Comfy Switch Thread

What are you enjoying on your Switch?

Revision rolls out next week in the US

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Revision rolls out next week in the U

>Revision rolls out next week in the US

Posts from people on reddit and resetERA with Gamestop connections

I'll take that with a grain of salt, but fuckin' nice. I've been waiting to pick one up.

dont mind me
im looking for the games the on the no games shitch

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I gotcha bud!

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comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Dragon Quest Builders is so fun! I'm not sure how far in I am, but my town is still the same size as when I started. It gets bigger eventually, right?

Convince me not to sell mine bros. The only thing I'm looking forward to is BOTW sequel, and I have a lot more incentive to buy a WiiU.

Take it with a cup of salt. Half these leak fags are doing it as a career for clicks and its all lies

I just looked it up. Seems to be true. They're actually out now technically.

It's not totally unrealistic as the revision is already out in some parts of the world now.

Definitely plan on picking up a revision, battery life is shit
I have 2 non-ipatched units, gonna sell one and leave my main unit as a piracy box

>What are you enjoying on your Switch?
Zelda BotW, doing all korok seeds this run. Have about 350 so far.

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>best games are all wii u ports
When is Switch library actually going to begin

I took a few more screenshots in handheld mode

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Does Nintendo Switch have Trophies or Achievements? That is all I really care about.

I am just bitter. I hear 3 leaks a day for various comsumer shit and i am tired of it. Just wait until the conpany tells you that you can consume their product now

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Zoom Zoom

Some games have them built in, hollow knight comes to mind, but it's not a standard or system feature

I've been playing through doom 3 on my switch and it's been great. It actually looks really good, and i've only had it lag a couple times so far when shit was really going down.
I wish it wasn't the bfg edition where they trashed the flashlight entirely. That was a really dumb thing for them to do when they made it.

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>Just wait until the conpany tells you that you can consume their product now
Considering they want to sell through their old units before the new ones, I wouldn't expect anything about this. It's why they never made an official announcement about it

I dont care what your justification is

this is it for today i will post some more screenshots another time

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>Actually Wanting a wiiu
Every now and again I hear something so ignorant I have to respond
This is one of those times

Unless you’re hacking it or just getting it for colletor’s bragging rights I wouldn’t bother because it’s a genuinely terrible console

just Smush and Hero is only slightly a better addition than Joker
Doom3 was even shittier than I remembered

I keep forgetting how beautiful BOTW is

>because it’s a genuinely terrible console
And yet all of Switch's best games are direct ports
Wii U easily had the best library of the 8th gen until the Switch stole most of it. BotW was delayed for over a year just for that purpose

why is lets go eevee a whole tier higher when it's the same game

That's not even a good screenshot
All the good ones are made on Cemu

>Convince me not to sell mine bros
imagine selling your consoles

He might not be wrong though. (That they might not announce it) I'd keep my eyes out for someone saying there are switches on the market that have a different serial number convention in the mean time.

imagine hoarding silicon and plastic consumer junk that does nothing but take up space and collect dust

so in the end was the battery life the only change?

The box is different so they're easy to identify, and they've already showed up in several markets without a peep from nintendo

Supposed to be but I'm sure some games will run marginally better thanks to the new 16nm processor

Diff user, I heard on here that they might be using a cheaper screen that will inherently use less power thereby increasing battery life, but idk.

The better battery life is thanks to the new more power efficient processor. Original Switch ran on a 20nm processor and the new one is 16nm.

why do you man children buy this stuff?

It's the reason why the battery life is different that makes it good, the chip is a smaller die process which makes it use less power and produces less heat. The battery is actually the same.

But yes, that's the only difference. Theoretically it should get better performance since the system throttles the GPU clock speeds if it gets too hot. So I expect the revision to get slightly less frame hiccups

that would get to much backlash having to gamble if you get the right version or not

Interesting, yea some preliminary searches show that the new model is out in Hong Kong and Australia

I like video games and I'm not poor.

Is there a source on the 16nm? Because based on how much more battery life it gets I'd expect it to be 12nm.

Is Generations ultimate that good? I've done pretty much everything in World.

