity
Make sure to report them as well.
I played heavensward some time ago. Should i buy shadowbringers? I enjoy doing the storyline content and some gathering and crafting. Im a level 60 warrior. I logged in with a free week of members but it was pretty hard getting back into it. Maybe i just need to get the new expansion so quests start popping up and i can hit it off from there.
Do it? And stick with warrior?
That's him
Male Hyur Midlander
Bard, used to be Paladin but I wanted a change of pace and fell in love with Bard, still do Pally on the side
Immortal Flames
Currently the Shadowbringers main theme, but a one I like a lot is the Ul'Dah music.
>race and clan
Male suncat
>"main" job
GNB as of right now
>favorite trial and dungeon
uhhhhh nidhogg
>favorite soundtrack
>miqote sun
>UCOB and pre-nerf Pharos
>High council of the death mages are a bunhc of potatoes, one the potatos being and edge potato
If you like doing the storyline content, then yes, it's definitely worth buying the new expansion and continuing.
As for playing warrior, one of the main features of the game is the ability to play multiple jobs on the same character, so feel free to try the other ones out if you get tired of your particular job or role.
Hyur Midlander
Shinryu and Amaurot
Answers, but Shadowbringers is working to beat it
>Au'Ra Raen
>Final Steps of Faith
>the Camp Bronze Lake track
I got level 60 and played trough heavensward, i know how the jobs work. It has been a couple years since i played tho. I dont have alot of time, either i stick with warrior or try an easy dps class?
Probs stick with warrior and focus on the story i guess.
Dunesfold Femlala
Twin Adders
Titania and Snowcloak
Any job is fine to play through the story, if you like playing Warrior, keep playing Warrior.
I was in the exact same boat as you. Warrior is easy and sticking with it is a good choice, you'll want tank queues while you're catching up.
>Party is two viera in slutwear and a cat
>Everything go to shit on the first pull
Yeah, i remember story content being not that hard. I could probably just get away with mashing that pull move warrior has and being very mediocre at dps till i get the hang of it back. Dont plan on doing anything that requires actual skill tho. Its just that the trailers look really good and i dont mind playing solo trough it again just for the story.
Highlander male
Immortal Flames
The Twinning
The Twinning
Miqo sun
Niddhog and Haukke Manor
How do I get Tomestones of Phantasia and how do I get them fast?
>Race and clan
Hyur midlander
>"main job"
Tonk, really don't have a preference as to which though I'm not a fan of PLD
>Favorite trial and dungeon
Ramuh and The Vault
>Favorite soundtrack
Sowwy UwU
Fug right off, I've had enough of you fags shit
Fem Roegadyn
SCH and sometimes SMN
Decisive Battle FF6 remix
>Healer is a Hrothgar
>forgets mechanics the very same pull they were explained to him and fucks everything up
Transmog is a cancer to MMOs, especially when they cater to those that are in their mid-teens.
Stop playing AST.
>healer is a hrothgar
>genuinely one of those "healers should heal" types and sits there if i'm not taking damage
>can't be mad at him because hrothgar look fucking hilarious as healers with that built-in slouch and i'm trying not to laugh the whole dungeon
What's with barafags gravitating toward healer jobs anyway, you'd think these literal homos would swarm tank roles
>faggots more interested in masturbating to their characters and advertising what they fap to than playing the game are bad at the game
But they did. They just didn't start playing other healers, now we have healer in demand all the fucking time.
Sephirot EX and Amaurot
>Transmog is a cancer to MMO
It's getting to the point where I'm feeling out of place for using artifact gear glam.
WARs don't need a buff, we need more shit to do. 123 124 fell cleave is fucking boring
>Healer DPS skills now cost 1k mana
>Healers stuck sitting there waiting to heal
Phantasmagoria's obtained the quickest from spamming Expert roulettes and I think high-level FATEs at this time
Shame thats most of the playerbase. Only meet diaperfags that are good but I just assume thats because they play so much without needing breaks so they barely get a pass.
Odin, city of amdapor hard
Hard to say.
Keep doing it. It helps me weed out who is and isn't a special snowflake.
Job-appropriate glams are acceptable too. Only time I want to see slutglam is dancer, and I dont' want any damn dancers in my party,
>we need more shit to do. 123 124 fell cleave is fucking boring
Exactly what it did in SB though.
>tfw 3% enrage on titan
I'm going to make it bros
Just parsed for the first time. :3
How did I do?
>duration: 17 minutes
That's not how you parse
My biggest complain about WAR is the jobquests.
