I'm going back to college fairly soon and I'm looking for a decent mmo to get into while I'm away. I won't have much time for games and I will not have a game console with me, but I figure this would be as good a time as any to finally get into mmos(to play on weekends) What are some good ones out there that I might enjoy?
I'm going back to college fairly soon and I'm looking for a decent mmo to get into while I'm away...
don't play video games in college you fucking retard
Take it easy, guy. I'm not so retarded I would actually waste my college years, however I do enjoy gaming as a hobby and I have always wanted to play mmos but could never find the time to commit to any. I've got my life pretty organized and I will have free time here and again to take it easy. So what if I want to enjoy a little vidya?
>So what if I want to enjoy a little vidya?
then pick something that isn't a fucking mmo. Cause mmos are literally 2nd jobs. Play fucking super meat boy or elastomania or something instead
Just play vscape so you don't have to sub to anything
Fuck your mother i'll play what i want.
He's giving you good advice though. Mmo’s are emotional sinkholes and risking dancing with that while at such a pivotal point is a disaster waiting to happen.
> tfw you wasted away your college years of fucking WoW of all things
Everyone was out there socializing, having fun and getting laid while I suffered through weekly arenas.
Not really an MMO but at leadt you dont have to commit or pay and can pick it up anytime without missing a beat.
You're an emotional sinkhole, ass breath.
Probably should have just said dont go to college you fucking retard.
Still cant believe people still pay to get their $50,000 salary
Don't fucking play Warframe.
Pick up a fighting game and find a local community.
dungeon fighter online
Pick any STEM major.
I went to an okay school and got a CS degree. Two yearsof experience and I got a job for 90k. Also im like literally retarded.
Thats actually a way better idea. Smash was huge when I was in college.
>Also im like literally retarded.
Me too. Is comp sci hard? It LOOKS hard because I know jackk shit about computers.
I spent my entire high school and college playing videogames. Now I'm almost 30 years old and have little to no social experience. Is it possible for a grown male to develop functioning social skills after being a shut-in for over 10 years?
>Paying back student loans
Lol no. Minimum payments for 25 years and then the rest disappears (is counted as "income" so there's a year where your taxes will be much higher)
>Pay money for school
>attend school
>work for 2 years
>Get 90k
Dude i got a job with CN when i was 20 and cleared 80k my first year
Fast forward 10 years and holding the freightpool i clear $120k without even hitting my miles
>playing an mmo in 2019
>getting INTO an mmo in 2019
no and no
get one of those autism games instead like factorio where you can spend as much time as you please and still make something based on your own planning and ambition not time gated or stopped by paywalls
OP here, I totally get that, but I want the satisfaction of watching something progress. Like, a game I can play on a Saturday when I have nothing going on and have a little fun, and come back to it later and have more adventures. I also like the feeling of being connected to others through a hobby, that I'm certain other people at my school will not be interested in.
>There will never be an mmo with a good monk class again
All I want is to go fast and punch.
Tell me more, user
fuck niggers and fuck mothers
minecraft but in space, you automate shit and fight aliens
He's right tho, MMOs of the modern era are just timesinks. The team aspect is even less prevalent because most of them are just becoming simulators, don't stand in the fire, bring three heals, etc.
Unless you've a dedicated group to run with then MMOs are shit
Maybe you want Minecraft or Terraria or shit instead
don't play mmos, get fit, get laid, learn something useful, anything is better than grinding imaginary numbers and epic loot, you'll regret it 10 years later for throwing away your chance of being happy during college for the illusion of incremental numbers giving you satisfaction.
Very well. I already sold my xbox for this very reason. Guess I just will have to wait. Glad to know I'm on the right path, though.
Yes its hard and really competitive. The interview process is insane if youre trying to get one of those stereotypically silione valley types jobs. I find smaller companies who dont do that shit. Im also more on the data side than software.
Are you saying you did it without a degree? If so good for you. Most people will never be able to do that though. Without a degree youre really stuck doing wageslave shit.
CS Major here, what if I'm trying to acquire the skills and do my own thing?
First off, I only have two years experience so Im definitley not the best person to be asking.
Second, I have no idea what you mean by do your own thing. Do you want to be a software dev? If not theres dev ops, data engineering, business intelligence, project management, etc.
All the money is in programming.
If by do your own thing you mean like start a business I have no idea.
FFXIV. And don’t listen to these c*mbrains who say don’t play vidya in college.
I wanna make a vidya. I know it's silly, but it's my dream.
From what I have read, the vidya industry is horrible. You'll have tight deadlines, and turn over is really high. Just look at all the big companies who lay off a bunch of people.
If youre still in school, make some simple games on youre free time. This way you can decide if you like it, and you can also put them on your github to build a portfolio.
Im actually personally doing this now by making a roguelike in python.
WoW Classic
At least you had fun.
don't let hollywood, tv, magazines, and social media dictate what is enjoyable
Yeah. i've definitely been paying attention to this. Still, I do not want to give up. I have wanted to be exactly where I am right now for 14 years and I'm finally here, so I don''t want to let this moment go to waste. I'm not sure how indie games work, but I do know that there are a lot of ways to break into this industry, and some of them don't even involve making games. good luck to you as well, user
I'm asking if the work itself is hard, not how hard it is to get in silicone valley
Yeah, unfortunately college allows for little free time as it is. Don't waste it on Vidya. Play Vidya when you got a 9-5
My college is honestly not that difficult, thankfully. I end up having a lot more spare time than I'm used to. I could piss it all away and still come out just fine, but I decided I'd use the time to read a ton of books and learn the stock market.
I've been working for half a year now after finishing my CS degree. It depends on what you define as "hard". I work 40 hour weeks and get to chill in a cushy office with cool coworkers and bosses. There's a huge amount fo stuff I don't know, but I'm learning every day from my tech lead who goes out of his way to teach me and learn concepts that will make me become a better programmer and a software architect. Some days can be slow sitting in meetings. Now I'm fortunate I work at an amazing company, some tech jobs are apparently absolute hell where you might be treated like shit or put into a position that you are not qualified for. I recommend working for a established company that deals in providing custom solutions as a service. Because in those companies YOU are the product that makes them money, and they will take care of you and invest in you. Don't work for the tech department for some random company that could force you to only work on their one code base forever and the business executives only see you as a drain on their companies money. Also what I'm saying could all be bullshit idk take it as you will.
Unironically join a table top group, you'll have better stories to tell that way.
I did that before. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh with the local weebs, and that was a lot of fun and worth the 20 bucks I spent on a structure deck(even though the girls were bitchy with me), they all graduated though, and I don't have my cards anymore. Such is life