It's in a different box, so there's no question. Different serials, different product code too.

all consoles are toys

yeh but if your ordering it from online there would be no way to tell unless they actually list that somewhere

>With regards t210b01's improvements, higher clocks and lower voltages suggest a drop from a 20nm processor design down to 16nm FinFET instead

That's nothing more than a guess and follows that it could be as low as 7nm

Power savings are fairly linear, and 20nm to 16nm does not compute with an 86% battery life increase unless something else happened

why not

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>hoarding silicon and plastic consumer junk
a really dumb way to think about holding onto older consoles to continue playing down the road
keeping your consoles is not the same as saving old clothes

I hope so because I want to buy the revision and it needs to be out in time for Astral Chain.

Yea this article is corroborating what you're saying:

Nintendo wasn’t able to keep the Switch Lite under wraps ahead of its official unveiling last month, but the company had another surprise up its sleeve that was not spoiled ahead of time. In addition to the budget model of the popular console, Nintendo also quietly revealed that the standard model of the Switch — the one that launched in 2017 — is getting a rather substantial update as well which will significantly improve its battery life.

Nintendo never actually shared a press release or any official literature about the upgraded standard model, but you can see that it’s for real on the “Compare systems” page over on Nintendo’s website. Model number HAC-001(-01) is said to be equipped with the new ‘Mariko’ version of the Tegra X1 processor, boosting the performance of the console and supplying approximately 4.5-9 hours of battery life rather than the old model’s 2.5-6.5 hours.

We still don’t know when we’ll be able to get our hands on this longer-lasting Switch model in the United States, but reports from Australia and Hong Kong seem to indicate that the new model (which has a serial number beginning with “XKW,” in case you’re on the lookout) has begun to roll out in some territories:

too lazy to pastebin, but this is the source:

I'm about to start traveling for work, and I'm gonna want something to take my attention while on planes/away from home.

Better than buying a ps4 honestly
If i want power i play on my pc, fuck xbox and gaystation. PS doesn't have good enough exclusives for me, and i only got an xbone years ago for halo.

Currently struggling, or as Paul of the biblical times would call it, "fighting the good fight", with Zelda at the moment. I bought the game a month ago along with my Swich.

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>samefag bump

Here's photo number 2

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what are you struggling with

>samefag bump

Here's photo number 3

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interesting shape for a grip
the one's I got for my switch and vita are pretty generic

why is there a piece of bread laying on your bed

Yea, you're filthy. It looks like it has some sort of oil on it or something too, I bet that shit is getting on the fabric.

I heard a report there’s also new joy-cons. Anyone else hearing this?

There's no way to know until more reviewers get the product. Reviewers are just average soys who are probably experiencing a placebo effect since they know that the product they bought is the new revision.

Bonus points if it got disassembled for a more thorough deep dive.

4 weeks til Astral Chain!!

>the metro sexual throws a bitchfit.webm

Thank god my RCM jig is coming in a few days.
I'm getting sick of paying full price for these half assed games

I just picked up 3H since I'm going to be laid up tmrw and Monday from dental surgery.

I had my fun with atmosphere but I never end up playing games I pirate. It's the pirate's curse. And I'm not poor enough that I can't afford buying the games I really wanted

Hopefully they do something interesting with homebrew one day, but as long as it risks a ban I don't think it's worth it

>What are you enjoying on your Switch?
Juggling between Smash, ascension hell in Slay the Spire (FUCK Ascender's Bane), replaying Hollow Knight (because I never beat it) and replaying Xenoblade 2/Torna (which I did beat but find so fun to play I just started a new game on a different account).

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Because Eevee is fundamentally more fuckable than Pikachu and sex appeal can elevate a game from mediocre to okay.

Watch that Switch exclusives tier autist put Pokemon Sword in a higher tier than Pokemon Shield simply because of that one girl gym leader in Sword. Screencap this post. lol

Can I still get a decent amount of money if I trade my Switch in to Gamestop? I just want to buy a new one because my cat dropped it, now it has a tiny dent in the corner of the switch. Very unnoticeable but very annoying.

Waiting for KLK IF

I haven't played anything since BOTW came out. Will probably get FE and Smash eventually, Bayonetta too.

How long is the first Dragon Quest Builders?

I need a new Switch game for my plane ride. How's the new DOOM port?


Oops, I meant nu doom

DOOM is great on Switch with the updates since launch

you mean doom16 or doom 1 to 3?
They're really all quite good, especially doom 3. I don't exactly see the point of playing the original dooms on any console but it's only 10 dollars for the both of them.