I don't care about being a literal Grug and unga bunga my way through, in fact it's one of the reason it was the first tank I picked, I wanted to be a literal caveman smashing the shit out of everything with a big ass axe, but the fucking jobquests just turn the job into a fucking travesty
XI fucking sucked.
Sounds like a false flag honestly
Post legacy tattoo
it's because the healer eceleb fanta into one recently
Oh :(
with you and the rest of the cumbreins
What's wrong with helping Curios George get some poon?
Post your ultimate clears
>parsing dungeons
Good for you I guess.
Does that mean I did bad? :(
>tfw mostly wear AF gear because I enjoy the job fantasy
when I play ninja, I want to look like a ninja, same with every other job, I will occasionally branch out and mix and match gear, but it will always suit the job I am playing
Immortal Flames
Final Steps of Faith, The Vault
Sultana Dreaming
Fucking everything.
It started off fine with Marauder
>I don't want you to let go of your grudge, in fact, I approve, I want you to nurture it until you face it
Which then become
>Nah bro it's the power of fucking love that's giving you strength, also slap me WoL it hurt so good
Plus stance management for big pulls, now that thats gone theres really nothing unique to the class
It's good, but I hate paying 60 bucks for a game and then pay a membership to fucking play it.
Did I do the big dick damage, d-daddy?
>Curious George
Same and I want samurai armor so badly, no more robes please
Pretty decent story for an MMO, some good music, kind of engaging fights. I just wish it didn't feel so disjointed and more like an actual world, but that's the state of modern MMOs where you can teleport anywhere you want on command.
Another souless WoW boring copy
>Dune femlala
>Ravana EX and Tamtara Deepcroft Hard
i'm surprised the NTRfags didn't go full blast on this scene. I guess they don't play WAR.
I've given up on E2S bros, at least pugging it. I've been trapped by constant shitters since day 1.
It's a poorly designed fight that can't be reasonably beaten until gear catches up, or you get lucky enough to not have retards who choke at the end.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put Quietus at the end of the fucking fight?
Why are you forced to play flawlessly for 9 minutes only to get cucked out of a clear right at the end because some retarded greedy fuck decided to get one more GCD in or they just forgot how to dodge easy fucking mechanics.
Fuck this fucking shitty fight.
It's what I read every time I see his name. (doesn't help that my 3yo nephew is obsessed with the cartoon monkey)
>Susanoo and Amarout
Using defiance before pull, deliverance after you have aggro doesn't really count as "management" especially when they are ogcds for WAR.
you want at least one ranged physical for the 1% damage buff
>using PF on Primal during SB was fine, a couple bad groups here and there but otherwise ok playerbase
>using PF on Primal during SHB is an absolute death sentence, full of retards who have no clue what they are doing with the decent one few and far between
What the absolute fuck happened to my data center? This should not be happening. I should not have to wipe 100+ times on this fucking fight on week one. There's always ONE person who fucks everything up for the group, no matter how many times you replace that person the next is liable to be equally as bad if not worse. It's a never-ending struggle to so much as see Quietus with everyone still alive, let alone see them do Chaos and Retribution correctly without panicking and killing themselves while you watch with disappointment as all that good DPS goes down the drain and you contemplate jumping ship instead of suffering 2-3 more pulls
It's fucking retarded is what it is
because he's a faggot who you need to baby constantly, all he ever does is lose control of the inner beast and then mope about it before getting better only for it to happen again
fuck gorge, he's like a mopey child rather than a job trainer, I couldn't get behind his "romance" at all
Sephirot and The Twinning
The battle version of Shattered
Metru Thunderfist, you're a fucking idiot. Shut up.
Is it even worth the difference in dps? I mean it's plain to see that NIN isn't even worth taking for trick attack anymore.
You're completely ignoring IB and SC along with the 20% damage reduction from the stance itself though, all of which are useful to keep in mind because stances were ogcds
I don't get it, can SCH still err on DPS side of things or are we just healsluts now
everything seems like it hits harder now
you would think in a jap game Ninja would get special treatment like SAM does
how did they fuck up NIN so bad?
things don't hit that hard. the trickis that your heals are about the same powerlevel as they were at 70.
also, scholar can shoulder about 85% of the healing in ex trials. dunno about savage
>20% damage reduction from the stance itself
sure bro
>wildwood elezen
>twin udders
>neo exdeath and the vault respectively
>hard choice but probably heroes never die
Not him but im a 1.0 player from the Pre-Legacy servers/Job days. Have played up to ShB and even I have to admit the game is nothing more than a boring WoW-clone. At this point you really need to treat this game as a Glorified Single Player game since most of the content is just hallways or a circle/square arena with nothing really new to offer. Better off to play on launch and near the end of an expansion. MMOs in the Post-WoW era are pretty lackluster and unless you really want a glorified SP you're better off just fucking off to another genre as WoW/XIV are both games with pretty sterile worlds and sterile social communities.
