Are video games better than sex?

Are video games better than sex?

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No. They're just different. Games stimulate half of your sensations but to a very high degree. Sex stimulates all your sensations, but with varying levels of intensity.

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Incel here, I'm willing to bet they are, 100%.

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I can only guess

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Based and redpilled

I can't compare. I've never played video games.

You're not cute

Women are absolutely repulsive fucking whores and they all deserve the most brutal rape.

These femoids are fucking inferior scum filth trash that deserve everything terrible that happens to them.


You're not white

cute anime girls > video games > sex

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woow slapp off man

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Depends on the game and the partner


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I wouldn’t know, nor do I really care to find out.

I wouldn't know how the two compare, for I've never played a videogame.

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Women are fucking insects. They're scum. They're filth. Every year they get older they get more disgusting. Whenever I'm out in public I just push women aside and treat them as terribly as possible and they're so fucking inferior they can't even do anything to respond. These cellulite-ridden fucking hags don't deserve respect. Raping them is actually good for them because it shows them their place in the world. Women aren't even human, they're objects to be used and abused. Every woman is a whore cumdumpster. These fucking things, these objects actually love to be raped, especially if they have a hideous roast beef vagina.

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If you're not a chad like me then sex won't be available to you 100% of the time.

Videogames are mostly always available - sex is not, meaning rarity is increased for one of the goods.
If both goods are equal, you are able to have both as much as you want. This ignores the theory of rarity. Rarity will according to economics make sex the preferred option. You will want to sacrifice videogames for more sex to balance them out in order to maximize need.

To gain a function of need, the consumer MUST prefer a mix between goods A and B. The consumer must always want more of both goods. The function of need must be able to be a secondary derivative.

If both goods aren't equal, which is true, you will statistically most likely prefer sex because it has higher rarity.
In a graphed map where X is videogames and Y is sex, X will be seen as inferior to Y and approach line Y from an intense, upwards line until it crosses. When X crosses Y you've maximized your need function. This function is highly subjective and has no quantitive empirical basis alone.

>stop respect
>rape women


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