I really have no clue what to play. I bought Octopsth which I didn't like then BOTW which I finished. The other games don't seem too interesting.
Maybe FE. Future games look good though.

only game I'm looking forward to is pic related (and even then I'll be playing the pc version more)

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Fire Emblem Three Houses is good, but Hard is too easy. I don't think I will play it again until Lunatic is out.

the snoys running scared from the switch. Playstation can't compete!

I want to hack mine but I have no idea where to even begin. I have a launch model so I think I would be able to and I think you need this plastic jig thing? are the amazon ones fine?

take your meds schizo

Recently been playing mostly Smash and N.Sane Trilogy

I still have to Gold Relic Hot Coco for the last gem

>tfw this port WILL run at a lower framerate than the original game on original hardware

>The slob with no self-respect gets salty

Switch also had a retarded controller, zero third party support, no portability, and, as you said, all it’s best games are already on the switch (minus W101, but its still not worth buying a console for)

Been playing Smash and MUA3. Been meaning to get back to the indie games I was playing through too.

i didnt ask

im never going to finish my backlog at this point

>despise Yurop with all my heart
>but be a physicuck
>buy R-Type Dimensions EX
>learn that the only physical version is from that filthy continent

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at least they added an option to make the shadows more like the original version

the real question is are they ever gonna fix those crappy ports of 1&2?

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Playing the last remnant right now, literally at the starting area, what tips would those who played it advice me?

>drug addict
>juvenile pursuits

checks out

I'm playing Three Houses and having the time of my life, for some reason my autistic brain loves the monastery thing (Even though it trivializes the game even on hard) and so far i just got to the Timeskip with 48 hours clocked.

Any Blue Chads here ?

The skull n Co grip is better IMO

Is the mumba case good?

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OP sure did, retard.

im not op so delete your post biuchh

I'm definitely getting the revision but gonna wait till there's a special edition.

the new dragon quest variant will use the new revision

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Alright revision is finally around the corner and I'm finally going to pick up a Switch. I'm going to get BOTW and SMM2 on day one but is Splatoon 2 still worth picking up? Also how is MHGU?

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Is that coming to the US?

I really like it. I have pretty big hands so handheld mode always cramped my hand. Played Mario for like 2 hours today on the train today. Also a genuinely solid case.

Finally got 3H last thursday and I'm fucking loving it.

ultimate Yea Forums cope STILL that BOTW wasn't amazing

not gonna have the quality of life improvements that world has but a fuckton more content

>Links Awakening and DQXI S next month

Fuck yea

probably the worst possible looking version of nu doom you could play but it runs and plays well and if you dont have another platform to play it on go ahead

Splatoon 2 is definitely still worth getting and still active. Never played any MH so I can't help you with that one.

>Links Awakening
That's already out, user.

>comfy switch thread

sure... I have had to send my switch in 5 times now for fucking repairs. Seriously fuck Nintendo wish they could actually make their hardware work.

>Links Awakening
Don't tell me you're actually buying it? It already got a re-release nearly two decades ago and they're doing it again now.

My switch has fallen a lot of times (3 glass protector broken) and is still fine. How the fuck yours need that much repair?

How is it? Might get it since it is on sale.

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I dont know ask nintendo. I bought mine """""""""""refurbished""""""""""""" from the nintendo store and 3 months into it I cannot even play games anymore because it crashes and each time they send it back "fixed" it isnt.

that's what you get for trying to save $25

That is a shit reason. Objectively speaking, Eevee game is shittier than the Pikachu one because it has the worse exclusives.

>5 times

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Should I buy MonHun or wait for a new one?
Never played a MonHun by the way.

If I buy a cartridge of a game I already own on digital, will the save data transfer over? I regret getting Mario Odyssey digitally, and I have the opportunity to get it physically at a cheaper price, but I don't want to replay the whole game.

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yeah the saved data is stored on the system separately, how do you think the cloud backups work.

Either it’s consumes your life for +400 hours or it’s not your kind of game
There’s no in between

Get GU.
It’s easily my favorite game on Switch and the only thing beating out YouTube on Switch and I love to listen to music when I’m not playing anymore

I dunno much about hardware data and shit and how it works. Thanks though!

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Three Houses, and I regret it. I don't get why people are sucking its dick so hard because the gameplay is a fucking mess and the writing is only a step above Awakening.