If they make it good then all the people with non-perfect ping will complain that they're basically locked out of playing a good class and therefore they'll actually have to put in effort to make it accessible to anyone who doesn't live next to the servers.
Average game. Completely mentally ill and rabid fanbase.
I've been walled at pugging E2S too though I don't know if calling it a shit fight is fair because I'm so fucking mad even thinking about those goddamn delayed meteors. Damn shame too, E3S looks fun.
Savage rape healers ass on healing with frequent party wide damage that deals 60-80% damage and tank busters that hurt like a bitch.
Yes yes user, thank you for playing along with the filename.
It just boggles my fucking mind. I had so many genuinely decent parties tonight, hitting 74k DPS throughout the fight UNTIL THE VERY FUCKING END WHEN EVERYONE BECOMES RETARDED
Cycle of Chaos:
>stand to side of boss
>when Guilotine goes out approach the boss's hitbox and stand between the Nyx add
>stay inside the boss to dodge Slicer
>when line adds have left the danger zone, move to your pre-assigned spot with your back facing the add spawned by Splicer
>dodge to the the gap beside the adds that you've conveniently left yourself JUST LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DOING THE ENTIRE FIGHT
Cycle of Retribution:
>stand inside boss, well done you've solved a mechanics
>when Cleave damage goes out, move outside of the boss to the side while walking through the little gap you've left yourself
>Guilotine goes out,when it's safe to do so, walk between the adds.
IT'S NOT FUCKING HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>race and clan
Hrothgar, The Lost.
>"main" job
MCH, but looking to change
>favorite trial and dungeon
Shiva and Snowcloak
>favorite soundtrack
Shadownigger Theme
Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiast at?
The fight right up until Quietus is very fun, a very solid and suitably difficult fight for what it is.
It's Quietus that just fucks it up because you've just wasted however long of your life doing a fight that's a lost cause due to retards who can't somehow understand how to do basic fucking bullet hell.
I'd mash that potato
Split even between GNB and WAR
Nidhogg and Amaurot
Tomorrow and Tomorrow
>What the absolute fuck happened to my data center? This should not be happening.
wowfugees happened. They are ruining primal and aether.
I got to enrage on e1s after a few hours on Tuesday, but haven't touched savage since due to other stuff. Judging by these threads, I'm gonna be stuck with the bottom of the barrel players since all the good players cleared, right?
I'm fishing at Yugr'am River and for a long period of time nothing is bite. Why is this? I'm level 22 FSH.
How is crystal in comparison?
Have sex.
I took the lala pill once and never went back
Unfortunately, but hey at this rate at least we'll get to suffer with you :)
>How is crystal in comparison?
I've been raiding on Crystal and Aether
They're both just as bad.
Only difference is Aether has more parties, but the shitters are all the same.
I have an alt on crystal which I have tried doing savage on. Crystal is worse but not becuase of wowfugees but because of Balmung, Zaleera and mateus. All the "skilled" people left that data center when the split happened
FFXI Classic when?
Well shit, I combined the 20% from IB and shield oath in my head. Point I was trying to make was that there was a reason to stance dance for mitigation
dead lol
>Why do XIV fags love spouting this lie?
Because they say so in their financial results.
New people joined a game that provides nothing but faceroll and fails to teach people how to play their job. It's been like that since ARR its only now that the number is high that you notice.
can I?
>Tsukuyomi and amaurot
I'm gonna get called out as a shill but fuck you, I'm answering the OP. Here's my review if you want the long of it:
The short version: It's real fucking slow to get going but once you're 100 hours in, it's actually pretty damn good. Story is boring and slow at first but eventually becomes one of the best FF stories out there. Gameplay is basic as fuck at first but it gets really fun juggling skills at the higher levels. None of this is an excuse though; I cannot condone this game and will not recommend it unless you really understand what you're getting into. "It gets good 100 hours in" is a bad fucking game. And believe me, I tried to rush from Lv.1 to 35 (the limit of the free trial) on a single job and it took 15 hours. That's only one job and that's entirely skipping the story. It's fucking bullshit. Just don't play this game, but if you really gotta play an MMO or if you're a huge FF fan, then it's not so bad in the long run. And I think I've played this shit enough to make that assertion.