Shakedown Hawaii. Made by the Retro City Rampage people, and its basically the same game except better. Great pixel art, GTA style gameplay, and you can eventually purchase every building in the game.

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just downloaded FE three houses, didn't expect this game to be so comfy but this monastery is top tier

I just finished replaying Mega Man X again, games that are pretty quick to replay once you know what you're doing are some of my favourites these days.
Anyone played Devil May Cry on switch? How does it compare to PS2, or just how is it in general?
Small steps user, just do your best to beat everything you buy, and then you can just slowly beat the backlog of stuff you own and you'll get there.
Doesn't one of the Disgaea games have a demo?

New colors that’s about it
Soon you’ll be able to have a “Thanks Doc” Switch

Yeah, the background music is solid and the actual mini-game stuff you can do is nice
I spent the last subway ride just reading the history of the continent, I wish more Switch games had side-stuff to read on a low-power mode, I read through all of Bayo 2's books using the Switch that way

Here is the new revised switch and what the guy said:

-Joycons feel different and seem to be a new revision (plastic too on all parts, stand included).
-Huge battery life confirmed
-Performance upgrade confirmed. The games dont' drop fps and have a higher average framerate than old switch, and dynamic res stays higher due to that, which makes a huge difference (like doom2016 runs here stable with dynamic res not dropping).

god I fucking despise his face

Yea it's fucking retarded, but most of video is just voice and he shows the gameplay.

Lunatic is supposedly going to be proper satisfying, and the writing is considerably better than Awakening given the actual political intrigue

>bought my switch a couple weeks ago on sale to save 60$
>got mario maker and smash
>don't really use it in hand held mode, mostly docked
>revision comes out with better battery life and no frame dropping

Fuck you Nintendo. I know it won't really affect me but this happened when I got the DS on day one. A few months later they release a blue version that comes with mario kart and then a year later we get the DS lite with better battery life and brighter screen. I just can't win. I swear to god if my joycons start drifting.....

Playing some Rain World for the first time.

I can say without a doubt this is the most nerve wracking game I have ever played. Any tips bros? Is there even an end goal?

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Crash Team Racing still. Gonna get top 5% in this event too.

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>at least they added an option to make the shadows more like the original version
yeah that's kind of cool. They also have an FOV slider, which is really nice to have on the switch since in handheld mode the screen can end up a bit close to your face
>the real question is are they ever gonna fix those crappy ports of 1&2?
i don't care much about those, playing them on the switch at all just feels a bit weird, but they're 5 bucks each so why not

It gets less stressful as you get better at the game. If you want you can set out to explore the world and just not worry about food or shelter, instead getting familiar with your surroundings. Sure you'll probably die, but you'll be more confident next cycle. Hang in there slugcat!

Should I get DOOM on the Switch? What about Hollow Knight?

I just got a Switch last week. Games I already bought are Smash with DLC, DB Xenoverse 2, DB Fighter Z, RE Revelations Collection and Breath of the Wild. Just have a few questions about games I'm going to pick up and willing to take reccs (the games coming out soon I will be getting are DQ XIS, Link's Awakening, RE Triple Pack and Luigi's Mansion 3)
Heard the Switch release was worse. Is that true? I also own a DS Lite I like using, so I'd prefer to know which version I should get.
>Final Fantasy VII and IX
I heard there were some issues with the remaster of IX, that the random encounters were far fewer meaning you'd be underlevelled for encounters. Is this true and does it apply to VII's remaster?
>World of Final Fantasy
This has been on my mind since it came out. Is it actually good though?
>Pokemon Let's Go
I'll be getting the Eevee version if I do buy this, just wondering if they're fun. I've never thought of Pokemon as the most challenging games, especially compared to Dragon Quest Monsters, so I'd like to know if this is worth the pick up as a fun game.
>Disgaea 1 Complete
Never played this series before. Is this release good or should I look elsewhere.
>the Mega Man ports and RE Origins Collection
Any fuck ups here? Capcom fucks up every other port so I have to be wary at this point.

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That’s what you get for buying it on “sale” you cheap nigger, haha.

Whomever keeps posting this awful list, just stop ok? You should be banned for this

Definitely get the original DS version of TWEWY. And as for the Mega Man ports: the first X collection seems fine, though I've never played the originals, and the first classic collection seems fine but I've only really played 2. Not got either of the second collections. Definitely get a few other opinions, but here's mine.
Also I remember hearing re; the FF ports that one of them, I think FF7, the overworld theme reset after battles which it doesn't do in the originals, but that's just what I've heard.