Should I do the DPS role quests as a melee class or ranged? I want to stick with the "right" classes to make it kino.
Tank: DRK or PLD
Healer: WHM or SCH
Magic DPS: BLM
Those are wrong because he says so you bootlicker cuck drone.
Huyr Midlander
Dragon's Neck & Great Gubal Library
>doing treasure dungeon
>already won some cloth
>high/low pops on minion
>go for it
>get an 8 card
>pick low
>other card is 9
FF11 did a fantastic job at presenting a living, breathing world. Shit like the ships running on a real time schedule is fucking incredible. The scale and scope of the world also felt massive, and doubly so considering how slow your character runs. However, it also makes the game infuriatingly slow. Everything about FF11 was insanely slow paced. FF11 poured all its points onto the adventure, and the gameplay suffered for it. Don't get me wrong, skill chains is fucking rad but ganging up to kill one monster, then having everyone sit down for three minutes, then ganging up on another monster, and repeat forever does not make for good gameplay. FF14 is more average throughout but at least it's more of a game. I fucking love FF11 but you need to have a saint's patience to enjoy it.
Has someone actually done the math on GL4 DPS gain yet?
>also slap me WoL it hurt so good
apt description of WAR players
It's almost like the second fight isn't a complete roflstomp like the first one for once since Creator Savage!
tfw getting absorb into crafting and stop leveling combat classes
check the tranny balance
More than Fists of Fire.
Not when it's that lard ass pulling it off.
Are you joking? Every second fight in Omegascape was pissy easy
>mnk is now doing more than blm
Please no, I don't want us to get shitters join our class and SE to nerf us into the ground
you're better off just playing on eden instead of waiting for that pipedream
Shitters won't be able to do more than BLM.
swap between male highlander and female elezen
was smn since i started nearly 4 years ago but i hate it in 5.0 so ive swapped to mch for now
orbonne monastery and twinning
against the wind
Check your reading comprehension.
ResetERA's FC sucks.
wtf i love trump now
how do I know if I'm doing good dps in a leveling dungeon?
I'm a new player and got my dragoon to 80 a few days ago. When should I be using stuff like lance charge and battle litany in my rotation? I usually try to use charge before disembowel to buff the dot, but I dont know if that's worth it.
Don't listen to him, he mains a fem Raen
Are things dying?
Who cares about DPS in a leveling dungeon if things go down reasonably fast?
because I want to be number 1 dps in the party. i don't want NO ONE TO SURPASS ME
If you're #2 on aggro
but that just means the tank does more damage than me. I want to be number 1
Battle Litany after your 2nd GCD, then whenever it's available
Lance Charge with Battle Litany in your 2nd GCD, then whenever it's available. As you use it throughout the fight, it'll naturally line up with Battle Litany for every other use.
The only exception to this is for coordinated buffing with your party, but you likely wont be doing that.
What if XIV's next QoL update has Eureka's Relics able to be upgraded with Poetics? You'd still have to level, but not have to worry about things like light grinding.
Would you do Eureka then?
The main tank should always be #1 on aggro because they gain bonus aggro you retard. Tank damage is also far inferior to dps damage so unless you're god damn fucking awful your only competition should be the other dps in the party.
I already do Eureka
can i tell my tank to turn off their tank stance off then for one run just to see if I have the most damage? i'll give him the enmity back once i know i can hit number 1
When you level a job do you:
>put every ability on your hotbar at once
>configure them as you go
If you're actually doubting if you do more damage than the tank then you're probably shit. Git gud.
>put every key on my hotbar.
gotta figure out that shit, i'll adjust as i go.
whats the most fun DPS job?
Do that and post the result ITT please.
I'd only do it if you could get a dyeable verison of the weathered relic without the glow
but...that's what Im asking....
Sadly enough if you do enough dps by playing your job correctly I've drawn more aggro than half the tanks I've played with in random dungeons which is sad considering they are brain dead easy to play.
Should be literally impossible to take aggro off a tank in tank stance unless they're outright not hitting an enemy. I'm assuming you're talking about you using aoe and taking mobs off the tank because they're doing single target and therefore not generating aggro on everything.
I make sure to skim all the tooltips and decide which ones I need to put on easy to hit hotkeys.
Put everything in my hotbar, before I would adjust as I go but it turns out that swapping even only two skills melt my peanut brain when I have to adjust my habits.
what glasses
Holy fuck Monk controls so good now.
what the fuck am i looking at?
Half Rim most likely
>every E1S learning party fucks up around adds so never seen the second half of the right
>literally nothing but first half learning parties and clear parties ever
What do I do now?
Why do people put healer and dps flares on the same edge? From what i understand these are squishy as fuck and are better off on two diagonal corners?
Do you think there are any 5 year olds out there who can beat you in a 100 metre dash? Same thing here. If you're actually questioning this then you're probably trash.
when I unlock a job sometimes I'll go into Potd just so I can reassign stuff on the fly
>I'm assuming you're talking about you using aoe and taking mobs off the tank because they're doing single target
Yes that's what I'm talking about why even bother responding?
>only two more days to clear E2S
I dont think im gonna make it, boys. Four days of clear parties with nothing to show for it.
im confused why are you being so mean to me now user. @_@
I just wanna know how to get better >_
I'm quite meticulous with how I set up my keys, and try to find flow where I can. Abilities that flow in to each other in a rotation will either be 1-2-3-4-5, or they'll be bound to a Shift or Control modifier, or similar abilities on the same button.
For example, all of my SCH's AOE healing is on my 4 key.
All of my hard casts like Broil, Adlo, Succor are on plain number keys.
Ruin II and Art of War are on my Shift modifier, as well as all of my Aetherflow abilities.
All core Fairy Abilities are on one key.
Abilities that I use a lot are on plain non-number keys, Q, E, R, F, and V. Aetherflow is Q, Energy Drain is E, R is Excog, F is Biolysis, V is Whispering Dawn.
Summon Seraph is Ctrl + Q, Consolitation is Ctrl + E.
And anything else that doesn't have a "flow" to it is just placed wherever. Such as
Because you were talking about 'doing enough dps to take aggro from a tank', which in this scenario is literally 'more than 1 point of damage'.
Find a static or continue suffering in PF
I gave up. I've joined a static that hasn't even touched E1S.
Even if you clear, the weekly parties are going to be just as bad since it feels as if most retards are only going to clear on a fluke. And it's going to be like this until average iL is 470.
post her with the mods for huge tits and ass
It's fun for the MSQ I guess even though the story isn't near as good as most ffxiv fags try to pretend it is. The end-game is also dull for me personally though I know some people enjoy the game play enough to continue but it's kind of obnoxious this game gets as much attention as it does on Yea Forums.
>Suddenly FOTM monks appearing everywhere
Anyone who hasnt been with monk since ARR can die.
female hellsguard
titan extreme, the vault
thunder rolls
This desu, I'm tired of seeing all these secondaries
Fresh off the monk monks?
What if I leveled it up always as an alt class? Can I still stay? :(
>think i might want to try highlander male after a long time as roegadyn male
>try out a race-change with the screenshot tool
>my glamours don't look "right" to me anymore and my autism flares up
staying as a fridge lads
>mnk out dpsing blm
Buff blm potency please.
I'm starting to feel like this genre isn't for me anymore.
After a few weeks of play I'm already losing the motivation to keep logging in. I wish I could enjoy it as much as you guys do.
blm is lame mnk deserves its time to shine for however brief it is
whats the best way to level? i'm a level 40 WHM if it matters
>Play SAM
It's my mission to out DPS anyone. Anyone who ranks above me gets kicked. IM THE KING OF ALL SAMS
it's like WoW but with better shinier graphics and worse almost everything else
the only major things it really has over WoW besides graphics and music is the housing system and the job-switching feature (i do like the controller support as well, it's surprisingly intuitive)
honestly the thing i disliked the most about XIV was how there's so many people playing and yet the game is just dead silent, nobody ever talks outside of their own personal discords, and while that's also an issue with WoW it's way less prevalent and people are 1000x more social on that game
Raen Male
Jade Stoa EX and Gubal
Fem Highlander
The Ghimlyt Dark
I just want E3S down but scheduling been fucky and we've only spent 30min in there. Took us one lockout each to clear the first two, and this fight doesn't seem any more difficult than those at least.
>be blm
>do exactly what you do but better, at range, and more aoe
mfw haven't touched monk since ARR
You're completely normal in feeling that way as even the devs have stated as much and developed the game to only have so much replay value. Don't let autists here make you feel guilty about taking a break.
words don't really get filtered unless they overrun the catalog. S.oy got filtered when it got spammed all over when GoW came out. Seethe cope dilate mostly pop up within threads
MNK = Goku
SAM = Vegeta
BLM = Beerus
SMN = Gohan
so what the fuck is going on in the Shadowbringers trailer, in hindsight?