The last time I had so much fun with a game like Fire Emblem on its release was probably Hollow Knight.

Fire Emblem is so good, I love the monastery shit

>Definitely get the original DS version of TWEWY
What's wrong with the Switch version?

What else am I supposed to buy? I'm single and don't plan on changing that status anytime soon. Modern, US "Women" are complete pieces of shit.

>Performance upgrade confirmed.
So it basically is the Switch Pro, nice. Makes sense if played in docked mode with the new chip.

Just doesn't work as well on anything that isn't the DS since it uses everything the DS had. It has a few little extras over the DS original, but the two character battle system gets shafted.

>mfw i got my switch 4 months ago and i would have waited for this

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I spent about 125 hours in it before I was satisfied

I can at least be happy with the fact that I got to play some games during their hype and have lots of fun. I guess the only issue is the slowdown but I haven't noticed it yet.

Same here

It sure would be nice if they gave us a heads up even when the Lite was released and discounted the current model 20$ or something. I was honestly holding off buying a Switch because I thought they would do this, but I also did this with the Wii U and ended up not buying one because I waited so long and didn't want that to happen again.

time to bust out the gc emulator

Fuck this summer went by too fast

Did this ever get a release date

Pretty much all of that is good and more up to personal preference than anything else

Overall you’re real problem will become
A. Damn I actually beat all my games
B. Damn I put 2000 hours into this game and less than 20 seconds into everything else
And lastly C. I’m swamped with games yet I don’t want to play anything

Isn't moving games/saves to a new Switch not something you can do without Nintendo approving it or some shit?

Not yet but people are speculating they'll drop one at Gamescom since it'll be playable

Just hacked it.

Most confusing hombrew scene I ever saw coming from PSP and 360 days. But me love of vidya is strong

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No you can move game data using a computer

That’s how I moved all my files from my 32 gig card to a 200 gig
Sure Nintendo is gonna send them though an authentication check but if you just drag and drop you should have no issues

>FE warriors
>mario party
>low tier
>remembers Yea Forums doesn't have actual human friends to do multiplayer with

checks out

Didn't they add a system transfer a while back?

smash ultimate by itself sold more units total than WiiU's liefetime sales. Nobody owned a WiiU - I certainly didn't. Thanks for the beta testing though.

>retarded controller
At least that retarded controller didn't deal with shitty build quality problems including drifting and doesn't look like a dildo you can shove up your ass with its great HD rumble.

seething wiiUfag

I think the only one seething here is you, retard. I'm actually doing quite alright myself. Why not jump off the bridge like your master Etika has? Devoted Switchfags do that.

I just can't fucking wait to play Dragon Quest 11 S. I skipped out on PC and PS4 because I knew we were getting a portable version eventually and with all the extra bells and whistles it seems like I made the right decision. Fire Emblem isn't hitting for me the way I want. I love the series but I'm thirsting for a traditional JRPG-ass JRPG with turn based combat and grinding some trash mobs. I kinda wish I could just play Three Houses like a linear FE game. All I could do is pray this school stuff is one off. Other than that, I want Pokemon too I guess.

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I saw pictures of the Joycons that come with the new Switch having different serial numbers. I don't know if it means anything, but I fucking hope they fixed it, I really want a Lite but I don't want to get fucked over by the drift.

Model number: HAC-001(-01) - Available starting in mid-August 2019
(product serial number starts with “XKW”)
Approximately 4.5 - 9 hours


>Joycons feel different and seem to be a new revision (plastic too on all parts, stand included).


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I'm ready to "I AM THE LAW" some bitches.

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If the new joycons don't drift, I might get them.
I would get a pro controller if they fixed the dpad

Hopefully they will sell the new joycons seperatly, don't think the hardware rendition on its own is worth spending another 300 bucks since I mostly played dock or is always near my dock, so battery time isn't one of my concerns.

If they are revisions, then the new Joycon colors coming out this fall would likely be revisions too. They'd probably also start phasing out the old Joycon models and restocking the new ones of all the available colors.

Good, havent had any drifting issues with my launch one yets, but who knows when that will happen.

>I would get a pro controller if they fixed the dpad
what's wrong with the pro's d-pad? It's nearly perfect