I regret buying this. On top of buying the game and subs, they still lock additional inventory and cool outfits behind paywall. I hope MMO dies along with this business model.
kek too accurate
You = Autist
The same content all the time, story and art are nice though. Very little actual content.
MNK is not outdpsing blm at relevant ranks
yes the triangle strat. its great for healers and ppl who can parse well. PF kids can't parse well.
What the scions did while they were in the 1st, before you arrived.
it's shit happening in the first before we arrive Like that fort in Rak'Tika burned to the ground was during the cinematic.
Wanna hear a joke?
All the non-WoL scenes are of events that occurred before you went to the First, and the WoL scenes are basically complete fabrications that never happen in game.
Oh, I guess that makes sense. Thancred did mention fighting the Lion. But what about the WoL? Where the fuck are they?
>giving even half a shit about melding for leveling dungeons
>melding gear that will replaced in literally one level
WOL is in the source while this happened. While you were fighting not xenos they were doing that shit in the cinematic
There's nothing wrong with MMO's from a theoretical standpoint but devs are too greedy to be satisfied by a subscription fee alone.
It happened to SAM now it's your turn, monk bro.
but then what's up with the part with the gremlin
Just a flashy way of showing us being the warriors of darkness. Any actual thing the WoL did in the expansion would be very spoilerly im assuming.
Nidhogg EX and Twinning
Leviathan's theme with the female vocalist
More like it happened to MCH
It was Emet-Selch in his fursuit.
I figure the duel with Zenos with the WoL winning was from G'raha's doomed timeline.
He's talking about the brisk walk in Lakeland(?)
Some people were theorizing it's going to happen where you lose your powers and the first gets fucked in the patches. I just say it's off screen fuckery in the source.
NIN is worth taking if you have a top-tier NIN player. But yes, in general, a constant 1% raidwide damage buff is pretty significant.
G'raha said win or lose the same thing would happen
I have a more decorated history than you. Your opinion is discarded.
How do you guys still not understand Ryne is for anal only?
No it was just something to look 'cool', like blasting open the light sky with darkness, when in game you never canonically use darkness and the light just fucks off by itself after beating the lightwardens except for the first one.
RP fluff like in the HW trailer where he was angsting over the scions and fought that dragon.
>make monk as good as blm dps wise
>give monk all the QOL buffs it could ever need
>it also has brotherhood and mantra
I just assumed it was when you're pretty much condemned to turned so you get depressed, walk around Amh areang and a gremlin shit talks you so you beat the fuck outta a sin eater.
The last scene kinda debunks this though.
>take a random legacy player you ran into
Post your character name if you want to prove you aren't full of shit
Keep seeth more NiggerMage
anal and headpats of course.
seems like a stylized version of Holminster, given the ending
Am I doing something wrong with AST or is the healing fucked?
I never felt like I was pressured this much in big pulls during Stormblood
healing is shit even tho 5.05 made it better. Just don't be in noct sect like a fucking idiot
fuck Lalas, day of the mash when
Hand holding!
Tonguing her cute, tight little anus!
Fuck off Froggy
Good blm don't contribute anything but dps to a group no matter what even if they did slightly more damage. Fuck them no matter what.
So I'm confused. First you fucks love ryne posting then once the person gets reported, you jump on the bandwagon to get them banned, now you're back to ryneposting.
Do you fucks have any integrity?
>decorated History
What you somehow played during the Alpha test? What parent server are you from user? I'm always interested in learning of 1.0 server origins of people, I came from Pala
>dox yourself on Yea Forums
Lol alright kid
what is wrong with noct sect?
>he thinks niggermage has to compete with any melees for a slot when 5.x design encourages one job per role
Monkeys got in the limelight for one patch and they're already showing their retardation.
>can get a NM train going with only 3 people now
Contributing to all this ffxiv spam on Yea Forums gives you no integrity no matter what
>SAM in party is doing absolute dog shit DPS don't even need to be a parsetranny to see it
>Pair with the tank instead
>The sam actually complain in chat
I think BLM is still ahead, but not that many groups take BLM into prog, especially since BLM needs a lot more foresight and planning to optimise, where MNK's new QoL changes have made a lot of its optimisation much easier, such as 30s of true north and never losing stacks ever
The middle add on chaos is what gets ppl the most. Especially E/W
That's Alphinaud.
>hey what if nature's minne was raidwide haha
>what if you could ignore positionals for the whole fight while doing 9k more than any melee or bard haha
why does this braindead job exist again
>BLM = Jiren
>asking someone to give names on Yea Forums
Only an idiot would fall for this
>ignore positionals for the whole fight
Put up or shut up faggot. I don't believe you for a second. Just like I don't believe any user here who says they cleared ultimates
Is BLM the biggest piece of shit job in the game ? literally contribute nothing beside HURR ME BIG DAMAGE, no buff no nothing might as well delete it
>play AST back in Stormblood
>running Ghimlyt Dark
>paired with a and a SAM
>MNK is on fucking fire but the SAM is sucking hot shit
>give all damage buff cards to the MNK
>SAM complains and asks where all his cards are
>I apologise and promise to give him some cards
>give him the junk spires
>All those MUH TK MONK IS DEAD WHY YOSHI I LEAVE MONK FOREVER fags come crawling back to the job
filthy peasants
>literally contribute nothing beside HURR ME BIG DAMAGE
so are drg, sam, mch, dnc except they contribute less damage
I just want this clear now. I don't even care about twin keks right after this.
>tfw all these posts make me wonder when people are talking shit about me in fc chat/discord etc
Join any PvP discord. They're straight up cancer on randoms there.
We are always doing it
>Put up or shut up
How about you post your character name user. I want to see how beautiful your character is.
They never left because despite saying how they only played technical jobs, NIN didnt have MNKs damage in 5.0 and neither did MCH. Now in 5.05 they can act like they never thought of swapping all along
Who gives a fuck if you're that much of a pussy over what randoms on the internet say about you than you should just off yourself now
Who give a flying shit?
You'd be literally braindead to not play every jobs the game have anyway.
Why did they think RoF making you go slow was a good idea in the first place?
You can't play every job when you can only gear up one.
Same reason they didnt add GL4 in SB, dont want to widen the gap between good players and shit players.
I'm not the one claiming to be a legacy player or a ultimate raider
Who here afk crafting here using a bot? ;)
>tranny the game
Im confused, is the Crystal Exarch actually from the tower or is he just some random kid who heard the tales of the WoL and then got introduced to the tower?
rof was fine in SB because you had more ogcds than you do now.
You can gear up plenty though?
Not BiS gear.
>He didn't do the crystal tower
Lmao you dumb retard.
Because you actually needed in in Shadowbringers to weave all your oGCDs. Now that they're gone there's no reason for it to slow you down anymore but now you have to have sub 50 ping and 60 FPS or you literally can't do the opener
A drawback to the huge damage boost I guess, but they could've handled it better than going slow. Like slight DOT or preventing you from using oGCDs
You don't need BiS gear for anything except ultimates.
Can't you just gear using crafted gear and overmeld the shit over it? Wouldn't that be better than tomes gear at least?
dont really care to be honest, if anything it makes me feel better since they're too much of a pussy to type in chat
dumb keyboard warrior
>but now you have to have sub 50 ping and 60 FPS or you literally can't do the opener
wait what
Theres another opener but it feels really awkward doing FC before BH and delaying a couple GCDs more
Is it possible to avoid running into some cunt you've blacklisted without making the party yourself?
>he didn't do the crystal tower storyline
does that mean you don't get the option to call out to him after Innocence or tell him "good to see you awake, Graha Tia"? wow, that sucks
Why'd you blacklist them?
you need BiS gear to carry the braindeads in this game
>Elezen, fair-skiined Duskwight
>Final Steps of Faith and that one Heavensward dungeon where you fight two Ascians
>was Dragonsong, now it's the Shadowbringers theme
It slowed you down because you had to weave Brotherhood, 1-4 TFCs, Elixir Field, Howling Fist, Steel Peak, Tornado Kick, and sometimes Internal release and/or shoulder tackle after using it
>slow opener
>TFC before Bhood
>delays PB by several GCDs
>does a raw bootshine during ROF
yeah it's a really awkward alternative.
If you clip the GCD by more than about 0.1s total across two GL3 double weaves then you drop GL4. If you don't have 60 FPS then your GCD is slightly slower which makes you drop GL4.
in order to do mnk's opener properly you need an add on to read server ticks
>bring way less dps, and mobility
>put up shitty neutered buff every 3 minutes
>90% of shitters dont fully utilize your buff
the state of MANY other jobs
man i still cant get over how this games community is so fucking spiteful, im counting you guys as well
Play with me and another user instead
I joined right when ShB was released so I never did Crystal Tower.
Joining final phase parties to die to every mechanic under the sun
Every wave of alpha tests, Selbina
Did you tell him off or kick him?
>t.shitter who hasn't gotten into a good raid group
You can do it without that shit, it just makes you consistent because the difference between instant GL2 and waiting for GL2 is 5% to 3%
user why must you hate me? I love you with all my heart.
a good raid group in 5.0 would have mnk drg and two blm :^)
highest lvl dungeons you can do and dailies
That depends on subjective taste but PLD is in a better state than DRK currently
It would be MNK, DRG, DNC, BLM actually, since you lose 1% party DPS if you don't bring a ranged cuck
I'm pretty sad, I knew I couldn't double weave some things but even at 70ping I have to settle for shit internet opener. I mean, how much do you fuck up not doubleweaving FoW and PB?
Your highest level dungeons available.
Since you're a healer you get free queues.
that sucks, the Crystal Tower raids are basically the prequel to the ShB storyline, the stinger for the end of the CT raids was the first bit of foreshadowing we got for ShB, all the way back in 2.5
if you were confused on who the Exarch was, do those raids
DNC is trash, swap them out for a brd and you have the true meta comp
Forget about numbers, which DPS is most fun?
I love Samurai myself.
Can you prove you didn't buy the account for $300 on player auctions?
Apparently 2 WHM beats WHM/SCH even with slower LB gauge.
dancer is fun as fuck, but its also really easy and a tad boring
Just play whatever
Can you prove he did that? Stop being a faggot you cunt
for me it's MCH
the fastest speed kills bring DNC, it's significantly better than BRD
MCH probably.
What datacenter are you guys on?
I haven't played it at 80 but it seems super fucking small brain. Even more simple than RDM which is surprising. It's just "Hit lit button".
I put everything on at once and have my abilities set up in a sort of standardized way. For example anything that gives resource/meter will be on the same key on every job. Damage boosting abilities will be on the same always too.
how am i supposed to beat eden savage without a static group that can blast through it, ive memorized all the mechanics of E1S and E2S but every time i do it people just quit after 2 fails after they fuck up
>grasping for straws
You really can't help but think someone thinks so badly about the game even if they're a current player can you? Post your name faggot, he proved he's Legacy so put up faggot.
>worlds fastest titan speed clear doesn't have a dnc but nin
Whatever you say prancing homo lala man
I find MCH to be the most fun myself, high apm, fast, its just a lot of fun to play and the animations are great
Can I play DRG properly without low ping?
Nothing but my word user but at this point you would have to prove I did. I gave you proof of the original Legacy being my character. Had to spend 10k to buy that coat just to show it off since I trash all my non-glamour and non-iLvl relevant gear.
Nothing, I've just been jumping around every class trying to figure out what I like..
I like monk, bard and dancer.
Bard is fun since you'll never run out of shit to do, same shit with monk but with the advantage of farting out fucking lightning and volcanos
Dancer is fun but it's the braindead kind of fun, you'll also be paired up with bandwagonner and sluts if you care about that.
>no Titan Tonka Truck mount
Why is Yoshi so retarded with mount choices?
I'm gonna unsub if its cash shop down the line.
BLM brings more overall DPS than NIN or DNC could hope to bring
>no Tesleen mount
not fair
>tfw Aether
Go on without me bros...
but dude 4 seater
anything but NIN really
>bed isn't four seater
>No Tesleen wife to fuck her horrifying monster cunt
b-but its cosmetic user. F2P games have a worse cash shop
>no dwarf gf mount
You can play any job without double weaving you just have to do a different opener. Except MCH lol
>E4S mount is thancred's car and not Titan's go-kart
it's not fair bros
We already did, we cleared e1s 2 days ago but were hoping to find other anons suffering through party finder hell.
any anons on crystal wanna get a static going, everyone i play with is either a god or full retard but the full retards always crash the raids
>no squall model ripped straight from FFVIII mount
Here's your job gauges for tonight.
Why does the garlean mech stuff have the same type of seat as the toriyama car?
Why do people do this?
reused assets
Die? It happens when you fuck up a mechanic or take too much damage.
future ironworks probably used future garlean tech in their shit
It's like I'm really playing WoW!
We're going home boys! Weak Auras and DBM are back on the menu.
I don't get it.
I can't imagine doing it even with the normal name. Whoever has the real name is probably really proud of themselves now.